Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1950)
THE N Y SSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL. N Y S S A . OREGON. TH U RSD AY. M A Y 18. 1950 < X-Nyssa Resident Writes Of Alaska The former Lois Ground, who was employed as secretary to Attorney Harold Henigson, has written to friends stating that Alaska is quite different from what she had expect ed before moving to Alaska to be married to Richard Moorhead. "T h e weather is especially d iffer ent". Mrs. Moorhead said. " I t is lovely and the sun is so warm. The temperature rises to about 50 de grees every day and goes to about 40 or 35 degrees at night. The snow is practically all melted here in Fairbanks (April 23). "Fairbanks is located in a large valley, with no high mountains very close, although Mt. McKinley, the highest point in North America, can be seen from here on clear days. We are only 400 feet above sea level. Fairbanks is a typical town, very modern on the whole. There is a liquor store every other door and more clubs than anything else. Prac tically all of the clubs offer floor shows, with some suprisingly good talent. "T h e m ilitary Is very much in evidence, both army and navy. And planes; planes of every description from the smallest Piper Cub to B-36’s and Jet planes. Most of the smaller planes are still on skis. "Dick and I flew out to a place called Beaver creek last week to fish. W e caught 60 grayling, the best tasting fish I have ever eaten. We saw lots o f moose and tried to get some pictures, but no luck." E N R O LL Flegel (AHiimittee Formed In (lountv ■■PNFfV few. •' ht— i » ^ A *> 4* ~ v ^► '»* weft » % ' ■ ■ '* M ’ ¡V '« T I » 1 f 'È • $ m *3 f - ’¿ V The lawn at the Nyssa high sented their part of the spring | in Dutch costumes, the children B U IL D IN G P E R M IT S school building was converted into festival sponsored by the Nyssa | gave a colorful program of songs K. K. Lienkaemper, costructlon, a veritable "Dutch" colony when school system May 5. Outfitted and dances (Evans photo) 30 x 26, $8,500, frame. Park uvenue, pupils of the Arcadia school pre block 36, Park addition. Edward W. Qstrom, enlargement. Fifth street, lot 12, block 14, frame, To La Grande— special singing and sermon. 10 x 12 addition, $750. Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Kopp and son.1 7 p. m „ Young people, Junior and C. K. Olson, construction, King Jimmy, accompanied by Mrs. Kopp’.s j j children services. avenue, tract 11, Stunz addition, 8 p. m., evangelistic service. mother, Mrs. F. S. McGarvey of $11.000, 34 X 44, frame. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Services every Wednesday at 8 Bend, went to La Grande Sunday. C. K . Olson, construction, King 2nd and Reece | P- m. avenue, lot 13. Stunz addition, $8,- Jimmy was baptized at the morning Sterl D. Spies», Pastor service at the La Grande Episcopal 500, 26 x 45, frame. K A IT II LU TH E R AN CHURCH church by his grandfather, Dr. C Sunday school, 10 a. m. Rev. Sherwin Schmidt. Pastor A. Kopp, rector of the church Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Young people, 7 p. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Tuesday prayer and praise. 8 p. Adult discussion group, Monday I m. evening, 8:15 p. m. NOW FOR Rev. and Mrs. Frank Coley will be with us until Sunday, May 21. C A T H O LIC ( IIU R C n Park Avenue and Third Street ST. PAU L’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH at Rev. P. J. Galre. Pastor Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Mass on Sundays at 9:30. Cate- Church school, 10 a in. Church services, 7:30 p. m „ every ehism at 10 a. in. Saturdays. Freeze and Store over 300 lbs. Food in this New IRIGIDAIRE 8.8 cu.ft. Food Freezer Other Sixes in cu. ft. 12 and IS Sunday evening. 1223 Main Street, Boise, Idaho During JUNE, JU LY and AUG U ST Our Daily Schedule is from 8:00 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. A ll Commercial Subjects Offered. Classes in charge of competent, experienced, expert instructors. June 5 and Monday. June 12 or new students may enter A N Y M O N D A Y L IN K ’S Is State Approved for G. I Training. L IN K ’S Is a Charter Member of’the. National Council of Business Schools. L IN K 'S guarantees positions to graduates of their Complete Course. — Call, Phone or W rite for Full Information BIBLE B A P T IS T UltURUH 213 Second St. South M IS SIO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH Sunday school. John Benedict, W. M. Turner, Pastor Superintendent, 10 a. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship. 11 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Bible study at 7 p. m. Song service, 7:30 p. m Evening service, 8 p. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer ser SUNSET VALLE Y vice, 8 p. m. ASSEM BLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor L. D. S. 1st W ARD Sunday school, 10 a. m. Dean Fife, Bishop Worship services, 11 a. m. Sunday, 9 a. m., Sunday school. Young People, 7 p. m. 10:30 a. m., priesthood meeting. 6:30 Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. p. m„ sacrament meeting. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. Thursday. 2 p. m., relief society. 4 p. m „ primary. 7:30 p. m „ M. I. A. THE M E TH O D IST C O M M UNITY CHURCH THE CHURCH OF THE Donald S. Campbell, Minister NAZARENE 9:45 a. m.. Church school. Rev. E. J. Wilson. Pastor 11 a. m., morning worship. 10 a. m., Sunday school, Russell 7 p. m., youth fellowship. Smith superintendent. 11 a. m„ congregational and CHURCH OF C H R IST Don E, Maxi irId. Pastor 10 a. m., Bible school hour. 11 a. m„ Morning worship. It’s Ilk* having a super-marks! right In your kltchenl Favorite foods are right there oil year ’round. Cook whole meals and freeie them. Many ■65°° down Cash Price $329.75 other time, work and money-saving features. Come in See If now I And look at all theso Features! • 2 handy, sliding basket* • Automatic interior light • Full-size, counter-balanced top • Rust-proof interior LUMBER ; COMPANY« Move To Nyssa— U H I HI 9£m 81* Mr. and Mrs. Walter Looney have moved to Nyssa from Vale to make C. F. M IN K , Manager their home. Mr. Looney is with the Phone 15 | Langford Construction company. m mi IxJhßiv CL • Famous Meter-Miser mechanism • Extra-thick Insulation, *tay* dry • Automatic warning light Look Outsidol Look Inside! Y O U C A N 'T MATCH A FRIGIDAIREI Nyssa ED. CASE FURNITURE COMPANY U. S. 20, No. of Y SUPER VALUE SALE J 'O Ä M ß J l* cYl&&dôu CL BUY NOW-THESE REDUCED PRICES SAVE YOU MONEY J h ' i& r u L . . . g j LU X 3 Pounds 83c 27c HOW m m n A Farmer Need* a Friend the aewer, letter floatiif Slip He needs a friend who can do a Iasi job, a job that will last— at a fair price. He needs a job done whether it be Fri day afternoon or Saturday afternoon— he is fighting to save the result of a year's hard work . . . Lare* O W YH E E TR U C K L IM PLE M E N T CO W ESTERN C O RRU G ATO R CO. H O LLIN G S W O R T H S ’, INC. N Y S S A IM P LE M E N T CO. le t 3 for # L U X TS!? Realty care •( tke Scran Stars BatkSin When a Farmer Needs a Friend! for 2 for le t HEALTH SOAP têts Skia Cliaaer lath Sire 2 for |*£ 3 for HOW 23c HOW 23c New 1 9 5 0 Rinso 0 contains S UUM HOW 25c HOW 23c He Needs His Local Implement Dealer A farmer needs a dealer who Is fran chised by the manufacturer . . . who has thousands of dollars invested in parts . . . who employs several local mechanics always at the fanner's serv ice . . . who is interested in seeing that you, Nr. Farmer make a profit from your farm. 2 UFEBUOY % FLAKES Gin faster Ricker Serfs U rie When weather threatens a h arvest. . . or bugs are ruining a crop . . . or weeds are crowding out young plants— AND A TRACTOR BREAKS DOWN . . . B & M EQ U IPM EN T CO. f»r SPRING SHOWING BUDGET BUILDING L I N K ' S S C H O O L of B U S I N E S S , Inc. These local business men listed below serve you economically, efficiently with new and used equipment whicn helps you make money . . . cuts labor . . . gives you time for enjoying life Support them! . . . They wael to be here . . . N 0 ! net ! m n Church N oies SUM MER S C H O O L Opening Dates—Monday, Howard F. Matthews, prominent democratic party worker and theatre owner of Ontario, has accepted the chairmanship of the Malheur county Flegel for Governor committee. Serving with Matthews on the Flegel committee will be James A. Richards, who operates a farm on Route 1, Ontario; R. R. Robertson, agent for Standard Oil company and member o f the Ontario school board; E. C. Wilson. Nvssa merchant and former member of the Nyssa city council; Ernest Metcalf, man ager of the Vale cooperative and master of Vale Grange; Oliver Con nors, manager of the Ontario Ele vator company. Ontario, and Joe Marquina. Ontario. Matthews has Just returned from a trip over the county and reports that every place he went, he found excellent support for Flegel's cam paign for the democratic nomination for Governor. P A G E T H R 1'** I Pound 31c ¡Ml M IT U r»* * * 53C 27c 3 for HOW 23c " * W 23c HEAVY WASH HARD WATER SUDS CHAMP SURF 2 7 « Pkg. AT FOLLOWING STORES IN NYSSA: EDER GROCERY THE FOOD MART GORDON'S DRIVE-IN WILSON SUPER MARKET POUNDS GROCERY NYSSA PACKING CO. NYSSA FOOD CENTER TAYLOR'S FOOD MARKET