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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 25. 1950 PAGE SIX Worthwhile Club Holds (ialh crin » SUNSET VALLEY. May 26—'T he W orthw hile club m et T h u rsd a y a f ternoon a t th e hom e of Mrs R obert D itty with Mrs C larence Dodson assisting Roll call was answ ered by telling "My Mont E m barrassing M oment". M rs K en n eth Lorensen was delegated to con tact J o h n O ’ Toole. »drninlstrator of th e M alheur M emorial hospital, as the club Is interested In furnishing needed wastebaskets for the hospital. A guest visitor was Mrs. Leslie D itty of O ntario, who brought Mrs L eotta D itty to the m eeting. T he visit was le o ta D itty's first outing since her recent operation and sick ness. R efreshm ents were served to 15 T he J u n e m eeting will be held a t the hom e of Mrs Nelson Field, | with Mrs. O. P. C ounsil as co- | hostess. A reception a n d dance was given 1 S a tu rd ay evening a t th e A drian school for th e new ly-m arried couple, Mr a n d M rs L am ar o r r . Mrs. D. J. O rr, Jr., assisted th e bride with the gift-opening. Mrs. W illiam O rr, m o th er of th e groom , presided a t the serving W edding cake, cookies and punch were served to 50 guests, and dancing was enjoyed Mr and Mrs L am ar O rr, who were m arried May 13. are a t hom e In a n a p a rtm e n t In Nyssa’s v eteran s housing unit. T w enty-five ladies of the Owyhee L. D. S w ard a tte n d e d th e Tuesday afternoon relief society m eeting a t .Sunset hall. A lite ra tu re lesson on Jo h n M ilton, th e m an a n d his w rit ings, was presented by Mrs F rank Pike Special guests included Mrs. i T itus of O ntario, relief society presi d e n t; Mrs. C hild, counselor, and Mrs. Boyer and Irene W ynegar of O ntario of th e stake board Mias M arian Price has com pleted her beauty train in g in N am pa and j hours to he notarized. S ta te board exam inations are held in Septem ber. M arian will work in Caldwell this um m er a t the C harm B eauty school, but is hom e now helping w ith the beet thinning. Mrs C lifford Wolfe atten d ed a pink and blue shower M onday eve ning for her form er classm ate, Mrs. Jack Penrod of Boise, a t th e hom e of Mrs David Sorensen of New Plym outh. Don S nyder and Miss M ertrude K ing were Sunday guests a t the H arold 8nyder home in Melba, Idaho Miss K ing rem ained to visit in Idaho Miss F ern Price was hostess a t a slum ber p arty W ednesday evening. Ten freshm en classm ates atten d ed th e ball gam e in Nyssa and partied together. A special m eeting of th e ladies of th e C halk B utte Home Economics club m et W ednesday aftern o o n a t the hom e of Mrs. Ira Price for th e purpose of planning th e m enu for th e sta te grange m eeting J u n e 15. S unday dinner guests of Mr. and M rs C lifford Wolfe Included Mr. a n d M rs Bud H etrick of W ilder, Mr a n d Mrs Victor Johnson of N am pa and Mr and Mrs. B url C ol lins of New Plym outh. M r a n d Mrs R ichard Hobson i t L eota. K ansas and Mr. a n d Mrs. E J Hobson were dinner guests a t the Jo e Hobson home T hursday In O n tario Mr. and Mrs R ichard Hobson drove to B um s Friday to spend the w eek-end visiting Mrs. Hobson's sis ters. M r a n d Mrs Clyde Didericksen a n d fam ily of Caldwell dined a t the NOTICE O F SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN to th e legal voters of School D istrict No 26-c. of M alheur C ounty, S ta te of O regon, th a t a SCHOOL M EET ING of the said district will be held a t the Nyssa G ra d e School on th e 19th day of Ju n e. 1950 a t 8 o'clock p. m . for th e purpose of discussing th e budget for th e fiscal school year, beginning Ju ly 1, 1950, a n d ending J u n e 30. 1951, h e rein afte r set forth. B UD G ET Schedule I Estim ated Receipts And Available Cash Balances ITEM (11 1 I. * 2. • : i 4. 5. 8 7 8 9. E stim ated R eceipts from D elinquent T axes ____________________ -C ounty School Fund B u ie School Support Fund S la te Irreducible 8chool Fund Vocational E ducation V eterans Program Buies of Supplies, P roperty, or E quipm ent R entals O ther Sources • 10 E stim ated T otal Receipts • 11. E stim ated Available Cash B alance or D eficit (Add C ash B a la n ce - D educt Deficit) 12 E stim ated T otal Receipts and Available Cash B alance or D eficit Schedule II—G eneral Fund T otal All Funds (2) O eneral Fund (3) $ 11,000 00 t 11.00000 19.000 00 108.000 00 1.500 00 2.600 00 6.475 00 19.000 00 108,000 00 1.500.00 2.600.00 6,475 00 >,000 00 1.000 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 1.300 00 1.300 00 1152,87500 8152,875 00 00 00 00 00 $152,875 00 $152,87500 Eailm ated Expenditures E x penditures for Two Fiscal Y ears Next Preceding th e C u rren t School Y ear E lem entary Schools ITEM (1) J u n io r H igh Schools (2) GENERAL CONTROL 1. Personal service: i l l S u p erin ten d en t I 3,57840 (2i S tenographers and o th er office a ssistan ts .......... 1,509 00 (31 Com pulsory education and 300 00 census 180 00 2. Supplies 13500 3. Elections and publicity *4. le g a l service (clerk's bond, 90 00 audit, e tc i. •5. O th er expense of general 300 00 control : *0. T otal Expense of G eneral C ontrol 1 6,092 40 II. INSTRU CTIO N—Supervision 1. Personal service. * 111 Principals and Supervisors $ 4.400 00 2. S tenographers and o th er office assistants .................. 1.500 00 2. Supplies, principals and 390 00 supervisors 1 ‘.Ml 00 3. O ther expense of supervision 4. T otal Expense of Supervision $ 6410 00 (3) 1 894 60 14) E stim ated E xpenditures for th e E nsuing School Y ear in D etail (5) E stim ated B udget E xpenditures Allowance D etailed for th e in D etail E xpenditures E nsuing for th e for th e L ast School Y ear C u rre n t Two year by T otals School Y e ar Period (6) (7) (8) 1,49100 $ 5.96400 $ 5.87400 High Schools $ F irst Y ear Give Y early T otals (9) $ 5,77400 377.25 628 75 2,515.00 2.455.00 2,375.00 75 00 45 00 33 75 125 00 75.00 56 25 500 00 300 00 225.00 500 00 31500 200 00 500 00 496 06 234 18 22 50 37 50 150 00 200 00 2.135 00 7500 12500 500 00 500 00 452 00 1,523 10 $ 2.53850 $ 10.15400 8 10,044 00 $ 11,967 13 $ 3.100 00 8 4.47500 8 11,975 00 6,115 00 $ 5.890 02 00 00 1.600 00 3.100 00 1.800 00 1,710.50 97 50 75 00 $ 3.27250 322 50 85 00 $ 6,482 50 81000 280 00 8 16.165 00 770 00 260 00 8.94500 94201 623 34 9,165.87 8 8.060 65 $ 21.800 00 $ 45.36000 $148,660 00 6,475 00 37500 7.050 00 2,700 00 $111,669 06 $ 8 10,154 00 8 $ $ 16.16500 $ $166,360 00 $136,951.75 6.47500 300 00 7.355.00 2.550 00 1,075 00 $154.706 75 $123,762 88 5.855.22 353.77 6.61223 1,77167 1,380 77 $139,736 44 $ 37.150 00 ) 15.630 00 4.550 00 4.000 00 3.200 00 610 00 41000 100 00 I 28.500 00 8 14.114 00 4.627.89 6869 69 3.149 66 43189 525 41 164 50 $ 28862 44 $ 8.514 46 I. INSTRUCTION—Traclilng 1. 2. Personal service; M il T eachers V eterans Program 3 I.lbruiy supplies, r e p a irs 4 Supplies (chalk, puper. etc) 5 Textbooks *6 O ther expense of teaching *7. T otal Expense of T eaching IV. OPERATION OP PLANT 1 Personal service: *<!i Ja n ito rs and o th er employees *2. Ja n ito rs' supplies •3. Fuel *4. L ight and power •5. W ater and Sewer *6, Telephone 7. O ther expense of operation *8. Total Expense of Operation $ 81.500 00 7500 3.400 00 2.000 00 IT. (SI $ 87,110 00 9 830 00 2 000 00 2.300 00 1 900 00 280 00 150 00 60 00 $ 16.490 00 t V MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR *1, R epair a n d m ain ten an ce of fu rn itu re a n d equipm ent 8 500 00 •1. R epair and m ain ten an ce of: (It B uildings and G rds. 1.000 00 3 O th e r expense of m ain ten an ce and repairs ____ _ 240 00 •4. Total Expense of M aintenance and Repairs . $ 1,740 00 VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES (1) Supplies a n d o th er expenses 2. T ra n sp o rta tio n of pupils; • i l l P ersonal service *(2> Supplies and o th er expenses •(S i R epair a n d replacem ent busses 3. Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies VU. E IX F II CHARGES •1 In su ran ce 2. i2i R etirem ent 3. Tetal U sed Charge« t 25 00 5.280 00 2.260 00 100 00 200 00 1,375 00 600 00 40 00 $ 23.915 00 2.275 00 92500 $ 48.860 00 $166.360 00 3.790 00 1.000 00 1.300 00 1.000 00 150 00 100 00 15 00 3 7.355 00 $ 6.880 00 1 500 00 2.400.00 2,000 00 300 00 200 00 25 00 t 13 306 00 $ 20.500 00 4.500 00 6.000 00 4.900 00 700 00 450 00 100 00 8 37.150 00 « I 200 00 100 00 $ 1.000 00 300 00 1,100 00 I 1.000 00 1.400 00 • 1 459 89 2 000 00 4.000 00 4.800 00 60 00 400 00 700 00 800 00 595.30 • 1.260 00 3 2.700 00 * 5.700 00 $ 7.000 00 • 6 644 69 3 50 00 » 8 100 00 $ 7500 t 7004 1.320 00 570 00 2500 2800 00 $ 5.70000 6.440 00 8 800 00 950 00 3865 00 3 800 00 5.560 00 1.395 00 2.325 00 9.300 00 * 13.165 00 3 3.335 00 $ 5.500 00 8 22.000 00 3 2.287 00 6.900 00 ) 9.187 00 3 3.071 00 1.875 00 3 4,746 00 $ 4.120 00 2 875 00 ) 6995 00 8 9.478 00 11.450 00 $ 20 928 00 t 13.000 00 $ 8 000 00 6.030 00 300 00 3 18.330 00 4.450 00 400 00 $ 12.650 00 VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS $ 1. New buildings 00 00 3. New fu rn itu re , equipm ent and replacem ents .1 .'U(S> 3. L ibrary books 300 00 $ 3 520 00 4. Total 1 apltal Outlays $ 4 589 50 $ 22.000 00 8 15.780 00 t 36.753.94 $ 20.928 00 $ 3.410 00 10.900 00 3 13.31000 8 3.223 04 1 769 30 8 11.903 34 8 30 000 00 $50 000 00 $ 25.000.00 13.700 00 1 000 00 t 34.700 00 7 075 00 750 00 I 57 825 00 5.283 13 762 a » 31,045 86 t 3 1000 00 1 000 00 X. EMERGENCY t 4.000 00 T elai Schedule 11—G eneral »und—T otal estim ated expense- for the year—«um ol item s 1-6. 11-4. III-7 , IV-8. V-4 VI-S. VH-3, VH I-4. IX-2. X OREG O N TRAIL. May 25—T h e M erry M atrons club m et a t th e hom e of Bernice Sewell T hursday aftern o o n . May 18. E ight m em bers and four guests, Mrs. Holcomb. Mrs. C arlson. Mrs. W hipple and Mrs. Corflelo. answ ered roll call w ith "F avorite M others". Mrs. C arlson won th e hostess prize. In a guessing gam e A lta Fry a n d E d ith W hipple received prizes. R ow ena Holcomb and BettUon C arlson joined th e club. L unch was served by th e hostess, assisted by B onnie Corfleld. T h e next m eeting will be held May 31 a t th e hom e ol Vlnnle S m ith. Roll oall will be "Som e Fam ous Person I W ould Like T o Meek." Mr. a n d Mrs. A. M. Ooodson and c hildren o l P arm a were Sunday d in ner guest a t th e F. O. Holm es home. D eanie Holmes, who was absent from school serveral days last week was able to re tu rn to his classes M onday. M r. and Mrs. J. E. B ow en a n d Mr. a n d Mrs. F. S. Byers a tte n d e d th e card p a rty a t th e Eagles hall S a t urd ay evening. M r. and Mrs. F O. Holm es e n te r tained w ith a fried chicken d inner F riday evening, honoring th e b irth day of th e ir g ran d d au g h ter, B etty the g ra d u atio n exercises. To E m m ett— M r a n d Mrs. C. C. C otton spent Sunday in E m m ett a t th e hom e of Mr. and M rs W illiam W alker of E m m ett. Mr. W alker ls a nephew of Mrs. C otton. FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems Call J. C. ARCADIA. May 25—Nell Bowers m et w ith h e r 4-H club May 20 a t th e hom e of N orm an B enedict w ith six m em bers present. Mr. and Mrs. R onald Schoen and d a u g h te r of O n ta rio visited in the T heo M atherly hom e Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Strove a n d C larence H ouston of La« Angeles arrived last week for a visit w ith Mrs. S tro v e r’s a n d Mr H ouston's p aren ts. Mr. and Mrs. Ben H ouston and Mr. Strove's sister, Mrs. Cecil H ouston, a n d family. Mrs. L. M. D enny of N am pa vis ited two days last week In th e O eorge M oeller hom e. T h e G o n th e r fam ily who lived on the Ira U re farm , have moved to Nyssa. W ilm a B ullard has been employed In th esu g ar factory in Nyssa the p a st week. Mr. a n d Mrs. F red Schilling and Mr. and Mrs. E instein of W eiser w ent to Owyhee dam Sunday a fte r noon. Miss Vivian Casey of Berryville. A rkansas is visiting In th e George M oeller hom e this week. Several from A rcadia atten d ed g ra d u atio n exercises in Nyssa this week. B etty B ullard a n d D eane H unter a re th e g rad u ates from Arcadia. T h is Is th e last week of school a t A rcadia. T h e sam e teach ers have been h ired for a n o th e r year. Mr. a n d Mrs. O tis B ullard and B etty. Mrs. J o h n Z lttercob and Mrs. T heo M atherly were business visitors In Boise last T h u rsd ay T hose serving on th e A rcadia election board F riday were O e rn t S u m , Dick O root, Leo C hild. Louise W ard a n d Evo Moeller. O a rla n d M cK enney of N am pa sp en t th e w eek-end In th e Oeorge M ieller hom e. T hose a tte n d in g S un d ay d in n er in th e hom e of Mr. a n d M rs Ben H ous ton were Mr and Mrs. Bill Houston of P ayette. M r and M rs D on S trone a n d C larence H ouston of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H ous ton a n d fam ily, Mr. a n d Mrs. H arold H ouston and fam ily a n d Jim Siegler T h e S n a k e river valley Sunday schools held th e ir May p a rty here S a tu rd ay evening a t th e O tis B ull a rd hom e. T hey h a d a treasure SMITH 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J FARMERS! LIABILITY Insurance for your passenger cars only $17 PER YEAR. No additional assessments or membership fees. Ken Pond A gency R eal E state a n d In su ra n ce 16 N orth 3rd. P h o n e 218 F o r E vening A ppointm ents P h o n e 54-M FILL UP YOUR LOCKER OR DEEP FREEZE with our grain-fed HEREFORD BABY BEEF fed in our own feed lot. This is the best young grain-fed meat that you can buy GET A SIDE OR WHOLE CARCASS JACOB FISCHER Phone 381-W FURNACE AND STOKER SERVICE Iron F irem an F u rn aces a n d Stokers Lennox F u rn aces Conco F u rn aces a n d Stokers ‘i All Kinds of Sheet Metal and Repair Work WIGGER AND PURVIS SHEET METAL AND HEATING 24 Hour Service 417 Arcadia Blvd. Phone 111-W Nyssa, Oregon Schedule VI—Sum m ary of Estima!*« of Exp*nditur*«. Receipt« and Available Ca*h Balances, and Tax Levies ESTIM A TIO N O F TAX LEVY I 24.5a 81 3 10.033 13 8 7.17181 1.000 00 1200 00 1 200 00 64055 640 55 432 22 4 000 00 4.000 00 00M 00 00 8318.157 00 5301810 75 $266.929 36 «197.623 20 T otal AH Funds T o tal estim ated e x p e n d itu re s_______________ 1360.475 13 DEDUCT: T otal estim ated receipts and avail able cash balances (Schedule I ) _________ 152875.00 Am ount necessarv to balance th e budget 207,600 13 DEDUCT; Deficit forw arded to next fiscal y e a r _______ 00 00 B alance to be raised by t a x a t io n _____ . 207.(00 13 ADD: E stim ated am ount of taxes th a t will not be collected du rin g th e fiscal year for which th is budget Ls m ade 3.000 00 T eial estimated tax levies fee ensuing fiscal 210.900 13 Analysis of estimated lax lev in ; A m ount inside 6 1",- lim itation ___ _______ 129.390 56 A m ount outside 8*7 lim itation .... ....... 91819 57 O eneral F und T o ta l S chedule II B ond In te re st and S inking F u n d T o tal Schedule in $318.157.00 $ 42,318 13 15287500 185882 00 00 00 42.318.13 00 00 165862 00 00 00 4281813 3.000 00 00.00 168862 00 42818.13 87.062 43 8181957 42818.13 00 00 Indebtedness 1 1 26 500 00 15.81813 3 42.31813 L ast School D ance H eld— T h e O irl's league of th e Nyssa Merry Matrons Of h igh school ls sponsoring a dance held in th e old gym nasium Ore. Trail Meeti T to h u be rsd ay evening. May 25, following 8 8.481.87 Schedule III- - Bond Inter**! and Sinking Fund DEBT HER VICE-BOND INTEREST AND SINKING »UND •1. P rincipal on bonds < include negotiable in te rest-b e a rin g w a r ra n ts issued u n d e r section 111- 1016 O C L A 1 •3. In terest on bonds •a. T o u t Schedule III—Debt Serv ice Bends ned Intere«» Byers. O th e r guests were P ra n k Byers a n d D onald a n d Stanley. Mrs. F . O. Holmes. Mrs. J. E. Bowen a n d Mrs. F. S. Byers a t tended th e guest day program of th e Nyssa Civic club W ednesday a f ternoon. Arcadia Family Moves To Nyssa 6 596.95 12.363.45 IX . DEBT SERVICE—NON-BONDED •1 Intere-! OH W H I R 8. T elai Debt Service, Non bonded h u n t and a w einer roast. Sunday schools represented were Lincoln, Owyhee. Oregon T rail. A rcadia and S a n d Hollow. D evotionals were led by a young m an from th e B aptist i c h u rc h of Nolus. T h e J u n e p a rty will be held a t Ow yhee Sunday school. 7.728.50 4.000 00 $ 34.700 00 Ja m es C hadd hom e S unday. T h en th e two fam ilies m otored to Willow Creek, having supper w ith Mr. a n d Mrs Conley Lockett. Mr and Mrs. R obert R e ffett left T h u rsd a y on a trip to W ashington, p lanning on visiting a t G ra n d Coulee and S eattle. M r a n d Mrs. Robb T hom pson accom panied the R e ffetts as fa r as Prosser. W ash ington. w here they will visit a t the T osh bro th ers' hom es. Mrs. J o h n R e ffett visited a t H aines th e first of th e week Mr. a n d Mrs. L oren H ite a n d fam ily of H aines sp en t th e w eek-end a t the R e ffett hom e here. Don B ergam Is working on the S cott ra n ch n e a r Vale. F riday o vernight guests a t the hom e of Mrs. Lila M itchell, were D ons Aston and Lola Je a n S m ith of R upert. Idaho. Mr. a n d Mrs. B Poulsen of T a coma, were d in n e r guests F rid a y of M r a n d Mrs O laf FylUngness. Mr and Mrs. Paulsen, form er IlllnoLs neighbors of M r a n d M rs Fylllng- ness, are spending several days In Caldwell visiting th e ir son. C harlie McCoy. B arney D euul, and H arold FylUngness took a colt to S am Shaw a t Jam iso n S a tu rd a y and also visited th e Mr. a n d M rs Lew McCoy a t Ironside. B rian C rutchfield who was In the Holy R osary hospital a couple of days, re tu rn e d hom e S atu rd ay . M r a n d Mrs. Neil D tm m ick were d in n er guests a t th e R ussell P a tto n hom e Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P a t ton's d a u g h te r, Lois, arriv ed hom e T uesday for a visit. Mrs. L arry Dim m ick .spent T h u rs day visiting a t th e hom e of h e r m o th e r in H om edale. Mr. and Mrs. H ubert S harpe, who were e nroute from S pokane to W ich ita , K ansas, visited M onday evening a n d p a rt of T uesday a t th e R obert D itty hom e a n d C larence Dodson hom e. Mrs. S h a rp e is a sister of Mrs. D itty, a n d d a u g h te r of Mr. and Mrs H enry H lntz. M r S h a rp e has a job for th e sum m er in W ichita as Interior decorator. M elvin O ivens. form er resid en t of S u n set valley, visited friends in th e valley one d a y th is week. Oivens, who lives in Boise is a vaccum cleaner salesm an. 3 43.31813 3 10500 00 8.751 36 $ 1654000 3852 51 3 1985136 1 12.752 51 Am ount of bonded indebtedness (Include aU negotiable in te rest-b e a rin g w a rra n ts Issued un d er section 111-1018 O C L A > _______ 3. Am ount of w a rra n t indebtedness on w a rran ts issued a n d endorsed "not paid for w ant of funds" 3. Am ount of o th er indebtedness ______ 4. T etal Indebted ness (sum of item s 1 2 J ) _____ D ated th is May 18. 1950 Signed H enry H. H artley D istrict C lerk 1 749626 Approved by Budget C om m ittee May 18. 1050 Signed H enry Zobetl Secretary. Budget C om m ittee 8522.450 00 00 00 00 00 8522.450 00 C h airm an . Mearci of D irectors _______________ C. W. B uchner R. O. W hitaker C h a irm a n . B udget C om m ittee