Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1950)
PAC THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1950 PAGE FOUR Ext« 4 » H - A c q u a i n t e d BUNi latior tens>< nesdi unit Coop NU-ACRES, May 18— Kyle Sager spent Tuesday night with Donald Baines of Fruitland. Friends and neighbors gathered ai the hall Thursday night for a get- acquainted party and shower for Mr. and Mrs Ray Edmonson Refresh ments were served and the newly weds received many lovely gifts. Mrs. Ralph Baxter made a bus iness trip to Caldwell Tuesday Mr and Mrs. Joe Montague made a trip to Boise Thursday evening, calieri there because of the illness of Mrs Montague’s mother, Mary Ott This community was quite well represented at Ontario this week P a rty Ores; Robb bert Mr day’* lnes> Clar tend year the M lis ( ¿ ¡ v e i l YO U R Sewing Machine Modernized to Portable electric, or Console Table Stand New parts for all machines. Reverse units Installed One hundred per cent guarantee repairing. Rebuilt machine bargains. . . . F. 'Late" SACKETT » « » South First Street 3 rd House South of Nyssa-Vale llig liw a v Since I HIM) I N No IS 12 Vrs. Ontario vmiie WATT l ^ O e k e Mother happy O n her day D o right by har The ’lectric way. COM PANY SERVICE C A I I S PH O N E 111M H I-W A Y 20 No. NYSSA, when the special train of President Truman was in town. Several from this community played in the Pay- ette-Fruitland band Mr and Mrs Cecil Evans and Janice Evans attended a Pomona Orange meeting at Unity Thursday evening Mr and Mrs. Eldon Oray of Mer idian and Mr. and Mrs Elmer Huter and boys were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Bill Orasmick Johnny Puckett was an afternoon caller Mrs M C Seuell was hostess for circle four of the Fruitland Meth odist church Tuesday evening. Fern Hutchinson and Emma Orcutt were assistant hostesses. Jim Me D Roe and his mother made a business- trip to La Orande Thursday with Mr and Mrs Carl Me D Roe and fam ily of Ontario Ethel Durrlngton. Pearl Samuels. Allda Smtt and Alice Sutherland met at the home of Ara Mae Pres ton Thursday afternoon to audit the books of the Farmerettes club for the year Just closed. Mrs. Bob Shaw and Mrs. Frank Preston made a business trip to On tario aand Payette Thursday. Carlos Hale of Prairie City, Ore gon visited his sister, Mrs. Joe Mon tague last Thursday Mrs Thomas Nedbalek Is much improved in health and is up and around part of the time. Ara Mae Preston spent Wedm- day with Martha Nedbalek and helped cook dinner for the men. who ran the cement for the basement of the Nedbalek house. Sunday visitors at the Dwight Durrlngton home were Mr and Mrs. P A Butcher and sons of Notus. Mrs. Palmer Ross and children of Nampa spent Thursday afternoon and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans. Mr and Mrs Bill Harm and child ren of Pocatello called one day last week at the Ed Meroney home Mr and Mrs Richard Jenkins had Sunday dinner with the Curtis Fry family Jenkins Is working on the Charles Prltzl farm near New Plymouth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trent stop ped on their way to visit his folks at Parma, and visited Mr. and Mrs H E Sager and family. Mr Trent has been living at Cambridge. Idaho, but recently sold his place there Mr and Mrs. Ralph Baxter were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. la-e Curtis of Adrian. Mrs Ed Meroney and Joy Cullen were Saturday dinner guests of Mrs O a . Wherry In Payette. Mary Jo Jenkins and Dick Hawley. Fruitland seniors from this com munity, went on the senior "sneak” to New Meadows last Thursday and Friday. Mr and Mrs. Bill Oras mick went with the group Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hiatt and family of Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs H. E. Sager. Mr and Mrs, Metis have moved to the farm formerly owned by Frank Olson Mr. and Mis. Olson are now at Nampa. Evelyn Evans has been named the A U S T I N U K G El. Democratic Columbia Couple Return From Visit HOME LOANS POND AGENCY Out-Our-Way (Hub 75c and up _______ Try Our Daily Merchant Lunch FIRST NAME IN IRONING^ Special! C IU A LI 1 -Hofpaini- 1 rr <*x$><$><§<s)®0) Automatic Electric Ironer 70C 0 B u d g e t^ New 1950 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. 0 HAIL SAVINGS Li Served From 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. 0 INSURED KEN REGULAR DINNERS f Eastern Oregon Federal Savings and Loan Two Union Pacific Carl’s Doll House Candidate For GOVERNOR valedictorian of her eighth grade home of Mrs. William Ashcraft in Jim R id de winning prizes. Refresh ments were served. graduating class at Fruitland. Adrian Friday afternoon. Guests of Mr and Mrs. D. L. I On Fishing Trip— Mr and Mrs. Ed Case and daugh ” “ rsl Glenn Knickerbocker of Cairo and ter, Broshla, spent the week-end on M e n V is it G r a n g e Mr and Mrs. Roy Carte of Myrtle a fishing trip to Beulah resevoir. Creek. They report excellent trout fishing. K IN G M A N K O LO N Y Mav 18—The Kingman Orange met Monday even- 1 ing with Mrs Oscar Schafer and Mrs Emil Wohlcke as hostesses. Mr Puller and Mr Johnson of the Union Pacific with headquarters at COLUM BIA, May 18— Mr and Mrs. | Boise were guest speakers. Mr Jake Van Twisk visited at the home Puller also showed a movie on 8un of Mr and Mrs. John Kooptnan of IT COSTS NO MORE TO Valley and Mr. Johnson spoke on Ontario Sunday afternoon. Callers at the George Smit home i freight rales. BUY H A IL INSURANCE for Mr and Mrs. Leonard Nichols of in Nu-Acres Sunday afternoon were Mr and Mrs. Joe Stam of Nyssa Richland. Washington and Mrs EARLY. BUY NOW and Construction, Repair Mary Nichols of Homedale were din- and Mr and Mrs. Dick Oroot. Mrs Ray Weatherspoon and sons I ner guests in the J. O. Lane home be protected the entire of Nu-Acres visited Mrs. Florence | Friday or Purchase John Thiel returned home from Larsson Monday. season. Low rates. Tuesday afternoon visitors of Mr. the veterans hospital in Boise Fri LONG TERM LOW RATES day. He is still confined to his bed and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk were Mr. but was enough improved to lea/e and Mrs. Jake Oroot of Arcadia and Ken Pond Agency QUICK SERVICE their house guests, Mr and Mrs. the hospital Real Estate and Insurance The Pollyanna club met at the Kris Kak o f Milwaukie. Mr and Mrs. John Broad returned home of Mrs J. O. Lane Thursday 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 afternoon, with Mrs John Thiel as Friday evening from a visit with For Evening Appointments assistant hostess Mrs. Archie Moses relatives and friends in Coqullle and , 16 NORTH THIRD ST. and Mrs. James Phifer were guests. other coastal cities. Phone 54-M Mrs. Grant Rinehart and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roberts and sons are living in the tenant house Hilda Tensen of Nyssa called on on the Kreager farm again this year Mrs. John Broad Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot enter I The Roberts family who are from Missouri have worked for Mr. tained at a luncheon Monday in observance of Mrs. Oroot’s birthday. Kreager in former years. Mr and Mrs. Byrd of Ontario and Places were laid for 11 guests. Mr and Mrs. Pete v. d. Oord, their daughter. Mrs. Holloday and three granddaughters, who live in Mrs. Dick Stam, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ukiah, Oregon, were all guests of Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot Mr. and Mrs. Perry French while and Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam at J Mr Holliday enjoyed fishing in the tended the funeral services for Owyhee reservoir Mrs. Byrd Is a Meldert Hart at Caldwell Saturday afternoon. daughter of Mr French. Mr and Mrs. Kris Kak o f M il Mr and Mrs J G. Lane and Myrna accompanied a group from waukie, Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. the United Presbyterian church to Jake Oroot of Arcadia spent W ed Weiser Sunday evening church ser nesday evening at the Dick Oroot vices, held Jointly with the other home. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Oroot of United Presbyterian churches of the Quincy, Washington called on Mr. valley. The "Brown Butte Bucharoos" and Mrs. Jake Fisher and Mr. and held a party at the home of their Mrs. Coleman over the week-end. Mrs C. M. Tensen was a Nampa leaders, Mr and Mrs L. L Kreager. After completing a scavanger hunt, visitor last week. the members roasted marshmallows • So your wife would like to The Farmall C is a star performer on and welners at the outdoor fireplace see the bright lights? W hy not diversified farms o f up to 120 acres. She’s In the Kreager yard. Oary Oraham and Kent Lovelace were winners In H old s ( .a llu r in g bring her in to see our “ floor a good planting and cultivating partner the scavanger hunt. show” . The bright star twinkling in our on larger farms, too, or for the large- Mr and Mrs. Harold Byard and BUENA V ISTA . May 18—Mr. and spotlight this month is a redhead—the scale vegetable, beet or bean grower. Dianne spent Saturday night and Mrs. John Murphy oi Nyssa spent Farmall C tractor 1 Sunday in the Ruben Graham home. Saturday evening at the Leslie Top- She handles 2 rows o f corn or cotton, Mr and Mrs James Phifer shop liff home. She’s dressed in the latest touch-con 6 rows o f beets or beans, or 6 rows o f Sandra Day has the mumps. ped in Caldwell Friday evening. trolled implements— and they’re q u ic k - vegetables. Operates a 7-foot mower, Those who attended the Nyssa- Mrs. William Toomb and Mrs. change, tool She has a full line of too, and other equipment sized to fit the Dale Ashcraft attended a meeting Fiuitland baseball game at Nyssa in Ontario at the high school build Sunday from this district were Mr. “ costumes” for every farm job. She’s tractor. ing Monday. This meeting was and Mrs. Qeorge Cleaver, Mr. and quick and sure on her rubber-shod feet Come in and see the redhead I See th e called by the Pomona Orange home Mrs. Delbert Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. . . . twirls on a dime . . . and she’s mighty F a rm a ll C w ith T o u ch - economics chairman. Mrs. Frank Alva Goodell Willis Bertram and Fulleton to make plans for serving Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver. easy to handle, too— for a redhead I C o n tr o l, Alva Cleaver was one of the F F. meals to Orange members at the State Orange meeting which will be A. boys who received a high price ol $32 for his fat steers at the F. F. A. opened in Ontario June 12. Mr and Mrs. Ed Wohlcke of fat stock sale at Ontario Friday. O w yh ee Truck & Implement Co. Mrs. Leslie T op liff was hostess to Parma were Sunday dinner guests the Out-Our-W ay club at her home of Mr. and Mrs. Amll Wohlcke Nyssa, O regon Mrs. Dale Ashcraft, Mrs. Paul Thursday afternoon with 10 mem RJione 245 Cleaver and Mrs. Wesley Plercy at bers attending. Mrs Willis Bertram Your International McCormick Hqts. tended a card club meeting at the became a new member. Oames were in charge of Mrs. La Vern Cleaver, with Mrs. George Cleaver and Mrs. 0 SUNDAY DINNER OUR SPECIALTY Sunday, M ay 21 1 2 Spring Chicken On Toast A FINE RECORD AS ATTORNEY. BUSINESS MAN AND STATE SENATOR Roast Turkey With Giblet Dressing Cranberry Sauce Baked Virginia Ham with Raisin Sauce * Flegel For Governor Com. M alheur County -V A L E - EARNEST METCALF JOHN KOOPMAN Waffles Any Time WHEN Now Every Family IT'S F O O D TRY THE DOLL HOUSE Can Enjoy the Big N I V I R R IP O R I A U T H fS I A O V A N T A O IS AT THIS A M A Z IN O L O W RRICII 1 MIA? CONT80L—Single J,.l lo set for even 1 mm diiiribrnno. I f f ICIINT I I I V I C I —lo n g tired KNM CONTIOI-Just i nudge of your knee regalile» »u o m in i oper ation tod pressing action. Your bauds are (ree for arranging work. —JORDAN VALLEY— GABRIEL ELORDI —ONTARIO— R R ROBERTSON OLIVER CONNORS JOE MARQUINA Advantages of Electric Cooking! ■M OI U permsnentljr sesled-in-oil. CMIOMI POOT SUT — Su relaxed; feel are coafonable on full length fool bar. Yosi’R n e v e r And a bigger, better buy than this ooe! W a © * a r you a genuine 1950 Ho<- poioi Electric Range at a market- shattering price—peyable on the easi est terms m town! A ll the Joys of cooking electrically cut be yours, yet your budget will hardly notice the difference! t ome in and Judge for yourself! >o -Outpoint ST O R E I f th s M akers af A m e rita s Leading (la d r i« R a a g ts O O ffp w a t COOK Eg * CALKOPX UNITS • HI SPIED Sk OK ER • I-rtSCE STEEL 80DY • f O a c a A M EINISM FO R T H t F IN E S T -F IR S T I ;