Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1950)
PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 25. 1950 'month goes by, but what from two Production (i)M to five per cent of the cows on test Kfcords Valuable are culled from the herds for one Nvsaa Bulldog* Beal Adrian Nine j The Nyssa Bulldogs took a lead In the seventh and last inning to defeat the Adrian high school base ball team on the Nyssa diamond Wednesday night of last week in a post-season game, played to raise funds with which to pay expenses of sending teams representing the two schools to the state track meet in Corvallis. The score was 4 to 3. Nyssa tied the score at 3-all In the seventh frame when Wilson squeezed Pounds home and Bowen scored the winning run on an over throw at third. Newbill of Adrian struck out 10 and Cleaver fanned 9. Short score: R H A Adrian 3 3 l Nyssa 4 8 2 Batteries: Keller and Newbill and Knowles and Cleaver and Wilson. or more reasons. 'Continued from Pace 1) Dairying in Malheur county has and experiments that will aid the become one of the leading single dairyman to develop an efficient agricultural enterprises, in the way producing herd of dairy cows. of income and value of products sold Dairying in Oregon leads all The average production of dairy livestock enterprises in the herds in the Malheur Dairy Herd other of products sold from farms Improvement association in 1941 was value Production testing is as import 293 pounds of butterfat per year ant for the farmer with only a per cow In 1948 this production small herd as It is for the man who level had increased to 354 pounds of maintains a large herd of dairy butterfat. and in 1949 a further in animals. The answer is not. how crease resulted In an average of 391 many cows, but how much they pro pounds of butterfat. Scarcely a duce. to make the dairy enterprise IF YOU FAIL TO ATTEND THE Malheur Jersey Show Soil Conservation District Rejected SATURDAY. MAY 27 ON THE NYSSA SCHOOLGROUNDS YOU WILL BE MISSING A TREAT NYSSA PHARMACY With Prices Of Farm Crops Comparatively High Malheur County Dairymen Ara io be congratulated for their determination to re main faithful to the business that has prospects of a bright future in this section. WE HOPE YOU WILL ATTEND THEIR 1950 SHOW NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY EVEN IF YOU DON’T RAISE COWS YOU CAN GIVE ENCOURAGEMENT TO THE DAIRY INDUSTRY BY ATTENDING THE FOURTH ANNUAL MALHEUR CO. Spring TO Jersey Show BE HELD SATURDAY, MAY 27 NYSSA SCHOOL GROUNDS THOMPSON OIL CO YOU CAN HELP SUPPORT THE BOYS AND GIRLS by attending the MALHEUR JERSEY SHOW because they will be participating In thla annual event SATURDAY. MAY 27 NYSSA FOOD CENTER Your Attendance at the fifth annual Spring Dairy Show SPONSORED BY THE Malheur Jersey Cattle Club would be appreciated ' 1 f WE URGE YOU TO ATTEND THIS OUTSTAND ING DAIRY EVENT IN THE COUNTY W Ñ T E R M O U N T A i? ' X t um iture company F0I YOU! HOM I / Phone 17<»-W Jersey queen for the 1950 spring Pretty Polly (lower photo I was sel- Jersey show will be Jerselea Coro- ecled as Jersey princess of the 1950 nation Pretty, (above) eight-year- show. She is owned by Mr. and old cow belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charley Grider. Howard Hair of Nyssa. Gamboge To Boise— financially profitable. It requires 14 cows to return $1500 j Mr and Mrs. Eddie Powell visited Boise over the week-end. While income over the feed cost, at a pro- in there they attended the square ductlon level of 200 pounds of but dance festival that was presented terfat. Half this number or only during Boise's 7 cows, producing an average of al Music week. observance of Nation 350 pounds of butterfat will return $1500 income over the feed cost, A JERSEY is national butterfat plus additional savings in labor and champion over all breeds 2X milk upkeep for that other seven cows. ing, 305 day class: Standard Kama The average production ol all cows Pride produced 15.301 pounds milk In the U. S. in 1948 was 200 pounds of butterfat per year. Realize that and 1,031 pounds fat. for every cow producing 300 pounds of butterfat or more, there must ALCOHOLICS have been another cow that pro ANONYMOUS duced 100 pounds of butterfat or Nyssa Group Meeting Sunday less to make this average evenings. 8 p. m. How many cows are required to return $1500 income over feed cost 407 Main Street at a production level of 100 pounds Phone 2-M of butterfat? The answer Is 93 cows. In 1946 reports from the bureau of dairy industry show that 725 dairy bulls had been proven during the year and of this number, over 300 bulls had lowered the production for daughters from that of their dams. It is Just as Important to know this about u herd sire, as It is to know j that he is increasing the production Here again, production testing is the only way of knowing these facts The artificial breeding program Is bused on records of production testing through the use of superior sires, capable of transmitting high production and of Increasing the level of dairy production in our dairy herds. ff the dairyman can lower the cost of producing a pound of butter- fut by five cents, he has obtained ttie same result as if the price re ceived were raised five cents. The only difference Is. that the farmer htmself has some control over his production costs, where he most | often has little to say about the price he received for his products Many Malheur county dairwtnen would not be without one of these plans for production testing There are openings for additional herds in the Malheur Dairy Herd-Improve ment association (or both the stand ard and owner-sampler plans, ac cording to Charles Grider, chairman of the Malheur D H I A Requests may be filed at the county agent’s office In Ontario, or with any of the officers or present members of the I association. To Portland— Dr. and Mrs J. J Sarazin spent the week-end in Portland, where they visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Peterson and family. While in Portland they attended a dance recital in which their grand daughters. May and Sue Peterson, participated. HMM m O \l I j Id welt— Mr and Mrs. Cliff Main. Mr and | Mrs Oscar Bratton. Mr and Mrs. Eat Topliff, Mr and Mrs. Irwtn Top- llff. Mr and Mrs Merrtldean Rob bins and Mr and Mrs Don Lytle and families picnicked at the park In Caldwell Sunday ' HAIL IT COSTS NO MORE TO BUY HAIL INSURANCE EARLY. BUY NOW and be protected the entire seasort. Low rates. Ken Pond Agency Real Estate and Insurance 16 North 3rd Phona 311 Fur Evening Appointments Phone 54-M MfMin fiottai or pò in I N J U t A N C I COtPOtATIOM Formation of a soil conservation district in the Black Canyon dis trict was defeated by taxpayers re cently. The vote was 84 in favor and 46 opposed to formation of the district, or two votes short of the necessary two-third majority. The land In volved lies in Canyon, Gem and Payette counties. The formation of a soil conserv ation district in the Orandview. Bruneau and Indian Cove area was also defeated. Mother Visits— Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rinehart and family motored over the week-end to Mount Pleasant, Utah Mrs. Olive 1 Rinehart, mother of Orant Rinehart, returned to Nyssa with them for a visit. Here From La Grande— Rev. and Mrs, Henry Gerhardt of La Grande visited two days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Main. A JERSEY is lifetime butterfat champion over all breeds: Silken Ruby Lady's of F —10.226 pounds fat. Still o ntest at 20 years of age. DR. G. W. GRAVES Optom etrist Eyes Examined Phone 720 718 A rthur St. Caldwell, Idaho A JERSEY herd Is the only hund Brigham Farm. Vermont—104 cows, red cow herd oi any breed with herd 11.703 pounds milk. 616 pounds fat, average of 600 pounds butterfat: and on twice dally milking. We Suggest YOU ATTEND THE Malheur Jersey Show TO BE SPONSORED BY THE MALHEUR JERSEY CATTLE CLUB ON THE NYSSA SCHOOL GROUNDS SATURDAY, MAY 27 POWELL SERVICE STATION THE LAST FOUR SPRING JERSEY SHOWS WERE Well Worth Attending THE FIFTH ANNUAL MALHEUR CO. •JERSEY CATTLE SHOW WILL BE EQUALLY WORTHWHILE WE URGE YOUR ATTENDANCE SATURDAY, MAY 27 Henneman Hardware Co. WE URGENTLY SUGGEST THAT EVERYONE ATTEND THE FIFTH ANNUAL MALHEUR JERSEY SHOW to be held on the Ny*sa school grounds SATURDAY, MAY 27 TOWNE'S GARAGE EFFECTIVE MAY 29tli ALL-DAT BANKING MONDAY THm SATURDAY 10 A .M .io 5 P.M. Providing you with the most convenient and complete bank ing service possible comes first with us. We believe that our banking offices exist for your benefit ...and that "banking hours” should be primarily those which suit your convenience, not ours. Therefore, our new "open” hours will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every weekday, including Saturday. These longer hours will make it easier for you to make sav ings and checking deposits, arrange for loans, have access to your safe deposit box, and use the many other helpful services of our hank. Our em ploy*«« will bonoflt by this plan, too, a« H m oans m Avo-day w ook on a ro ta tin g schodulo. FIRST NATIONAL BANK N Y S S A BRANCH OF PORTLAND