THÈ NYSSA (SATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY, M AY BUV NOW i. Ì9S0 PAGE THREE M ISCELLANEOUS— Do you need May 23. 1950. at 10:00 o’clock in the O . T V p . I II . money to remodel your home or to forenoon of said day for the hear Departures from Nyssa to On I build outbuildings or garage? We FOR SALE tario are 6:48 a. m „ 9:50 a. m., 12:58 ing of objections to said Final Ac Two acres, attractive new seven- can arrange a loan for you and give count and the settlement thereof. p. m„ 6:40 p. m. and 9:18 p. m. You can have possession o f any you up to three years to pay it. Additional service has been in of these farms this spring if you room modern home, full basement. Nyssa Lumber Co. NOW. THEREFORE, all persons stituted to Welser, leaving Nyssa at 29stfc buy right away. | insulated, new cow barn, on paved interested in the estate of Lewis 6:48 a. m.. 9:50 a. m. and 6:40 p. m. road, paid-up water right, $9,500, FARMS PO LIO INSURANCE Henry Findling, deceased, are noti Schedules to Bend. Portland and ! 1/3 down, easy terms on the bal Whole family, $5 per year fied and required to appear at the Seattle leave Nyssa at 6:48 a. m , 1040 ACRE C A TTLE RANCH ance, 4% interest. KEN POND AG ENCY County Court Room in the Court 12:58 p. m , 9:18 p. m. Produces 2-year old steers for $35 140 acres, 90 acres Irrigated. 57 R A T E : Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cosh In 16 North 3rd. Nyssa House at Vale. Malheur County, each, you can make real money Direct buses to Eugene. Albany Oregon, at said time, to then and and all western Oregon points leave here, complete with stock and acres in alfalfa, five-room home, advance. Is 30c. CUSTOM SLA U G H TER IN G two-room labor house, close to there show cause, if any there be, Nyssa at 6:48 a. m. and 9:18 p. m. machinery, $32,000, terms. Nyssa, $9,500, terms, this place is Stock received Monday, Tuesday, why said Account should not be CLEAR $20,000 PER YEAR and to Klamath Palls and California Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a m settled, allowed and approved and 107-acre dairy farm, finest grade worth the money. 80 acres, good dairy set-up with to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a m. to 12. said estate distributed and said ad at 6:48 a. m. and 12:58 p. m. A equipment, 00 registered cattle, Trailways’ new route from Nyssa FOR SALE No stock received on Sunday i ministratrix discharged. immediate possession, price com lots of pasture, good row crop land, FOR SALE to Portland over the Warm Springs Free de seven-room semi-modern h o m e , Beef, sheep and pork. Two houses: One has two bed plete. $50,000, terms. Dated and first published April highway is the shortest route from livery to Rplar locker plant. cheap water, $24,000, terms. 20. 1950 FO R SALE—Save a few hundred rooms. bath, kitchen, living room | M AKE GOOD ON T H IS 80 Nyssa to Portland, leaving Nyssa at One mile west on Alberta Ave. 80 acres, 50 acres irrigated, mostly , and basement, gas furnace, hot Date of Last publication. May 18. 6:48 a. m.. arriving in Portland 7:20 Cheap water and good soil, a fine dollars below cost on Kaiser four- ; water tank, range and refrigerator. Phone 381-W in pasture and hay, five room mod 1950 general farm. $34,000. p. m.. daylight saving time. The JAK E FISCHER door Vagabound sedan. Like new. ; Second one has two rooms and bath W A N T A CHEAP 80? ern home, grade A barn, new loaf AM Y E. F IN D LIN O schedule leaving Nyssa for Portland ing shed, close to Nyssa, terms. low mileage, not a scratch on it. F. Has 40 acres cultivated, fair build Administratrix of the Estate of at 12:58 noon, arrives in Portland 1 $6.500 00 St° V®‘ ^ * 117 l0t‘ exeellent 320 acres. 160 irrigated, 120 good M ISCELLANEOUS— Announcing to Lewis Henry Findling. Deceased ing, $7,350, very easy terms. “ Lete" Sackett, sewing machine at midnight. row crop, eight-room modern home, farmers, new reduced rates In auto Harold Hentgson A GOOD 80 FOR O N LY $7.500 ¡income property, both for only mobile liability insurance. You can man. Ontario. 4mtfc About 50 acres now cultivated. four-room tenent home. 17-head cow now insure for less in the best of Attorney for the Administratrix Two-bedroom modem apartment, barn, $21.000, terms, this is a steal. $3,000 down will move you on. FO R SALE— Baby grand piano, ex over double garage, brick construct 40 acres, 20 acres good row crop companies. See this special plan cellent condition. O and B Appli ion, excellent location, paved street E X TR A GOOD 60 land, four-room home. $9,500, terms, before you buy. Nyssa Insurance nice lawn. Finest row crop land, paid-up agency, Ralph G. Lawrence, agent, ance Co., phone 179-J. 4mtfc water, modern home. $24.000, V 4 close to Nyssa. Income property, four apartments 2ftfc 10 acres, the very best top row 105 Main street. Columbia Ave.. May 4— Mrs. Joe down. In new brick apartment house. Lo FOR SALE TW O GOOD HOMES ON T H IS 60 crop land, seven-room modern home, M ISCELLANEOUS — Duj.Ucate COT When a "Miss" becomes a “ Mrs. Dirkson and Mrs. Becks tead o f cated across from scnool house, Used Hotpolnt range, all-white Deep sandy soil, $9,000, terms and adjoining Nyssa, will consider trad and cylinder lock keys n.ade. Hen- she should have her name on her' Richland called In the community Thursday afternoon. ing on 40, 60 or 80 ocres. with side oven, perfect condition, $16,500 Terms can be arranged low interest. 250 5fc social security card corrected im Good two-bedroom home on pav must sell reasonable to make room 160 acres. 135 acres irrigated. 90 neman’s. Mr. and Mrs. Jake G root o f A r 50 ACRES ON OILED ROAD mediately, Vernon Welo. manager ed street, close in, $4100, only $i - for other appliances. Modern 6-room home, best o f soil, acres good row crop land. 28% down. M ISCELLANEOUS — We can ar of the La Orande social security ad cadia were hosts to the members 800 down and $25 per month on old water right, $16.000. 14 down. $2,000 year, close to Nyssa. $28.000. range loans for you to rebuild or ministration field office, warned to of their pinochle club at their Used Kelvlnator range. $75. balance. Immediate possession. Prizes 80 acres, this place lays perfect, all remodel your home. barn, garage, day. A new card bearing the same home Sunday afternoon. 50 ACRES CLOSE IN Coffee table. $8. 27 x 116 lot on main street, well too row crop land, three-bedroom number but the new name will be went to Mrs. Davidson for high Four-room house, good dairy barn, or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb score, Mr. Davidson for second Damaged metal bed. has scratch-., located for only $2350. cheap water, good soil. $8,500, semi-modern home, large cow barn, er Co. 29stfc issued promptly upon application. 350-foot frontage on Ontario $16,000, small down payment, easy terms. it will sell cheap. Until the new "M rs." has received and Dick G root for low score. Callers at the Dick O root home highway across from Williams Food OVER 30 T O N BEETS terms. M ISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and a new social security card showing Hotpolnt electric dishwasher with market. W ill sell all or part. 60 acres, four-room home, semi free pick-up of your dead, crippled her married name, Mr. Welo stated, Monday afternoon were Mr. and You can't find better soil, 50 acres, Mrs. Jake Relk of Nampa. disposal, used, V4 price. 10 acres with good house, semi modern, shop, chicken coop, granary, or sick livestock. Calls received be-J her employer should continue to re- $10500, terms. Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Carolyn modem, excellent ground, 1H miles E X TR A GOOD B U ILING S G 4 B A P P LIA N C E STORE small barn, good row crop, paid-up tore 9 o’clock are picked up by port her wage credits In her maiden called pn Mrs. T . M. Beranek o f from Nyssa. terms. Nyssa. Oregon 48 acres, good soil, buildings alone water right, close to Nyssa noon. Efficient drivers. Call col name. Not until he has seen the Nyssa recently. are worth more than the p rice1 80 acres, 60 irrigated, leys well, lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys new card can the employer be sure BERNARD EASTMAN Mr. Rickus van Twlsk arrived FO R SALE— New native stone of this farm, $10,000, easy terms. good soil, three-bedroom semi-mod sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products that social security records have Friday afternoon from a trip to RE AL ESTATE INSURANCE house, two bedrooms, living room, 7 ACRES W IT H MODERN HOME ern home. 11-head cow barn, $14,000, Company. SJtfc been amended to show the new Holland, where he visited relatives Phone 64 dining room, kitchen, bath, fireplace, name. I f this plan is followed, the and fTlends. While here he was Close in on paved road, ideal for ‘4 down, easy terms. full basement, garage, 100 x 133 FOR SALE—A complete stock of 100-head cattle deal. 160 acres MISCELLANEOUS— Available now, employer and employee will have city worker. $6,850, 14 down. a housegueat o f Mr. and Mrs. com er lot, only $7,000. Bernard wallpaper,. Set the scene for graci- LOW COST ACREAGE with 105 irrigated, productive land, Electrolux cleaners and air puri accomplished three things: Jake Oroot o f Arcadia and his Eastman. Phone 61. Real Estate, ouus living, beautify your interiors Sales and service. Ed A. Made certain the “ Mrs.” will con brother Jake van Twlsk. He left 10 acres with four-room home, lots of buildings, good correls, two fiers. insurance. 27atfc with our fine wallpapers. Come in Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idano, tinue to receive full social security save on living costs, $1,900, terms. good homes, $17,000. for hts home In Mllwaukie, Ore 14jtfc credit for all wages earned. and see our selection as low as 36c 1 acre, good soil, lays well, no phone 0287J4. gon Monday evening. FO R SALE— Good used deluxe mod a roll. Nyssa Furniture company, 7-ROOM MODERN HOME buildings, on Ontario-Nyssa high Saved the government the ex Two acres, good barn, close in, Mr. and Mrs. Shuster of Nyssa el electric range. Firestone store. one block west of railroad depot LEG AL ADVERTISING way. $9,500, terms. pense of correcting errors made In called In this community Sunday 20atfc 758-head cattle ranch, 400 acres 2mtfc reporting. morning. HOMES NOTICE FOR P U B LIC A TIO N irrigated, four wells on the place, Saved the employer the time and Mr. and Mrs. George Sm lt o f F O R SALE— 1944 Studebaker, 6x6; FOR SALE— Lovely, lasting linoleum NEW 3-ROOM HOME U N ITE D STATES high and low range, lots of springs inconvenience of writing and re Nu-Acres entertained at their home 32000 mileage, good tires, new bat at home in any room, spirited pat Very neat and attractive, good Department of the Interior and streams on the range, 2 five- ceiving letters necessary to correct Wednesday afternoon at two tables garage. $4,500. tery. J. H. Teague, phone 018-J2. terns. priced at a savings, 49c a run Burrau of Land Management room homes, electricity, can be rent the errors in reporting of WIiLst for the following members: 20a3xp ning foot. Nyssa Furniture comp LAR G E ROOMS Land Office. Portland 18. Oregon, ed for $5,000 per year witl rent to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and The necessary form for changing Modern two-bedroom home. $6.800, any, 1 block west of R. R. depot. April 17. 1950. apply on purchase price. the social security card to the new Mrs. Jake Groot of Arcadia and F O R SALE— 1942 Dodge pick-up, easy terms. NOTICE Is hereby given that W il 30mtfc name may be obtained by writing or Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot. Refresh don’t miss this good buy for $285. EAST SIDE LO C ATIO N HOMES liam Emery Nelson, of Route 1. calling in person at the La Orande ments were served by the hostess Owyhee Truck and Implement FOR SALE Buy a home for less, modern Attractive two-bedroom modern Homedale, Idaho, who. on June 16th, Field office, located in the Observ during the afternoon. company. I3atfc three bedrooms, only $3,000. home, good residential area, $7,000, 1948, made Reclamation Homestead er building. Cabin court, on highway in Nyssa, Mr. C. Blokker o f (Nyssa called on NEW 2-BEDROOM HOME terms. Entry, No. Oregon 027, for Farm FO R SALE— Washing machine, $10. $8,500. friends Sunday afternoon. Modern neat appearence, very Two small homes plus two apart Unit "B ” or NViN'4. Sec. 27, Stock ranch. 160 acres, 83 irri G & B Appliance store. 6atfc good buy at $4.500, *4 down. ments. rent for $145 per month, Township 22 S., Range 46E., gated. No. 1 range right, part good RESIDENCE LOTS row crop. $20,000, terms, will sell $9,500, easy terms. Willamette Meridian, has filed FO R SALE— Have farms and houses B U ILD Y O U R HOME NOW New two-bedroom modern home, notice of intention to make for sale. Need more, list with Ken cattle and machinery. M A R R IA G E LICENSES ISSUED Two good 66 x 150 lots in hospital garage, will accept old home on Final Proof, to establish claim to Very choice grade A dairy Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc Charles Lane and Betty Smith, BEND. May 4—Trailways bus schud- area, $300 each, easy terms. farm, 105 acres under Owyhee down payment. $7,500, terms. the land above described, before Don ules have been revised, effective both of Boise, Idaho. BUSINESS O PPO R TU N ITIE S FO R SALE—Outside white paint, project. Two modem homes and One-bedroom modern home, >4 M. Graham. Notary Public, at Nyssa, May 1. Buses will leave Nyssa C O M PLAIN TS, C IR C U IT CO URT National Titanium. 5 gallon lots, good outbuildings, about 60 head of HOTEL AND CABINS basement, on paved street, $3,800, Oregon, on the 6th day of June, 1950. eastbound to Parma, Caldwell, Nam Anna Logue vs. A. B. Neston, re 17-room modern hotel, eight good very low down payment, as easy to $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber registered Jersey cattle. Owner has Claimant names as witnesses: pa and Boise at 3:10 a. m„ 7:37 covery of wages, $2,790.00. cabins, four-room modern home, company. 12m tfc quota agreement that pays $1.28 per Joe Snell, of Homedale. Idaho. a. m„ 1:15 p. m. and 6:10 p. m. buy as rent. Delvina Fisher vs. Prank 8. Fish all for $30,000, easy terms. pound for butterfat. Will pay two Two-bedroom modern home, pav Gale Martin, of Adrian, Oregon. Schedules to Boise, Twin Palls, er, divorce. FO R SALE— Baby chicks. Now is operators good wages, plus 20% to P A Y $25,000 DOWN Vern Parker, of Adrian, Oregon. Salt Lake City and points east leave ing and curbing paid, well located. School District No. 8c vs. C. L. Balance on easy terms. One of $4.500, small down payment. the time to order Thompson’s 25% per year on the investment, Robert Robertson, of RFD No. 1, Nyssa at 3:10 a. m., 7:37 a. m. and Tucker et. al, to quiet title. the best deals in the valley. Will Chek-R-Chix for delivery every Price $50 TOO. Well located home, ‘4 basement, Homedale, Idaho. net $25,000 per year. Ask us about attractive yard,'$45 per month. Wednesday and Saturday. For Acreage, modern two-bedroom Pierce M. Rice this. breeds and prices. Inquire Thomp home with some furniture, nice 3 acres, busy junction location for Manager son’s Ontario hatchery. 23fl2xc. garage, lawn, shrubs and fruit trees. sale, no building, a spot for a good AD VERTISEM EN T FOR BIDS Large modern chicken house and future. FO R SALE— 1946 Iron Age two row pens, including all equipment and REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Sealed bids will be received by the FOR RENT Phone 218 potato planter with fertilizer attach 110 hens. These buildings are near 16 North 3rd. Clerk of the State Land Board, at W ell located tourist court, 13 room 106, Capitol Building. Salem, DRAGLINE W ITH A LL ATTACHMENTS For evening appointments ment. used only 2 seasons, complete ly new, on a 1 3/4 acre plot and on units. Phone 54-M ly overhauled. $375. Owyhee Truck a paved road. A bargain for $6.200. Oregon until 11 o'clock a. m. on May AV AILAB LE FOR Business Opportunities and Implement company. 13atfc 23, 1950, for the lease of approxi 40 acres under Shoestring ditch, FOR SALE—Coal range. $10. O f t Business buildings and stock for mately 92 acres of land, commonly two-bedroom modern house, $12,000, B Appliance store. Gatfc sale, building 24 x 70 cinder block. FO R SALE— Milk cows, Guernseys, known as Perrin Island, located on Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and terms. $9,000, with $3,400 down and $500 the Oregon side of the Snake River, FOR SALE springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone / F R A N K T. M ORGAN AGENCY per year on the balance. directly east of Sections 4 and 9, Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o u s e , Robert F. Thompson 306, Ontario, Oregon, across from Oeneral merchandising, grocery Township 19 S., Range 47E. one acre of ground, located Phone 97 Ontario sale yard. 2mtfc store and service station in an ex This lease will be for the term of 614 miles from Nyssa. Phone 216-R or 293NW Nyssa, Oregon Two-bedroom m o d e r n h o m e clusive good irrigated farming area, 10 years. The consideration to be east side location, small down busy highway corner, a good money furnished by the lessee shall con payment, balance o n ' state loan. maker, modern apartment, will ac sist of the following: 1. All land now under cultivation Unfinished two-bedroom home, cept farm or home as part payment. W e make loans on the new Owy shall be farmed in accordance with N. Second straet, good location, hee land, farms, homes and bus accepted farming practices large lot, can be completed with 2. All other land adapted to culti PH A loan. W ill make beautiful inesses. vation shall be cleared and farmed home with very small invest wherever practicable. ment, cash $2500. Nyssa, Oregon 3. As determined by competitive Several small homes with small Real Estate. Insurance Loans bidding, the State Land Board is to down payment. a specific share of the crops NYSSA INSURANCE AG E N CY Phone 179-J Mel Beck receive grown on the above mentioned land, Ralph G. U w r n if f during said lease period. Nyssa. Oregon FOR RENT The State Land Board reserves PH YSIC IA N S FOR RENT—Three-room house., the right to reject any and all bids WANTED and to waive all informalities. nice yard. Bernard Eastman. 27atfc All hunting rights shall be reserv W ANTED—Some one to block, hoe, S A R A Z IN CLINIC top and harvest 26 acres of beets. F O R R E N T —Three-room apart ed in the State. Copy o f the lease agreement doc Sherman Keck, Echo avenue. Nu- ment. fully furnished, last occupant Dr. J. J. Sarazin Acres. 4mlxp rented this apartment for five years, ument may be obtained by request Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. phone 53. 27atfc from the Clerk of the State Land Dr. K E. Kerby Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. W ANTED—Be Independent 8ell Board. Salem, Oregon. Dr. L. W . Scott FOR RENT—"Three-room apart Rawleigh products. Good nearby Oregon State Land Board A ll Veterans Welcome ment, with bath. See J. B. M c locality open. Write today. Raw- By E. T. Pierce, Clerk Physician and Surgeons leigh’s, Dept. Ore-331-D. Oakland. Kinney at Wilson’s super market. First Pub. April 20. 1950 20a3xc Calif. 4mlxp Last Pub. May 18. 1950 Classified G rigg Bros. & Butler Advertising Records Should Be C!iaii<ied By Brides Trailways Stage Schedule Changed IIolluiiil Visitor Returns To States NEWS OF RECORD LANKFORD BROS. KEN POND AGENCY DRAINAGE CANAL CLEANING BASEMENTS EXCAVATING TANK HOLES professional and Business Directory Meuller Furnaces- Grigg Bros. & Butler Link Belt Stokers LODGES Nyssa Post No. 79 American Legion L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone T l Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to S Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 C. J. Kopp, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Fry Building Office hour» 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING Gate City Lodge No. 214 I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. South First Street DENTISTS DR. C. M. T Y L E R Wilson Building Phene 165-J, Nyaaa O n c e hour* from S to 5 except Saturdays, S to 13. JE W E LR Y STORES J. R. C U N D A LL Dentist PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Phone H -J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREOON Union Pacific Time tn v e u x JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second O PTO M ETRISTS bft. t C 'r iE R S f A M Visual Specialist WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Room 4, Pry Building Nyssa. Oregon Phone 171-J Office hours 9 to 13; 3 to 5 O fficial Time Inspector »or Union Pacific O N T A R IO ORSOON DR. J. A. MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY VETERINARIANS DR. H A L D. W H IT E Veterinarian Phone Nyaaa 27S # Estimates G ladly Given . Phone 21, Ontario, Ore W AffTE D —T o care for children, FOR RENT -Room in home, man day or evening, phone 83-J. 27a2xp preferred. Dwight Smith, phone 140-R. 6atfc W ANTED— Salesman fee Frigidaire appliance*. Ed Case Furniture Ca. FOR R E N T -O n e four-room un- 13atfc furnished apartment in Bybee a- partments. Call at 3U2 S. 6th street. W A N T E D -M a le help wanted Oood 6a tfc route available in Nyssa and Vale, no experience or capital necessary P O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. but car required. Write the J. R. Chadwick's camp. 20otfc Watkins company, 137 Dexter ave PO R R E N T —Three-room modern nue. Seattle 9, Washington. 6a6xr apartment. 601 north 1st street, W ANTED— Highest prices paid for phone 23-J. C. H. Bennett. 6atfc slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, RENT—Three-room apart- phone 306. Ontario. Across from POR Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc ment. modem. 22 N. 1st St. $41. Nyssa Insurance Agency. 30mtfc W ANTE D — T o ouy anything in FOR R E NT— Polleh your own beef or veal. Also custom killed and delivered to Polar Cold Stor floors Rent our high-speed pol age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. lXPtfc. ishing equipment. Easily handled by women Nyssa Lumber company. FOR S A L E - CTeto. the guaran tAtfe. teed waterproof paint, Creto water proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc MISCELLANEOUS co. plaster, mortar and terramo. MISCELLANEOUS — When Father Waterproofs by application and permanently waterproofs walls and Time reaches the date printed each floors. Inside or outside, wet or week on your Journal your subscrip dry. new or old, painted or un tion has expired. I f you want to painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntic read the local new* you should keep ahead of Father Tim e Oate City Journal. 4mtfc LOST LO ST—One bay team, halters on, think they are in vicinity of Mitchell butte, phone 021R3. 4m2xp MISCELLANEOUS— You can nicely thank your friends with a card chosen from our large selection of thank you notes. Your friends will really appreciate a party invitation selected from our stocks. Stationery Department. Oate City Journal. 20atfc LO ST—500 ewes and lambs, brand ed with cross link. In vicinity of Hoodoo creek, reward, phone 021R3. 4m2xp MISCELLANEOUS— New classes In guitar starting Friday. May 12 at Nyssa I. O. O. P. hall, enrolling student* now. phone 334-W. 20a3xp L O 8 T — Pour-year-old p o i n t e r , brown and white, name Dolly is on collar, reward. Elmer E. Cloninger. route 2, Nyssa. 4mlxp NOTIC E OF M EETINO Big Bend Irrigation District Notice Is hereby given that the board of directors of the Big Bend Irrigation district, sitting as a board of equalization, will meet on the second day of May, 1950 al 8 o'clock, p m. of said day at the home of H. R. Hatch within said district, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting its assessment roll and ap portionment of charges for oper ation and maintenance for the 1950- 51 season and assessment of 50 cents per acre for operation and main tenance of the Big Bend unit of the district and 14 cents per acre for operation and maintenance and $2.50 per acre for construction charges of the Park unit of said district during the 1950-51 period. The assessment roll and record may be Inspected at the residence of H. R Hatch, secretary of said district, by any interested person. By order of the board of direct ors. H R. Hatch, secretary Big Bend Irrigation district. First Pub April 13. 1950 Last Pub May 4. 1950 IN THE C O U N TY C O U R T OF THE STA TE O P OREOON POR TH E C O U N TY O P M ALHEUR In the Matter o f the Eatate of LE W IS H E NR Y P IN D LIN O . De ceased NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT NOTICE IB HEREBY O IVEN that the undersigned. Amy E Find ling. administratrix of the estate of Lewis Henry Findling, deceased, has filed her Pinal Account as said ad ministratrix in the County Court of Malheur County. Oregon, and that said Court has appointed Tuesday. Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho -F A R M E R S ATTENTION - SOIL AID—GYPSUM AND SULPHUR FERTILIZER $ 25.00 Per Ton Place Your Order Now NYSSA ELEVATOR NYSSA. OREGON