Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. «MAY 19. 1950 PAGE FOUR j Madras called at the Ora Extension Unit i home last week The two limtulls O ff freni were formerly neighbors In Newgen Patton's third army In Europe Mr families Nltka is an electrical engineer woi*- Wilder Ing on a government contract in Members of the Owyhee young Alaska Mr and Mrs Nltka and people's Sunday school class had a SUNSET VALLEY, May 1»— Instal weiner roast Friday evening at Rock Mr and Mrs. Clonlnger were din lation of officers of the Sunset ex •Springs. Twelve members were with ner guests at the home of Mr. and tension unit was held at the Wed their teacher. Mrs. William Oregg Mrs Albert Notnels Wednesday eve nesday afternoon meeting of the > were present ning. Mr and Mrs Nitkas left F ri unit at the home of Mrs. Orover Mrs Laura Ditty of Appleton City. day. returning to Alaska. Cooper Installed were Mrs Wallace Sharon Query won first place Fri Missouri, who has spent the winter Gregg as president. Mrs Jam es as houseguests at the home of Mr day In the grade school field day Robb vice-president, and Mrs. Her and Mrs John Reeves of Nyssa vis spelling match in Adrian. This Is bert Bertram, secretary-treasurer ited Saturday In Sunset valley Mrs the second year in which Sharon has Mrs. June Burke presented the Ditty was a dinner guest at the won top honors In spelling day's lesson "Oregon Law and Bus home of Mrs. Clarence Dodson and Mrs Wayne Garner and daughter, iness". Mrs Burke, formerly June Norman Jean, arrived home last Clarke, was the first home economics a supper guest at the Robert Ditty Sunday. Mrs. Oarner had been 111 home. Laura Ditty was returning teacher In Adrian high school 11 to her home in Missouri, leaving for over a month. In the hospital years ago, and remembered many of j Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John and later at the home of her par the 12 members present j Iteeves and their son. Walt, by car ents, Mr and Mrs Bruce Pett. Mr and Mrs C. W Van Cleef of Mrs. Oce Schwelzer has been In Mr. and Mrs Norman Garner and | bed with Influenza. Mr and Mrs Keith 8toker left Wed Mrs. Nelson Field cut her finger to nesday on a trip to Idaho Falls. the bone Wednesday, necessitating Master Kenneth Garner stayed with FOR YOUR PLUMBING I his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Vern several stitches Rex Langley came home from Garner NEEDS Mrs. Clyde Diderlckson and child school Tuesday with the mumps. Mrs Joe Oallcndo was taken to ren of Caldwell arrived Saturday Bath Sets, Water Heaters the Nyssa nursing home Thursday morning, spending the day at the and Pressure Systems by Mrs. Chester Bowns. Mrs G al- Jam es Chadd home lendo. wife of a worker on the farm, Herbert Bergam spent Saturday Call was expected home the first of the doing preparatory work for the lay week ing of a foundation of a garage J . C. S M I T H Week-end guests at the John R ef- for Mrs Marie Black fett home were Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dinner guests at the Robert Ref 13 Years In Nyssa Hite and family of Haines, and Mrs. fett home Sunday included Mr. and Ixilu Reffett and family Mrs. R ef- Mrs Harry Garner and family, and Phone 78-J fetl accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Hite Mr and Mrs Ned Campbell Reffett on their return to Haines. plans to start planting corn Monday. Lewis Mitchell and Walt Hillis de Mr and Mrs. Leonard Nltka of Fairbanks, Alaska were house guests horned cattle on both farms Sunday. last week, visiting at the home of Parma visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Sher Mr and Mrs. Elmer Clonlnger Mrs. man Wilson and sons, and Mrs Nltka r a do e friend of Mr and Donna Curtis visited at the Ora Mrs. Clotiinger’s daughter. Hinemoa, Newgen home the first of the week. LIABILITY Insurance for when both were nurses with Gen. Mr and Mrs Harley Wilson spent the week-end In Haines your passenger ears only Mr and Mrs. Richard Hobson and family of Leota, Kansas arrived $17 PER YEAR. Monday to visit relatives In the val ley Richard Is the son of Mr and No additional assessments Mrs. E. J Hobson Mr and Mrs. Devon Larson and or membership fees. family moved last week to the Roy Rookstool farm. Devon Is working for Wayne Barrett. Willie Gilbert sold his cattle and horses this week and rented his farm Krai Estate anil Insurance to Vers Sessions. Oilbert left Wed 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 nesday for Woodland, California to For Evening Appointments visit his grandmother. Mr and Mrs. Fred Mitchell left Phone 81-M Monday for Evanston, Wyoming. He will build a house In Wyoming for his nephew. Will McGalh. and plans on spending the summer there. Mr and Mrs. Jam es Robb were hosts Sunday to four families as mother's day dinner guests at their home. Included were the family of Pete Wilson, Hudson Robb. Bill Hamilton, and Wayne Robb. Mrs Anna Oregg was honor guest ut a Mother's day dinner at the with our grain-fed home of Mr and Mrs. Wallace Oregg Sunday. Also present were Herschel HEREFORD BABY BEEF Gregg and children. Mrs. E. J. Hobson attended the fed in our own feed lot. all-day meeting of the Nazarene missionary meeting at the home of This is the best young grain-fed Ida Bell Fischer Thursday. Taking a politick lunch, the ladles sewed all ment that you can buy (lav Dinner guests at the home of Mr c ; k t a s i d e oh w h o l e c a r c a s s and Mrs. Seth Kidman Sunday In cluded Mrs. Kidman's parents, Mr and Mrs Henry Ankeny of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs John Tucker of Nampa Phone 381 -W and Caldwell guests, Mr. and Mrs Blaine Devlin and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Parrot. Many in the valley attended the blossom festival in Payette S atu r day. Thomas Nishltani marched in the parade with veterans. Following the parade. Mrs. Nishltani attended u birthday party at the Roy Hash- itani home In Ontario. The occasion celebrated Susan Hashltanl'a second birthday Master David Nishltani wa unable to attend the puilv M he hus been having bronchial l rouble. Charles Chapin left Friday for La Grande to attend the Eastern Ore gon track meet. He entered as a runner In the events. Miss Mary Bowers was a guest Sunday at the W L Chapin home for a fried chicken dinner. Hawkins has been doing quite a bit of land-leveling on the Chapin farm this past week This Is the last week of school for Mrs Wayne Robb, with baccalaure ate services planned for Sunday evening and graduation exercises Thursday evening in Parma. Jim Bevin of Ogden was a dinner guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Chester Bowns Friday. Bevin was SHEET METAL AND HEATINC5 on a business trip 24 Hour Service Mr. and Mrs Glenn Knottingham 417 Arcadia Blvd Phone Ul-W of Boise were week-end guests at the O P Counsll home Nyssa, Oregon Mrs Ida Rataeiyk ol Tacoma left Thursday for her home with her son. Marion Rataezyk and his wife of Seattle. Mrs. Ida Rataezyk had visited six days at the home of her brother-in-law. M A. Rataezyk. Mrs. Magnus Ekanger and Mrs. Harold Pylllngness shopped in Boise Friday. Ontario shoppers included Mrs Seth Kidman, Mrs Clarence Dodson. Mrs. Ed Steiner, and Mrs. Jam es Chadd. Mr and Mrs George Hashitani of Ontario were Wednesday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Nishltani. Hashitani has rented a farm In Newell Heights and will soon be moving there. Mrs. Beula Holmes ol La Grande was an overnight guest Tuesday evening at the home ol her niece, Mrs Clarence Dodson Mrs Holmes spent the remainder of the week visiting in Ontario at the tLeslle Ditty home before returning to La Orande. Mrs. Delbert Garner and Mrs Henrietta Maw attended the L. D. S stake sewing bee held in Ontario Thursday Clark Rookstool was an overnight guest at the home of Mrs. Lila garet Louise Mitchell Friday and Saturday. Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Neal and two children of Boise and Chamberlain basin were visitors at the Neil Dim- mick home Sunday. Mr. Neal pur chased a palomino mare and colt from Dimmick. NEWS OF RECORD — MARRIAGE LICENSES Ray Thurman Plercy and Mar- E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Paits and accessories Phone 56-W KAISER-FRAZER Sales & Service FURNACE AND STOKER SERVICE EXTRA V AtUi istmSSSS VS« “Aas F O R 20 HOW »O R O N L t H 79 m q p »ich y0 “ 1 ,u „ it buu -lib » , l " . Th, lovely du,l.purpo»«' iU „ t v c y ° ° . < !* “ * " ’ ' £ . *«>«■ Highway 30— East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 ,o , ,D g p e rfo r»- , , demon»1'*" economy liuo ol y o u 'll **• * j „o d el 'oJ , y ' ».»•• ” , i T&zsr-' ^ BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. »,,r ;,o « . ««* (loo IO I» 60 If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. o il W illiam L. O rr of Nyssa and Betty I Jo Altizer of Boise. _____ B la d e : „ FILL UP YOUR LOCKER OR DEEP FREEZE JACOB FISCHER both « .l o o . « “ J * FARMERS! Ken Pond Agency Garwood, Many Oth*r Models on Display! ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION G 6> B STORE NYSSA, ORE. 2 ARCADIA BLVD. "SPRING HINT/ .Checkdt ft® SafeW Iron Fireman Furnaces and Stokers Lennox Furnaces Conco Furnaces and Stokers All Kinds of Sheet Metal and Repair Work WIGGER AND PURVIS Repair or Remodel For Spring B, l est reason in the world for having your Buick safety-checked this May —you ’llget a great deal more AMKE SAFE IN — SAFE SU/VIAAER/V PLAY ALL pleasure out of driving it. ■y You’ll travel carefree all summer if you have a Buick specialist check over your brakes and wheel bear ings now—see that your steering is true and easy—look into stop lights, taillights, turn indicators, horn and other warning signals. Our own shop is Buick headquarters —our men are trained and experi enced old hands on Buicks. Bring your Buick to us for your pre summer safety check-over, and let us make sure you can wheel over the highroad in perfect peace of mind. Make it safe in May—and you can play safely all summer. s? We will be glad to give you complete information on how you can repair, remodel or paint your buildings on easy terms with three years to pay YOUR BUSINESS, AS ALWAYS IS GREATLY APPRECIATED FOR QUALITY LUMBER AT LOWER COST Call The Nyssa Lumber Co. John Ostrom, owner Phan* 111 W Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave. PHONE 12 sa »*: