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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1950)
PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1950 at Indian rock south o f Marstng sen while Mr Jeppsen is having a In the afternoon they explored check-up at the veterans hospital In Boise Kuna cave. Mrs. Thomas Nedbalek Is much 8unday afternoon guests of improved and is spending much less Nu-Acre*, May 4—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Orasmick were Gale time in bed. Prank Preston and Jerry spent Davis o f Meridian and Jesse M an Ethel and Wayne Durrington re Thursday at Notus, visiting Mr. and ning of Boise. turned home from California last Mrs. Deliner Billings M r and Mrs. Ben Raymer and Mrs. Ralph Baxter took her j Carol Jean o f Boise were Sun Tuesday. Mr and Mrs H E Sager and daughter, Mrs. L. J. Walker, and day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs family made a business trip to Boise two sons home to Seattle last week Bill Orasmick end. The three-year-old son had Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Lee Bare Saturday F A Johnson is helping to finish an appendix operation. W hile In I Of Nyssa made a business trip to the Immanuel Lutheran church at Washln;ton. Mrs. Baxter visited Ontario Wednesday afternoon. with Ur and Mrs. A. A. Newberry Mr. and Mrs Prank Preston and New Plymouth Mrs Pat Hotistadt and Dennis o! Seattle Mrs. Baxter had form Mr and Mrs Frank Nedbalek and erly worked for Dr. Newberry In Donna were visitors In the George j spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell. Orasmick home Saturday evening. Bert Ivle of Fruitland. Lela Fry has bggn ill during the Mr. and Mrs. George Smlt. Sr Margaret Evans a tended a pink visited at the O. Oroot home In and blue shower given for her sister, | past week. Mr and Mrs. John Evans of Sun- Nyssa and the J Oroot home In Mrs. Robert Mills, at Pleasant j ny Slope and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ontario Sunday o f last week. Ridge, Monday. I Miner and children of Nyssa were Doris Maklson of Fruitland was Mrs M. C. Seuell and Mrs. Oeorge a Saturday night guest of Judy Smit, Sr attended a meeting of the Sunday evening guests of Mr and Preston Doris and Judy spent the auxiliary of the Malheur Memorial Mrs Tom Evans night as guests a t the home of Mr. hospital at Nyssa last Monday after Mr and Mrs, L. O. Hawley and and Mrs Roy Hansen. Dick had dinner Sunday with Mr noon. Mrs Ralph Baxter made a busi Mr. and Mrs Ralph Walker and j and Mrs. Charles Thompson of Em- ness trip to Caldwell Thursday Her children spent a few days here from | melt. grandson. Oary Heap, returned Redmond, Oregon. T hey visited Mr Guests celebrating Richard Gras- home with her for a visit. ; rnick's birthday Friday evening were and Mrs. Ralph Baxter Susan McD Roe went to Ontario Mr. and Mrs H P Ostermiller. Mary Mr. and Mrs. Baxter were guests Wednesday afternoon to stay with I o f Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hart of Hamer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guernsey her grandchildren for a few days t Boise Sunday. and Susy, and Wanda Lee Shaw, all while Mr and Mrs. Carl MoD. Roe Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans ancd I of Fruitland put their catle on pasture near Janie were guests at the Cecil Ev C. H Fredenburg of Walla Walla, Ironside. Oregon. ans home Tuesday evening at a is visiting at the H E Sager home. Mr and Mrs. Cecil Evans and dinner given in observance of Mrs Alton Bales anti girls of family went for an outing Sun Cecil's birthday. Fruitland spent one day last week day. They had a picnic lunch Amotg; the students from this with Mr and Mrs. Pat Hohstadt. community who atended the music Ray Edmondson of this com festival In Payette Prtday were Hor munity and Evelyn Butler of New ace Wood. Roy Henkel. Elton Sager. Plymouth were united in marriage Phyllis and Evelyn Evans, M ary Lou at Payette in a double ring cere Orasmick and Dick Hawley mony Her brother. Norman But Mrs Martin Jeppsen Is spending ler and his bride were married at several days vtsiing Mrs. Roy Han- the same time. Mr and Mrs. Ed mondson plan to live on the Edmon son farm in Nu-Acres. Mr. and Mrs. W R Anderson re For Screen Door« and Re ceived a call from their son, Billy, pairing of Screens. Rose of Sacramento this week, informing them of the birth of a son to Mr. Trellises. O t h e r Repair and Mrs. Billy Anderson. Work. Cabinet W ork and Elder and Mrs. Turner and family of Nyssa were Sunday guests of the Construction Call H. E. Sager family. Mrs. Pat Hahstadt and Dennis spent Friday with Mrs. Alton Bales ot Fruitland. Leon Burt, formerly of this com m Miles North Nyssa-Parma 18 North 3rd Phone 218 munity, Is announcing over the Junction On Highway 95 Nyssa station of K W E I In the a f For evening appointments Phone 023-J1 ternoons. Phone 54-M Cecil Riddle Is home again from the Ontario hospital and seems to be feeling quite well. Many Visititi» In Nu-Acre* Section I INS U R ANC E w KEN POND AGENCY Real Estate and Insurance Johnson Cabinet Shop Itnr<fl;irs Killer DEAD ANIMALS F r e e P ick u p 2 Adrian Flares P h o n e C o lle c t Ontario Grain Co. 53 Ontario Phone 98 Parma Main Plant 100 Nyssa I d a h o -O r e g o n R e n d e rin g C o . KAISER-FRAZER _ AMROVID ^ SERVICE Sales & Service ❖ If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the lateat testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the beat o f condition. BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyaaa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway «30— East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 ADRIAN. May 4— Burglars entered the Adrian Feed store and the Adrian Oil company plant Friday night. They took $100 from the Adrian oil station. The Adrian track team attended the southwestern Idaho conference ; track meet in Caldwell Friday and ! took second place In the competition. Mrs. Dave Mathews and Edith and Mrs. Junior Matthews were in Nyssa on business Wednesday. The cast was taken o ff Edith's arm. Mrs. James McGinnis and Mrs. , Henry Reuter attended the regular | meeting of the Jolly Janes Thurs- , day at the Ray Cartwright home in Big Bend. Charles Larson of Portland visited in the W E Moore home Monday. Mrs. Jess Norris returned home Wednesday night from Denver. Mr and Mrs. E. E. Parker and ( Archie were dinner guests Friday in the Vernon Parker home. The j occasion marked E E. Parker's 74th birthday. Mrs Ellen Sparks and Mr. Christy of Boise visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks Sunday Frank Ray of Quincy, Washington and Mrs. R. M. Cowne of Portland are visiting their mother. Mrs. Anna Norris, who Is ill in the Ontario hospital. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Hutcheson and sons o f Portland visited Rev. and Mrs. Moore Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ted Teske and daughters and Mrs. Andrew M cGin nis were visitors In the Alvan M c Ginnis home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwaln Hatch of Star accompanied by their son. Charles, visited In the Howard Hatch home Sunday Their little daughter. Wanda. Is 111 with pneu monia in a Nampa hospital. Mr. and Mrs K I. Peterson and Mr and Mrs. H E. Moore were Sun day dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Carl Hill in Newell Heights. Oary Smith spent Tuesday night with Ira Price. Jr . in Owyhee John Enos Is a patient in the Repair or Remodel For Spring W e will be glad to give you complete information on how you can repair, remodel or paint your buildings on easy terms with three years to pay YOUR BUSINESS, AS ALW AYS IS GREATLY APPRECIATED FOR QUALITY LUMBER AT LOWER COST s Call The Nyssa Lumber Co. John Ostrom, owner Phona I I I W * Nyssa nursing home The Adrian high school P. T. A. held its last regular meeting of this school term In the high school building Thursday evening. New officers for the coming year were In stalled. They are Mrs. Jack Jones, president; Mrs. John Adams, vice president: Mrs. Jim Lane, secretary, and Mrs. McKinley, treasurer. Den nis Patch o f Nyssa spoke on the children’s bill. Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Brown, Mrs. Betty Korman and Kristine and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and Jynette attended an Eastern Star dinner Thursday evening In Nyssa. The Adrian high school seniors went on their "sneak'' over the week-end. NOTICE OF 1950-1951 BUDGET In accordance with the provisions o f the "Local Budget L a w " (Sections 110-121$. O. C. L. A., as amended), notice Is hereby given that the budget committee of Malheur County. Oregon, in compliance with the Laws, prepared and adopted March 10. I960 the budget estimates for Malheur County. Oregon for the ensuing fiscal year July 1. 1900 to June 30. 1951. All persons are hereby notified that on May 24. I960 in Vale. O reg on. said budget estimates may be discussed with the County Court, the levying board for Malheur County. Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed lax levy or tax levies will be heard In favor of or against said proposed tax levy or tax levies or any part thereof. Detail expenditures for each of the three fiscal periods and 6 months of current year, budget for the current year (1949-50) and Itemized estimates of the amounts of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing fiscal period July 1. 1990 to June 30. 1951, for Malheur County, Oregon, are as follows, to-wit; A C T U A L E X PE N D ITU R E S July 1. 194« to June 30, 1947 C O U N T Y C O URT: Salary, Judge ------------------ - » 2.400.00 Commissioners $1086 per day 413.50 Si Travel E x p e n s e ------------------- 30174 O ffice Expense & C le r k ------:--------- T o t a l _______________________ » 3.11524 S H E R IF F S OFFICE: —8 255588 Salary, Sheriff 1.707 26 Salary. 1 D e p u ty __________________ 1.737.69 Salary. 1 Deputy T a x ------------------- 1,193 44 Salary, 1 Deputy T a x ------------------- 486 43 Salary, Tax C lerk s----------------------- 1.40420 Traveling Expenses and c a r ----------- County Jail St Board of Prisoners — 192132 Rifles and Equipment O ffice Supplies and Collection ot 3.61613 T a x e s _____________________________ — Special Deputies . 436.00 T o t a l _________________ « 14.458.45 • 247.32 127.75 3.164 56 July I. 1948 to June 30. 1948 » 2.750.04 47795 1.782 77 9 5.010.16 • 1800 00 Budget 1st 6 Mos. 1949-1950 • 1,800 00 • 55826 118 59 2.47685 375.00 40080 $ 2.575 00 1st 9 Mos 1949-1950 8 3.600.00 2.750.00 2.750.00 2250.00 0.00 3.300.00 3.000 00 300.00 1.800.00 1975.00 1975.00 1.125.00 0.00 1900.00 1950.00 150 00 2.74699 2.497.32 299695 1997.14 2.04980 4920 68 1942.35 $ 1.798 16 1948.16 1948 16 1.108.16 0.00 1.151.90 2.537 8« $ 5,186.13 0.00 ) 15.75124 5.13987 0.00 5 22880.10 5923.55 080 $ 1421595 2900.00 125.00 $ 11 , 000.00 3.600 00 150.00 $ 21.700.00 2.499.9« 1877.75 5,57512 1.968.01 0 00 11.820 84 $ 2.750 04 1,765.75 4,975.15 1898.90 3222.17 $ 14,712.01 * 2.750.04 2840.00 4,884.75 2.160.40 85.10 8 1282029 1.800.00 1.440.00 2.10090 1.394.94 82.14 6,817.08 $ 1.800 00 1,440 00 2250 00 1.000.00 125.00 6,615 00 $ 3.60080 2,880 00 4900 00 2,500.00 250.00 $ 13,730.00 2.499 96 4836.71 729 10 1889 15 000 9.454 92 $ 2.750.04 7,64380 522.40 1,671.01 000 ) 12,587 25 $ 2,750 04 787327 52983 7.163.68 0.00 8 17.516 82 1,80080 381990 81451 3,665.07 000 $ 989888 $ 1900.00 3.600.00 1.20080 1255 00 250.00 $ 8,195.00 $ 3,600.00 7.380.00 2.400.00 $ 1,800.00 t 2.100.00 $ 2.100 00 $ 1500 00 $ 1.500 00 $ 390000 $ 18614 1.986 16 394 56 $ 2.49456 » 324 02 2.424.02 9 18179 1.68179 $ 255.00 1.755.00 I 1800 00 553.04 719.16 952.00 4.024 20 2.100 00 2 . 100.00 588 60 672 44 1.37681 4,737 85 461.49 867.60 1.660.17 5.08926 1.500.00 303.10 606.13 726.65 3.137.88 t 1,500 00 290 00 200 00 810.00 2,800.00 $ 3.000.00 580.00 500.00 1.620.00 $ 5,700.00 $ 1.125.00 $ 2250.00 2 . 000.00 $ C O U N T Y SCHOOL SU PE R IN TE N D E N T Salary of Superintendent Traveling E xp en se______ S u p p lie s _________________ Clerk ____ _______ _____ T o t a l __________________________ I » $ 8 D IS T R IC T A T T O R N E Y : $ 6222.63 984 15 1.893 43 851.90 C IR C U IT C O U R T: $ 483326 7.560 93 5949.05 3,04559 $ C O U N T Y E X TE N SIO N O FFICE: $ 7.700 00 8,91000 9.950 00 5950.00 $ 5,850.00 1200.00 600 00 $ 15.180 00 6 . 000.00 $ 6200.00 1.400 00 410.00 3.550.00 1.425.00 628073 $ 891665 $ 21.11227 $ 14.369.11 I 13.510 00 $ 30.070.00 9.134.03 19951.40 1.06120 5.144.04 34.680.67 8 7.17750 12.730.50 780 00 18296.00 8 38985 00 $ 11299 45 18.71400 123755 15.000 00 8 46251 00 8 10.085.00 1656145 985.50 12J50.00 $ 36.42195 $ 6.720.00 11.016 00 657.00 $ 26.493 00 $ 19937.00 27.463.00 1817.00 18.000.00 $ 66.41790 $ $ $ $ $ t Sealer o f Weights & Measurers I 223 10 State Industrial Acc. Comm. ___ 207 79 Malheur County H o m e ------------ 946 53 Indigent Veterans ______________ 688 65 Water Master. Travel Expense Si Deputies _____________;______ 3877.70 Insane Examinations o t _________ 446.02 School Institute 8c Standard Ach. Test Justice C o u r t __________________________ 45790 C o r o n e r _________ ______________________ 396 92 Tuberculosis Indemnity 8c B a n g s_______ 3.146 50 Audit County B o o k s ___________________ 675 00 Officers Indemnity Bonds 41580 General School T ax Estimated 61993.41 2.71405 E le c tio n ________________________ Vital Statistics 253.50 Court House. O ffice Furniture Insurance, Improvements, etc. 372.09 Current Expense. Fuel. Water. Telephone. Janitor, etc. ______ 6875 69 12.062 63 Library Contract _______________ 0.00 Emergency F u n d _______________ 443 00 M iscella n eou s__________________ Bounty on Predatory Animals _______ _ 897 00 Destruction of Predatory Animals ___ 180000 4988.91 Weed Control 994 77 O fficial A d v e rtis in g _______ 968 38 Experimental Area, .5 mill 68 School Library T a x ______ Tax Rebate Discounts _ _ 080 1.01290 County Service O fficer 13085 Co. Service O fficer Travel Exp. 1.890 00 County V eterin arian ___________ 410.00 Children's Aid in H o m e s _______ 000 Rural District Board Expense For loans made to the General Fund from other funds Courthouse Sinking F u n d ___________ 26652 87.60 68490 625 96 $ 2.86880 156 80 26652 101.06 120.87 388 84 6.41087 45.00 * 5652 55 69 7491 236.14 8.100 00 1.643.49 48.00 8750 50.00 150.00 250 00 150.00 120.00 300.00 500 00 3.60080 1900.00 5080 75.00 3.000 00 250.00 197500 425 00 250.00 35875 00 195080 150 00 850 00 300.00 77.130.00 2.500.00 300 00 100.00 150.00 6900 00 600.00 5.065 80 473.43 2.547 90 670 00 54527 83916.12 4.77688 207 25 81.744 26 2.475 30 313.50 3936 05 289 00 2.803.37 1350 0.00 34.80951 000 169.50 707 63 4.505.82 0.00 d .000 00 1 . 000.00 7.158.11 10.063.80 080 36790 187480 1801.12 2.00080 1974.13 354 8« 735.61 000 2.400.00 616.80 982 00 408 80 2882« 7228 33 14.859 61 080 1258.02 080 2.783 58 000 193690 3.148 62 194851 152 80 3.01194 Q80 2.17750 43927 1779 488223 6.600 06 0.00 53298 080 2.177.72 000 55499 570 79 73124 57 98 28824 000 39425 18250 000 3950 00 6978.00 5.162 50 1.029.64 16965 00 17.402 00 5.000 00 6.452 64 548.11 4.383 83 675.00 100.00 1.000 2 . 000.00 8.000 00 2900.90 2.000 00 2 . 000.00 1.000 00 0.00 360 00 1976.00 000 0.00 1.000 00 250 00 000 775.00 3.000 00 4.000 00 400.00 39.000 00 20.000 00 Oenerml Road Fund I 74.65291 I 97.02591 »334.813 36 For New Machinery and equipment. Bridge materials, and Road materials Special Road L e v y ____________________ For construction, repair. Improvements and maintenance o f County Roads $207.172.73 $286.423 36 Total 510.00 3910.00 $ 12,985.00 Clerical H i r e ________ Materials Si E x p e n s e ________________ Telephone 8c T e le g r a p h ______________ T r a v e l________ ____ _______ ___________ Equipment ___ ________________________ C O U N T Y W E LFAR E : Dependent Children _ Old Age Assistance .... Blind Assistance _____ General Assistance ___ T o t a l ________ 1.000.00 500.00 $ 5.100 00 » ASSESSOR’S OFFICE: Salary, Assessor .___________________ Salary, O ffice Deputies 13 )_________ Field Deputies Si Traveling Exp. ... S u p p lie s ____________________________ Car E x p e n s e _______________________ T otal ____________ FU LL T IM E H E ALTH U N IT : Estimated Budget 1950-1951 $ 3.600.00 $ 2.74698 2.18694 1,65957 88120 599 40 191765 1.174.57 C O U N T Y C LE R K 'S OFFICE: Salary, C le r k _________________ Salary. Deputy C le r k _________ Salary. S ten ogra p h ers--------- S u p p lies______________________ O ffice E q u ip m e n t___________ T o t a l --------- _ _ ------- C O U N T Y TREASURER: Salary of Treasurer Supplies Si Traveling Expense & Furniture _ ............. ........ T ota l __ , _ ___ July 1. 1947 to June 30. 1948 $ 2,789 49 $348.122 58 »631.80657 » 64.000 00 $ 90.000 00 127200 00 254.400 00 $38981468 $341.16164 $743.584 00 8 22825 79 12995 06 14800 00 1.000 00 13800 00 5.000.00 75.000 00 000 200 00 4.000 00 » » LESS E ST IM A TE D R E C E IPTS FO R Y E A R AND CASH ON HAND: Cash. General F u n d _____ Cash. Oeneral Road Fund County Clerk's S h eriffs Circuit St Justice Court Fees and Fines _ Penalty and Interact on Delinquent Taxes Motor License Fund ---------------------------- Cash Receipts. Fines Si Etc Roads _ _ _ County Lands. Rents --------------------------- Sale. County Lands ----------------------------- Indigent Liquor Fund --------------------------- State Health Refund ................ — 000 000 13.000 00 1.600 00 10800 00 2900 00 125.000 00 3.000 00 150 00 000 000 13.000 00 1.600 00 10.000 00 2900 00 90.00090 •90 ISO 00 2.000 00 200.00 8.600 00 3 000 00 9.457 00 000 10925 00 Total 8154.71084 $189.707 00 8127875.00 T O T A L BUD G ET 1534.325 50 9512916 67 $615.608 00 IND EBTED NESS: None March 19 1990 (D ate) ooo Special Road Levy ___ Within 6*. I Imita to ^ Outside Limitation E X CLARK. JR. Chairman of the BuSget Board J. E ___ Secmary ot the $254.400 00 273.708 00 87900 0 « 00 •