Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1950)
PÀÔÊ 11VË ÎH E N Y S S A G AT E C IT Y JO U R N A L . N Y S S A . OR EG ON, T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 4, 195Ó Apple V a lley's W . S. C. S. Elects 1 Nyssa were in Boise iu J d ay for Wednesday of this gram will be held the eighteenth at the schoolhouse with a program in the morning and a basket dinner at noon. The local group plans on going to Parma the 19th to help celebrate there. Ike Williamson, Ben Lancaster and Buford Stanfor were among those attending the I. O. O. F. grand lodge session in Ontario Friday evening. dinner and a picture i ’ T , E“ r' B “ ‘ 0n in Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Utah »nrt an?e of d<,voUons and Mrs. Clar- APPLE V ALLE Y , M ay 4— Mr. and Beulah were Sunday dinner guests ence PritU the lesson The officers Mrs. Rufus Caldwell and Linda of of Mr and Mrs. George Sams of elected for the coming term are Mrs. Buffalo. Oklahoma were Friday vis »nrt lur-o u Arnold, president; Mrs. Dwight Se- itors at the home of Mr. Caldwell's ‘ Homer Garrett were vice president; Mrs. Alvin uncle, Lloyd Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. ^ e„ * y„ dmn" * uests ot Mrs. Gar- v °*t. secretary, and Mrs. Ray Pilt- Conley Wilson were present also. M0 oher, treasurer. The contest being Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mann and The w. s. C. S. met with Mis. held for persons with children in ~ ---------- — j school and the most without child ren in school was completed, with I the ones without children in school I winning by four points. I The seniors of Apple Valley and Parma went to Sun Valley Thurs day. The Bible study club held a meet ing at Dwight Seward's home Tues day evening. Mrs. Henry Horn went to Vale Wednesday on the bus to visit her daughter, Mrs. Bud Hild for the day. Mrs. Martha Norland was taken to Will send you without obligation complete the Ontario hospital Sunday for an information on how easy it is for you to get operation. She is improving nicely a new, piano, trade your old piano, get t new and is expected home the last of the Magnavox radio phonograph or a new Con* week. sonatta home organ. Terms and trades ar Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn and ranged to suit your budget. Mr. and Mrs. Garold Horn and children attended a picnic given at CUR AND M AIL THIS COUPON TOOAYI the park in Nyssa by the church. The graduation exercises for the Apple Valley eighth grade will be DUNKLIY MUSIC held at the church Tuesday, May 421 M AIN, BOISI, IDAHO 9 at 8 o'clock. The picnic and pro- FREE! INFORMATION FOR YOU! DUNKLEY MUSIC Gentlemen: Please send me Information rlght away on the ittms heve checked. ¿ % ¿ ¿ “j U D G E Neme ........................... ................ ..................... . ^ V V A L T E R L. Addresa TOOZE ..................................... ............. .................. C i t y ............... .......................... State ...................... . S New Piano Trade Plano □ Plano Tunlng □ Uted Piano □ New Radio Q Trade Radio □ Salí Oíd Plano Q Usad Radios □ Home Organ SUPREME COURT P O S I T I O N NO. 3 MACNAVOX — MASON *»4 HAMLIN — STORY and CLARK .M id i c&vÆty music 421 MAIN STMIT 101 SI RHONI 4441 PRIMARIES MAY 19, 1950 —CHEMICAL SPRAYING— W E HAVE AR EO C YN ATE FOR O N IO N S 2-4-D FOR GRAINS Kills all broad leafed weeds D O W GENERAL— Kills all annual weeds and burns back perennials on ditch banks and around build ings D O W SELECTIVE— Used in clover and a lfalfa seed crops and kills wild lettuce T. C. A. kills grasses in broad leafed crops such as beets DDT 25% EM ULSION kills lagus bugs, Colorado pota to beetle, aphis and thrip. This is not a powder or a paste. Does not clog nozzles. Easily applied, very effective. For applying all goluable aprays we have a cheap afftdent tractor mounted sprayer. See it on display Visit In Nyssa— Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George M cKee Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Platt and daugh ter of Nampa. On Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Law of Maywood. California arrived at the McKee home. Mrs. Law and Mrs. McKee are sisters. The Nyssa L. D. S. first ward Boy Scout troop won four of the six awards given at the Malheur district scout camporee held north of Ontario April 28 and 29. The Owyhee troop also won awards. The awards were made to units demonstrating best scouting prac tices and to winners in special competition between units on scout ing skills. A district leadership meeting was held at the site o f the camporee Friday night. Seven scout units were represent ed at the camporee by 131 persons. Boy Scout and scouters. The camporee was opened Friday under the leadership o f ' Gordon Mueller and Oene Clark and broke up Saturday afternoon. Elden Yerg- ensen of Nyssa is district Boy Scout chairman. Bound Over To Jury— M. C. Zamora. Jr. of Ontario, charged with mayhem in connection with the injury of his 18-month- old son, was bound over to the grand Jury by Judge Thomas Jones In O n tario Justice court Wednesday. He was released on his own recogniz ance. The baby has been releasee.' from the Holy Rosary hospital, where he received treatment. meat, poultry, eggs, fruits, etc. Talk at S2S N. 4th street, phone 178-M, it over with us. Evans studio. 11 E. E. Botner. 4m2xp South Sth street. Nyssa 4m4xc FOR SALE— New three-room house FOR SALE^—One new two-bedroom with full basement. Owner trans house, completely modern, and one ferred. must sell, suitable for addit four-bedroom house, modern except ion. Ideal location. Phone 267-J 4mtfc heat, priced to sell at cost, located Visit In Jamison— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Miner visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Miner of Jamison. From New Plymouth— John Waggoner of New Plymouth visited Monday evening at the Bern The Nyssa post of the Veterans of ard Frost home. Foreign Wars was notified at a C ARD O F T H A N K S We wish to express our appreci meeting held April 27 that the de partment junior vice commander. ation to those who furnished music Leon M. Glascock, will visit Nyssa for the funeral service, and to our many friends for their acts of kind post May 11. A special invitation has been ness, and for the floral offerings issued to veterans of Ontario, Vale sent during our recent bereavement. Mrs. C. H. Bennett and Adrian to attend, but all veter Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett ans in the valley are invited to the meeting. Motion pictures and re TOO L A T E TO C L A S S IF Y freshments are planned. A t the Thursday meeting. Don Graham lauded the local physicians FOR R E N T—Small house. Bernard 4m2xp for their efforts to get local veter Frost. ans into veterans hospitals. The FOR S A L E—Jersey bull, four VFW has also assisted two veter months old. can be registered. ans in securing loans and jobs. George T. Coleman, two miles west The post voted to order three on Gem avenue. 4m2xp good fellowship medals to be given to an eighth grade boy and girl in FO R SALE— Complete varieties of Nyssa and also a good citizenship field corn. Nyssa Feed Mill. 318 So. medal for an adult. Elmer Clon- First St. 4mlxc inger, James W. Leslie and Don Graham were appointed as mem FO R SALE—Two Gibson refriger bers of a committee to make ar ators, 1950 models. 7 cu. foot frozen rangements for presentation of the food compartment, full length draw er. regular price $214,95, closing out awards. The department Junior vice com at $185.00. Ed Case Furniture Co., 4mtfc mander who will visit Nyssa post Highway 20, north of "Y ". was born June 7, 1900 In Jemisen, Alabama, enlisted in the navy in FO R SALE—Tw o Gibson ranges, 1918 and retired in January, 1946. apartment house type, four burners, He joined Willamette post No. 293, deluxe model, regular price $164.95, VFW, March 15, 1946, served as closing out at $149.50. Ed Case Fur post chaplain, senior vice com niture Co.. Highway 20. North of 4mtfc mander and post commander and “Y ” . department chaplain for two terms. FO R SALE—200 New Hampshire During his "hitch" in the navy. reds, seven weeks old. Also 12 x 14 Glascock started as fireman third tent. Jesse Ditty, phone 010-R4, class and reached the rank of lieu route 1, Nyssa. 4mlxp tenant. He was selected for lieuten ant-commander in April, 1944, but FO R SALE— Mercury electric sew failed to pass the rigid physical ex ing machine, one year old, 208 south amination and was placed on re 4th, phone 297-R. 4mlxc tired list September 1, 1945 and was released from active duty January FO R SALE—Shallow water pump with % horse-power motor, 100 foot 28. 1946. extension cord, motor in good con dition, Wilson Bros. Dept, store. Nyssa Troop Wins 4mtfc Camporee Awarils * For Weed and Insect Control * State Officer To Visit Post j VO TE FOR EZRA E. M A C Y FOR M alheur County School Superintendent Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S Teacher and Administrator including principal and superintendent of elementary and high school. Oregon Superintendent's Credential Master's Degree Do Not Use Tobacco or Intoxicating Beverages Supported By School People Paid Political Adv. You Are Invited To The Semi-Annual Meeting of the Malheur Game League TUESDAY, M A Y 9— 8 P. M. BOULEVARD G R A N G E HALL Refreshments by G ran ge Ladies LO ST—Two scoop shovels between Owyhee ditch and my home, reward, H. R. Sherwood. 4mlxp FO R SALE—Chevrolet four-door, fully equipped, excellent condition. Original owner, phone 011-R4. 4m2xc FO R R E NT—Two-room furnished cabin, $20 month. Chadwick's camp. 4mtfc F O R R E N T —Three-room apart ment. fully furnished. Phone 133-R. 4mtfc W IL L T R A D E —Don’t do without those cherished portraits when you don’t have cash. We will be able to make a limited number of trades for WMIICU STRATOLINER RANGE CMSHEWDUCE? ONLY $ 369.95 As Huk * 45c (doming Events TH E HOUSE O F O L IV E R Friday, May 5— Episcopal guild progressive imrtles. Saturday, May 6— A. N. K. Garden club tour to Boise. Monday, May 8— St. Paul’s Epis copal guild at the home of Mrs. Wesley Browne. American Legion auvlliary district meeting at the veterans hall. Tuesday. May 9— 2-4 p. m „ pre school clinic at Eagles hall. Music week concert at 8:15 in the school gym. Wednesday, May 10— Delphian assembly at Boise. Thursday. May 11— Christian women's church meeting at church. P.T.A. meeting at the high school. Rebekah lodge at 1.0.0J 1. hall. Friday, May 10— FH -A. style show at gym. Saturday. May 13— St. Anne's Altar society cooked food sale. NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. That’s a good question to ask right now because if you can get more milk per pound o f feed con sumed you have reduced coat o f p ro d u ctio n . They do it on the Research Farm by adding Dr. Hess Stock Tonic to the ration. The Tonic cows produce as much as a fourth pound more milk per pound of feed consumed. Try Stock Tonic on y o u r farm. N Y S S A FEED M IL L 318 S. 1st St. — $ 2 5 CASH PR IZE - * G IV E N * * * TO THE BEST JUDGED N A M E O F N E W N E W S PR O G R AM O F KW EI THE THE MAYTAG AUTOMATIC WASHER LISTEN Then Send Your Program N am e To K. W . E. I., Nyssa, O regon VA LLEY W ID E N E W S FRO M THE VALLEY-DAILY 1:15 P. M. A T 1240 O N Y O U R D IA L * * * • * Other Big Things To Come. Listen For Them Naw Low Prlca Sea thie wondarful c-.T>pUtdy autumutu waaher today! Ka- m ou i G y ra fo a m waahing action — proved baat in mil- liona of convantional Maytaga — geta ilulhas apotleady i leen. ■ free damontiraflan e f these miracle new IX TRA HI-SMIO CAUIOO UNIT (righi r e «» i — the fattest heating 4-lnth Cal rod unit HENNEMAN HARDWARE Authorized deolor $279.95 NYSSA FURNITURE CO. G E N E R A L ^ ELECTRIC RANGES 1 Block West of R. R. Depot • T I A M .M A a ff * ■ « . U • P A T . OOP.