Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 25. 1950 Rev., Mrs. Moore Going On Visit ADRIAN, May 25—Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bonham and Johnny Han cock oi Alturas, California were week-end guests at the Alvon Mc Ginnis home. Mrs. Gayle Martin entertained a number of little friends of her son. Ronnie, Saturday afternoon on the occasion of his fourth birthday. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Moore were given a surprise party Saturday eve ning at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Moore will leave soon to visit rel atives in Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Oordon Toombs of Owyhee visited Mr and Mrs. Vernon Parker and family Saturday evening. Earl Pounds of Hillsboro, Oregon visited in the Glen Pounds home Saturday. Earl is Glen's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hansen and fam ily shopped in Boise Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown shopped in Nyssa Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C W. Wilson of Yakima were week-end guests of Boise visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mrs. Threlma Elliot Brown Sunday. Later in the even- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney and ^ ing they motored to Ontario. boys visited Mrs. Lorraine Qlennen Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wymer of Parma and family in Emmett Sunday Bobby English of Cambridge Is | are spending a week with their visiting her aunt. Mrs. Gayle Martin j daughter, Mrs Howard Hatch and and family. i family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch shop Mr and Mrs. Maxion English and ped In Boise Saturday. family of Cambridge. Idaho. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bonde and Mrs. Don Boren, Mr and Mrs. O. J Zola Marie of Emmett visited in the English of Nampa and Mr and Mrs Elmer Sparks and Bill Looney homes Darrell English of Big Bend were Wednesday. j Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Norris. Mrs Mrs. Gayle Martin Ruth Hahl and son, Mr and Mr Mr. and Mrs James McOinnis and George Cartwright, and Mr. and J r . Alvon McGinnis, Bill Willis, Mrs. Glen Brown were fishing at Lewis Bonham and Johnny Han the Owyhee dam Sunday. cock of Alturas. California were Mrs. Guy Sparks was honored 1 fishing at Jordan Valley Sunday. with a pink and blue shower Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ken Ganl Club Holds neth Price. Miss Mary Weir of Big Bend was Regular Meeting a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and j Mrs. A. C. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Hatch and ! AVE" May 25—Mr and family of 8tar, Idaho visited in the . rs ,z - .DayJd-?°n °f Parma enter- Howard Hatch home Sunday tamed the Whist club Friday. Two Mr. and, Mrs. F. F. Cummings of tables wer® at Plav durin* the aN -— ----- —i-----------------------_ ternoon Guests were Mr and Mrs. j,Pete Tensen, Mr and Mrs. Gerrit | Groot of Apple Valley, Mr. and Mrs. I John Timmerman of Newell Heights. Mrs Dick Groot and Mrs. Dick Stam ! of Oregon Trail. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson left last week for Boise, where Mr. Wil son is a patient in the veterans J hospital The regular pinochle club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot Sunday afternoon. Two tables were in play with high score going j to Mrs. Jake Groot. second high to Mr. Davidson and low to Mr [ Oroot. Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Mrs. Clay- NOW IS THE TIME! Get Your Furnace Cleaned now Let Us Recondition Your Furnace Thorough cleaning, relining of firebox, all repair work, wrapping of main pipes—everything your furnace needs for efficient low cost operation will be done by us. Don't Wait Until Fall. Get It Done Now. WIGGER AND PURVIS YOUR Sewing Machine Modernized to Portable electric. | or Console Table Stand. New parts for all machines. Reverse units installed. One hundred per cent guarantee repairing. Rebuilt machine bargains. . . . F. "Lete" SACKETT SHEET METAL AND HEATING 24 HOUR SERVICE PHONE 111-W 469 South First Street 3rd House South of Nyssa-Vale Highway U. S. No. 2* Since 1890 12 Yrs. Ontario ton Jensen of Nyssa called on Mrs. Rev. P. J. Gatre, Pastor L. D. S. Gives Program— T. M. Beranek Sunday evening. A special program of the Owyhee Mass on Sundays at 9:30. Cate Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot of Ar chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. L. D, S. ward Sunday evening was cadia spent Sunday evening at the given at the Oregon Trail school- Dick Groot home They returned house in commemmoratlon of the BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH Friday afternoon from a trip to establishment of the Aaroic priest 213 Second St. South Portland and Mllwaukie, where they | Sunday school. John Benedict, hood. With Dick Dalton, as narrat visited friends. or, and the young priesthood choir, 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stam of Nyssa Superintendent, 20 youths in the 12 to 21 age group, Morning worship. 11 a. m. entertained at a luncheon for a the story of the history of Aaron, Bible study at 7 p. m. group of relatives in observance of the appointment of priests and the Evening service. 8 p. m. the birthday of Mr. Stam. Guests purpose of the priesthood was un from this community were Mr. and folded in dramatic word and song. 8UNSET VALLEY Mrs. Pete Van Oora and family and ASSEMBLY OF UOD Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam. Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. E M. Hansen of Sunday school, 10 a. m. Ontario called in this community Worship services, 11 a. m. Sunday evening. Young People, 7 p. m. Mrs Elwood Flinders and Mrs. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Dick Groot attended the hospital Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. auxiliary meeting in the parish hail in Nyssa Monday afternoon. COMMUNITY Mrs. Pete Tensen. Mrs. Gerrit 1HE METHODIST CHURCH Stam, Mrs. Dick Groot and Mrs. Donald 8. Campbell, Minister Elwood Flinders attended the civic 9:45 a. m., church school. club meeting at the parish hall in 11 a. m.. morning worship. Theme: • Nyssa Wednesday. Ontario visitors recently were Mr. "A Revolution is Born". Anthem: “The King of Love My Shepherd Is” and Mrs. Pete Van Leuuw. by Shelley. 7 p. m„ Youth Fellowship. WANTED f 0,0 0 0 0 S & T /m ' INSURED your you' or HOME Church Notes E. W. PRUYN 8terl D. Spless, Pastor Auto Repairing Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, ill a. m. Young people, 7 p. ta. Evangelistic, 8 p. m. Tuesday Bible study and prayer Service, 8 p. m. Reboring, Valve Grind Fri«** Church school, 10 a. m. Church services, 7:30 p. m„ every Sunday evening. LOANS LOW RATES PON D A G EN CY 16 NORTH THIRD ST. MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH W. M. Turner, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m Morning service, 11 a, m. Song service, 7:30 p. m Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer ser vice, 8 p. m. Repair or Remodel For Spring L. D. S. 1st WARD Dean F’ife, Bishop Sunday, 9 a. m„ Sunday school 10:30 a. m„ priesthood meeting. 6:30 p. m„ sacrament meeting. Thursday, 2 p, m„ r>llef society. 4 p. m„ primary. 7:30 p. in., M. I. A. We will be glad to give you complete information on how you can repair, remodel or paint your buildings on easy terms with three years to pay YOUR BUSINESS, AS ALWAYS IS GREATLY APPRECIATED 10 a. m„ Sunday school. Russell Smith superintendent. 11 a. m., congregational and special singing and sermon. 7 p. m„ Young people, junior and children services. 8 p. m.. evangelistic service. Services every Wednesday at 8 P m. ______ FOR QUALITY LUMBER AT LOWER COST Call The FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Sherwln Schmidt, Pastor Nyssa Lumber Co. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Adult discussion group, Monday 1 1 evening, 8:15 p. m. 11 John Ostrom, owner CHURCH OF CHRIST Don R. Maxfleld, Pastor 10 a. m„ Bible school hour. 11 a. m„ Morning worship. Phon« 118-W CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street « a m iM mí We o f America’s Leading Dealer Organization invite you to Drive home the facts! MULTI-GRIP for regular wheels When I t Comes to N E W Tires, A MILLION M otorists Can't Be W rong! Chevrolet handles better... Right now, more than • million mo torists are riding around on XV ettern Gianti, without a tire care in the world — and every ''CREST' Tire is a Wettern Giant product — with ab solute guarantee in writing against all road hazards. /.■ Orly» home thh fatti FIRST . . . and Finest. . . foe THRILLS AND THRIFT Æ fi V --XY A sk fo r LOW T ra d e - I n P r i m Guaranteed 25 Months AU - Rayon Carcasa — Cold Rubber Tread — Reinforced Sidewalls — Super-Strong Bead . . . you expect these in a Wettern Giant Tire. But, 'MULTI-GRIP' has more! Up to 4)00 built-in grippers cling to the rand like glue uu a fast turn or quids stop, "MULTI-GRIP' rides comfort ably and quietly and, at the same time, providea utmost safety. KEN Phone 56-W 25-MONTH GUARANTEE Famous Crest'Multi-Grip' SAVINGS QUICK SERVICE and accessories ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. C. L. Callahan. Rector The more tires you sell us, the wider selection we ll have to pick the good ones for re-capping . . . No matter how bad your tires may be, you'll get at least $ 2 )0 apiece but, if they are good, you may get a great deal more. Ask us! r u - i « - TW* ’ LONG TERM ing, Lathe work. Parts S f a » * \ A* Oor lot Onhf Mr. and Mrs. Oene Wallace of St. Maries, Idaho visited for a few days with his sister, Mrs. Earl Ward, and family. Construction, Repair or Purchase 2nd and Reece hee» * : U lT t-O R * R lO f Tire* Visit Relative»— for ASSEMBLY OF UOD ...Because, We Have a Grand Line o f S a fe Re-Caps a t Low Prices ... And We N eed Thousands o f Worn Tires fo r Re-Capping. H O T « V w when h - e n fpr «oC^ i . Also at the sacrament services Sun day evening were the members of the L. D. S. stake presidency. Under their supervision, Vern Garner was sustained as second counselor of llie Owyhee L. D. 8. ward. Eastern Oregon Federal Savings and Loan THE CHURCH OF THR NAZARENE Rev. E. J. Wilson. Pastor AUTO SUPPLY PAGE THR r * C U SH IO N - R ID E Low Pressure Tires Luxurious C r e s t 'C u s h io n R id e ’ GUARANTEED FOR 25 MONTHS W ritten G ian tt fine construction — plus those special qualities that put wings on your car! Quiet as a kitten and 10 ft as velvet, "CUSHION RIDE” wafti you (tenth over the roughest road — without rattles or the racking (oils that shorten car life. E A S Y T E E MS — A t U n it at f l J f per meek ( payable m o n th ly ), after lorn Àmen paym ent, p o ll a tel • / 4 nere tteet on yarn toe. Come in! Sit in the driver’s scat of Chevrolet for *50 and drive home the facts of its greater value in your own way and at your own pace! Convince yourself that this sensational new Chevrolet leads in all-round action as it leads in ail-round appearance! Drive it—and experience a combination of Valve- in-Head power, get-away and economy that makes it America’s best buy for performance! Drive it—and revel in handling ease and riding ease that make it America’s best buy for comfort! Drive it—and enjoy five-fold motoring protection that makes it America’s best buy for safety! 0 rive hem« /hit fa tll FIRST . . . and Fin««l . . . for AU-ROUNO SAFiTY AT LOWEST COST 25-MONTH GUARANTEE Chevrolet rides better! Drive Horn» this fa tll FIRST . , . and Finest . . . for STYLING AND COMFORT AT LOWEST COST Again this year, more people are buying Chevrolets than any other make of car. And the reason is—more value. Come, test this car; drive home the facts for yourself; and you’ll drive home In a new Chevrolet! TIRES MOUNTEV fiT££ CHEVROLET o r? ro u es ro e a sa n o f c o u n o N o af WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY C O W. H. LEMON, Dealer 217 Main Phone 244-J I THE WESTE ÖLPEST aadLMKBT RETAILERS O f MITO SUPPUKj Drivo homo Ijtlt fa tll FIRST . . . and Finest . . . for DRIVING AND RIDING EASE AT LOWEST COST L Come In . . . drive a C h e vro le t, . end you'll knew why I f t AMERICA'S REST SELLER . . AMERICA'S »1ST BUY! Cables Chevrolet Co ONTARIO, OREGON