Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1950)
V PAGE FOUR THE N YSSA G A T E C IT Y JO UR NAL. NYSSA. OREGON. TH UR SD AY. M A Y 4. 1950 I,tta honored Mrs Dick Fisher of Co- | of his daughter. Mrs. Lew McCoy. Mrs. Devon Larson, who had Just Mrs. Seth Kidman gathered at the Sunday at the Guy Glenn home. er. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Chapin and lumb • OMo at Ik* Warn» Mr and Mrs. Ed Corfield and returned home from the hospital home of Mrs. Grover Cooper Tues Guyanne was celebrating her 11th Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gam er. On tario shoppers were Mr. and Mrs. A l ' C l f l e n t Y l l - t i m * Of her mother Mrs Haworth Also Chet Corfield returned Wednesday with her new nine-pound baby boy. day afternoon wearing their com birthday. Mr. and Mrs Leonard Newgen Lewis Mitchell and Mrs. Ira Chadd. present was Mrs Ellis Givens and from Ogden. Utah, wnere Ed had Mr and Mrs Rose! Anderson went pleted cotton frocks. Pictures were 8UNS8ET VALLE Y. May 4- Acci two children of Roaeburg The three gone for medical aid. to Baker Sunday on a two-day fish taken and the ladies enjoyed an a f spent Monday on the farm and were and Mrs. Ed Steiner. dents occurlng last week caused a Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes and Wendall Cathcart and fam ily of ing trip, leaving their daughter. ternoon of visiting and refresh dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. sisters, Mrs. Fisher. Mrs Oivens. and series of minor Injuries to the W il Mrs Will Jones had completed a Wyoming, have been visiting at the Charyl, at the Fred Mitchell home. ments. marking the completion of Thomas Nlshitani. Leonard Installed Bonnie Kressley were Monday eve rpuninn a a r a n t o I home Kom a liam Gregg fam ily Master Philip ! reunion at t th** the n parental Mrs Ed Corfield home. Cathcart and ' Mr and Mrs Neal Holmes of their sewing course. Mrs. Magnus kitchen cupboards and lowered the ning guests at the Phil Mitchell home for a fam ily birthday dinner fell on his toys Sunday and a broken I Jones and her two children had al- Chet Corfield have been buddies for Caldwell are moving this week-end Ekanger was unable to be present kitchen window. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hlntz ac from Caldwell to Payette, where but also completed the course. wheel spoke Injured his eye Mrs. ready left for their home in Oak- many years Mr and Mrs Lynn Buffington Holmes Is now employed In the o f Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Folkman re companied Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Visit At Vale— Oregg received burns Monday on land. California, Milton McPheeters visited rela- of Wallowa were overnight guests1 fice of the Ackerman Motor Comp turned Monday from a five-day trip Beyle on a trip to Prosser and her face near her eye from hot Mr and Mrs. James Langley went R eturning. Yakima this week, visiting relatives tives at Vale last week-end. grease. Then on Wednesday a bolt to Boise Wednesday, bringing home at the home of Mr and Mrs Neil I any His wife, Verla Mae. formerly to Plains City, Utah. of the valley, is a sister of Clifford with them was Mrs George’s moth and friends. broke In two and struck Mr Gregg their son. Emery James. Just one Dimnuck Thursday evening. Miss Clarice Notheis and Mrs Wolfe er, Mrs. Lester Folkman. M r and Mrs John Orottviet were Returns From Clinic— in the eye giving him a very black month old, from the hospital, Charlie Schweizer were guests of Robert Wilder came home Thurs Thomas Nlshitani was among the j Sunday callers in the valley and Wednesday evening supper guests and painful "shiner". Mrs. Wayne Oarner Is now con- Mrs Dennis Fateh at the Saturday at the Elver Nielsen home were Mr 40 NLsei veterans In the loyalty par supper guests at the Olaf Fylling- day from Portland, where he receiv The last meeting of the Bunset [ valesclng at the home of her par- afternoon book club meeting. ed treatment in a clinic. ness home and Mrs Ewen Chard Mr and Mrs ade in Boise Saturday. extension unit Is set for Wednesday, ents. Mi and Mrs. Bruce Pett. Mr and Mrs Pred Mitchell re Ernest Smith, Mrs Robert Olp. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clymer of May 10 at the home of Mrs Orover Those shopping In Boise a n d , Harry Kataezyk Is now erecting Cooper Mrs Burke, extension agent the quonset roof on his new cinder- turned home Monday from Vernal. Betty O rr called for berry plants Texas are visiting Don McGinnis. I Nampa during the week Included Purchases Jersey— Utah, after attending the funeral that evening. James M cKinley of Nyssa has Mrs. Clymer Is McGinnis daughter. at large, will present the topic for block barn. Mrs. Harold and Mrs. Olaf Fylllng- Mr and Mrs. Charles Schmelzer ness, Mrs. Roy Holmes, Mrs. Neil purchased the registered Jersey, Lew the day. "Fam ily Business and Law". A pink and blue shower for Mrs. of Mrs Mitchell’s sister. Upon their I Mrs Clarence Dodson. Mrs. Frank Installation of officers for the new James Baird was given Thursday return. Mrs Mitchell spent three Land. Mrs Herbert Bergam, Mrs. were among the guests at a birthday 1 Dlmmlck. Mrs E. J. Hobson, Mrs. Rose Basil Pet from the herd owned year will also be held afternoon by Mrs Grover Finley. days at the home of her daughter Henry Hlntz, Mrs Robert Ditty and dinner given for Guyanne Glenn Homer Brewer, Mrs Barbara Brew by Lewis Johnson o f Vale. Gary Nielsen celebrated his eighth Mrs Ira Price, and Mrs Gene birthday with a party late Thurs Stephans at the Ira Price home. day afternoon, when his mother, Twelve guests were present for the Mrs Elver Nielsen, stopped after opening of gifts, games and refresh school and brought Bruce De Haven ments Tommie Hudson. Kenneth Vender- Returning Saturday from a week’ , pool. Ronnie Bmlth. Alvin Marrs, motor trip through northern Idaho LOVE LOVE ANOTHER. far MORE MILK, MORE MONEY— Rex Langley, and Roger Morris and Washington, was Miss Marian M O T H E R -- Raisa Yaur Calf Without A COW home for games und Ice crrum and Price, who had accompanied a Nam cake Oary received many gifts pa friend The two young ladles When you raise your calves on C alf from the boys. visited at the Robert Albritton home Startena instead of milk you have Mrs. Veva Castle spent this week in Elgin, the Raymond Shively home more milk to sell. That's because visiting at the home of her daughter. at Walla Walla, and also In Coeur Mrs Clifford Wolfe each 100 lbs. of C alf Startena re d’Alene. Mr and Mrs Hudson Robb spent Misses Jo Ann and Bobbie Price places 40 gallons of milk. And Star Bunday on the farm und had dinner were overnight guests at the Har tena helps calves become big, sturdy, with Mr and Mrs James Robb, old Snyder home In Melba. Idaho dairy-quality heifers. who are operating the farm Mr Thursday evening after attending a and Mrs James Robbs went to Cald track meet r I - well Friday evening shopping, and Ira Price moved his cattle to past visited at the Homer Dlderlcksen ure Sunday in the Big Bend area home Mr and Mrs. Chester Newell of Mrs. Charlie Hchmelzer attended Tacoma returned Saturday upon re- a tea at the home of Mrs Ralph j celpl of word that Mrs Della Leota Haworth Tuesday afternoon The j Ditty’s physical condition had not | improved and she had been taken MMM mmm back to the Holy Rosary hospital Mr and Mrs Newell and M r und Mrs Clarence Dodson were over night guests at the Leslie Ditty home in Onturio Saturday evening Inaurane* Real Rstat» A group of 25 young people charlvaried the newlyweds. Mr und Mrs Charlie McCoy last Saturday evening. McCoy took his record pluyer to Sunset hull und the group enjoyed an evening of dancing Mrs McCoy has resigned her position In MMMMNMNMMMWKSg the Caldwell bunk and will be at home ut Ole's corner. Mi und Mrs L. L. Booth arid sons. Cluyton and Herbert, moved into their new einderblock home on the 8. E. Flanagan farm last week _ _____ Twenty acres of beets were thin ned on the Flanagan farm last '/ week-end. Only a few In Sunset valley nre thinning as yet, due to the cold weather slowing the growth H Crutchfield has been building a double garuge The building will be used this summer to house M ex ican laborers David Randolph arrived In Nyssa Thursday from Iowa and was taken to Ironside by Mrs. Marie Black Mr Randolph will visit at the home Tlir«*«* In Familv . . . . . ¡ ■ » S I CHCCKERBOAttP CHUCKLES• From Your Purina Dealer I you I 1 m tr TOBLER'S / i FEED & FUEL Bernard Eastman Phone 64 4^ D el M onte garden show OF Nvfuta. Oregon DR. G. W. GRAVES “ „ Optometrist Eyes Examined CANNED FOOD VALUES " Come fill your shopping basket. ...s o many varieties .. . . so much good eating for all l Phone 720 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho CORN PRUNES W hole Kernel, 12 o z ..............5 for 69c Cream Style, 303 _________5 for 67c Cream Style, Picnic ..... 5 for 55c Dried, M edium ...... .......... . 2 lbs. 39c RAISINS GREEN BEANS Seedless, 1 lb......................... 2 for 35c Whole, No. 2 Cut, No. 2 GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS ... ...... 2 for 57c ..............- 2 for 49c Fancy, Florida, No. 2 BEETS ASPARAGUS TIPS \\ ©K PEARS Whole, No. 1 Jar____ ______________ 2 for 39c i v r (// K I V Nl \ Green and White, No. 2 .............2 for 79c Green and White, Picnic.............. 2 for 57c PEAS % « ,C, Early Garden Sugar, No. 303 4 for 79c Early Garden Sugar, picnic ..... 4 for 59c SAUERKRAUT ll MÖ.2V4 No. 2 Halves, No. 1 ______________ 2 for 39c APRICOTS Halves, No. 2V i...... ...................... - 2 for 59c Halves, No. 1 .............................. 3 for 57c PEACHES Halves or Sliced, No. 1___________ 3 for 49c Halves or Sliced, No. 2 V i......... .... 2 for 49c ................. ....... 6 for 89c 6 for 73c £$> TOMATO JUICE Let us help you plan your No. 2 46 oz. 3 for 4 for 35c 97c 3 for 49c CATSUP 14 oz. ARGO BRANDS, Packed By Del Monte FRUIT COCKTAIL Picnic_____________________ T____ 4 for 47c No. 1 ... ................ ................... 3 for 55c No. 2*/2 ................ Sugar Peas, Argo, Picnic .............. 6 for Pineapple, No. 2 _________________3 for 49c Pineapple, 46 oz................... ......... 2 for 75c Orange, 46 oz............... ....... ...... 2 for 89c Orange and Grapefruit, 46 oz_____ 2 for 89c Grapefruit, 46 oz____ ____________ 2 for 89c 59c you'll find your wishes fulfilled by the Union Pacific. Accommodations to fit every need, every pocketbook: Pul I mj Hi , with sections, roomettes, bedrooms, drawing rooms, compartments; Coaubit, with reserves! reclining GREEN BEANS Cut, Argo, No. 2 .................. 4 for 69c seats; to «mg* Cmrt . . . Ihmimg Cmt, A (rain trip 1s a vacation in itself. Y o u relax — dine leisurely, meet congenial people, have plenty o f room to roam about, and arrive rested and refreshed. *««raat U imaa HOURS: W eek days—8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays— 12 noon to 8 p. m. PINEAPPLE Crushed & sliced, No. 1 flats 3 for 45c Sliced, No. 2 .............. 2 for 59c Crushed, No. 2 ______ _______2 for 53c Sliced, No. 2V i - _ 2 for 73c Crushed, No. 2 V i____________ 2 for 65c SALE DATES—INCLUSIVE Saturday, April 29 to Saturday, May 6 208 2nd and Good Wll sob ’ s super Market U» fa r D ependable T ra n sp o rta tion -*« {pacific , . . soy U N I O N PACIFIC ,.................... 3 for 97c IUICES PEAS Hiitoric eastern centers . . . scenic grandeur . . . outdoor recreation . . . happy, restful days — whatever you desire, 2 for 49c Phone 21 Modern Methods Make Shopping Easier Here FREE PARKING AND DELIVERY