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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
PAGE FOUR F ir e m e n Put .. THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL Out , . . llaVhtaek Hlaze . _______ . __ . . ‘n* Kln the atho° 1 dinner guests Ciolalo building Mrs eve" Martha KUngback . . . in the Anthony . , dialled the new officers and pre- homP ln Adrlan 0 ,0 dlnner was In »ented each with an old-fashioned ! honor of Mr Clofalo on his birth- noe-e-gay of violets. Mr Newinan day w a . unable to secure the film;, of Mrs Laura Duty of Appleton, d ^ ,. K,iWi ie }iS hp htaH niar, / i p ned M r, i,.sU, .stoker' showed MUkaour1, who vultin* ***r daugh- , Himr inov„.. taken on recent trips u"r- Mrs John Beeves, in Nyssa, is x h „ members decided in l«»Id a ’'Rending a few days with-M r and cooked food sale .Saturday April 2k Mrs Jev>e DtUy. Mrs. Ditty spent t!i ralx(. IIMir<. moIiey ^ 'he|p Tuesday with her niece. Mrs T. H. for t h e (>roJettor which the P T A Brewer ---- James Hawkins has returned ! p buying for the school. Not nearly a, rnucn wa, reallzed , rom the home after spending six weeks In I the N. E. Dalton home in Salt j chorus as was hoped Rev K ^ t Kriner delivered the Lake City. Mr and Mrs Lewis Skinner were message at the Owyhee Community church Sunday, both morning and in Ontario on business Monday. Lyman Dalton is here on business evening. In the afternoon Rev and Mrs. Kriner and Sandra and Phillip from Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rlgney of { were dinner guests In the Ed Cor- Nyssa were Sunday callers In the field home. Ronnie and Bobby K riner were ^ewls Skinner home. Sunday dinner guests o f Mrs. Seven members of the Pleasant Martha Klingback and Fred I Hour club * athered April 17 at the Mr. and Mrs. William Wegman ho,ne of M rv Geor* e Schweizer for and Children of Homedale were Sun- a shower for the Earl Schweizer day guests in the Kenneth Me Don- ,amili' of Ontario, who lost their aid home j home and all their belongings In a Mr. and Mrs Werner Peutz and **re a *ew ago Mrs. Paul Kauffman and son. Wanda and Mi and Mrs. Bob Mor•- I'.iyettc, Mrs Wade fltt went to Meridian Sunday to NIchoL and two sons of Hamedale visit Mr anil Mrs. Leo Huber Mr and Mrs Eads and children and Mrs. Vida Smith of Twin Falls of Wilder were guests Saturday ill visited In the home of Mrs. O er aid Slippy Saturday. The women the T H Brewer home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Grant and were school chums. children, laris and Robert, were Sun day dinner guests o f Mr and Mrs M I S . ,V*|| < . ( II I p i l l ' l l H D. Bigelow. 1 mi and Mrs Oeraid slippy left Honored Al Party Monday morning to take their son. ________ J 7 I Eldon, to Portland for a check-up , OREGON T R A IL , April 27—A bridal Mrs. Bob Rice and Mrs. Henry Slip- I shower was given Saturday after- py went with them. Vernon, their noon honoring Mrs. Ned Campbell, other son. stayed in Parma with his [ formally Marzene Garner. Hostesses grandparents. Mr and Mrs. Ray j for the afternoon were Mrs. Bob I Franklin. \ Reffelt. Mrs. Thurman Hill and the Mr anil Mrs Homer Love took Merry Matrons club. The program their baby daughter. Donna Joann consisted of the following numbers: 1 Pi Boise to a specialist Monday and Piano duet, Sylvia and Irene Jayo; left her there for a few days’ ob vocal solo, Janice Campbell; piano servation The baby has been 111 solo. Dona I>ee Wilson; Reading, •since birth a month ago and has Betty Anne Boenig; piano duet; been kept In the Ontario hospital Dina Lee WILson and Betty Anne A C Hawkins has completed lev Boeing, and vocal solo, Janice eling 300 acres on the McKinney Campbell The bride was then pre senator i Rust i ranch and most o f the land sented with a lovely assortment of i Is seeded to crops now. gifts. Lunch was served to 45 guests. Mrs Byrd Walters. Mrs. Orville The luncheon tables were attractlv- McEwen, Mrs Harlan Koger and ly decorated with bouquets of spring FH A r fv f > • - • ! • ( I S o n a to » W a y n e M o r t e C o m M J Coa Ch RiNgfh Block. Fo»MonW. Ore Mrs Ellis Walters attended the hos- flowers. i pilal auxiliary meeting Monday in The Merry Matrons club met at the home of Opal Holmes Wednes “WA RT” , 'I he Speed Cop By Bingham day, April 19. Eleven members ans wered roll call with a sewing short ... I f-1 1 I insu««/ I H 3U T o T o TJ w O WONOCR.--7 t 5 I I LL M M I f j Mt TO H I **- tU C * Ÿ- nu*» ftft rom ïâ ÿ »MViaaiV | cut. Following the business meet TW» O H I (iMOAfT O f») ( *440 ÍHUOT4* H i» M U I» , I ing games were played, with Oladys THk m O * t , c VM0N oh ah O Í, i Byers. Mary Smiley. Virginia Rook- % ; v T \ ~ " L j stool and Bernice Sewell winning * t ' i f - fÇ T ' i f \ m C iA Q * IT j prizes. Lunch was served by the | hostess, assisted by Marie Holmes. The next meeting will be held May 3. with Virginia Rookstool as hostess. Roll call will be answered wlth’ My Favorite Like and My Strangest Dr,like.’’ Mr and Mrs. John Bowen and family and Mr. and Mrs La Vern Cleaver fLshed at Owyhee dam Sun day. The* ability, political courage and rugged honesty OREGON WANTS IN CONGRESS “K c - e le c t WAYNE M O R S E A n t e lo p e t i 'l a k e Five-W av Meel PHONE WHOLESALE -R ET A IL — & y / / 7 v e t i. The Adrian high school track team won a five-way meet held on the Nyssa field Tuesday afternoon. The scores were Adrian 64 1» points; Frultland, 47'4: Parma, BUILT LIKE A BATTLESHIP V w «e high hurdles; Mecham. mile run; Wilson. 100 yard dash; Stevens, high jump. Jones. 440 yard run; Asumendl. javelin; Keller, broad- pole vault at 8 feet. 5 Inches; Jordan. jump. and Jones. 220. the club Prizes were won by Mr Nyssa as representatives oi the O K. 2«*,. New Plymouth. U tt »nd Wild er. 10. Byrd Wallers and Mrs Werner K club peutz Mr and Mrs Kenneth McDonald Adrian first place winners were The Adrian Grade 8chool P. T A. and children were Saturday evening Nelson and Ratlcan. tied In the ^ C h rt M U U place n l^ e ^ a m e ' ignited ^ ted the Chet Mills berarne from flying sparks Friday evening when Mr Mills was burning weeds, Srjme baled hay piled nearby Was moved away by Mr Mills and Mr Williams A mother cat had four kittens in the hay stack and as the kittens were too small to crawl out It seemed they were doomed until Mr Mill;, noticing the mother’s frantic actions, rescued her family Tlie Nyssa rural fire department used a portable pump and water from a ditch to put out the blaze The O. K. K. club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Lynn Kygar. with Mrs. Keith Kygar as- slating Twenty-one members at- tended and Mrs Chet Mills joined WASHING. PO LISHING. LU HHICATIN G il. USO big cor comfort and roadability bt low, box-taction from# with five croM member« give» oxtra strength and rigidity. Tho advanced advanced onginooring onginoortng dotign dotign provide« provide« Tho low cantor of gravity and wnvtoal Mobility. Æ HBHH 1 * BUT WRAPPED LIKE AGIR* For Iba tocond yaor In a row, tho Now York Fathion Academy bat awarded Ford to Gold Medol oc "Fathion Cor of the Year.** Te Attend State CeaveaUaa— * Mrs. Jesse Rlgney. Mrs. W. W. Foster and Mrs. Walter McPartland __ __________ left ______ Monday for Portland to attend the annual'convention of the Con- gress of Parents and Teachers Mrs Foster and Mrs. Rlgney are on the state executive board, and Mrs. Mc- Portland is attending as delegate 'from the Nyssa association. NOTICE OF 1950-1951 BUDGET In rrt.iwe with the provisions of the “Local Budget Law” (Sections 110-1218. O. C. L. A., as amended). to U m Is hereby glved that the budget committee of Malheur County. Oregon. In compliance with the Laws, prepared and adopted March 10. 1060 the budget estimates for Malheur Comity Oregon for the ensuing fiscal year July I. 1060 to June 30. 1161. All persons are hereby notified that on May 24. 1960 In Vale Oreg on. said budget estimates may be discussed with the County Court, the levying board for Malheur County. Oregon, and any person subject to thé proposed tax levy or tax levies will be heard In favor of or against said proposed tax levy or tax levies or any part thereof. Detail expenditures for each of the three fiscal periods and 6 months of current year, budget for the current year (1949-50) and itemized nates of the »mounts of money proposed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing fiscal period July l. I960 to June 30. 1951. for Malheur estimates County. Oregon, are as follows, to-wit: ACTUAL EXPENDITURES COUNTY COURT: Salary, J u d ge_______________ Commissioners 110.00 per day A Travel Expense----------- Office Expense A Clerk------- Total _ _ ____________ July 1. 1946 to June 30. 1947 - 8 2,400.00 41360 301.74 3.11524 « SHERIFFS OFFICE: Salary. S h e r iff______ -8 265528 1,707 26 Salary. 1 D e p u ty ___ 1,737 69 Salary. 1 Deputy Tax _ 1.193 44 Salary. 1 Deputy Tax - 466 43 Salary. Tax Clerks 1.404 20 Traveling Expenses and c a r---------- County Jail Sc Board of Prisoners _. 1621.32 Rifles and Equipment _____________ Office Supplies and Collection of Taxes ... •________ _____________ 3.616.13 436.00 Special Deputies_____ ________ -8 14.458.45 T o t a l_______________ COUNTY CLERK S OFFICE: Salary. Clerk _______________ Salary, Deputy C lerk ________ Salary. Stenographers______ Supplies _____ ______________ Office Equipment _____ 2.499 26 1277 75 5,575.12 1.86821 000 « 11.820.84 -1 Total _______________ ASSESSOR'S OFFICE: Salary, Assessor_______________ Salary. Office Deputies ( 3 ) _____ Field Deputies 6c Traveling Exp. Supplies - .. ________________ Car Expense _________________ T o t a l__________________ July 1. 1947 to June 30. 19U 8 2.789 49 « 1.800.00 Budget 1st • Mos. 19 a - 1950 8 1200.00 47725 1.782.77 5.010.16 » 55826 118 59 2.476.85 375.00 400.00 8 2675.00 1.000 00 500.00 8 5.100.00 July 1. 19 a to June 30. 19 a « 2.750.04 24722 127.75 8 3.164.56 « 1st 6 Mos 1849-1960 Estimated Budget 1950-1951 » 3,600.00 8 2,74628 2.186.34 1.659 57 88120 599 40 121765 1.174.57 » 2.74639 2.48722 229625 1.697 14 2,049 20 4220 66 1.54225 8 1,798.16 1 3 a . l8 1348.16 1,108.16 000 1,151.90 2.537.86 8 1600.00 1375.00 1375.00 1.125 00 0.00 1.500 00 1.050.00 150.00 8 3.600.00 2.750.00 2.750.00 2250.00 5.186.13 0.00 » 15.75124 5.13927 000 » 22280.10 5,02365 0.00 8 14.315 95 2.500.00 125.00 » 11.000 00 3.600.00 150.00 8 21.700.00 « 2.750 04 1.765 75 4,975.15 1.99820 3222.17 8 14,712.01 8 2.750.04 2640.00 4.884 75 2.160.40 85.10 8 12,520 29 » 160000 1,440.00 2.100.00 1,39494 82.14 8 661708 8 1600.00 1.440 00 2250.00 1.000.00 125.00 8 6.615.00 8 3.600 00 2,880.00 4600 00 2.500.00 250.00 8 13.730.00 » 0.00 3.300.00 3200.00 300.00 2.750.04 764360 522.40 1671.01 000 « 12,58725 8 2.750.04 7.073.27 529.83 7.163.68 0.00 « 17.51662 8 1.800 00 3.619.30 81461 3,665.07 0.00 8 9.898 88 8 1.800 00 3.690 00 1.200.00 1255 00 250 00 8 8.195.00 8 3.600.90 7.380.00 2.400.00 -• 2.49926 4.936 71 729.10 1289 15 000 9,454.92 COUNTY TREASURER: Salary of Treasurer__________ Supplies A Traveling Expense 6c Furniture ___ __________ -4 1600.00 « 2.100.00 8 2.100.00 » « 1.500 00 8 3.300 00 T o ta l_________ _____ « 188.14 1286 16 » 324 56 2.494.56 « 181.79 8 1.681.79 255 00 8 1.755.00 510.00 8 3.810.00 » « COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT: Salary of Superintendent Traveling Expense _____ Supplies________________ -8 _ 1.800 00 553 04 719.16 952 00 8 4,02420 -4 _ Clerk ____ ________________ Total 324.02 2.424.02 1600.00 8 2.10000 586 60 672 44 1.37881 8 4.737.85 « 2.100 00 a i 49 867.60 1.660.17 8 5.06926 « 1600.00 303.10 606.13 726.65 3.137.88 « 1.893.43 8 851.90 1200.00 600.00 8 15,180 00 1.500.00 290 00 200.00 81000 2,800.00 3.000.00 580.00 500 00 1.620.00 5.700 00 8 1,125 00 2.250.00 » DISTRICT ATTORNEY: • 6222.63 « CIRCUIT COURT: t 4.933 26 8 7.560.92 8 5.949 05 « 3.045.59 » 2.000.00 6 . 000.00 COUNTY EXTENSION OPFICE: t 7.700 00 « « 8 5650.00 « 5.85000 8 12285 00 984.15 8.91000 9.950 00 Clerical H i r e ____________________ Materials A Expense___________ Telephone Ac Telegraph _________ Travel ___________ Equipment w __________________ 8 6200.00 1.400 00 410.00 3.550.00 1.425.00 PULL TIME HEALTH UNIT: I COUNTY WELFARE: Dependent Children_________________ Old Age Assistance__________________ Blind Assistance_____________________ Oeneral Assistance__________________ T o t a l________________________ 6280 73 9 821665 9.134.03 19251.40 1.05120 5.144 04 34.690.67 Sealer of Weights A Measurers_____ 222.10 State Industrial Acc. Comm._________ 207 79 Malheur County H om e_________._____ 94663 Indigent Veterans _________ ___ ______ 668 65 Water Master, Travel Expense A Deputies ____________ 3877 70 Insane Examinations o f ... _ — 446.02 School Institute A Standard Ach. T est. Justice Court __________ _________ 45720 Coroner _________ _________ 396 92 Tuberculosis Indemnity A Bangs_____ 3.146 50 Audit County B ooks_________ 5_______ 675.00 Officers Indemnity B onds___________ _ 415.00 Oeneral School Tax Estimated______ 6129341 E lection ___ ■ 2.714.05 Vital Statistics _____________________ 253 50 Court House, Office Furniture 37208 Insurance. Improvements, e tc ._____ Current Expense. Fuel. Water. Telephone. Janitor, e tc .____________ 6.67569 Library C ontract____________________ 12.062.63 000 Emergency F u n d ____________________ Miscellaneous_________________ ;_____ 442 00 997 00 Bounty on Predatory Animals Destruction of Predatory Animals _ 1.000 00 Weed C o n t r o l ______________________ 429921 Official Advertising__________________ 994 77 Experimental Area. .6 m ill___________ 966.39 School Library T a x _________________________ .68 Tax Rebate Discounts_______________ 000 County Service O ffic e r_______________ 1.012 90 Co. Service Officer Travel Exp.______ 120 85 County Veterinarian_________________ 129000 Children's Aid In Homes__________________ 410.00 Rural District Board Expense________ 0.00 For loans made to the Oeneral Fund from other funds __ Courthouse Sinking Fund____________ \ » 21.112.27 8 14.369.11 « 13.510.00 « 30.070 00 $ 7,177.50 12,73060 780.00 18296 00 I 36266 00 8 1129945 18.714.00 123765 15.000.00 8 4625100 8 10.08560 16.56145 985.50 12.150.00 8 36.421.95 » 6.720.00 11.016.00 657.00 8.100 00 8 26.493 00 8 19.337.00 27.463.00 1,617.90 18.000.00 8 66.417.00 * 8 8 8 8 26662 •7 60 624.30 625 96 266.52 10108 12067 388.64 9266.42336 8750 50 00 150.00 250 00 150.00 120.00 300.90 500 00 8 2268.00 15620 6.41067 45.00 1643.49 aoo 5265 80 473 43 2.547 90 670.00 54527 83216.12 4.775 68 20725 6.452.64 5 a 11 4 383 83 675.00 100 00 81.74426 2.47530 31360 323605 289 00 2.603.37 1360 000 3460961 0.00 109 50 1600 00 50.00 75.00 3.000.00 25000 1.375.00 425.00 250 00 35675 00 1250 00 150 00 707 62 4.505 82 0.00 1.000 00 1.000 7,158.11 10.062 60 000 367 30 1.074.00 1601.12 7228 33 14.85861 OOO 1258.02 000 2.783 56 0.00 163620 3 ja 6 2 l ,3 a 51 153 80 3.01124 000 2.17760 43927 1779 468223 6.809 06 0.00 532 98 000 2.177.72 000 55429 570 78 73124 57.38 288 34 000 39425 182 50 000 3250 00 6679 00 5.162 50 1.029 64 16665 00 17.402 00 5.000 09 2.000 00 1274.12 354 64 73521 000 2.400 00 61620 962 00 49620 26626 3.600 00 100.00 150.00 6.500 09 600.00 2 .000.00 850 00 300 00 77.130.00 2.500.00 300 00 1.000 00 2.000. 90 2 . 000 . 00 1.000 00 000 360 00 1.87500 000 000 1.000 00 250 00 000 2.000.00 775 00 3.000 00 4.000 00 400 00 20 , 000.00 8346.122 58 »631.806 57 8207.172.73 « 64.000 00 « 90200 00 127200.00 254.400 00 »36821466 »341.16164 » 743.584 00 t 22.625 79 12295 06 14.000.00 1.000 00 13200 00 5000 00 75200 00 000 8 « LESS ESTIMATED RECEIPTS FOR YEAR AND CASH ON HAND: IS THE BIG ECONOMY PACKAGE! With to law Art! cost, low upkeep and high rotaia vafeo Ford I« the new ttandord of vafeo. And in tho recent Mobilgot Grand Canyon Kconomy Bon. oMt.uHy tupe»«ited by AAA. a '50 Ford M SUM with Overdrive won tho 3 Ml mi * Vßr Y s g r ® K W B *,iro'AY w xy i® Cash. Oeneral Fund ------ Cash. Oeneral Road Fund County Clerk's Sheriff's Circuit A Justice Court Pees and Fines _ Penalty and Interest on Delinquent Taxes Motor License F K a d -------------------------- Cash Receipts. Pines * Etc Roads _____ County Lands. Rents . . ...___ - ......... Sale. County Lands --------------------------- Indigent Liquor Fund ___________________ State Health Refund ___ —........... Herriman Motor Co. 000 0.00 13200 00 1.600 00 0.00 000 13.000.00 1200.00 10.000 00 10200.00 2600 00 125.00000 3.000 00 150 00 2600 00 90.000 00 0U0 150 00 2.000 00 200.00 3.000 00 ».45700 000 10635 00 Total » 154.71094 «189.707.00 8127675.00 TOTAL BUDOET 9524225 50 8512216 67 8815.809 00 FORD DEALERS im In tn* to«-.rk* k*T4. 200 00 4.000 00 OOO 6.900 00 INDEBTEDNESS: None March 19. I960 •Date) Special Road Levy ___ Within I t Limitation Outside I t Limitation t E. CLARK. JR Ctwlman of the Budget Board J. E COOPER Sfcratary of the Budget Board 00 8.000 00 39.000 00 Oeneral Road F u n d _________________ I 7425221 I 97.02521 »334613 36 For New Machinery and equipment. Bridge materials, and Road materials 8pecial Road Levy ----- . ___ For construction, repair, improvements and maintenance of County Roads Total 5562 55 69 74.31 235.14 9254.400 00 278.709 00 97600 00