Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
PAGE SIX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 27, 1950 returned to his home last Thursday, Vera Hohstadt. president, Mrs Elma Mr. and Mrs Keith Tallman drove ments were served i were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Coffman. Herman. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Beslie. O fficer* N am ed but became 111 and was taken to Field, vice president: Mrs. Nora to John Day and picnicked. While Mr and Mrs. Alva Goodell spent Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Chard. Mr. and Bv Farm erette* the hospital again Friday Hugh Wood, secretary, and Mrs Allda en route a Chinese pheasant flew Monday and Tuesday at Enterprise, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Edwards Mrs. Ed Mason, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Into the windshield, breaking its where Mr. Ooodell attended a dis- Refreshments were served. j Smit, treasurer. Keasling and Douglass and Dennis. neck and the windshield NU-ACRE8, April 27—Eugene Doyle Riddle, who has been unable to oe Fry has been ill and 1 trict meeting of county commis- out. Is somewhat Improved and able ¡out Geraldine | sioners. of school part of the past week, and Oene Denny of Prultland and to be outside part of the time. is better now. Alva Goodell. Jr., took Mrs. Lillian The Farmerettes club held Its an but Francis Clarence Doyle of Heartwell, Ne nual Barney left Wednesday Shower I» Given I Scheller to the Henry Estick home all day meeting and election of for Chico, California, braska called on Mr and Mrs. H. Z. officers he ex Sunday. After visiting F or Fire Victim s at there Meridian Wednesday of last week pects to work on a farm. where Wood Tuesday afternoon. His father, for two weeks she will leave new officers who were elected David Cecil Kiddle, who has been in the to The serve Barney, left some weeks ago BUENA VISTA. April 27—Jerry Day for her home at Cortez, Colorado. the coming year are: Mis for Chico, /hospital In Ontario for some time. where they plan to make is 111 with the mumps. Mrs. Scheller has spent the past their home. at the Goodell home. Mrs. Leslie Topllff called two Mr. months The Do Moore 4-H club held its at Mr the and and Mrs Louis Battle and Irvin Topllff home. Little family of FOR YOUR PLUMBING regular monthly meeting Tuesday Teresa Topllff E. W. PR U YN Buhl visited at the George ls much better after Cleaver home last evening and installed the new of her recent illness. NEEDS ficers for the coming year. Thrs Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephen and Mr. and Mrs. Bill week. Brooks enter officers are Terrel Samuels, presi family returned from California tained Saturday evening. Auto Repairing Quests Bath Sets, W ater Heaters dent; Shirley Johnson, vice presi Tuesday evening. dent; Judy Preston, secretary; Dale A shower honoring Mr and Mrs. Reboring, Valve Grind and Pressure Systems Montague, treasurer; Horace Wood, Earl Schwelzer was held at the reporter, Jacquelyn Orcutt, pianist Call Schweizer home last week. ing, Lathe work. Part» aand Carol Montague, song leader. Oeorge Guests were Mrs. Fred Stephen, Mrs. DR. C.W. GRAVES Mr and Mrs. F. C Fry made a J. C. S M ITH James Stephen. Jr., Mrs. House, bus trip to Caldwell Monday. Optometrist and accessories Mrs. John Strickland. Mrs. Glen The Nu-Acres Grange met at the Strickland. 13 Years In Nyssa Mrs. Oene Stephen and ; hall Thursday evening. Refresh Eyes Examined Earl Strickland. The honored j Phone 78-J ments were enjoyed at the close of Mrs Phone 56-W family's home and possessions were the meeting. a few weeks ago. Phone 720 Mrs Ethel Durrington and Wayne burned Mrs. Willis Bertram and baby I are in California, where Mrs. Dur daughter. were honored at rington went to be with her mother, a shower at Lucille, 718 Arthur St. the Loyd Cleaver home who Ls ill at her home In Riverside. with 17 women attending Oames Mrs. Ed Meroney attended the Caldwell, Idaho played with Mrs JamLson and state convention of the Royal Neigh were Mrs. Clifford Nielsen winning prizes. bors at Meridian Wednesday eve Lovely gifts were received. Refresh- ning. - The regular meeting of the Black Canyon Water Users association was held at the hall Friday evening. Mrs. Frances Nedbalek is improv ing and is able to sit up for a short time each day. Estimates Gladly Given Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mason and daughter. Linda are making their home temporarily with Mr and Mrs. A P Chesney of this community. Mr Mason Ls engaged in construct ion work. Ontario Ontario Grain Co. 53 Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt Stokers GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho ‘ IRRIGATION PUMPS ‘ DOMESTIC PUMPS ‘ WATER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC MOTORS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WE INSTALL AND SERV ICE........ Call or Write Inierm ounlain Equipment Co. BOISE. IDAHO Myrtle at Broadway Phone 9000 KAISER-FRAZER _ A P M O V ID - SERVICE Sales & Service If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best o f condition. BRING YO U R TROUBLES T O US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 80—East of Tov/n Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs Virgil Jones, Mr and Mrs. Irvin Sickemau and Gaylord, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ker and Mr. and Mrs. U. Hiatt. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver re ceived word Saturday that Mr. Cleaver’s father and mother, who live in Missouri, were 111, both hav ing a stroke. The directors and employes of the Farmers Supply co-op of Nyssa and ; ALCOHOLICS Ontario gathered at the new Alva ANONYMOUS Ooodell home for a house warming Nyssa Group Meeting Sunday Saturday evening and presented evenings. 8 p. m. them with a lovely table lamp and 407 Main Street furnished the refreshments. Guests | Phone 2-M were Mr and Mrs. Benny Fields and David. Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy I — FARMERS ATTENTION — SOIL AID—GYPSUM AND SULPHUR FERTILIZER $ 25.00 DEAD ANIMALS Free Pickup Phone Collect Japanese V isits B rother In Valley (Continued from Page 2) Charlie Schwelzer attended the county O. E. A. banquet held In On tario Tuesday evening. Oscar Malmberg Is now working, helping Albert Notheis with the irri gation. Mr and Mrs. Chester Bowns and three children returned Sunday from a four-day vacation trip to Ogden, visiting friends and rela tives. Four laborers moved Into the Bowns little house this week, ready for beet thinning soon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell left Tuesday for Vernal, Utah upon re ceiving word of the death of Mrs. Mitchell's sister. Mr and Mrs. Ira Price and Joel attended the junior class play in Adrian Saturday evening Jo Ann Price and Oeorgia Ward both had parts In the play. Mrs. H. Okano and Cherle. Paul and Robert were among the 18 guests at an afternoon party at the home of Mrs. Roy Htral of Adrian. The party was given in celebration of three-year-old Michael Hlral. Mr and Mrs. Olaf Fylllngness were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Orott- vlet. Mrs Pete Wltson, Mrs. James Wil son and Mrs. Claude Wilson attend ed the Civic club style show Wed nesday In Nyssa. Mr and Mrs. Larry Dimmick and son. Durrel, and Mr and Mrs. Mark Hartley drove to within 12 miles of Silver City for a picnic and out ing Sunday Mr and Mrs. Dick Parker of Oak land, California arrived Wednesday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Parker. Dick ls a postal employee In Oakland. The couple had visited In Yakima at the home of Mrs Parker's parents. The young Parkers left Sunday for California. Mr and Mrs. Sam Shaw and two sons of Jamieson were Sunday din ner guests at the Harold Fylllngness home Mr. and Mrs. Vers Sessions were Sunday dinner guests at the Pete Wltson home The men have been taking cattle to tthe hills all week. The last bunch went out Saturdav. Mr and Mrs J B Mitchell and son. Dent, were Saturday dinner guests at the Lewis Mitchell home Dent and J. B are helping Lewis In budding a new garage Mr. and Mrs. Walter HUlls have | built a new tool shed and repainted j the house and all of the farm build- j Ings. The Seth Kidman family and j Clarence Dodson family picnicked j and fished on the Owyhee river \ Sunday. The Homer Brewer family and Repair or Remodel For Spring W e will be glad to give you complete information on how you can repair, remodel or paint your buildings on easy terms with three years to pay YOUR BUSINESS, AS ALW A YS IS GREATLY APPRECIATED FOR QUALITY LUMBER AT LOWER COST Call The Nyssa Lumber Co. lohn Ostrom, owner Phon# ni w Parma Place Your Order Now Phone 98 Nyssa Per Ton Main Plant 100 Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. NYSSA ELEVATOR Nyssa. Oregon NYSSA, OREGON Tun« In HENRY J. TAYLOR, ABC Nmlwork. mvtry M»nday • v$ntng . Look how you save with tiling you notice, of course, I ^ * irst is the bother and effort Dyna- flow Drive* saves. N ext, that Dynaflow saves you physically—after long trips you’re less tense and tired, more relaxed. B ut then, as the miles pile up—and this comes from cold, recorded fact after Dynaflow’s two years of pub lic operation—you spot savings you hadn’t expected . . . You save on tires—because power application is steady, even. On clutch expense—the usual friction clutch is gone. You save on transm ission m ainte nance, and the rear-axle expenses likely to go with it. And the way your engine is oil-cushioned against normal shocks and strains shows up in less engine upkeep. • S n M on ROADNASTKR. op'umnl ml extra com on S V P O t end STSCtAl. modela. I-W4T »O M IS O «! end P) >•„ m. UvS. 141 You may well discover another pleasant surprise, too. We are getting a steadily mounting number of well-satisfied letters about gasoline mileage with Dyna- How cars. The SPECIAL has shown some rec ords little short of phenomenal. The Sl'PER is delivering mileage that compares most favorably with gear shift car*. And the ROADMASTER more than holds its own with cars of its size and bulk. In short, there’s a lot more to please your budget in the 1950 Dynaflow than its new lower price. Refinements over the past two years result in savings that are siz able over the life of the car. knowing that, don’t you want us to dem onstrate the big side of Dyna flow —the u tte r sm oothness of A m erica’s first oil-docs-it-all drive? O nly B uiek i n Z ty t a f f o u A — mnd nrttk i t g em t: hi ohi k . COMPRESSION Fireball volve-in head power in three ongino «. INow F J63 engine in SUCH modal¡1 • NEW-PATTERN STYLING, with MULTI-GUARD forefront, taper through fondori, “ double bubble“ to illig h t, • WIDE - ANQLF VISIBILITY, d o te up rood eiew both forward and hock • TRAFFIC- HANDY SIZE, le u O verall length lo t easier pock ing and gocoging, short turning radius • EXTRA- WIDE SEATS crodled between the anies • SOFT BUICK RIDE, from oil-coil springing, Salety-Ride rims, low-pressure tires, ride-sleodjring torque-tube • WIDE ARRAY OF MODELS with Body by Fisher. JVafci/ss T r a m - DYNAFLOW mad F-2B3 In tHn Suick beauty pictured you can h ave bath Dynaflow end Suick'« vary (ata«t in power. For ovary 1750 S u m has the F-263 angina, that lively high- lion stopper that's the big power thrill at the season. Dynaflow Drive is optional equipment at extra cast. here compel Seflèrâuy Suick" -Fhmnm yoar BUICK dmmlmr tnr m dém onstration — B ig h t R0BERTS-NYSSA, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave. NYSSA, OREGON ire ba ü t B U IC K wiU buüd tbmm JVotW >