Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 0 . 1950 Homedale and on to Nyssa. Cham ber Favors i Springs. Ormond Thomas, chairman of the roads committee, reported Road Proposal j chamber on a meeting sponsored by the new for three days over Memorial day. service institution, should have May 30. and for three days includ banking hours that meet the con ing the Fourth of July. Apparently venience of as many people as pos the stores will be closed May 30 and sible." highway gruup in Homedale Sun July 4. Frank N. Belgrano, Jr., president The chamber of commerce voted day Dick Eisman. Homedale attorney, He said the concensus was at Its noon luncheon Wednesday to j that the best possibility of getting told the chamber at its luncheon of the First National, pointed out contribute ^10 toward the expenses | the road is through establishment last week that the road proposal that since the extended 10 a. m. of a committee that is sponsoring of a military highway by the war "has been kicked around” for 15 to 5 p. m. banking hours were in the development of a proposed high department. years and has now been revived. stituted last August, a total of 1.- way running through southern No action was taken by the cham The speaker said the route would 085.000 individual visits have been Idaho from Plier, through Hot ber on the proposed closing of stores be smoother, shorter and faster from made to First National banking Portland to Salt Lake City, with offices on the new schedule, by per an estimated saving of 60 miles from sons seeking various types of bank Nyssa to Salt Lake City. The new ing service after 3 p. m. Monday route, which Eisman said would pro through Friday, and after noon on ENROLL NOW FOR vide a better market outlet for the Saturday. Since August 1, a total of 42 entire area, would be known as SUMMER SCHOOL South Highway 30, an all-weather banking offices in various parts of at the state have gone on the new road with no bottlenecks. Other Homedale men speaking on schedule. The change to the new the subject were Allen Gowey, hours has been a progressive basis L I N K ' S S C H O O L of county representative, and Norman so that the full results are not ap Tolmle of the Amalgamated Sugar parent in customer totals compiled = ir _ z i_ B U S I / N E S S , Inc. to date. Belgrano pointed out. company. "We are operating on the theory Sherman Keck, livestock leader of 1223 Main Street, Boise, Idaho the 4-H club of Nu-Acres, asked that a bank is a merchandiser of credit and there is no reason why it the chamber of commerce to give During JUNE, JULY and AUGUST support to the 4-H summer school sliould close when other institutions Our Daily Schedule is from program. He particularly asked the are remaining open,” he explained. chamber to sponsor a scholarship to 8:00 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. the week's short course to be held (»range Is Host All Commercial Subjects Offered. Classes in charge at Moscow. Keck said. "We have more or less T o N. 1*. C h a m b e r of competent, experienced, expert instructors. leaned on Nyssa because of its being the closest town. We have about (Continued from Page 3) Opening Date«—Monday, June 5 and Monday. June 12 35 boys and girls attending 4-H club went to Welser Sunday to see meetings. Many of them are doing Dick or new students may enter ANY MONDAY the opening the new hospital fine work. We need someone to there. They ate of dinner at the Wash help sponsor the short course, which ington hotel in Weiser LINK’S Is State Approved for G. I Training. and Dick was attended last year by seven LINK’S is a Charter Member ofth e National Council of enjoyed swimming in the Weiser members of our club. in the afternoon. Business Schools. The proposal was referred to the pool Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter at LINK’S guarantees positions to graduates of their chamber’s agriculture committee for tended the hospital opening in Weis Complete Course. a decision by next week. Sunday. Vice President Clyde Snider pre er Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Mrs. Merle Call. Phone or Write for Pull Information sided at the luncheon in the ab Thomson spent Tuesday afternoon sence of the president, James W. at the home of Miss Ruth Jones of Leslie. I Fruitland. They worked at making up the yearbooks for W. S. C. S. for the coming year. H ou rs E x ten d ed Mrs. H. E. Sager made a business Caldwell last week. At L o ca l B u n k trip The to Farmerettes club held its reg ular meeting at the hall Wednesday Banking hours will be extended afternoon, with Mrs Alida Smit, at the Nyssa branch of the First Mrs. Billie Hann and Mrs. Vera National Bank of Portland next Hohstadt as hostesses. The meeting ‘ IRRIGATION PUMPS week, according to G. J. Mitchell, was well attended. Two new mem local manager. Effective Monday. bers, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Riblett, ‘DOMESTIC PUMPS May 29. the branch will be open iojned the club. Mrs. Calvert and for regular banking business from Mrs. Dinning were visitors. ‘WATER SYSTEMS 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., six days a week Mrs. Pat Hohstadt attended a including Saturday. stork shower for Mrs. Alton Bales ELECTRIC MOTORS The move not only offers First at her home at Fruitland Friday. National customers all-day banking Mr. and Mrs. R. Wetsel of Nyssa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL six days a week, but also benefits were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. employes, including officers, by giv H. E. Sager. ing them two full days off a week, Mrs. Roy Hoff and Terry of Nyssa, Mitchell announced. This is ac spent Thursday evening at the home WE INSTALL AND SERVICE........ complished by setting up a rotating of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Call or Write work schedule. Seuell. "The decision to change our bank Letha and Ike Bush of Sierraville, ing hours," stated Mitchell, resulted California visited in the W. O. Un from our desire to benefit both our win home Thursday and Friday. customers and our employes, and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Ratcliff of Indian BOISE, IDAHO has been influenced by repeated re Valley called on Mr. and Mrs, F. quests for extended banking hours. Myrtle at Broadway Phone 9000 ] We have felt for some time that our staff members should have more time off for recreation and other activities outside business, and we I feel strongly that our bank, as a Fairbanks Morse-Pomona Inlermouniain Equipment Co. a C. Fry Wednesday afternoon. Miss Betty Buskirk of Parma and Lloyd Seuell of this community were married Thursday afternoon at 2:30 in Caldwell. Mrs. and Mrs. Seuell attended the couple. PAGE FM'E at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard ( Frost. Mrs. Brown is a sister of Mr; Lovejoy. Mrs. Call is a sister of j Frost. Mrs. Lovejoy. ----------- -----—_________ _ Here From Twin Falls — Student Visits— I Dick Tensen, senior at Oregon Mrs. Bessie Brown of Twin Falls State college visited over the week- I arrived in Nyssa Monday to visit at end with his mother, Mrs. Hilda | the home of Mr. and Mrs Bernard Tensen. Local News Return From Convention— Mrs. A. V. Cook and Mrs, Vernena Beam returned last week from As toria, where they attended the state convention of the I. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodges. They were among the 1200 delegates who enjoyed the hospitality shown them by the city of Astoria. They viewed the much publized "sliding hill," where four houses a day are being moved. One hundred have already been moved and four hundred are yet to be mov ed. The visitors also saw the famous Astor column honoring John Astor. The hand-engraved column depicts the history of Astoria until 1873. NEW WAY TO RAKE HAY Here From Salem— Mr. and Mrs. Eiden Morris of Salem visited Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster. Mr. and Morris, former Nyssa residents, were en route to Luray, Kansas to attend the college graduation of Elliott Morris, brother of Eiden Morris. Another brother, Leland Morris, has returned from China, where he had been serving as a missionary, and now resides in Irrigon, Oregon. Go on "CiUlrmrn’H Tour”— Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sebum and | Carl, Jr. left last week on the “Cattlemen's Tour". The tour will j be routed throught Lakevlew, Med ford. Corvallis and north into Wash ington. At Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Seburn will visit their daughter, Marie, at Oregon Slate College. To Dealers Meet— L. Herriman returned Sunday evening from Salt Lake City, where he attended a Ford’s dealer con vention. He made the trip to Salt Lake City from Boise by United Air lines. To Veterans Hospital— SIX-BAR OFFSET REEL MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE The Ferguson Side-Delivery Rake ia designed specifically for tractor operation. It greatly reduces leaf-shuttering. . . safeguards the quality and value of your hay! Thia rake ia truly unique. New six-bar oflset reef handles hay gently. No pitching, kicking and tossing even at high speeds. Instead, your hay is lifted gently, up and over into light fluffy windrows with the precious leaves turned inward. True "sideward” raking action reduces the distance from swath to windrow by 50 per cent. There is fur less rolling and churning . . . no sudden jarring. Tractor-mounted . . . power take-off driven . . . Finger Tip Controlled. And it's surprisingly low in price. WESTERN CORRUGATOR COMPANY Phore 181-W Good Ave. and 1st The Ferguson System Makes The Difference Elton Counsil, who has been ill for the past five weeks, was taken to the veterans hospital in Boise Tuesday for observation. Visitor Leaves— HV Mrs. Virginia Spencer of Port Angeles, Washington, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Florence Myers, for the past month, left Mon day for Fresno, California. Visits Sister— Mrs. Garland Call and three children of Idaho Falls are visiting FERGUSON TRACTOR Implefnents i ly Hetties Picnic Supplies PAPER CUPS 6 count 2 for 1 9 c Knives, Forks and Spoons 12 count 2 for 25c PAPER PLATES 12 count 2 (or 25c Napkins, assorted colors, 80 count, 2 (or 25c Stuffed Olives, Sylmer, 2 oz. jar, 2 for 49c Ripe Olives, Hell, No. 1 tall, 2 for 55c Dill Pickles, halves, Del Monte, 24 oz., 2 for 65c Sweet Pickles, Del Monte, 12 oz., 2 for 63c Potato Chips, large package, all kinds, 2 for 47c Pork and Beans, Van Camp's, No. 2 tin, 2 lor 35c Marshmallows, Campfire, 1 lb. package 29c Cheese, Velveeia, Vi lb. package, 2 for 53c Potato Salad, fresh, home made, 1 lb pkg. 34c LUNCH MEATS, assorted lb. 59c Ju«t a few finishing touches, and you can move right in. It’s a real improvement, isn’t it f...h a v in g a room to yourself. That’s why your Daddy and I are so glad we applied for a First National Bank Home Improvement Loan. Making the attic into a real boy’s room gives you a place to call your own and adds to the value of our home. As the man at the First National Bank pointed out to Daddy, a home improvement loan Phone 21 2nd and Good 1950 Wilson’s super Market "Modem Methods Make Shopping Easier Here" Week days—8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays— 12 Noon to 9 P. M. MAY 27. 28 and 29 can be a mighty good investment. Parking and Delivery M ab« N f d t d N om « lm p ro * tm » n tt Now* fill* N « » i* * « t ftp ^ o y O of o# In tern é. In q v lr t • # ..« FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND '¿? 'Æ? Vjîuï -