PAGE THP^E THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 25. ISSO Classified Advertising ■N I EXTRA VALUE G rig g Bros. & Butler Sailor Visiting I f you want to sell see Mel. At Buena Vista FOR SALE Mrs. LaMarr O n in Sunset Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ooodell were in Boise and Meridian Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J>m Brooks of Hunt, Idaho visited at the home o f his | brother. Bill Brooks, and family this ' week. 1 Alva Ooodell. Jr., spent Sunday afternoon at the Chester Ooodell home in Payette. ' j Kenneth Rooks tool, who has a 60- day furlough from the navy, called at the Alva Ooodell home. He re cently returned from Japan. Crops can go with these farms if | 1800 acres. 300-head cattle spread. BUENA V IS T A May 25—Mr. and taken right away. The same farm | one of the best cattle deals in the Mrs Willis Bertram and Lucille i is a far better buy now than later. west. spent Sunday at the E. L. Jamison This extra value is yours for the 20 acres, seven-room modern > and Chet Sage home in Nyssa Sun- taking. home, close to town. $9,500; $2.500 (jay. FARM S down, immediate possession. Several from this community at- R ATE : Two cents per word for each Issue. Minimum, cash in 1040 ACRE C A TTLE RANCH 300-head cattle deal, 200 acres tended the reception for Mr. and Produces 2-year old steers for $35 being farmed in grain and alfalfa, advance, is 30c. each, you can make real money could put in 500 acres, good corrals FOR R E N T—Three-room furnished here, complete with stock and and barn, top grass country, semi modern house, garden space, phone machinery, $32,000, terms. Ilm4xp modern three-bedroom home, $40,- 022-R1. CLEAR $20.000 PER Y E A R 000, with $10,000 down, write your ______ _ . FOR SALE FOR R E N T —Three-room modern Grange* Is Host 107-acre dairy farm, finest grade own terms [ Five-room house with bath, 'i 160 acres, 135 irrigated, 80 acres ho^ ' Nyssa Insurance Agency. A equipment. 60 registered cattle, To N. P. Chamber basement, 100 x 125 lot. $4,750, only __ llm tfc , immediate possession, price com good row crop land, small home. FOR SALE— Speed Queen washer, $1,595 down and $35 per month, plete, $50.000, terms. eight-head cow torn, $28000, 28 1 pQR R E N T-U n fu rn ish ed apart-j NU-ACRES, May 25—Mr and Mrs like new. hasn't been used a month, 5 per cent Interest. M AKE GOOD ON T H IS 80 *2.000 per year ment, $37.50. heat furnished. Phone Paul Thomson and family spent Two houses: One has two bed will take razor-back hog as trade-in. Cheap water and good soil, a fine 360 acres, every foot top row crop „ . R o f n m tfc Mother's day at the home of Mr. See Ez Carr, Q Sc B Store. 25mltc rooms, bath, kitchen, living room general farm, $24,000. land, lays perfect. 1/3 down. |______________________________________ , and Mrs. Laufear in Caldwell. Mrs. and basement, gas furnace, hot W A N T A CHEAP 80? 10 acres, three-bedroom modern FOR R E N T—Two-room furnished Lanfear Is Mrs. Thomson's mother. FO R SALE—Hlllcrest Acres, On water tank, range and refrigerator. Has 40 acres cultivated, fair build home, land lays perfect, under the cabin, $20 month. Chadwick's ramp. Sunday and Monday guests of Mr tario, one acre or 14 acre, with a Second one has two rooms and bath ing, $7,350. very easy terms. old Owyhee. 4mtfc and Mrs. W. O. Unwin were Opul lovely two-bedroom home, has 1H and gas stove, 50 x 117 lot. excellent A GOOD 80 FO R O N LY $7,500 1 acre close to Nyssa. on Nyssa- Leavitt and Pearl Taylor o f Port baths, attached garage would make Income property, both for only About 50 acres now cultivated. Ontarto highway. F O R R E N T —Three-room apart land. ideal third bedroom or rental: this $6.500. Half down. $3.000 down will move you on. 100-head cattle deal, 160 acres ment, fully furnished. Phone 133-R. Franky Fry has the measles. home built under F. H. A. Inspect I Two-bedroom modern apartment, E X TR A GOOD 60 4mtfc , with 105 irrigated, productive land, Approximately 80 friends and ion in choice location, has own well over double garage, brick construct- Finest row crop land, paid-up lots of buildings, good corrals, two FOR R E N T —Room In home, man neighbors of the Henry Orcutt fam and sprinkling system, lots of stor i ion, excellent location, paved street, water, modem home, $24,000. % homes, $17,000. ily gave them a surprise house age space, modern kitchen, picture nice lawn. Dwight Smith, phone warming in their new home last F ri down. 60 acres, four-room home, semi- preferred. windows and radiant heat, every | Income property, four apartments TW O GOOD HOMES ON T H IS 60 modern home, shop, chicken coop, 140-R. 6atfc day night. They were presented thing guaranteed for one year, hous- in new brick apartment house. Lo Deep sandy soil. $9.000, terms and granary, small barn, good row crop, FOR R E N T —One four-room un with many useful and attractive well Insulated. See Mrs. John Low cated across from scnool house, low interest. paid-up water right, close to Nyssa. gifts and at the close of the even for price and terms, phone 03-R2, $16,500. Terms can be arranged 50 ACRES ON O ILED ROAD 80 acres, this place lays perfect, furnished apartment In Bybee a- ing refreshments of cookies, sand Ontario. 25m2xc : Good two-bedroom home on pav Modern 6-room home, best of soil. all top row crop land, three-bedroom partments. Call at 302 S. 5th street. wiches and coffee were served. 6atfc old water right. $16.000, down. ■ sem[ modern home, large cow barn ed street, close in, $4100, only $1,- On Thursday night. May 18, the FO R SALE— Like new. 1943 Ford 800 down and $25 per month on 50 ACRES CLOSE IN $16,000, small down payment, easy Nu-Acres Grange held an open FO R R E N T—Three-room modern tractor with two-speed axle, new 1 balance. Immediate possession. Level land. Sell enough out as terms. apartment, 601 north 1st street, meeting, occasioned by a dinner motor, large tires. Guaranteed with acreages to pay for it. and have I 40 acres, 20 acres good row crop | 27 x 116 lot on main street, well phone 23-J. C. H. Bennett. 6atfc served to the New Plymouth cham hang-on seven-foot mower, plows, a good small farm left. $8500, easy land, four-room home, terms, close ' located for only $2350. ber of commerce and the Nu-Acres cultivator, manure loader, buck rake 1 to Nyssa, priced below appraisal. i 350-foot frontage on Ontario terms. FO R R E N T — Polish your own community. Mr. Penrod was master and disc harrow, all for only $1S85. | 140 acres, 90 acres irrigated. 57 floors. Rent our hlgh-ai>eed pol of ceremonies. The guest speaker .highway across from Williams Food GOOD CROP A LR E A D Y IN Owyhee Truck and Implement Co., 50 acres, mostly row crop land, acres in alfalfa, five-room home, ishing equipment. Easily bandied was Idaho's secretary of state, J. D. : market. W ill sell all or part. phone 245. 25mtfc. balance good irrigated pasture, two-room labor house, close to by women. Nyssa Lumber company. Price. He said. In part: ''America I 10 acres-jwith good house, semi- $10,500, terms. I Nyssa, $9.500, terms. This place is SAtfc. has been made strong and rich and FOR SALE—Ford-Ferguson mower, i modern, excellent ground, l ' j miles 80 ON IDAHO SIDE j worth the money. powerful—strong so she can help three years old, good condition, $150. from Nyssa, terms. Well improved general farm, im- I t w o acres, attractive new seven- BERNARD EASTM AN the oppressed, rich to help the de Bill Ratigan, one mile east of Over- mediate possession, $18,500, term s.! room modern home, full basement, RE AL ESTATE INSURANCE pressed and powful, not to pull down street beet dump. 25mixp E X TR A GOOD B U ILIN G S insulated, new cow barn, on paved M ISCELLANEOUS—Only 214 days but to lift up. Periodic famine is an Phone 64 your shopping old problem, but we in America by 48 acres, good soil, buildings alone road, paid-up water right,'1/3 down, to Christmas. FOR SALE—Baby bed and mattress, are worth more than the price easy terms, 4 per cent interest. early and avoid the rush. See Ez technology and science have made $15. See me before you go to the FOR SALE— I have a set of Encylo- of this farm. $10,000, easy terms. Carr, G Ac B Store. 25intfc our problem our production. The 40 acres, small home, $7,000 hospital, Ez Carr, O & B Store. paedia Britannica, which cost me ENJOY C O U N T R Y LIFE 758-head cattle ranch. 400 acres 2Smtfc $269 a year ago. Do not have a production and price problem is still O T IS RUG St CAR PE T Select a suburban home today. irrigated, four wells on the place, place to keep them so am quite des with us and always will be." He CLEANERS FOR SALE— Used portable Singer perate to sell. Would you like to j Four fine acreages to choose from. high and low range, lots of springs We clean rugs, carpets, unholstery, discussed the Aiken Bill and its All close in. $2800 to $9500. sewing machine, had to pay $135, buy? Call 369-J evenings after 7:30 ad streams on the range, two five- ideal of the “ ever normal granary" HOMES will gladly take $95, machine is less and make me an offer. Ilm4xc room homes, electricity, can be rent floors, etc. NO JOB TO O B IG — NO JOB TO O and the present much-discussed NEW 3-ROOM HOME than a year old. See Ez Carr, G ed for $5,000 per year, with rent to SALE—Special this week, SM ALL. FREE pick-up and Deliv Brannan Plan. He indicated that Very neat and attractive, good apply on purchase price. & B Store. 25mtfc FOR used Hotpoint range, $39.50, very ery. 425 So. Oregon. Phone 580— the perfect solution is yet to be garage, $4,500. Ontario or 70— Nyssa. Formerly found, and that the ever changing FOR SALE— Baby bassinet. $6: good condition. G & B Store llm tfc LARGE ROOMS bring new problems The best buy in one-bedroom Andy's rug and carpet cleaners. conditions bathinette. $7; teeterbabe, $3.50: Modern two-bedroom home, $6.800, FOR SALE which must be met with new sol home in Nyssa. well located. 18m4xp phone 277-W, 420 N. 4th St. 25mlxp easy terms. 150 acres top row crop, on high utions. New two-bedroom home, full base way, new strictly modern three- EAST SIDE LO C A TIO N The excellent dinner of baked M ISCELLANEOUS — Farmers, for FOR SALE—Two-bedroom modern Buy a home for less, modern ment. well located, terms. bedroom home, tenant house, grade house, central heating, laundry One-bedroom modern home, $3,- aerial dusting at popular prices ham. meat loaf, potatoes, peas and three bedrooms, only $3,000. A barn, $45,000, good terms. Will phone Payette Flying Service, corn, salad, pie and coffee was serv room, nice yard, extra large lot, 700, terms. sell all equipment along with cows NEW 2-BEDROOM HOME llmBxp ed under the management of Mrs. $4,500. Nyssa Insurance Agency New two-bedroom modern home 0191-J3. Modern neat appearence, very and milk quota at reasonable price. Cary and a corps of assistants. garage, will accept old home as 18m tie good buy at $4,500, ti down. 80 acres, part row crop, two mod M ISCELLANEOUS— You can nicely Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fisher and down payment, $7,500. RESIDENCE LOTS thank your friends with a card FO R SALE— 1949 Ironwood house ern homes on farm, will sell at ap Mr. and Mrs. Loren Fisher, all of Two small plus two apartments, BUILD Y O U R HOME NOW chosen from our large selection of trailer, 23-feet eastern made, six praisal price. New Plymouth, were Sunday even rent for $145 per month, $9,500, A good selection of building sites. Cabin court, on highway in Nyssa, thank you notes. Your friends will ing callers at the home of Mr. and montlis old, electric refrigerator, a- easy terms. $300 and up. really appreciate a party Invitation Mrs. Bill Grasmick. partment size gas stove, phone 837 $8.500. BUSINESS O PPO R T U N ITIE S Very choice grade A dairy selected from our stocks. Stationery between 4 and 6 p. m. 18mtfc Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dinning of farm, 106 acres under Owyhee W A N T A SM A LL STORE? Three acres, no buildings, best lo Department, Gate City Journal. Burley visited at the home of Mr. Two good money-makers right cation for a future business. FOR SALE—Three-bedroom house, project. Two modern homes and 20atfc and Mrs. Frank Preston Wednesday here in Nyssa. $2500 and up. exclusive location, completely mod good outbuildings, about 60 head of Business building, 50 x 75, located and Thursday of last week. ern with double garage. Nyssa In registered Jersey cattle. Owner has D R IV E -IN H I-W A Y FR O N T In the center of the business district M ISCELLANEOUS — When Father Carole Durrlngton had a birthday 70 ft. business lot across front Cold in a thriving western Oregon city. Time reaches the date printed each surance Agency. 18mtfc quota agreement that pays $1.28 per pound for butterfat. W ill pay two Storage. $1312. One of the major implement lines week on your Journal your subscrip FOR SALE—Or trade, late 1948 operators good wages, plus 20% to HOTEL AND CABINS available for the area Suitable for tion has expired. I f you want to International p i c k - u p , overload 25% per year on the investment, 17-room modern hotel, eight good several types of business, $13.000, read the local news you should keep springs, four-speed transmission, Price $50,000 cabins, four-room modern home, $5,000 down. ahead of Father Time. Gate City stock rack and trailer hitch, low all for $30,000, easy terms. 4mtfc Acreage, modern two-bedroom Repair shop for sale, small down Journal. mileage. Zack Walker, phone 78-R. home with some furniture, nice P A Y $25,000 DOWN payment. M ISCELLANEOUS—Do you need Balance on easy terms. One of garage, lawn, shrubs and fruit trees. Cabinet shop with living quarters money to remodel your home or to the best deals in the valley. W ill i for sale. Large modern chicken house and FO R SALE— 1949 John Deere auto build outbuildings or garage? We net $25,000 per year. Ask us about One of Nyssa’s thriving businesses matic wire tying hay baler used one pens, including all equipment and can arrange a loan for you and give this. 110 hens. These buildings are near is for sale, will consider trade on season. Walter Cannon, Desert you up to three years to pay it. a farm. Sheep Co., phone 015-J2. Ilm6xp ly new, on a 1 3/4 acre plot and on Nyssa Lumber Co. 29stfc a paved road. A bargain for $6.200. Business buildings and stock for R E AL ESTATE AND INSURANCE F R A N K T. M ORGAN AGENCY sale, building 24 x 70 cinderblock FO R SALE— Used M W washer, PO LIO INSURANCE 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 Robert F. Thompson $9,000, with $3,400 down and $500 good condition, Firestone store. Whole family. $5 per year For evening appointments per year on the balance. Phone 97 llm tfc KEN POND AG ENCY Phone 54-M W e make loans on the new Owy 16 North 3rd, Nyssa hee land, farms, homes, and busin FOR SALE— Creto. the guaran CUSTOM SLA U G H TER IN G esses. teed waterproof paint. CTeto water Stock received Monday, Tuesday, I f you want to deal see Mel. proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a m co, plaster, mortar and terr&zzo. to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. Waterproofs by application and No stock received on Sunday permanently waterproofs walls and Beef, sheep and pork. Free de floors, inside or outside, wet or livery to Polar locker plant. dry, new or old, painted or un- One mile west on Alberta Ave. palnted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc Phone 381-W FOR 8ALE—Have farms and houses JAKE FISCH ER FOR SALE— Baby grand piano, ex for sale. Need more, list with Ken cellent condition. G and B Appli Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc M ISCELLANEOUS— Announcing to ance Co., phone 179-J. 4mtfe farmers, new reduced rates in auto FOR S A L E Outside white paint. mobile liability Insurance. You can FO R SALE— Coal range, $10. O Ac LODGES P H Y S IC IA N S National Titanium. 6 gallon lots, now insure for less in the best of B Appliance store. 6atfc $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber companies. See this special plan company. l t a t fc FOR SALE -New native stone Nyssa Post No. 79 before you buy. Nyssa Insurance S A R A Z I N C L IN IC house, two bedrooms, living room, FOR SA LE —Shallow water pump agency, Ralph G. Lawrence, agent, American Legion dining room, kitchen, bath, fireplace, Dr. J. J. Sarazln 2ftfc with H horse-power motor, 100 foot 105 Main street. full basement, garage. 100 x 138 extension cord, motor in good con M eets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. K E. K e rb y M ISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate COT corner lot, only $7,000 Bernard dition. Wilson Bros. Dept store. Eastman. Phone 61. Real Estate, Dr. L. W . Scott V e te ra n ’s H a ll— 8 P. M . 4mtfc and cylinder lock keys made Hen- insurance. 27atfc neman’s. 250Nc Physician and Surgeons A ll V eteran s W e lc o m e FO R SALE—Washing machine. $10. FOR SALE—Milk cows, Ouernseys, O & b Appliance store. 6atfc M ISCELLANEOUS — We can ar HoLsteins and Jerseys, milkers and range loans for you to rebuild or L- A. Maulding, M. D. springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone FOR S A L E —New Frlgidalre deep remodel your home, barn, garage, Gate City Lodge Physician and Surgeoo 306. Ontario. Oregon, across from freeze. 36 cubic feet. 30 gallon size. or other outbuildings. Nyssa Lumb No. 214 Phone 37 Ontario sale yard 2mtfc $475 value— priced for quick sale at er Co. 29stfc $295. Write or phone Stanford Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 8 I.O .O .F . FOR SALE—Two-piece overstuffed, Store, Weiser. Idaho. Ilm3xc MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and Dally except Saturday and looks just like new, worth $225.00 free pick-up o f your dead, crlpplad Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 M eets e v ery M on day FOR SALE new will sell for $85 00 O & B Store. or sick livestock. Calla received be Washer $10. llm tfc fore 9 o'clock are picked up by night, 8:30. Water heater, 40 gallon, good as noon. Efficient drivers. Call col C. J. Kopp, M. D. FOR SALE: new. $80. South First Street lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155. or Nys Physician and Surgeon Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o u s e , Used range. $38. sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products one acre of ground, located Table and chairs, $24. Company. 5Jtfc. F ry B u ild in g H i miles from Nyssa. D E N T IS T S Ironer worth $108 new. slightly O ffice hours Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o m e used, but good as new. Yours for M ISCELLANEOUS -Available now, 10 to 12; and 2 to 8 east side location, small down only $72, SPECIAL. Electrolux cleaners and air puri Daily except Saturday and D R. C. M. T Y L E R payment, balance on state loan. Sales and service Ed A. Used Hotpoint range, all-white fiers. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Unfinished two-bedroom home, with side oven, perfect condition, Anderson, route 3, Weiser. Idano, W ilso n B u ild in g N. Second straet, good location, must sell reasonable to make room phone 0287J4._____________14Jtfc Pbaae 165-J. Nyeaa large lot. can be completed with for other appliances. JE W E L R Y STORES ; PH A loan. W ill make beautiful O ffice hours from 8 to 5 except Used Kelvinator range. $75. home with very small invest- Hotpoint electric dishwasher with NOTICE FOR P U B LIC ATIO N Saturdsys, 9 to 13. ! ment, cash $2500 PAULUS disposal, used, 4 price. U N ITE D STATE S NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY G A B APPLIANCE STORE Department af the Interior JEWELRY STORE Ralph G. Lawrence Nyssa. Oregon Bureau of I-and Management J. R. C U N D A L L Nyssa. Oregon Union Pacific Time inspector Land Office, Portland 18. Oregon. Dentist April 17 1950 JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS Phone 58-j NO TICE is hereby given that W il WATCHES FOUND—Guernsey bull, about 500 liam Emery Nelson, of Route l. Serum Clinic j W ANTED—T o care for children, day pounds, owner may have bull by Homedale. Idaho, who. on June 16th. Main Street at Second NYSSA OREGON | or evening. Phone 63-J 25m2xp paying for this advertisement and 1948. made Reclamation Homestead feed H Mendazona. route 1. Entry, No Oregon 027, for Farm W ANTED—Land for potatoes for 25m2xp WYCKOFF Unit "B " or N S N H . Sec. 27. late planting. M. A. Rataezyk. O P T O M E T R IS T S Township 22 8 . Range 46E, route 2 . Ityssa. 18m3xp JEWELRY STORE Willamette Meridian, has filed Official Time Inspector lor W ANTED— Any kind of custom of Intention to make DR. J. A. M C F A L I, W IL L TR AD E —Don't do without notice I farm work or hauling, have full line Union Pacific those cherished portraits when you Final Proof, to establish claim to D R. J O H N E A S L Y the land above described, before Don of farm machinery, Robert Ditty R ^ h>yi c„ h We wU, * * ble * O N T A R IO O R SO O N 2 Nyssa. !Sm2x j , -,wdte ___ a i — h » . in r ____________________________________ limited number of trades for M. Oraham. Notary Public, at Nyssa. Oregon, on the 8th day of June. i960. W ANTED —Highest prices paid for meat, poultry, eggs, frulte, etc. Talk Claimant names as witnesses VETERINARIANS it over with us. Evans studio. 11 slaughter horses. Clyde Smith Joe Snell, o f Homedale. Idaho 4m4xc phone 308. Ontario. Across from South 5th street. Nyssa Oale Martin, of Adrian. Oregon D R . H A L D. W H IT E Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc V em Parker, of Adrian. Oregon. V eterin arian Robert Robertson, of RFD No. 1, W ANTE D — T o buy anything in _____ . , __ beef or vesd. Also custom kilted F O R R E N T —Apartment, partly Homedale. Idaho. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore P h o n e N y s a a 275 Pierce M Rice and delivered to Polar Cold 8toe- furnished, phone Bill Lane, I f* Manager läge Pilone 31-M or 01Í-J1. IJFtfe I 18m«c 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOMES Business Opportunities party lost Saturday. Eight children were present to help her celebrate. Cake and ice cream were served for refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Simmons of Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. Everett High- barger, Mr. and Mrs. Dean High- barger of Star and John Butcher of Madras, Oregon were visitors at the home of Dwight Durrlngton W ed nesday night. Jimmie Durrington spent Friday night with Boy Scout troop 88 on an overnight hiking trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Marton are the grandparents of a son, Steven Lynch, bom May 12 to Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Lynch of Eugene, Oregon. Mrs. Lynch is a daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Martin. The final pinochle party was held at the hall Saturday night. Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Durring ton, who had high score for the year, and Ara Mae Preston and Dale Cary who held low scores. Nice gifts were presented to the winners and losers, who served a lunch at the close of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard, who live on the Farmer place, are the parents o f a girl, bom May 5. The baby has been given the name Barb ara. Wallace Field went to the clinic in Caldwell Tuesday. Mrs. Dean Wilson and children of Caldwell spent Friday with Mrs. Ralph Baxter. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hohstdt of Cove, Oregon spent Thursday night aat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hohstadt. The Black Canyon Water Users association held its regular meeting at Plymouth Slope Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCollough and son of Emmett visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Messlck and Oordon, Charlene and Ray of Camas, Washington and Miss Alma Messick of Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Johnson Fri day for lunch. The visitors were en route to Colorado and Kansas. Mrs. Pat Hohstadt and Dennis visited friends in Frultland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson and Jean Ann of Pendleton visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orcutt and family this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hawley and (Continued On Page Five) NEWS OF RECORD M A R R IA G E LICENSES Ivan Paul Kimball and Shirley M. Gross, both of Ontario. Paul D. Woodworth and Maxine Woodworth, both of Vale. Grover William Stringer of Nyssa and Maxene Ward of Ontario. C O M PLAIN TS, C IR C U IT COURT Alice L. Williams vs. Albert A. Williams, divorce. P E TITIO N S, PROBATE COURT Estate of Orvln E. Williams, de ceased. L A N K F O R D BROS. DRAGLINE WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS AVAILABLE FOR llmtfc DRAINAGE CANAL CLEANING BASEMENTS EXCAVATING TANK HOLES KEN POND AGENCY Phone 216-R or 293NW professional Business Directory G rigg Bros. & Butler Nyssa, Oregon Meuller Furnacos- Link Belt Stokers Nyssa, Oregon Real Estate. Insurance. Loans Phone 179-J Mel Beck Estimates G ladly Given GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho — FARMERS ATTENTION — SOIL AID—GYPSUM AND LEGAL ADVERTISING WANTED FOUND FOR TRADE FOR RENT SULPHUR FERTILIZER $ 25.00 Per Ton Place Your Order Now NYSSA ELEVATOR NYSSA. OREGON