Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1950)
PA- Ext SON: Utli» teas! nevi unit Coo I O r« RoW beri M day’ lues Clm tew yew the M THE N Y SSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA . OREGON. TH U R SD A Y, M A Y 18. 1950 PAGE SIX | lowing the ceremony, the lg friends welcome by the president. Delores ! and relatives were guests at a lunch- Coffman and the response by the chapter mother, Mrs. Ron Campbell, 1 eon. The groom Is employed at the Annettee Campbell provided the Nyssa airport as a pilot The couple musical score and Phyllis Galloway MARRIAOK VOWS TAKEN At a double ring ceremony per will reside In Nyssa at the veterans gave the narration. The members of the high school housing unit. formed last Saturday evening In I classes modeled sport outfits, after Sunset valley, Miss Betty Altizer, | noon sheers, formals and tailored F H A PR ENTS SHOW daughter of Mr and Mrs W T. : In the little auditorium In the clothing. The adult tailoring class Altizer. and LaMar Orr, son of new high school building last Fri modeled the tailored garments made Mr. and Mrs. William Orr. were day evening, the members of the during the aduK sewing course. The united In marriage Bishop Rich I Future Homemakers club presented last garment modeled was the man's ard Maw officiated at the candle their annual spring style show tailored shirt made by Mrs Ray light ceremony, performed against The background of the stage dis Russell and skillfully modeled by a floral setting The bride played silhouettes of sewing equip her husband. The program also included a duet was lovely In a simple white gown, ment and a fashion plate, against a with a corsage of red rosebuds. Fol- green lining. After the address of "I love a Little Cottage' by Angela Peterson and Janice Campbell; a violin solo T o Spring” by Donna Lee Wilson, accompanied by Mrs. Carlos Buchner and a girls sextet number, “Mother”. Mrs. Charles Steffens Is -elub advisor, and in structor of the sewing classes. Sarta! i\ntcs if SATURDAY, MAY 20lh IS Straw Hat Day White Anklets Continuous Rib « CdfW Rag. 35c * ® T* Fri.. Sat.. Mon. Children's Training Panties Yellow. Pink 19c Blue. White Sizes 2. 4. 6 LADIES' N YLO N W e a r a I iff h i iv it I g ii r straw! an d k e e p a c o o l h e a d Ih il gam m er! Hose 88C SLIGHT IKKKGIT.AKK GU ARAN TEED Boys' Hose $ 1 .0 0 4 PAIR GUARANTEED 4 MONTHS MEN'S RED BA LL CHAM BRAY Shirts Your WRIGHT SflRAW hat I iuh l»r«*n c a r e fu lly fo r llg h t n e » » — fo r a lig h t M r iw tiirtMiM r o ii/ c o m f o r t . In t h e ncwcMt unci nm urtcftt • h op e* a m l n ty lm . d o m e In to d a y a n d ta k e y o u r c h o ic e fr o m a w id e « e le c t io n . Sanforized Sizei 14 Vk to 17 D A Y 'S SU NTAN Pants Sanforized $1.98 to $4.98 Dry Goods $1.19 Sizes 29 to 42 ___ $3.98 _X Ray BRACKEN’S ClothingJ Fitting Nyssa, Oregon Telephone 105 a window of the Peterson Furniture company store May 29 Refresh ments were served by Mrs Blanche Dolan, Mrs. Richard Butcher and Mrs Elmer Jacques. Joint installation of aerie and auxiliary officers will be held June 7 at 8 p. m. with Bernard Frost as installing officer and Miss Kay Peterson as Installing conductress. Kp-Apportioiifiipiit Plan Disfusseil At Grange Meeting Here From Milton— Mr and Mrs. Forrest Snodgrass of Milton, Oregon were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. Jersey Chib To Meet— A special meeting of the Malheur Jersey Cattle club will be held Sat urday night at 8:30 in the Nyssa high school agriculture room to complete plans for the spring Jer sey show to be held May 27. . NYSSA PROGRAM Te le p h o n e 1 0 8 THEATRE SATURDAY, MAY 20 "R oughshod" * with Robert Sterling— Gloria Grahame Return To flomi Mrs Roselee Zickuhr of Freewater and her daughter. Mrs. Delores Grechlan of Los Angeles left for their homes last Thursday after vis iting at the home of Mrs. Zickuhr's daughter. Mrs. Max Hull, for a week. CARTOON AND OTHER SHORTS Matinee Saturday 2:30; Admission 30c-9c The legislative representation re- appartionment plan was discussed at the regular meeting of the Ore gon Trull Orange last week. The matter will be voted on In the general election to be held In the Here From Preston— fall. Mrs. Jared Lewis of Preston was ' Mrs. Thelma Parr, home eco nomics chairman, announced that in Nyssa over the week-end. Mrs. \ the next meeting of the club will Lewis and family will soon move to ‘ be held at the O em t Siam home Nyssa to join Mr. Lewis, district in June. manager of the Amalgamated Sugar Announcement was made that | company. the Pomona Grange will meet at j --------------------------- * Big Bend May 27 Sessions will Here From Washington— be held all day and In the evening j Mr and Mrs. Laurence Powell and because of the necessity of m aking! daughter, Carol, of Liberty Lake, plans for the Oregon State Orange Washington visited over the week- sessions to be held in Ontario end at the home of Mr and Mrs. in June. Cliff Main. Mrs. Powell Is the for Refreshments were served by Mr. mer Erma Hamlin, who formerly and Mrs. Roland Holmes, Mr. and operated a beauty shop In Nyssa. Mrs Dimmick and Frank Sher wood. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, MAY 21-22 "Easy Living" with Sonny Tufts— Victor Mature Lucille Ball— Lizabeth Scott Loaded with rugged sensational thrills of professional football. The story of a he man who made his living FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN Mr and Mrs Eldon Ulmer were the hard way. Matinee Sunday 2:30; AdmissionJ10c-9c________ guests Monday evening at a farewell party held at the home of Mr and TUESDAY, MAY 23 Mrs. A. C. Sallee An outdoor buf fet supper was enjoyed, followed by Joe Palooka In an evening of cards. A gift was presented Mr and Mrs. Ulmer, who plan to leave in the near future for with Fairbanks. Alaska The party was Joe Kirkwood— Leon Erroll arranged by Mrs. Ted Morgan and also Mrs. C J Kopp —§— Bowery Boys In HOSTESS TO TUESDAY CLUB Coming Events The members of the Tuesday evening bridge club were guests of Vets Completing Coming Events— WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MAY 24-25 Mrs. C A Mally at her home this Monday, May 22—hospital aux- week Mrs. George Mitchell was a Poppies For Sale iUary. 8 p. m., Wesleyan service guest player. High score was held guild. IN TECHNICOLOR by Mrs Ed Frost and second high The last of approximately 35 mil Tuesday, May 23—Class night at by Mrs. J. L. Herrlman. lion crepe paper poppies ordered high school. with _ |_ by the American Legion auxiliary Thursday. May 25—2 p. m., gen John Wayne— Joanne Dru ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED for Poppy day this year are now eral meeting of W. S. C. S. at John Agar— Ben Johnson Mr and Mrs. W. O. Peterson have being completed by disabled w a r, church with installation of officers. announced the engagement of their veterans, according to Mrs. Rolland Commencement. Here is a roaring drama of love and glory in the days daughter, Angela, to Leo Long, son Laurance, poppy chairman of the | Friday, __ May ________ 26—Delphian society. of America’s flaming frontier._____________ of Mr W C. Long of Burns. The Nyssa unit of the auxiliary. The , Amity club at 8 p. m. young couple are both members of little red memorial flowers will be this year's graduating class at Nyssa distributed by auxiliary volunteers worn In lionor of the world high school No date has been set to wur dead. for the wedding. More than 10,000 disabled vet - I - erans of both world wars have been RIDERH HOLD DANCE given employment In filUng the Members of the Owyhee Riding club and their friends enjoyed a auxiliary's big jioppy order. Mrs. square dancing party Friday even Laurance said. The work has been ing In the Oregon Trail building. in hospitals In all parts of the ■ The second social event of this type country and In convalescent work- this year was well attended. Dale rooms maintained by the auxiliary. Oarrison furnished the music and The flowers are hand-shaped re Mrs. William Dunn and several local plicas of the wild popies which men did the calling. A late supper grew "between the crosses, row on row” In the 'battle cemeteries I n : was served. Europe. —8 - Friday and Saturday, May 19 & 20 HONORED AT PARTY Mrs. Desmond Jones was hostess Award Program, Shop early or shop la le . . . shop at a handkerchief shower Wednes Monday or Saturday or any of the day of last week In honor of Mrs. Dance Scheduled Thomas Seppich. who will move soon days between. You're sure of savings to Ogden. Three tables of canasta Award night will be observed by j here! Our low prices on dependable were In play. Prizes went to Mrs, Nyssa high school Tuesday, May 23 quality foods save you m oney......... Campbell Baer and Mrs. Reed at 8 o'clock In the new auditorium. Gyllenskog. Mrs Seppich received Our extra service saves you shopping The public is invited to attend many lovely handkerchiefs. the program. time........... - 8 — As another graduation week act EAGLES AUXILIARY MEETS ivity. the Olrls league will sponsor j The members of the Eagles aux a dance to be held after commence iliary met Tuesday evening for its ment Thursday night. May 25. monthly initiation and social meet Shane's orchestra will furnish music ing The new members are Mrs for the dance, which the public Is Roland Whitman, Mrs. Emllv Myers invited to attend In the old gym Serve W ith Fruit Or Ice Cream and Mrs, F N Brown. nasium. During the business part of the meeting, plans were discussed for Bank To Stay Open— the sale of flowers Memorial day. The Nyssa branch of the First The flowers will be on display in National Bank of Portland will be open during its regular banking hours on primary election day, Fri FRESH B A K E D day. May 19, according to George M ADE FROM LEAN FINE Mitchell local manager. “ Election day affords each of us an opportun FLAVORED BEEF ity to exercise our fundamental democratic right, and we urge every one to go to the polls.” said Mitchell. | "At the same time, we consider It our obligation to provide the public with banking services at times that suit Its convenience. Therefore, if you need banking facilities on elect ion day. you'll find us at work and ready to serve you.” "The Big Fight" "Lucky Losers" "She W ore A Yellow Ribbon" him sums Gordon's Drive-In ANGEL FOOD ICED each 490 Cakes FRENCH Fryers Sweet Rolls doz. 59c FINE FOR BREAKFAST Ground Beef lb. 5 3 0 N U T R IT IO N VEGETABLES 18 Girl Wins Scholarship— One of the tuition scholarships sponsored by the Oregon 8tate | Mothers club was presented to Mild- | red Leo during Mothers week-end | at Oregon State college. Twelve of these scholarships were awarded to Oregon State college students to further their education at the in stitution. The consideration of these awards was based on scholarship and ability. RECIPE OF THE WEEK \ Carrots_ _ _ _ _ 2bunches 1 5 0 Celery lb. 8 0 Oranges, small, juicy, lb. 1 3 0 TOWN HOUSE PURITY NEWS VIEWS BY LE W H E R R IM A N 25% Off—Large Assortment Ladies' Dresses RACK FULL TO CHOOSE FROM Com e Early Before They Are Picked Over WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE PHONE 32 X-R A Y SHOE FITTING • NYSSA each $ 1 .2 9 2 for 2 5 0 Picnic Hams lb. 3 9 # Save! On Dollar—Stretching Values STARTS THURSDAY MORNING, MAY FRESH DRESSED PAN READY LEAN SHORT SHANK Bread Dollar Days Sale A ___ No matter how you look at it. this Is an Interesting world. Adding to the general Interest Is the news story that German Communists hare branded Betty Hutton as a "warmonger” , and Irving Berlin's musical “ Annie Get Your Oun” as a warmongering play. That's carry ing propaganda to a conclusion that's as idiotic os giving transfus ions to celery and calling It rhubarb. We've never seen a musical show yet that got us thinking seriously about war. We're so naive we never realised a girl singing about June night and moonlight was actually stirring up an international brawl. Did you? An Illinois soda Jerker was hos pitalised when he sprained hLs bark whipping cream. The stuff must have come from discontented cows. Driving s discontented car can mean a lot of unnecessary expense and worry And we have the answer to problem. It’s regular, expert service by skilled mechanics using top-notch equipment You get all this and low prices too at HERRI MAN MOTOR CO. Phone 77 H«rriman M otor Company Crackers, HI-C pkg. 2 9 0 46 oz. tin Orange Juice i1 for $ 1 .0 0 YOUNG TENDER 3 FOR Green Beans DEL MONTE Pineapple SPRY N o. 2 tin 4 3 0 CRUSHED Wo. 2 tin 3 lb. tin Shortening 830 Fruit Marlow 6 tablespoons Sego milk. Ms cup crushed pineapple. •undralned. 3 tablespoons sugar. 6 marshmallows, quartered. 1‘ i teaspoons lemon juice. package lemon gelatin. Few grains salt. H cup boiling water. Chill milk until ico cold. Mix pine apple, sugar, marshmallows, lemon juice end salt. Chili thoroughly, stir- ring now and then. Dissolve lemon gelatin in boiling water. Chill until slightly thicker than unbeaten egg whites. Fold in fruit mixture. W hip chilled milk with cold rotary beater, or electric beater, until stiff. Fold into gelatin mixture. Pile into 4 deesert dishes. Chill until firm. Makes 4 servings. ♦Canned apricots, pressed through a sieve can alto be used. You set'll a eelt Sego milk, crushed pineapple, marshmallows, lemon-flavored gel atin. sugar and lemons. NUTRADIET FOODS PEACHES PEARS LARGE PACKAGE Bisquick 270 W a y jC et 430 DEL MONTE Peaches case $ 4 .1 0 303 TIN, 3 FOR SLICED OR HALVES 53c APRICOTS FRUIT CO CK TAIL PINEAPPLE JUICE APPLE JUICE CARROT JUICE W H O LE W H E A T R A W SUGAR VEGETABLE JUICE Gordon’s Drive-In Market “ The Home o f Quality and Service 99