Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1950)
THE N Y S S A G A TE C IT Y JO U RN AL. N Y S S A . OREGON. TH U RSD AY. M A Y 4. 1950 Qeorge Oregg and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald. Quests were Fred Klm g- back. Mr. and Mrs. George Oregg and daughters, and Mr and Mrs. OW YHEE, May 4— Mrs. Martha Kenneth McDonald and children. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Mills were Klingback was honored Sunday at a birthday dinner given by Mrs. hosts Saturday evening at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Albert McKimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Wilson. Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brown and children arrived Friday afternoon from Boise to spend the week-end in the home of Mrs. Brown's parents, IT COSTS NO MORE TO Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar. Mr Brown broke his arm last week and B U Y H A IL IN SU R AN C E M rs. K lin g b ack Is H o n o re d A t D in n e r HAIL! EARLY. HAIL! B U Y NO W and FOR YO U R PLU M B IN G be protected the entire season. NEEDS Low rates. Bath Sets, Water Heaters Ken Pond Agency and Pressure Systems Real Estate and Insurance 16 North 3rd. Call Phone 218 J.C. SMITH For Evening Appointments 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 54-M Phone 78-J had to spend a few days in the hospital. He is much better now but still not able to work. Mrs. Nellie Newbill of Nyssa spent from Thursday until Monday visit ing in the Ellis Walters home. Mrs. Byrd Walters went to Boise Thursday to stay in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones until Saturday when she returned to her home and brought Linda Jones, her niece with her Mrs. Bud Jones, Mrs. Ralph Jones and Mrs. Snow Blessinger of Boise spent Tuesday in the Byrd Walters home and took Linda back to Boise with them. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ciofalo of Adrian and their houseguest. Miss Jeanne Vitale of Easton, Pennsyl vania, were dinner guests in the Kenneth McDonald home Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty and son, Jesse, Jr. of Boise were Sunday din ner guests in Nyssa in the John Reeves home. Mrs Martha Klingback. Mrs. K en neth McDonald and Mrs. George Gregg and daughters shopped in Caldwell Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and son, Eldon. Mrs. Henry Slippy and Mrs. Bob Rice returned home Fri day evening from Portland, where A LSO MY 2-BEDROOM HOUSE IS FOR F o u r C attle A re K illed Bv W eeds B IG BEND, M ay 4—Ezra Moolley and Horace Chaney have each lost four head of cattle from poison weeds. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roberts of Baker vLsited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts. The Goody Cooks met at the home of Laura Brock May 1. They plan ned their mother and daughter tea. Laura served refreshments. Visitors at the Ivord Cleverley home are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clev erly of North Salt Lake. Lyle Cleverley and Vanal Stoker visited Sunday at the Ballentyne home in Nyssa. The Big Bend 4-H Stock club met Saturday afternoon at the Charles W itty farm. The Wade upper and lower grades played softball Friday with Big Bend school. The score was in fav or of Wade. Henry Enders. county health san itarian, inspected Wade and Big Bend schools Thursday. He took water samples also. Harvey and Leroy Bennett and sons, Dickie, Dwayne and Alan, went fishing Sunday on the Owyhee reservoir. Martin Lee brought a group of young folks from the Boise Chrlst- MOVING TO FAIRBANKS, ALASKA WILL SACRIFICE MY FURNITURE $249.00 Automatic Bendix Washer $369.00 Hotpoint Electric Stove Deluxe ___ $60.00 Bunk Beds With Mattresses ___ ... $169.00 5-Piece Blonde Book Shelves $40.00 Blonde Corner Table $25.00 Blonde End Table $19.50 Chinese Lamps, Each $119.00 Electric Mower with $6.00 Cord they had taken Eldon through the clinic for a check-up and found that he had improved in health. While In Portland the gro ip called on Mrs. Esther Cottengln. who is liv ing in Milwaukie, Oregon, but form erly lived in this community. The 4-H riding club met with Larry Culbertson Sunday afternoon and practised drilling. 17 members and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kreager Mrs. Guy Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. Rube Graham were present. Sunday dinner guests in the Ger ald Slippy home were Mr and Mrs. Arthur Perrott and Kenneth and Mrs Russell Ator of Chula Vista, who are visiting in Parma with Mrs Perrott's folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kygar made a trip Monday to Caldwell, where Mrs. Kygar went to a doctor. Kenneth McDonald attended a meeting of managers and coaches of American Legion Baseball teams held in Vale Sunday afternoon, when a schedule was drawn up for the summer. Mr. McDonald will coach the Adrian team. $ 175.00 $ 290.00 $ 39.00 $ 119.00 $ 24.00 $ 15.00 $ 7.50 $ 65.00 SALE See me at the Nyssa Pharmacy or call at G13 North 2nd. ELDON ULMER BBIGHT NEW TOUCH TO A BIO BOLD BEAUTY something new here f That'» right — the gleaming sweeptpear now odam i the tendon o f th ii ROADMASTER Ririera Sedan. An oxtra touch o f diitinction Ihat’i yours a t a standord item. S h PAGE tttfrEE [ ian college Sunday to Lower Bend | Sunday school. A covered dish | lunch was served at the schoolhouse. S OME c a r m a k e rs say sp rin g s m ake the ride—and so we give every B uick fo u r o f the so ft, gentle coil springs practically all cars use on front wheels only. Some say the drive is im p o rta n t- how power is transm itted to the rear wheels. W e agree—and use a torque-tube drive, that takes up all the thrust, freein g re a r sp rin g s o f driving pulsation. S o m e stress tires —so you’ll find lo w -p re ssu re ca sin g s on every Buick, m ounted on our own kind of Safety-Ride rim s. Some play up sh o ck ab so rb e rs —we m ak e ours fast, soft and sure in action, to wash out all “ after-bounce.'’ and car tracks, washboardy gravel and w e a th e r-p o c k e d m acad am , country lane and city street. You even feel it on boulevards, which grow still sm o o th er w h en you travel them in a Buick—especially when it has Dynaflow Drived Then there are fram es—and car weight — and engine m ountings, which on Buick are a very special kind used nowhere else. T h e y ’re all im p o rta n t —yet the plain t r u t h is no one of these things—or two or three—gives a ride you can truly call “ unruffled.’’ So we would like you to try a ride that is truly “ unruffled.” F ree of harshness—undisturbed by jounce and jitte r—level —steady-going — sm ooth. W e feel it ta k e s all o f them — springs, tires, shock absorbers, d riv e, en g in e m o u n tin g s —c a re fully and precisely brought into balance w ith each other. Y o u can see why we think so in any Buick —SPECIAL, SUPER o r R oadmaster . Just ask any Buick dealer for a ch an ce to try o u t any B u ick . Y ou’ll find it “ the ride of a life tim e ” —and the buy of a lifetime too! You can feel it on cobblestones tio n al - E NTE R TAIN S FOR SON ALCOHOLICS Mrs. Damon Savage entertained ANONYMOUS Nyssa Group Meeting Sunday 10 friends of her son, Dennis, last SUNSHINE I f e b K S MEET evenings, 8 p. us. Saturday afternoon celebrating his The final 4-H meeting o f the 10th birthday anniversary. 407 Main Street The Sunshine Cooks was held Saturday guests gathered at the Savage home Phone 2-M afternoon In the Adrian high school at 1:30 for refreshments, followed home economics room. Following the business meeting, mothers of the girls, who were in vited as guests, enjoyed a tea. which was arranged by the girls. The tea table was attractively dec orated with a basket of spring flow ers and the American and 4-H flags. Also as a part of the decorations were nosegays and decorated place cards for each mother. Flowers for the occasion were supplied by Mrs. Dan Holly. Patricia Antrim noted as hostess, with the food for refreshment being prepared by the following girls: Open-faced sandwiches, Fay Hop kins and Ethel Mecham: salad, Jenefor Thompson, Margaret Ben nett and Shirley Chaney; sponge cake, Raelene Jorgenson and Lor raine Van De Water; home-made ice cream, Avadna Peterson and Dolores Eachus, and punch, Patricia Eachus and Agnes Houtman. A demonstration was given by Jenefor Thompson, “ Tricks With A Salad” , this consisted of turnip lilies, rose radLshes, curled carrots, and tomato and cheese roses. When SHEET M E TA L A N D H E A TIN G the demonstration was completed 24 Hour Sarvlcw several of the mothers experimented 417 Arcadia Blvd. Phone 111-W at making the fancy vegetables. | Mothers present were Mrs. Leo i Nyssa, Oregon Thompson, Mrs. D. C. Jorgenson, j Mrs. Harvey Bennett, Mrs. A. M. Mecham, Mrs. F. D. Peterson. Mrs. W. V. Hawkins, Mrs. H. F. Chaney, Mrs, R. W. Antrim, Mrs. Claude Eachus, Mrs. Boyce Van De Water and Mrs. L. S. Houtman. The members o f the club are turn ing their attention to special con tests to be given at the Malheur County Spring fair. -NOW OPEN- For Business Iron Fireman Furnaces and Stokers Lennox Furnaces Conco Furnaces and Stokers All Kinds of Sheet Metal and Repair Work WIGGER AND PURVIS NEW T r a i l w a y s BUS S C H E D U L E S S P R IN G SHOW PLAN N E D A meeting o f the Adrian 4-H home economics leaders was held Tuesday evening, when plans were made for the annual local spring show, which will be held In the Adrian grade school building May 13. The public is invited to at tend. In addition to the program, their will be exhibits of clothing, cooking and homemaking. Also to be given are demonstrations and a style show. The speaker for the afternoon will be E. M. Hauser, county club agent, who has been asked to give a talk on his trip to the National 4-H club congress, held In Chicago last fall. 8 - G ARD EN TO U R PLAN N E D Members of the A. N. K. Garden club will go to Boise Saturday to view the gardens on display in the Y. W. C. A. annual garden tour. This annual tour will Include 20 of the outstanding gardens In Boise, from the hours of 2 until 8 p. m. Garden club members from Nyssa and vicinity will meet at the home of Mrs. Barney Wilson at 9:30. They will Journey to Boise and meet the other members of the club at the Idanha Hotel. "UNRUFFLED " RIDE ? 4 - Social Notes - What's the secret of the included Mrs. Grant Rinehart, Mrs. by a baseball game, and later a Dean Smith. Miss Emma Zwemke picture show. and Mrs. Walter McPartland. BOOK CL&B MEETS The members of the Kingman Kolony Book club met last Saturday at the home of Mrs. Dennis Patch. Following the luncheon, Mrs. Hilda Tensen reviewed "Until the Day Breaks” by Belle. Additional guests Effective May 1 SHORTEST FASTEST ROUTE TO PORTLAND From Nyssa EASTBOUND To Parma, Caldwell, Nampa, Meridian, Boise: 3:10 a. m. 7:37 a. m. 1:15 p. m. 3:10 a. m. 7:37 a. in 8:49 p. m. 8:49 p. m. WESTBOUND TO O N TA R IO : 6:48 a. m. 9:50 a. m. 12:58 p. m To W EISER: 9:50 a. m. 6:48 a. m. 6:40 p. m. 8:18 p. m. 6:40 p. m. To Bend, Portland and Seattle: 6:48 a. m. 12:58 p. m. 9:18 p. m To Eugene, Albany and Willamette Valley: 6:48 a. m. 9:18 p. m. To Klamath Falls and California: 6:48 a. in. 12:58 p. in. (Clip and keep for future handy TRAVEL reference) TRAILWAYS "THE FRIENDLY LINE' ...and all their lives ihey'll thank you! Wise P a ren t.. . providing your children with a musical education. And learning to play the modern wqy is fun! Simple pieces can be mastered in an amazingly short time. But a good piano is essential. A good piano with action that’s positive, response that’s inspiring tone that’s full, rich, resonant—such a piano eases the path to learning, and speeds the pace. The Acrosonic, built by Baldwin, has long been famous in the small piano field, for its superb response, sprightly action and glowing tone. It w ill inspire your children’s effort— and reward It! And A ll their lives they’ll thank you. * Dynaflow Drive it »tandard at 6:10 p. m. To Boise, Tw in Falls, Ogden, Salt Lake City & East: on RoADMAara. op tx t r a coat on B u m an d Bnuui. modata. Yuu’ll enjoy reading our booklet. “PUnnlng Your Child's Fut rOUB-W AY rO BETBON T TMs rugged (2 ) rarer on herd end 01 rets the tfyle noto, topate codr— rortical ban are indi red- natty reptacoabte, (31 arotrh "fodung haem ." (41 m ater parking and garogm g oaaee. O n ly B u ick has and with It goast ure”. your copy; or write directly HIGHER ■ COMPULSION Fireball valve in head power m three engtnei (New F 263 engine in SUF I f model» ) NEW- FATTUN STYLING, with MULTI - QUAND forefront, toper through fender», "double bubble'* tadhght» . WIDI-ANGLE VISIBILITY, dote up rood view both forward and back . TRAFFIC-HANDY SIZE, le a over all length for eon or parking and garaging, d iori turning rodiut • EXTRA-WIDE SEATS crotMed between the oalet • SOFT BUICK RIDE, from mM coil tpringmg, Safety Bide nm i, low pretture tire», ride • Aondying tor geo tube • WIDE ARRAY OF MODELS with Sod y by Fnher. Buick Roadmaster Ask your denier for to Baldwin Plano Co.. Cin cinnati 2, Ohio. Your KtY TO OtiAJU V aujs 1 P h a n * jrou r B U IC K dvAlmr /or a d v m o n a tra tio a — B ig h t B a w l mmm Tun* l ' t fr t f J A YL O B, A&C t f i j V Jjf ----------------- —————— — — — rg Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave. PHONE 12 W ben Better autom obile * are built B U IC K w it! b u ild tbam m The Exquisite Acrosonic IS ON DISPLAY AT G AND B S T O R E G RIG G BROS. A N D B U TLE R BLDG. A T TH E “ Y "