Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1950)
PAGE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. They were among the seven dele gates attending from Malheur coun ty More than 2000 delegates were registered at the convention, rep resenting 87,510 P T. A. members in Oregon. The theme o f this year's convention was Freedom to G row ' This coming year will see emphasis placed on the need o f an adequate teacher supply Leaders at the con- .ention staled that "since teachers are the most important single in- fluence in the school experience of the child. Parent-Teacher associ ations should s upport legislative and administrative policies that will pro vide an adequate supply of well trained and socially adjusted teach ers for our Oregon schools." Installed as president of the Ore gon Congress of Parents and Teach ers was Mrs Jenelle Moorehead, who has been the Instructor of the county extension classes held in On tario this past winter. Mrs. Moor head has also spoken before Nyssa groups during the past year. In taking office Mrs. Moorhead said, " I would like to help work out ways in which parents might better un derstand the goals toward which our schools are working, and for teachers to see more clearly the need for establishing friendly re lations with parents. Through meet ings. publications and discussion groups, the Oregon congress will make available to parents and teachers the scientific data on the importance of the early childhood period, so that we may help par ents to understand the basic needs of love and security, expressed In terms the child can understand” . A further report from the Nyssa delegates will be made at the May meeting of the Nyssa P. T. A .Mr*. Moorhead To Head Stale FT A Mrs. Jesse Rlgney, Mrs. W W Poster and Mrs. Walter M cPartlanl returned to Nyssa last Friday, after attending the state convention ut the Oregon Congress of Parents and Teachers, held In Portland last week Fence Posts and Fencing ARE EASY TO GET Idaho Visitors llrre— Mr and Mrs <3. W Moats of Murtaugh. Idaho were Monday vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A Wernlck. MB _ LUMBER .1 COMPANY •WART”, Thu Speed Cop Church Notes ST. P A U L’S EPISCOPAL ( H I BCD Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Church school, 10 a. m. Church services. 7:30 p. m., every [ Sunday evening. M ISSIO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH W. M. Turner. Pastor Sunday school. 10 a. m Morning service. 11 a. m. Song service, 7:30 p m Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer ser vice. 8 p. m. L. D. S. 1st W ARD Dean Pile. Bishop Sunday. 9 a. m , Sunday school. 10:30 a m , priesthood meeting. 6:30 p. m . sacrament meeting. Thursday. 2 p m.. relief society. 4 p m , primary. 7:30 p. m . M. I. A. THE d ll,E C U OF THE NAZARENK Rev. E. J. Wilson. Pastor 10 a. m., Sunday school. Russell Smith superintendent. 11 a. m„ congregational and special singing and sermon. 7 p m , Young people. Junior and children services. 8 p m , evangelistic service. Services every Wednesday at 8 p m. WHOLESALE - RETAIL / / 7 W ASHING POLISHING LU B R IC A I INC — hostess to her group, with 11 mem- bers present. The group spent the afternoon working on a quilt. Mrs. Harold Sisson was hostess to the members o f her group with the members working on dressing tables for the camp at Cove for the sum- CHURCH OP CHRIST mer church conference. Mrs. John Don R. Maxfleld, Pastor Stafford was in charge o f the de 10 a. m.. Bible school hour. votions. The Reds are forging ahead In the - 8 - contest HONORED A T SHOW ER 11 a. m . Morning worship Mrs. James Savage entertained at her home last Wednesday evening with a pink and blue shower, hon oring Mrs. Howard Lovejoy. Games were played during the evening, with first prize going to Mrs R. V W il SO C IETY PLANS SALE The st. Anne’s Alter society met son and second prize to Mrs. Dennis April 18 at the parish hall with Mrs. Patch Following the presentation E. Redman as hostess. During the of gifts to the honor guests, re business meeting plans were made freshments were served by the host for the Mother's day sale of fancy ess. work and cooked food, to be held at -8 — the Nyssa Insurance agency office D IN N E R CLUB MEETS May 13 Refreshments were serv Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herrlman en ed by the hostess at the close of tertained the members of the W ed the meeting. nesday evening dinner club last week. Bridge was in play at the -8 — The members of the Amity club Herriman home following dinner at met last Friday evening at the home the Moore hotel, with Mrs. A. H. of Mrs. Carl Bumingham Follow Boydell having high score and Mr. ing the potluck dinner, the evening Herriman second high. was spent informally, with Mrs. - 8 - Lloyd Lewis telling of some of her E N T E R T A IN S CLUB experiences as a census taker. Mrs. A. H. Boydell was hostess to the members of her Tuesday evening CO UNCIL O&OUPS MEET bridge club at her home this week. The group meetings of the wo W ith Mrs. George Mitchell as a men's council of the Christian guest player. Mrs. Ed Frost held church were held last Thursday a f the high score and Mrs. Ron CamD- ternoon. Mrs. Harold Robbins was bell second high. children and reception of members. 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship 8 p. m.. Public forum on "Issues and Candidates In the primary election” , with Henry Hartley as chairman. Start the Season RIGHT with a Brand-New Set of CATH O LIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Gatre, Pastor Mass on Sundays at 9:30 Cate chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2nd and Reece Sterl D. Spies*. Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Worship, 11 a. m. Evangelist and Mrs. Frank Coley will be ministering each night on Bible-centered sermon topics, de signed to give hope and confidence In a world of unrest. At 7:30 each evening Mrs Coley will present illustrated flannelgrapn sermons of special Interest to child ren and Junior age groups—W el come. Every night except Monday. I SUNSET VAI.I.EY ASSEMBLY OV* GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship services, 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study. 8 p. m. H IE M ETHODIST C O M M U N ITY CHURCH Donald 8. Campbell. Minister 9:45 a. m , church school. 11 a. m . morning worship Child hood Sunday In the church. The l>rot,iam Is especially planned for families Every child will be given a growing plant There will be a service of baptism for babies and - HI SWEEPS or SHOVELS | For PROM PT repair • K ills Woods and G rass service in the field PHONE 245 • Cuts Your Operating Costs OW YHEE TRUCK • Increases Your Farm Profits & IMPLEMENT CO. DECORATING HELPS DON B . M O SS Firestone Dealer Store ■: FURNACE CLEANING Spring is Ihe lime lo have your furnace cleaned and put in first class condition for fall. For A ll Heating, Air Conditioning, Furnace Service 1 I ] I t if 1 * * * * * I Come In Or Call Us Today FREE ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN EDER HARDWARE CO. PHONE 46 5‘ STAR S E R V IC E i mMmi Foe Star P erf ormane« in lb« Field, Oat !H 5-Star Sor visa In Our Shop COSTS MO MORE THAN ORDINARY REFRIGERATION f e -HkÂ^oîict“ Freezers Refrigerator hotpoint food freezer CO M BINATIO N Liberal Terms Make It Easy To Own This Big New • WITH THIS SPACIOUS Hot- point Food Freezer you coin purchase large amounts ot vegetables, fruits and meats when prices are lowest—and at favorable quantity-buying price*—freeze and store them for use all during the year. • HOTPOINT’S NSW interior design gives you more usable storage space. Hot point’s long life Thriftmaster Unit assures plenty of reserve cold for year- round freezing and storage— dependable service at an amaz ingly low operating cost. / BE COOL In B u m m e r AUTHORIZED FULLER • Saves Working Time and Trouble Reverse / I i | j I S o c ia l Notes FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Shrrwin Schmidt. Pastor Sunday school. 10 a. in. Morning service, 11 a. in Adult discussion group. Monday evening. 8 15 p. m. Undergoes Surgery— BIBI.F B A P T IS T CHURCH Mrs. Lorena Baker, mother of 213 Second St. South Mrs Wesley Browne underwent m aj Sunday school. John Benedict. or surgery at the Holy Rosary hos- Superintendent. 10 a. m. 1 pita! In Ontario Tuesday. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon by Harlan Goutschi of By Bingham Los Angeles, a missionaary to the jews In the U. 8. A. Bible study at 7 p. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. B jM jd t dM PHOfil lV tC b THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1950 / ./ Don't w a it fo r M O O fl ! FI the d ay you wish Com pare Thoso A dvantages! the weather were reverted ... plan to C om plete R e frig e ra tio n S o rv ie o from /wo engi h a v e your home insulated toon. THI MAVTAO M A 1 T I4 I rm i o f SÜ! Huge. *|U«re aluminum tub S184.95 TH« MAYTAB COM MANDI I, with Urge, aere porveleln tub *“ • fui «Hk »Ol. li.r.i.-u. .1.. $159.95 PETERSON FURNITURE CO. "Y our Dependable Furniture Store" ONTARIO. OREGON RECORDS Decca RCA Mercury Columbia MGM 25? Capitol 50c PETERSON FURNITURE CO. NYSSA. OREGON BALSAM W O O L5! The Attic Insulation ! N ow Low R r l t t makes this superb combination at inexpensive as many O fify Famous Thriftm aster U n it o f f e r s ma x i mum re frig era tion p e r fo rm ance at extremely low operatin g cost. *3-® a tfe o k /o r - f f T j l j j Q i i i f - » . w o r l d ' s finest Hot summers and chilling » inters do make ut long for a change to year-round tem perature comfort. Insulating w ith Balsam-W ool keeps tour home up lo II* cooler in summer — more comfort able la winter . . . with fuel savings that go on year after year. ae w e lf a r e , a * . r. , rifle ro to r $36.00 DOWN—FULL PRICE $350.75 I v o r y b o d y '$ P o i n t i n g to M p o in t Look To The Hotpoint For The Finest-First GET MORE FOR YOUR TRADE-IN AND MORE FO R YOUR MONEY AT Boise-Payette Lumber Co. C. F Mink, Mgr Nyssa, Nyssa. Oregon Oregon neering mtrveli in • tin gle kitchen unit! single-door refrig «retort which h»ve fewer fe features. j G 6> B STORE LOCATED IN THE BUILDING OCCUPIED BY GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER