Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1950)
PAGE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1950 stroyed a transformer there Tele- members, four visitors and three ! berry plants. In another year when Thursday Mr. Bennett Uved near program Friday afternoon on the the total cars of corn sold firm to Line Damage Is date. The approximate weight of service was resumed except at leaders present. Drill work was the trees have frown and the flowers this vicinity for several years. school lawn in Nyssa. La use« I Bv Plane phone the William Toomb home where It practiced and plans were made for are all in bloom it wiU be hard to Delbert Lester and Truman Cleav Otis and Donald Bullard and the product in each car is 30 tons. did considerable damage that was an overnight trip, that such a short time er were fishing Friday at the Owy George Moeller went to the dam Grigg said from 800 to 900 con not repaired until Monday morn- Mr. and Mrs James Armstrong remember tract acres will be required to fill back the yard was a bare school- hee The dam. fishing Out-Our-Way club will hold Monday mg { received word their son was to leave ground. these orders. The company has now Jorette and Jean Moeller were Mrs. Ira Lovelace and Mrs. Forest Saturday for Guam, where he will Mr and Mrs. Reuben Graham en its regular meeting at the Leslie dinner guests of Sylvia and Irene contracted 1100 to 1200 acres and TopUff home May 11 instead of the Hardman of Newell Heights shopped work for the government. tertained Saturday evening at din desires to contract several hundred Oeorge Cleaver home as previously Jayo Sunday near Nyssa. In Ontario and Payette Monday Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft and ner and cards for Mr. and Mrs. announced. more acres. The 4-H Saddle club held Its reg Mr and Mrs Art Sparks spent Sun Wayne Piercy, Mr and Mrs Wesley "Buyers have high praise for froz Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy of Libby Contraéis ular meeting at the home of Larry day afternoon at the Owyhee dam. Piercy. Miss Margaret Garwood, Nyssa en corn used from this area last spent Saturday evening at the Culbertson on the Owyhee, while Mr and Mrs Dick Ashcraft and Thurman Piercy. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Topliff home. year, which ls the reason for the children of John Day spent Tuesday James Phifer and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sage of Nyssa Corn In Malheur early orders for this year's pack", at the parental Dale Ashcraft home William B. Toomb visited Sunday evening at the Willis Purchase of 12 cars offrozen sweet Grigg said. "This, along with a Mr. and Mrs L. L Kreager and Mrs. Bruce Pinkston of Parma Bertram home. bright outlook for fresh market this Justine attended the horse sale in called at the Walter Pinkston home eom-on-the-cob at a firm price was year, has created a strong demand Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ooodell spent confirmed Payette Saturday Friday. FILL UP YOUR LOCKER today by Libby, McNeill Mr and Mrs. Guy Moore shopped Mrs. William Toomb received word Sunday In Boise visiting Mrs. Lillian and Libby of San Francisco, accord for contracts with growers. Demand, who underwent an appen ing to Nephi Grigg. president of the at a good profit, without a govern in Caldwell on Friday her sister, Miss Jeanette Mar Schetler. OR DEEP FREEZE dix operation Saturday. Ed Nelson called on Mr. and Mrs. that tin. who was operated on at Spo Oregon Frozen Food company of ment subsidy is darn good business Walter Pinkston Sunday kane. is making a satisfactory re Ontario. The contract brings to 28 for any community of farmers". with our grain-fed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beldon of covery. Baker, cousins of Mrs. Ed Brandt. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Warren ac Sunshine Club 1 spent two days of last week visiting companied HEREFORD BABY BEEF Mr. and Mrs. J O. Lane Holds Cutliering 111 the Brandt home. the Owyhee dam Sunday after Sunday visitors in the Ed Brandt to fed in our own feed lot. ARCADIA. May 4—The Arcadia noon. Later they were supper guests | home were Mr and Mrs Williams in the Lane home Sunshine club met at the home of Smith of Parma and Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Rettig and Mrs. George Coleman, with Mrs. Ford Owners This is the best young grain-fed Melvin Smith of Nyssa. Oeorge Hust as hostess. Friday. April Mr and Mrs Robert Slagle, all of Persons driving by the old King- Boise, were callers in the D. L. Hurst 28. After the business meeting the meat that you can buy man schoolhouse notice a consider- home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and afternoon was spent in visiting. Mrs. PISTON RING SPECIAL able change Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mrs Floyd GET A SIDE OR WHOLE CARCASS Whltely of Middleton, Anna Dail drew the door prize. The Brandt bought the property and are Idaho next meeting will be held May 12, were callers also. making it Into a home Mrs. Brandt Shirley Sparks was a Sunday din with Mrs. Jake Groot on Gem ave JACOB FISCHER and her daughter, Mrs. Mildred nue. guest of Myrna Lane. WE WILL— Phone 381-W Bradshaw, have been busy all spring ner John Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks of Thiel is expected to return raking, cleaning and planting flow to his home this week from the vet Burns spent the week-end with Mr. Infiali New Genuine Ford Piston Rings, Clean ers, shrubs and trees. Among other erans hospital in Boise. Mr. Thiel and Mrs. John Zittercob. things they have set out 400 straw- has been confined to the hospital for Steve Perry of Oregon Slope is And Adjust Spark Plugs, Inspect Bearings And observation and treatment for sev working on Cecil Houtson’s house this week. eral weeks. Piston Pins, Clean Carbon From Cylinder Head, Change Mary Ann Thiel accompanied the Bob Thompson of Nyssa and his senior class on their "sneak". The mother. Orayce Thompson of Port Oil, Install New Gaskets, Rod Bearings and Tune land, visited his aunt. Mrs. Anna group left Adrian Friday night and were expected back some time Tues Dail Friday evening. MLss Wilma Bullard took Marlene day. Engine. Mrs. Dale Ashcraft entertained Mass, Betty Bullard. Phyllis Galla- the pinochle club Friday afternoon. way, Neta Smith and Donna Rae Mrs Lambert Dlerktng received Mundy from the Nyssa school Fri ONLY $38.75 high score prize and Mrs. Lute Stam day to Caldwell where they were guests at the college of Idaho play- received consolation prize. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Graham and day. Mr. and Mrs. James Phifer played Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly and WE USE GENUINE FORD PARTS canasta at the William Toomb home Joan visited Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schoen and baby in Ontario Sun Friday evening. Limited Offer—Stop In Soon day evening. Mrs. Otis Bullard and Mrs. Elmer Mother Seriously Stradley attended the Nyssa hospital meeting in Nyssa Monday III In Nebraska auxiliary as representatives of the Arcadia club. BUENA VISTA, May 4—Mrs. S. B. Sunshine parents of Arcadia attend Hoffman left Saturday to be with ed Several Your Ford Dealer the spring festival given in Nyssa her mother, who is seriously 111 in Wednesday evening by the 5th, 6th Nebraska. Willis Bertram and E. L. Jame grades and Junior high school The son took their cattle to the hills four lower grades will give their last Wednesday. Closed Sundays and Holidays All Day Oeorge Cleaver's father Ls seri ously ill in Missouri. He has had two strokes. A mistake was made in the telegram, stating that both mother and father were 111. Several from this community at tended the C. H. Bennett funeral KINGMAN KOLONY, May 4—A plane dusting beets on the Lovelace place broke a telephone line and caused it to fall on a power line carrying 7200 volts. Power was re stored to the community In about two hours, except at the Walter Pinkston and Haney farms. It de- NOTICE NEW DRUG STORE HOURS EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1950 Monday Through Friday OPEN 9 A. M. CLOSE 6 P. SATURDAYS- OPEN 9 A. M. CLOSE 8 P. M. HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Nyssa Pharmacy And Owyhee Drug Taylor’s Food Market Crackers Orange Juice Purity Saltines Old South 2 PO™D 43p 46 Ounce 3 9 * CAN Miracle Whip QUART 5 4 £ MORNING M ILK. 4 Cans 49c. Case $5.85 'U n q f l a x * i you from Perfect resi and relaxation, and are your« to enjoy every night . . . on a genuine Spring- Air mat tress and box spring. Scien tific, Spring-Air innrrspring units pro vide luxurious " C o i t t i o l l r d Comfort” e rttitltlti» comfort, tt C O N T R O L L E D . . . preparet today C O M F O R T i* you advantages (automatic adjustment to every body curve and body movement) to everyone regardless of their weight. Details explained al right. Come in for demonstration and the "real inside story” about Spring-Air advantages. T w in an«l fu ll t i t * S p r in g . Air m n tfip n n i r iiiiih m i an d m a l. fnitg b o l s p rin g «. 49.50 for tomorrow SURFACE COMFORT High q u ality . praeompreaaad cotton fait padding (uphoJatery) ruahiooa body from apnng con- ta. t givta aurfaca auftneaa and luxury “ feet" to a Spring-Air mattraaa. CONTOUR COMFORT The A rat 1 ( u r n a a l apecial Karr apnag coda giva eoli, lui- uriout aupport to all body con- tourn and apacial buoyaney to lightar parta of tha body auch aa arma and laga. SUPPORT COMFORT Firm aupport to heavier por ti oaa of Usa body ia provided by tha middle «action or tha *hour* giaaa spring cosía « Kara aprine tanaion and . ompraaasoa atrength ara g rea tar. S H IP Thrifty Pack Rea. 25c size OQ«u 2 for Heinz Mounty Alaska 25 Ounce No. 1 Can 7 9 * 25* JAR Salmon 2 CANS Baby Food FRESH FRUITS AND VE GE T ABL E S GRAPEFRUIT 12 80 Size LIBBY'S CLAPP'S CANS ARIZONA NATURALS POUND FLOUR ORANGES 200 Size . m7FN BANANAS ™ Pickett 5 nE 50 BAG $3.29 Pork & Beans HUNT'S 2Vi 2 CAN CANS COMFORT Aa many aa aína di /eremi ty p « ei apetng aoda armaMtoAg U- mted throughout keen adgaa hty . . #va m a« tagging, prevent etda-eway INTERMOUNTAIN , ^torniture company £* VER Y TH IN G FOR Y0UI Potato Chips Dill Pickles MALHEUR COUNTY SPRING JERSEY SHOW - m ay 2 7 - We Have A Complete Line Of Picnic Supplies SPRING FRYERS BATTERY RAISED FRESH DRESSED POUND BACON SQUARES FRESH. LEAN P O U N D ___________________________ ______ PORK CHOPS le “ ’J dresh Taylor’s Food Market FREE DELIVERY STORE HOURS 10:30 a. m.—4:30 p. m. Er«ry Day Except Sunday PHONE 284-R 8 a. m.—9:30 p. m. Sundays 9 ft* to .— • —9 p . m . 7