» i VV ^ '~'~—*-r-i-r- -- •- r—- ry^-t- ,'v raeNYSSA SECOND SECTION JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 27. 1950 Resident Of Nyssa Sheep Shearing Area Among Last Is Now Underway Of Civil War Vets Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dali and sons of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and family and Mr and Mrs. Theo Matherly and Joan. ARCADIA, April 27—Jim Jones of j Mr. and Mrs. Sig Murchami and family returned last week from a Michael J. Thralls, who lives on a Wetser sheared sheep for George trip to Sacramento. farm between Nyssa and Ontario, Hurst. Cecil Houston and Oeorge I Miss Roberta Hamilton of Seattle Moeller last week. visited her sister, Mrs. Jack Zltter- is listed as one of the 17 remaining Mr. Kriman of Parma was guest northern veterans of the American speaker at Arcadia after Sunday cob last week-end. The Arcadia Sunshine club met school Sunday. Civil war. at the home of Mrs. Ben Houston, Mrs. Clyde Bowers entertained a The 40 veterans of the war in with 23 present. Roll call was ans group of youngsters April 22, the oc- clude 23 who wore the gray uniform asslon being the sixth birthday of wered with a household hint. Mrs. Bullard and Mrs. Elmer Strad- of the southern states. The num her son, Bobby. Those present were Otis ley demonstrated how to clean rugs ber represents a decrease of one- Doris and Jimmy Benldict, Irene and upholstery. Margaret Feik drew third in the last year. and Carolyn Schilling and Roy the door prize. Refreshments were The oldest union survivor is James ; Sparks. Mrs. Bowers served cake served by Mrs. Houston and the co A. Hard of Rochester, New York, and ice cream to the group. hostess, Mrs. Cecil Houston. who was born July 15, 1842. He was Mrs. K. Iida and Nancy. Helen The next meeting of the Arcadia a private in company E of the 32nd and Ted of Ontario and David, who Sunshine club will be held April 28 New York infantry. The oldest con has Just arrived from Japan visited at the home of Mrs. Oeorge Cole federate is John T. Graves, who at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George man. with Mrs. George Hust as lives at a confederate home main Moeller and family Saturday even hostess. tained at Higginsville, Missouri. ing. Nell Bowers' 4-H Sewing and Theodore A. Penland of Vancover, ! Nell Bowers and her 4-H class Cooking club met at her home April Washington, last commander of the plan a swimming party for April 29 22, with all members present. After G. A. R., is the youngest survivor of at the Vale hot springs. the business meeting the sewing the war. The northern veterans Those visiting in the home of girls worked on their dresses and the held their last encampment at In Mrs. Anna Dail Sunday were Mrs. cooking girls cooked cinnamon bis dianapolis last year. Dale Lakey and family of Boise, cuts and popovers. The next meet ing will be held May 6 at the home of June Feik. Mrs. Dale Lakey and Jimmy, Janet and Barbara of Boise spent the week-end with Mrs. Lakey’s mother, Mrs. Anna Dail and visited DRAGLINE WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS Mr. Lakey who is employed in On tario on the pipeline to Pasco, AVAILABLE FOR Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Reece and DRAINAGE CANAL CLEANING girls called at the Charles Bullard home Friday. L A N K F O R D B ROS BASEMENTS EXCAVATING TANK HOLES Phone 21C-R or 293NW Nyssa, Oregon E. 0. M. CLEARANCE SALE Now 1 Green Frieze Daveno and Club Chair Reg. $206.95 $179.50 1 2-Pc. Sectional Frieze (Beige, Green) Reg. $212.50 ... $179.50 1 Blue Floral Top, Swing Rocker, Reg. $59.50 ___ 39.50 1 Beige Top, Swing Rocker, Reg. $59.50------ $44.50 1 Swing Rocker, Reg. $44.50 $36.50 5-Pc. Bedroom Suite (Limed Oak) Reg. $262.50 .................... $179.50 2 Chests of Drawers (Maple) Reg. $59.95 ......... .— $39.50 2 Metal Beds (Slightly Scratched) Reg. $12.95 $9.50 1 Alum. Bathinette (Slightly Soiled) As Is. Reg. $6.95 ......... $4.50 1 Group Occasional Tables (Blond) Reg. $39.50 $24.50 1 Deluxe Ironer, Reg. $179.50 .... $135.00 1 Used Refrigerator (Good Condition) ........... $50.00. 1 Used Electric Range ...............$40.00 Club Women Give Husbands Party I Pat Smith and Irene Senn and Mr and Mrs Henry Reuter attended a | roller skating party in Ontario Fri- day evening. The party was given by the F. F. A. boys for the girls who served at the banquet. | All interested women are invited to attend. Visits In Eugene— Mrs. Vernon Robertson and daughter left for Eugene last Thurs day to visit for a week with Mrs. Robertson's two sisters. Republican Women To Meet— A meeting of the Nyssa repub lican women will be held at the Doll Daughter Born— House at 2 p. m. Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boydell are A discussion of questions pretainlng the parents of a daughter born at to the coming election will be held. the Holy Rosary hospital Monday. ROW CROP SPRAYERS OR FULL COVERAGE Built On Your Tractor To Fit Your Job Nyssa's outstanding baby-sitter plans to leave Friday for Burley, where he will re-enter the theater business under the name of A. O. Wells. Because of his baby-sitting ability, Olean has been presented with gifts by the Nyssa fire depart ment and the Lions club. He is shown above in an Evans studio photograph with Jim Hadyn, hold ing the bottle; and Dale Hagen, who participated in a baby-sitting con test sponsored by radio station KW'EI. the music conference in La Grande Friday and Saturday. More than 30 schools participated. Mrs. Bob Brown and Lynnette are spending a week at the C. F. Cummings home in Boise. Mrs. Joe Smith of Wendell, Idaho and Mrs. Wade Nichols and sons of Homedale visited at the Cecil Smith home Saturday. Glenn Pounds attended a post masters meeting In Ontario Sunday. After the business session, the post masters attended a dinner in the Moore hotel. Barbara Hatch, Beverly Pounds, ADRIAN, April 27—The Ladies Pinochle club members gave a din ner for their husbands at the W. W. Piercy home Friday evening. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Dierking and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas. The Adrian grade school P. T. A. will hold a cooked food sale Sat urday at Brown's Mercantile. The proceeds will go to help pay for a movie projector. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson vis ited Saturday in Emmett at the home of their daughters, Mrs. Elvia Bonde and Mrs. Lorraine Glennen. Mrs. James McOinnis and Junior and Joyce visited Mrs. McGinniss' sister, Mrs. Tom Ferguson of Parma, in Boise Saturday. Mrs. Ferguson is ill in the St. Atphonsus hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huff and son of Nyssa visited at the Cecil Smith home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Looney and son of Caldwell visited in the E. E. Parker and Bill Looney homes Mon day evening. Jerry Pounds spent the week-end at the home of his uncle, Roy Pounds, in Nyssa. Jess and Larry Norris were Sun day dinner guests in the Jim Norris home at Newell Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Teske and daughters of Nyssa visited at the W E. Willis home Sunday. Beverly Pounds spent the week end In the Bill Baxter home in Big Bend. Fern Price of Owyhee was a week end guest of Patricia Smith. Rev. David Hunter attended a church conference for three days last week in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. James Oalloway of Nampa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Cartwright Shirley Smith and Betty Jarvis were in Ontario on business Thursday. Bill Looney was in Emmett and Boise Wednesday on business. Mrs. Alvan McGinnis and Mrs. James McGinnis visited In Boise and Meridian Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren. Myrna Lane. Nell Stoker, Loretta Van de Water and Betty Hansen attended Spray bars adjustable for full coverage or any width row crop, all in one spray bar. The latest ball bearing pumps being used to fit on your power take-off. Any pressure desired, any gallonage desired. Bring your tractor in in the morning and take a complete spray rig home with you in the evening. Hose, Nozzels, Gauges, Pressure regulators, any thing you want for spray equipment. Be sure to make appointment for the job. MACK'S ANTI-WEED GUN 1424 Chicago Street Caldwell, Idaho THE CHATTIN ROTARY CULTIMULCHER FILL UP YOUR LOCKER OR DEEP FREEZE IS D O IN G N IC E W ORK with our grain-fed ESPEC IA LL Y IN HARD-TO - HEREFORD BABY BEEF fed in our own feed lot. This is the best young grain-fed meat that you can buy GET A SIDE OR WHOLE CARCASS C ULTIVATE F IE L D S THE HOUSE OF OLIVER JACOB FISCHER NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. Phone 381-W Here Are America's Most Outstanding Truck Values ______ W advance - d esig n new P L trucks /CH EV R O LET/ SUNNY MBW w alls, ceilings, in /•COAT, S ee th e se g re a t n e w tru ck b u y s in our sh ow room s to d a y t /-# /* / F U U C O A T >« real O H point— it’* fast— it last* I Goes on over on/thing — imooth /Performance Xeaders /^ayload Leaders Popularity Xeaders /V ice Xeaders Most Powerful Chevrolet Trucks Ever Builtl Cost Less To Oporate Por Ton Por Mllel Preferred by Par Over All Other TrucksI N o w at N o w Low er ond flat— driei quick — HAS N O O O O fll 12 pretty coton. FUUC0AT PA ft AM M O with all these P L U S FEATURES * Prlcesl TWO OREAT VAIVI-IN-H IAD ENGINES: Hie New lOJ-h.p. loed-Mo.ler and the Improved «M i.p. Thrift-Metier • THE NEW POWER-JET CARBURETOR • DIAPHRAOM STRINO CLUTCH O SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS e °T N T E R M O U N T A IN HYPOtO REAR AXLES e DOUBLE-ARTICULATED BRAKES STEERINO * e WIDE-BASE WHEELS » ADVANCS-OSSIOM STYUNO UNIT-OISION BODIES / limitare compatiti cm am a FOR YOU! IOMS , DON B. MOSS Firestone Dealer Store Cables Chevrolet Co. ONTARIO, OREGON e BALL-TYPE