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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 27. 1950 Oruiigr Bullies O f Kolonv Meet cream and cake to the members be the junior church lor boys and ' noon. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. I The Reds are forging ahead in the special singing and sermon. Partie* Held By present. Z Davidson o f Parma. Mr and Mrs. contest. 7 p. m.. Young people, junior and girls under the leadership o l Mrs. A representative of the Oregon (loliimliiu (jiuplen Gerrit Groot of Apple Valley, Mr. 11 a. m„ Morning worship. Coley. children services Frozen Foods company has been in and Mrs. Dick Oroot. Mrs. Slam of 8 p. m., evangelistic service. KINGM AN K O LO N Y. April 27—The the Kolony signing up acreage for COLUM BIA AVE, April 27—Mr. Oregon Trail and Mr and Mrs. Pete Services every Wednesday at 8 sweet corn. SUNSET VALLEY Home Economics club at the King- p. m. Mr and Mrs. W illiam Toomb and and Mrs George Smlt of Nu-Acres, Tensen. ASSEMBLY OF GOD I f you don't have a regular church man Grange met at the home at Dickie were in Ontario and Nyssa ! called on friends in this community Valley Churches To Meet— home you will always find a welcome Mrs Roy Bowerx Tuesday afternoon. on business Friday. Rev. Joe E. Dodson. Pastor Sunday morning. Members from the Nyssa Christ at the Church of the Nazarene. Plans were made to sell vanilla to Ouy Moore has had hi* tractor Sunday school, 10 a. m. C. M. Tenxen made a business ian church, with other Christian earn a coffee maker for the Orange. equipped with pressure tank and Worship service*, 11 a. m ! churches of the valley, will meet Mrs Dale Ashcraft presented the shovels so he can treat his beets trip to Vale last week FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Ycuing People, 7 p. m. Rev. Sherwin Schmidt. Pastor program The hostess served Ice for wire worms. Mrs. S P Bybee. Mrs Edward Sunday at Payette for the five Evangelistic meeting, 8 p . m. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. The pinochle club members enter - Larson, Mrs Gerrit Stam, Mrs. Morning service, 11 a. m. I tained their husbands atjiupper and Flinders, Mrs Norma Jamison. Mrs Here From Boise— Mrs Robert Williams of Boise 8T. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Adult Instruction. 8 p. m . Monday cards Friday evening at the home ol Pete Tennen, Mrs. Dick Oroot and visited from Wednesday until Mon Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector evening. Mr and Mrs Wesley Piercy. Mrs Mrs. John Brood attended the an Church school. 10 a. m. Hugh Glenn and Herbert Thomas nual style show sponsored by the day at the home of her parents, Mr. Church services. 7:30 p. m „ every CATHOLIC CHURCH received high score Mr and M r. Ny.sxa Civic club at the Nyssa theat and Mrs Ronald Batt. church fellowship meeting. Park Avenue and Third Street Sunday evening. James Phller and Mi and Mrs W il er Wednesday afternoon Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor Dave Hawkins was called to P ay liam Toomb played with members M IS S IO N A R Y BAPTIST CHURCH Mass on Sundays at 9:30. Cate Mis* Margaret Oarwood and ette last week to be with his aunt, W. M. Turner, Pastor chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. Thurman Piercy were Hunday din who was seriously 111 In the hospital Sunday school, 10 a. m Mrs L Montgomery and daughter, ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Morning service, 11 a. m. BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH Linda and Busan, visited her par Phifer. Song service. 7:30 p. m 213 Second St. South The Kingman Grange met in ents, Mr and Mrs. Melvin Jensen | I HE METHODIST COMMUNITY Evening service, 8 p. m. CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. m. Adrian for Its regular meeting M on recently. Wednesday evening prayer ser Donald 8. Campbell, Minister Callers at the Miss Hatt home Morning Worship, 11 a m. day evening Mrs. WUliam Toomb vice, 8 p. m. B. Y. P. M.. 7 p. m. was elected lecturer. She had been in the Owyhee were Mr. and Mrs . 9 45 a. m.. church school. 11 a. m „ morning worship. Ser Dick Oroot Evening service, 8 p. m. substituting In this office. Mrs Art heating lamp L. D. 8. 1st WARD “ Gentlemans Agreement". Mr and Mrs. Dick Groot called mon: 7:30 p. m., youth meeting and Sparks and Mrs. Toomb served re A t Wintertide Dean Fife, Bishop on relatives in Arcadia Monday The choir will sing "But the Lord la singspiration. freshments. Will giva a Sunday. 9 a. m., Sunday school. Mindful of His Own" by Mendels 8 p. m „ evening worship. Mr and Mrs. Gerald Chaney and night. Summer tan Inside. 10:30 a. m.. priesthood meeting. 6:30 Caldwell visitors Tuesday a fter sohn. baby son of Concord, California ar 7 p. m., Methodist Youth Fellow p. m., sacrament meeting. ASSEMBLY OF GOD rived Monday for a visit In the D. noon were Mr. and Mrs. Pete T en Thursday, 2 p. m., relief society. 2nd and Reece L. Hurst home. Mr. Chaney is a | xen and Mr and Mrs Dick Oroot. ship. 8 p. m., we will Join in a sub- 4 p. m., primary. 7:30 p. m., M. I. A. While in Caldwell they visited Mi Sterl D. Spies», pastor nephew of Mr. Hurst. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship Mr and Mrs Robert Eike attend- ; Hark, who is a patient in the hos ' district meeting in the Ontario THE CHURCH OF THE Methodist church at which Bishop at 11 o’clock. ed the party sponsored for young [ pital. NAZARENE j Abe of Japan will speak. Mrs Norman Jamison called on Evangelist and Mrs. Frank Coley people by the United Presbyterian COMPANY Rev. E. J. Wilson. Pastor are beginning evangelistic services church at the home of Mr. and Mrs. friends in Arcadia Monday evening. Mr and Mrs. John Timmerman CHURCH OF CHRIST 10 a. m.. Sunday school, Russell Sunday. April 30 and continuing I Kenneth Price Friday evening. SERVICE C A I I S P H O N E 111M Don R. Maxfteld, Pastor Smith superintendent. each night at 8. except Monday. A Guy Moore purchased two pure of Newell Heights entertained at H I-W A Y 20 N o N Y S SA 10 a. m „ Bible school hour. 11 a. m , congregational and special feature of these meetings will I bred Jersey calves from the C Bet/, two tables of whist Sunday after - herd near Vale. Mr and Mrs. Serel Roberts and two son* of Ontario visited Sunday afternoon In the Ouy Moore home Mr and Mrs. D. L. Hurst and their house guests, M r and Mrs FEEDING NOW FOR EXTRA FA U EGGS? Gerald Chaney, spent Wednesday In Boise visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carrol , Think how much extra profit you'd RettlK. Church Noies Fence Posts and Fencing ARE E A SY TO GET M w '! CHECKERBOARD CHUCKLES • From Your Purina Dealer l'}C "Z l'"L"3 LUMBER J U COMPANY - v m f I ». T C. O M I N K , M t' r _____ is VSR.1 O r e n m make on pullets laying 21 extra fall eggs. Growena-fed pullets laid 21 more fall eggs than pullets on an inadequate ration.. Start feeding to day for extra eggs. Come in for Purina Growena. Attend Concert— Mrs. Bernard Eastman, Mrs. C. A Mally and Mrs. Olea Billings a t tended the Boise concert series at the Boise high school last Wednes day evening and heard the present ation of 'Cavullera Ruslicana" and | “ I Pagllaccl". TO BLER'S To Gresham— Mrs. L. A Maulding and children left last week-end for Oresham and I Portland to visit relatives t FEED & FU EL EY K s TATION EA CH IN G ALLEYITES R V Serves Nyssa the voice of the valley welcomes the SA L E S IISVITATIOM !” PROGRAMMING 1450 ON YO U R D IA L The Nyssa story of progress has gained wide-spread attention. To be of greater service to a commuity with an eye to the future, KSRV is now very happy to establish studio facilities in Nyssa! Comprehensive surveys have shown Nyssa-Adrian-area residents devote their greatest radio listening to KSRV. For this we are indeed grateful and hope to continue to merit your listening attention by greater local programming. NEWS-RECEPTIONIST JOHN W. POWELI. Sales Representative To Assist In Planning Radio Advertising J/\^ IS . D U n L x L n Programming And Promotion Of Nyssa Events With Valley-Wide Attention SERVICE: If is KSRV's policy and desire lo offer fair and equal radio representation to all. Nyssa-civic clubs, churches, schools, ! agricultural evenis-is cordially invited 1 to use KSRV facilities as Ihey see fit to bring greater success to their city. I STUDIOS: - Location— front office portion of Car j and Burl's machine shop, remodeled ii 1 provide a "Hom e-Base" for KSRV': RUBY MOORE Resident Receptionist And News Correspondent. Phone 125-J Programming plans in Nyssa under thi direction of Jack Burger.