Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1950)
PAC I Ext« I SUNS 1 teUon tensic | nrsda unit Coop Ore«; | Rr<bb bert Mr day's Iness | Clarl (Mel y ear the ! M PAGE TWO THF NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1950 Hi» lit-m l S c h o o l T o It«* I m p r o v e d BIO BEND, May 18—'T he Big Bend school district, a t a special election held May 11. voted to accept the budget lor drain in g th e basem ent and Installing lavatories Invited guests were, Mrs. Jo h n Packwood. Mrs. Leroy B ennett, H el en H atch and C has W itty Mrs Miles T eter w ent to Preston, Idaho W ednesday to a tte n d the funeral of her m other Mi and Mrs. C harles W itty and Joh n n y saw the m usic festival p a r ade S aturdey a t Boise. Mr and Mrs H orace C haney and fam ily visited Mrs. C haney's m other. Mr; Yorgenson, a n d sister Sunday at Em m ett. The prim ary election will be held Friday a t th e W ade for the Big Bend district. The Ooody Cooks m et a t the hom e of L aura Brock M onday. May 15 for their m other and d a u g h te r tea T he club girls gave a program con sisting of a skit, a song and a poem. They played bingo, gave th eir m oth- ers corsages a n d served re fre sh m ents. T he W ade 4-H C orney Cooks gave a p arty M onday a fte r school for th e ir m others, a t th e hom e of th eir leader. Mrs. H arvey B en n ett. T he boys served ham burgers, cookie,, m arshm allow s, punch a n d ice cream A fter supper th e boys gave a pro gram of readings "Som ebody's M other", by M erle a n d A lbert; "N o body Knows B ut M other", by J im my and Dwayne, T f I O nly W as the Fellow," by Dick a n d "W h at is u Boy”? by Mrs. B ennett. Livestock Club Meets— T h e dairy division of th e R ich- land 4-H Livestock club m et a t the G rid er home M onday evening to in spect and judge th e registered J e r- seys of Mr and Mrs. C harley O rider. E H H auser, county club agent, assisted the club in judging and show m anship. Mrs. O rid e r e x p la in ed th e contest for a Jersey calf to be given by th e M alheur Jersey C attle club to a 4-H club m em ber th is fall All of th e eligible m em bers have en tered th e contest. J. C. WATSON CO. U PPER SUNSET. May 18—M r and Mrs. Joseph C allahan and fam ily a tte n d ed th e m o th er’s day program a t th e new organized b ranch of th e L D S. church n ear Caldwell S u n day May 14 Corsages were given to all m others in attendance. Mrs. Jessie C allahan was honored by her fam ily of sons and daughters with a picnic a t Caldwell park S u n day evening May 14. T he Owyhee L D. S. church p re sented a m usical "T he M orning ' B reaks.'' given Sunday evening by the aaronic prlsthood boys and girls. Mrs. R u th Sessions was in ! charge and R ichard D alton was n a rra to r T h e stake presidency vis- sited the ward and released Jam es P eterson and W ayne B a rrett from the bishopric and Bi hop Maw chose W ayne B a rre tt as first counsellor and Vern G a rn er as second couns elor to assist him in the ward. T he M I A. of th e Owyhee L. D 8 ch u rch will hold its fire side m eeting a t the hom e o f Mrs. P e a rl B allantyne Sunday evening a fte r ch u rch services. A question box will be opened and a speaker will take charge of a class discus sion. Fay C allah an is working for Mrs. H argon of Caldwell, who recently underw ent a n operation. (lily S tarts I «'in*' New Shallow Well CONSULT US ABOUT YOUR T he city’s shallow well on south Second stre et has been placed in operation, giving the city four wells and a n adequate supply of w ater. C. E. S tockm an of Baker, con sulting engineer, supervised in sta l lation of two new electrically con trolled pum ps, w hich lift 600 gallons per m inute. T h e well will Be operated during the irrigation season, according to City M anager E. K Burton. SPRAYS AND DUSTS FOR POTATOES AND ONIONS FULL LINE OF FERTILIZER Orogon Cattlemen To Meet In Ontario In 'SI T he O regon C a ttle and Horse R aisers association, holding th e ir a n n u al m eeting in K la m a th Falls, huve voted to hold th eir 1951 con vention in O ntario. T h is inform ation was sent to Mul- heur C ounty Livestock association. T he exact dute of th e 1951 con vention was not announced. T. H. ELDREDGE Nyssa M an ag er F arm er In ju red — Fred M orton Injured him self F ri day when working on his calves on the Buckboard ranch. A calf's klck- I ing caused th e knife to slip, driving it to the bone in M orton’s left arm . | Oce Sehweizer, who had gone to the [ Buckboard place to assist M orton, ; placed a to u rn iq u e t on the injured | m an took him back to th e valley j for m edical tre a tm e n t late th a t ; evening. PHONES Office 60-W H en n em a n Urge* S tookm an O ffe rs (latitata I- G iven I*ureha*e Of Bonds A cadem y O p en in g s Itv O w vhee M. I. A. R esidence 71-W G eorge C. H ennem an. ch airm an of th e city council, today called upon resid en ts of Nyssa to do all in th e ir power to co-operate in tjie U. S. savings bonds independence j drive, w hich will open throughout th e n a tio n M ay 15 T h e sym bol of the drive is th e liberty bell, encircled by the cam paign them e "Save for your inde pendence. buy U. S savings bonds". "As c h a irm a n of the city council", Mr. H ennem an said. "I urge all wno are able to help th e volunteer sav ings bonds com m ittee to reach every possible bond buyer during th e c a m paign. T h e m ore we spread th e h a b it of reg u lar saving through the payroll savings plan or purchase of bonds a t banks and post offices, th e m ore we shall have done for o u r selves, our com m unity and our n a tio n ”. Nyssa W omen to La G rande— Mrs. Virgil McGee, Mis. LeRoy H errm an . Mrs. Leslie B allentyne a n d Mrs. B e rn ard Frost m otored to La G ra n d e S atu rd ay , w here they were guests a t th e E astern Oregon College of E ducation for M others' week-end T h e program included a lea on S a tu rd a y afternoon, a play a t th e college in the evening a n d a b reak fast a t th e Sacajaw ea hotel on S unday m orning. T he group r e tu rn ed to N yssa Sunday. C ongress Lowell 8 to ck m an of the I second d istric t of O regon will have two vacancies a t th e U. S m ilitary 1 academ y. W est P oint. New York, for J the class beginning Ju ly 1, 1951. a n d one vacancy for th e sam e class a t the U. 8 nav al academ y, A nnapolis, M aryland. A pplicants for these vacancies m ust be residents of th e second dis tric t of O regon. T h e congressm an will have com petitive e xam inations conducted by th e civil service com m ission M onday. Ju ly 17, 1950. to aid In th e selection of nom inees for both academ ies. All boys who a re in terested and qualified should w rite im m ediately to C ongressm an Lowell Stockm an, house office building, W ashington. D. C., so th ey m ay receive additio n al info rm atio n a n d be a d m itte d to the exam ination. C andidates fo r th e m ilita ry aca d emy m ust be betw een th e ages of 17 a n d 22 years a t th e d a te of a d m ission (July 1. 1951). C andidates for th e naval academ y m ust n o t be less th a n 17 years of age nor m ore th a n 21 years of age on April 1 of th e c alen d a r year (1951i in w hich th ey e n te r th e naval academ y. T hese age requirem ents a re s ta t utory a n d c an n o t be waived, except in cases of can d id ate s who have served honorably for not less th a n one year in a n y of th e arm ed forces of th e U nited S ta te s during W orld W ar II. In such eases, a c andidate m ay e n te r the m ilitary academ y provided h e has n o t passed his 24th b irth d a y on th e first ot Ju ly in th e year d u rin g w hich he would en te r th e m ilitary academ y, a n d he can e n te r th e naval academ y if h e is n o t m ore th a n 23 years of age on A pril I of the calen d ar year in w hich he en te rs th a t academ y. A pplicants m ust be u n m arried , should be h igh school seniors, or g rad u ates of h igh school, o r college students, a n d in p erfect physical ' condition. j To Vale— A group from th e Nyssa R ebekah lodge m otored to Vale T uesday evening to a tte n d th e in itia tio n cerem ony of th e Vale R ebekah lodge. NOW OPEN NEWELL'S BODY SHOP Highway 20 In Building Formerly Occupied By Oregon Radiator Works •W e Specialize In Auto Body R epair And P ainting Com e In And Let Us Give You a F ree Estim ate SATISFACTION GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS That are a" \^SNAP WE WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY, MAY 19 th to Keep Bright and Clean (PRIMARY American We urge you to exercise your re sponsibility of citizenship by going to the polls. Venetian Blinds SNAPy( SWISH Vote as you please • • They're Out! but be sure to vote! NYSSA BRANCH They’re Cleon! FIRST As Close As Your PHONE N y ssa Furniture Store DAY) For your convenience we will be open regular hours on Friday, May 19. S N A P -S LA T H ere's enduring beauty for your hornet A single snap and each slat is free for easy cleaning. And they’re clean-quick alum inum — w arp-proof, rust-proof, chip-proof and fireproof! They close tight as a tick, to o l In your choice of lustrous colors. Priced low. ELECTION // S v h .......~ ' E * x^ f - NATIONAL BANK OF P O R T L A N D MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE ’1 CO RPO RA TIO N 1 Block W est of R R. D epot Phone 149-W 4 Just HOW Have You Saved 15% fi ati fire insurance? ___ ONE OF SIX MODERN NEW T aU m HOMES V- ^ Y ou’ve heard the saying. “One ro tte n apple can spoil the box.’* That applies to fire insurance, too. “One big fire can affect the cost of fire insurance for all property own ers in this community.” The G e n e r a l avoids this possi b ility by not insuring “ro tten apples.” They insure preferred risks only. And they inspect properties insured by them even further to re duce fire hazard. T h at is wrhy G e n e r a l ' s losses are fewer — and that is how owners of “preferred risk” properties have saved 15 ‘i on fire insurance m the G e n e r a l ! Ask for details. « . . . . that Are Easy to Get at Boise Payette THE GENERAL it a strong c a p it a l stock co m p a n y with an outstanding rec ord for p ro m p t, fair set tlement of lo ss e s. It is a SELECT company for own ers of SELECT properties. Your local Boise Payette yard is ready to meet the special home requirements of farm families with these six brand new, modern Farm Home Plans which are now in the 4 Square Building Service Probably no other home designs have been given so much thought and care in planning. The best ideas of Home Demonstration Agents, Horne Economists, Engineers, Architects and Farm Women have gone into these homes They vary as to number of bedrooms, one-floor or two-floor Diana. Special attention has been paid to modern bathrooms and efficient kitchens Each home has a practical service-utility room—the room of so many uses which also serves as buffer between farmyard and home interior. Oet T h u FREE Booklet at Your Local Boiao Poyotto Yard . . . ar Mall Coupon It ahows Moor p la n t and olevationa. gives dotaila and dimensions of each of tho six (arm homos Blue prints aro available when you aro ready to build Boise Payette Lumber Company G eneral Offices P.O. Box 200 Boise, Idaho RENSTROM INSURANCE AGENCY GENERAI I S DF AM ERICA ' j I | “The C pilai .Sfori i'om pan* o f Preferred A filli“ . Please sand me FREE and postpaid your booklet on the ti i new. modern Farm Hornet. I LU M B ER | I N am e............ ..................................................................... | | Add r e s t .............. .......... | I I Poet O f f ic e ............. ........................................................... I I I ' C. F. MINK, Manager Phone 15 Nyssa | | I L ........................................... ................— ! L