Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, May 25, 1950, Image 1

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Special Election To Be Held On Special Tax Levy
NO. 20
Government To Scholarships
New Auditorium
Higher Schools
Make Survey Of
Given Students Used First Time
Owyhee Section
At Baccalaureate
Federal Officials Suggest
Establishment O f
State Park
Representatives of the national
park service and bureau of recla­
mation told members of the Owyhee
park committee at a meeting held in
Carl's Doll House Wednesday night
that 15000 has been appropriated for
a survey of the area, which the local
committee hopes will be designated
as a state park.
The federal officials said their
organizations will draft a master
plan for proposed recreational facil­
ities In the area and will give assist­
ance in attempting to have It
designated as a state park.
CHvlng background to the effort
already made for establishment of
a park, Hugh Boyle of Boise, rep­
resenting the bureau of reclamation,
said “the primary purpose of the
bureau of reclamation is to store
water. “It is not the responsibility
or function of the bureau of recla­
mation to carry on recreation. We
call upon our advisors In the nation­
al park service, department of the
Interior. They say what they think
we should do with the facilities. We
asked the national park board for a
preliminary survey of the area.
They did that and made a report
about six months ago. It suggested
the development that might take
place there and suggested organ­
izations that could handle It.
The park service said the Owy­
hee area is not of national signific­
ance and therefore suggested that
the state take it over. Later we
met with the local group and the
matter was discussed with the park
service. We have set aside $5000.
which we are turning over to the
national park service for making a
master plan. They are going as far
as they can with that small amount
of money. They have assured us
that they are going to make a study
and will pass on recommendations
that might result In development
and use of the area. The $5000 is
not being charged to the water
Sanford Hill of San Francisco,
chief of planning and construction
in the regional office, explained the
(Continued on Page 2)
Phone Project
Starting Soon
H. P. Stommel of Boise, president
of the Malheur Home Telephone
company, told representatives of
farm groups and business people at
a meeting held in the city hall
Wednesday afternoon that con­
struction will be started within the
next two weeks on expansion of the
telephone system In the Nyssa area.
The engineering work has already
been completed.
The project, costing approximately
$70,000, will Involve extending service
to an additional estimated 407 fam­
ilies, making a total of 535 telephon­
es in the Nyssa-Adrlan section.
Mr. Stommel said the material
will include 1100 poles and 230 miles
of open wire In addition to the main
cable feeder plant, which will extend
from Nyssa to the town of Adrian,
a distance of 12 1/4 miles.
Starting from the Nyssa office, the
cable will consist of 202 wires run­
ning into the rural area for a dist­
ance of approximately seven miles.
At that point it will taper off to a
cable of 102 wires extending for a
distance of 2 3'4 miles. The last
three miles of cable Into Adrian
will have 50-wire capacity.
Mr. Stommel said the company
plans to Install the cable so that re­
lief can be provided on existing
lines and installations made for
service to customers living Immedi­
ately adjacent to the main cable
The project will require use of two
additional positions of switchboard,
which. It is contemplated, will be
installed later this year. Much of
the office equipment is already In­
stalled with the exception of the
two positions.
The project, starting in two weeks,
will probably be entirely completed
by the end of the year, unless un-
forseen circumstances prevent, Mr.
Stommel said
Re» urn From CaKfornl»—
Mr. and Mr». Thomas O.
returned home this morning from
a visit in Los Angeles, where Mr.
Jones went through a clinic for
medical treatment.
re Freu - —
ir and Mrs B E Edwards of
lem are here for two weeks \t
ssts of Dr and Mrs John Long,
s Edwards Is a sister of Mrs.
VWU At Vale—
. .
Mrs Peer lie Kinaor visited friends
at Vale Sunday.
Several important scholarships to
institutions of higher learning will
be presented to students of the
Nyssa high school at commencement
exercises to be tield In the audit­
orium tonight.
The scholarships will be awarded
as follows: Donna Trabert, Oregon
State college tuition scholarship, p
E. O. Sisterhood scholarship of $125,
and A. A. U. W. scholarship of $25.
Donna Cheldelin, Willamette uni­
versity. $200; Phyllis Galloway, Col­
lege of Idaho. $50; Angela Peterson.
Brigham Young university, $40, and
Boise Junior college, music scholar­
ship of $75, and Carole Flinders,
alternate to Miss Peterson for the
Brigham Young scholarship.
Rev. Don Maxficld Urges
Students To Put God
First In Lives
'S. Stanton And
Beechler Named
By Republicans
W. E. Lcggilt Wins Major­
ity For Srhool Sup­
Awards Are Made
T o Cul» Scouts In
Meeting O f l’ aek
Following visitations to the four
dens in the city, many awards were
presented to Cub Scouts at a pack
meeting held in the high school
building last Thursday night.
In accordance with the theme.
“Come See Us Night", parents and
Cubs went to the den meetings to
view stunts arranged by the boys
and their den mothers as follows:
Mrs. Henry Storm's den, Indians;
Mrs. Bernard Eastman's den. car­
nival; Mrs. Don Moss' den, vegetable
and fruit stand, and Mrs. Howard
Smith’s den, baseball game. The
group then went to the school build­
ing (or a regular pack meeting.
The following awards were made:
Den mother's pins, Mrs. Don Moss,
Mrs. Howard Smith, Mrs. Henry
Storm and Mrs. Bernard Eastman;
wolf badges, Robert Storm. Vernon
Pond, Jimmy Barnes, Clark Jaques,
Jerry Myrick and Oary Toombs;
gold and silver arrow points. Robert
Storm. Jimmy Barnes, Lionel Chad-
derdon. Dennis Savage, Burton
Smith and Richard Thomas, reg­
istration and bobcat pins, Oerald
Talbot, David Sewrtght, Oary Bing-
ameii. Carl Burningham, David
Phillips, Tomothy McGinnis. David
Vaughn and Roger Whitman; two-
year awards. Kent Lovejoy. Michael
Eastman, T o m m y
Sallee and
Frankie Morris, and den chief badge,
Lyle Cottle.
The next pack meeting will be
held In the form of a picnic In the
city park June 15.
$87,500 Item To
Be Submitted To
Electors Again
County Court Says People
Apparently Did Not
A special election will be held
During the first baccalaureate
Malheur county voters rejected
June 38 to again place before the
service ever held in the new Nyssa
a proposal to raise $87.500 outside
voters of Malheur county the pec-
school auditorium-gymnasium. Rev.
the six per cent limitation, nomin­
ial tax levy Increase rejected at
Don Maxfleld of the Church of
ated S. Stanton for county judge
last Friday's primary election. Tins
Christ told the 1950 graduates last
on the republican ticket, nominat­
decision was reached by the mem­
ed Oeonje Beechler as republican
Sunday night that "we are In too
bers of the county court after rep­
resentatives uf civic and county
candidate for county coroner and
much of a hurry to put Ood first".
organizations had called on the
named W. E. Leggltt as county
However, the minister did not
court Wednesday to express con­
school superintendent In the pri­
mention the "firsts” that occurred
cern over the results of the elec­
during the evening. All of the par­
mary election held last Friday.
ticipants on the program engaged In
Judge Irwin Troxell stated that
For the county judge nomination,
their particular function for the first
there seemed to be a general ay rec­
Stanton defeated Edwlr. D. White
time in the new building. Arvel L.
ent on the part of those Individuals
1080 to 944 votes, and Beechler de­
Child, president of the Weiser stake
and groups appearing before the
feated R. A. Tacke 1250 to 813.
of the Church of Christ of Latter
commissioners, that there was u
W. E. Leggltt won a majority of
definite need of a special election.
The Nyssa hkjh school Bulldogs Day Saints, who delivered the in­
the votes over Ezra E. Macy and
It was the opinion of many through­
took second place in the state track vocation, was the first person ever
Gerald J. Casey so that he will
out the county that the wording
meet held In Corvallis last week­ to speak publicly in the auditorium.
be unopposed In the November el­
The gymnasium, finished in a
of the measure had a tendency
end, to bring to Malheur county
ection. The votes were: Leggitt
to confuse the Issue In the minds
Its first state class A trophy in combination of light browns. Is
1736, Macy 1100 and Casey 580.
of many voters. The members of
athletics, so far as Is known here.
The special tax levy measure, de­
the county budget board. Judge
Medford won the meet with 54'4
signed to raise additional money
Troxell emphasized, had asked just
Many of the large congregation
points Nyssa made 33 points, Baker
for paying general expenses of the
for a minimum amount o f funds,
29. LaGrande 24 and Eugene 24 gave private expressions of surprise
county, was defeated by a vote of
ratiter than a maximum, necessary
The showing made by eastern Ore­ and admiration regarding the enor­
1933 to 1500, according to the o ff­
in maintaining important county
gon teams. Baker, LaGrande, Ontar­ mous structure. The building Is not
icial tabulation completed the first
services. It was also stated that
io, Nyssa and Vale, was unusually finished, but the auditorium-gym­
of the week by County Clerk Harry
many of the voters did not realize
strong compared to that of the nasium was used Sunday night for
Saokett and two assistants.
that the measure would cause a 3.5
rest of the state. The second, third the baccalaureate and Tuesday
The measure was approved in
mill Increase in taxes.
and fourth place winners represent­ night for class night activities and
Nyssa and Ontario, but the margin
The voters, who called on the
ed eastern Oregon schools. In ad­ will be used again tonight for com­
polled in the cities failed to over­
county court represented groups
dition, Ontario made 10 and Vale mencement, beginning at 8 o ’clock.
come the opposition expressed in
that were Interested in the main­
4 points.
The speakers could be heard rath­
the rural areas The vote on the
tenance of the county health de­
Leo Long was Nyssa's biggest er well. Despite the size of the
measure In Nyssa and vicinity was
partment, the county library and
point maker. He took second place auditorium, the sounds are more
as follows: Nyssa No. 1, 43 for and
county agent office depart­
in the Javelin event, 175 feet, 10 acoustically effective than in the old
36 no. No. 2. 29 yes and 25 no, and
Legal voters of school district No. ments. Leaders of both county and
Inches, and second in the discuss, gymnasium.
S. Stanton (above) and George No. 3, 52 yes and 47 no; Adrian 41 26c will have an opportunity to vote
143 feet, 10'i Inches, for a total of
Speaking on the subject. “The j Beechler (below) won the republican and 43. Arcadia 78 and 95. Bl: June 19 upon the proposal to in­ civic organizations were present at
16 points. Floyd Hale won first in Major Requirement", Rev. Maxfleld nominations for county judge and Bend 24 and 28 and Owyhee 47 crease the school district tax levy Wednesday’s hearing, and some in­
dividuals who could not be present
the broadjump with a leap of 21 pointed out that “You have faced ' county coroner, respectively. In the and 101.
for the fiscal year 1950-51 over the
feet, 6 % inches, and sixth m the many requirements, and now you t primary election held last Friday.
The other votes In the county, six per cent limitation in the a- had sent letters or telephoned, the
members of the court stated.
220-yard dash. 22.3, for a total of are apt to think you are free, but [
according to the official count, mount of $81219.57.
The money, amounting to $87500,
nine points. Ray Keck won third there is one requirement you can- j
were as follows:
The polls will be open in the Is needed to balance the county
in the shotput to gain six points. not escape; it is the major require­
Non-partisan Judiciary, Judge of Nyssa elementary school building
budget. Judge Troxell said. If the
The event was won with a throw ment, which Is to walk humbly with '
i the state supreme court— Robert from 2 to 8 p. m.
money Is not approved In the elec­
47 feet, 1VI Inches.
Him. You must place Him first
tion, county services will have to
1065, and Austin Dunn 1188
and love Him with all of your soul.
cut drastically
Adrian won 13 points lor 10th What does that have to do with life?
Republican— Senator, John M c­ in the budget published In this Issue
Mrs. Hilda Tensen, Nyssa regis­
place in the state in the B class­ If you want to find happiness fol­
Bride 210, Wayne Morse 1064 and of the Oate City Journal Is $21,600 -
including directors of the Oregon Dave Hoover 856; representative In
trar, pointed out today that "per­
ification on the performance of low this requirement.
13. The total estimated expendit­ sons wishing to vote In the spec­
Jersey Cattle club, will be here for
Don Jones. The youth won second
“We sometimes say the things the spring Jersey show, which will congress. Lowell Stockman 1931; ures are $360,475.13 and total esti­ ial election June 28 will have until
in the 440-yard dash and tied for
God requires of us are Impractical, be held May 27 on the school governor. Douglas McKay 1989; mated receipts and available cash 8 p. m. Saturday of this week to
third and fourth in the 220.
commissioner of bureau of labor,
but we can accomplish them if we grounds.
William E Klmsey 1591; represent­ balances is $152.875.00. leaving a bal­ register. Persons who voted at the
dedicate ourselves to the principles
The directors will hold their May ative in the state legislature, Ver­ ance of 1007600.13 to balance the last general election do not need
of Christ. The first thing to do meeting in the Moore hotel at a non Wilson 1792; district attorney, budget. The estimated amount of to re-register for the special elec­
is put Ood first In your mind. Ed­ dinner to be served at 8:30 Friday Charles W. Swan 1849; county com­ taxes that will not be collected dur­ tion.
At Its Wednesday meeting, the
ucation Is Important, but it don't night, May 26. A Jersey heifer will missioner, A. P Ooodell 1683 and ing the fiscal year as affecting this
do it all. A college degree without be placed in the lobby of the Moore county surveyor, Walter Sandquist dLstrtct is $3000. making a total of county court appointed Loyd Adams'
of Nyssa as a member of the fair
Ood is of no value to you. There hotel to greet the directors
$210.600 13.
Members of the American Legion must be one central goal of your
The amount of money to be rais­ board to succeed Harley Dlven, re­
George B Caine, head of the
Democratic— Senator, Louis A.
auxiliary will be on the streets Sat­ mind and that is Ood.
dairy department of Utah State Wood 726 and Howard Latourette ed outside the six per cent limitation
urday. May 27 distributing poppies
“ We have a second way of meet­ college, will judge the open classes. 508; representative in congress, Is $81219.57. Last year It was $73,-
in honor of the war dead. They will ing the requirements of Ood. Give He has judged all of the major Vernon Bull 566, Benjamin C. Oar- 378 38. The amount to be raised in­
be assisted by the junior auxiliary Ood first place In your time. Empty western shows, including the Cow ske 212 and Hugh Bowman 478; side the six per cent limitation thLs
churches mean over-crowded Jails, Palace show at 8an Francisco. The governor, Walter J. Pearson 42*. year Is 1129280 56 and last year It
girls and their friends.
i Continued on Page 2)
All of the workers will meet at
judge of the junior division will be Lew Wallace 348 and Austin F. was $101.385 75. On this basis, the
Brownie's cafe for an early break­
Erling Johanssen of Emmett, who Flegel 536; commissioner of bureau mil lage for the present budget la
fast before starting their day's work
Is associated with the Idaho exten­ of labor. Howard Morgan »30: dis­ approximately 41 mills and last year
Following a running fight In the
Posters that have been placed in
trict attorney. Jeff D. Dorr ah. Jr. it was 34.1 mills.
sion service.
business section early last Saturday
The school board said the extra evening, four Mexicans were arrest­
business house windows show an
The Malheur club officers expect ■ 1097, and coroner, C. R. Van Patten
<j»se Is Decided
expense Includes $32.000 for finish­ ed by city police officers and were
Oregon veteran, one of the many
between 75 and 100 entries, includ­ 823.
ing and furnishing the new build­ fined in city court by Judge J. O
veterans who made the poppies, and
In Favor O f Foeht ing the open classes and 4-H and
publican and democratic nomina­ ing and $4500 for establishing an Smith Monday on a charge of en­
F. F. A. divisions.
and auxiliary assistant.
Insurance program. Bond and in­ gaging in disorderly conduct.
Mrs. Rolland Laurance, poppy
Irvin Slater, western field man of
Judge Don M. Graham, justice
terest payments are $32,066.75 great­
chairman of the local auxiliary, said of the peace, gave a decision Wed­ the American Jersey club, will be Nyasa.
The four men, Tony Correa
er than last year
the unit has 1800 popples to sell, nesday afternoon In favor of the among those in attendance.
Rivera. Dolores Arllaga Lara, Jesse
Other causes of the Increase in­ O. Lopez and Frank O. Iopez. were
as compared to 1500 distributed defendant in the case of E E. Botner
During the day. the Jersey queen
Dr. A. I.. Strainl
clude the employment of one addit­ each fined $100. Reports indicated
last year The greater effort will be against Ralph Foeht. involving own­ and Jersey princess will be crowned
ional principal, seven additional that 13 men were engaged In the
made this year because of the great­ ership of dirt removed from lots 1 Alsa. 15 or 20 trophies will be a-
lni|>re*M*il Willi
teachers ad two additional custodi­ fight, but Judge Don M. Graham,
er need. Mrs Laurance said.
and 2, block 38. Oreen addition to warded by Malheur county merch­
Owyliri* B«*aiily ans, as well as more fuel and imwer who first discovered the battle, said
ants and chambers of commerce to
Fifty per cent of the money will Nyssa.
and another school bus.
be used here for welfare work am­
he counted only seven.
During the trial held Tuesday winners In the various classes.
Setting up the new insurance pro­
Person* attending the show may
ong veterans’ children. The other Botner asked for $120 for the dirt.
Using knives and other weapons,
Dr. A L. Strand, president of
50 per cent will go to the veterans $100 punitive damages and attorney
the Mexicans started fighting In
Oregon State college, was much im-
the Jersey club or take their own [iressed with the beauty of the Owy­ mately doubles the Insurance item in front of Judge Oraham’s office on
hospitals, where the men make the fees.
popples None of the money Is re­
Oood avenue and fought east on
hee reservoir territory when he was the 1949-50budget.
The dirt was removed by Kenneth lunches to the school grounds
One mill of tax produces approxi­ Oood avenue to First street and
tained by the auxiliary for Its own Renstrom In 1946 in order to clear
ircompanled to the area Wednesday
tlience onto Main street. Judge
| by a group of 21 Nyssa and Ontario mately $5000 in this district.
the lots of brush and other debris. .Marv Lou Schenk
The overall increase In school Graham broke up the fight and soon
i residents.
The lots were sold to Bernard East­
Wins Scholarship Boats for the occasion were furn­ budgets during the last few years police arrived to make the arrest*.
man in 1948 and were sold to Botner
Nyssa (rains Lead
ished by Elden Yergensen. E W. has been caused generally by an In­ Apparently some of the fighters
in 1949 Testimony indicated that
the dirt was placed In the alley CHICAGO. ILL., May 25—Miss Mary i Pruyn, Ted Berreth. Murle Marcum crease In enrollment. Enrollment escaped.
In Border league
Wepons said by officers to have
between lots owned by Botner on Lou Schenk. 19. a graduate of Nyssa and Herman Towne The Yergen- figures released by the board are as
By Defeating N. P. the east and the property of Foeht high school was named today as , .sen boat was operated by Sandy follows: 1844-45. average dally been taken from the men Included
a chain wrapped with friction tape,
! Patterson. T h e group also included
on the west. Pocht used the dirt to
The Nyssa Barkers gained leader- fill in the back end of hLs lot He lege award competition sponsored by Bernard Frost, president of the Mai- < 47. 1045: 1947-48. 1068 1948-49. 1138. a butcher knife about 10 Inches
long, a pocket knife and half of
¡dilp of the Border league last Sun­ said he asked the city for the dirt
Selected with eight other winners ley, school superintendent, and rep- j
a billiard cue.
day by defeating the New Plymouth and was told by City Manager E
With 19 prisoners In the city Jail
baseball team by a score of 7 to 5. K. Burton that the city had no ob­ over hundreds of applicants from 47 resentatives of radio stations and Snkler Will (live
In Nyssa, nine men charged with
The two top teams In the league jection so long as he left the alley states. Miss Schenk will receive a chambers of commerce
drunkenness were taken to the city
Some of the men caisrht bass,
Memorial Address
had both been undefeated until level. Botner said he earlier had $600 award covering one full year’s
Jail In Ontario Raturday night. None
refused to let Foeht have the dirt tuition fees at Monticello college in trout and crapplea en route to and |
from the headwaters of the res­
Tuesday, Mav 3 0 of those taken to Ontario were In­
The score was tied 5 to 5 going
At the trial, lasting from 10 a. m southern Illinois.
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs ervoir. The excurslenlsts ate lunch
Clyde Snider. Nyssa attorney,, volved In the Mexican fighting
into the seventh frame, but in the until 2:20. Robert Z Oros* of Vale
Two other Mexicans engaged In
will deliver the Memorial day add­
bottom of the inning. Nyssa took represented the plaintiff and Clyde John L. Schenk, rural route 2. Nyasa. | at Spring creek.
ress at services to be sponsored in a fist fight on Main street Wednes­
the lead to win the game Richard Snider of Nyssa represented the de­
afternoon, but were separated
the Nysaa cemetery Tuesday morn­
Wilson walked and advanced t o 1 fendant.
high school career, and now is em­ Nyssa Parking Co.
ing by the Nyssa Veterans assoc­ by other men before police arrived.
second on a fielder’s choice and
ployed at the school as secretary
Floyd Hale hit a homer for the two
Wins Keglrr Title iation
Firemen Called
to Principal Dennis W Patch.
The service trill be opened at 10 Waller R. While
runs that spelled victory.
The winning candidates were
o'clock In »he veterans plot. Rober
N ysa outhit New Plymouth 9 L>
To Stringer Farm chosen on the basis of scholastic The Nyssa Packing company team Talbot,
Jr., commander, will be In |
Cane Difttiii»*e<I
records and qualities of leadership, has won the championship of the charge of the program. Chaplain
5 Nyssa will plav its next game
Don M. Graham will give the pray­
The residence, garage and chicken citizenship and social maturity. Also
The case of state of Oregon ver­
»gainst Emmett there next Sunday
The regular season's play ended er.
sus Water R White, charged with
Batter!« Cleaver and Takami for house of Vaughn Stringer, located considered was a 500- word assay on
with Peterson Furniture company
to commit a felony, waa
N y«a and Anderson and Masuba
possible destruction by members of Help Make My Marriage Successful " and the Nyssa Packing company in will participate as usual. Fallowing dismissed by Justice of the Peace
for New Plymouth.
a tie each with 88 wins and 43 de­ the laying of flowers on the nvm- , Don M Graham (hiring a prelimi­
the Nyssa rural fire department
ument taps will be sounded
nary heating last Saturday night.
Tuesday when they responded to a rphoUterv names Begin—
Enlist. In A ir -------
The Packer* won the title by de­
Classes in upholstering will be
Ju<$(* Graham said the dismissal
John Long, son of Dr and Mr. fire alarm
was based on a statement made by
Brush and wood at the rear of held at the high school beginning
John Long, has enlDted In the
the complaining witness. Clifford
United States air force
He has the large chicken house caught s-
Fraser and Montique. Mrs. Adam Hoover.
tory was 18 pins In three games.
been sent to San Antonio. Texas for fire and the flames were spreading week The classes are to begin at
Judge Graham continued the ess­
to the building when firemen ar­
his boot” training.
rived. The firemen placed a port­ under the direction of Mrs Charles lows: Nyssa Packing C o. Rhoda Mrs. Van Mahsberger and Pat and es of two negroes. Jimmy Lucas and
able pump In a nearby ditch and Steffens, local high school home ec­ Fullmer. Virginia Brandt. Alberta Dean of Ontario left last Friday for Rogers Bell, also Involved In an al­
Visit Parents—
onomics instructor. Anyone inter­ Bowen. Dorothy Burbtdge and Betty Pawnee. Oklahoma to attend the tercation at the Adrian labor ramp,
Mr« Besty Lay of Sheridan. Ore­ soon extinguished the flames
A strong wind bio wing at the ested in taking this coarse is asked Jean Burbtdge. and Peterson *. Bet­ golden wedding anniversary of Mr but during the hearing he reduced
gon. formerly of N y«a visited re­
ty Walters. Dorothy Jones. Margaret and Mrs O W Maltsberger. parents the charge against them to disord­
cently with her parents. Mr. and time would probably have spread to contact Mrs Steffen» as soon as Bracken Kay Peter ion and M Jaek- of Mrs. Harris. Mrs Fraser. Mrs erly conduct Their ball remained
Mrs Felton Duncan of Nyssa and
at 656 each
Foeht and Mr Maltsberger
the enrollment for the course.
Mr and Mrs Olin Lay of Arcadia. had not the firemen been called.
Nyssa Takes 2nd
In Slate Meet
School Budget
Shows Increase
Plans Completed
For Jeisey Show ; F. Mag tire 087, Walter L. Tooze
Poppy Day To Be
Observed Here
Four Taken On
Fighting Charge