Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NŸSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRII. 2 1 , I350 Da tiring T o Close Music Week Events attend the colorful spectacle, which will be held in the Ontario high school gym, starting at 8:30 p. m. Music will be provided by the Happy Ontario’s five-night Music week Butte Wranglers. program will end Friday night. May The square dance program is 5 with a large public square dance, j being arranged under the auspices at which "Shorty" Fullmer of Nyssa of the Wagon Wheel club of On- will call "R igh t and Left Six.” | tario. and callers from Nyssa, Vale The public from all over the low | Weiser, Boise and Caldwell will as er Snake R iver valley is invited to sist. The dances will be those well known by most of the square danc ers in the lower Snake River valley, including such favorites as "The' , Spinning Wheel" and "M y Pretty [ G irl", along with the new "Boise Buttercup.” The program is arranged to be of special interest to spectators as ; well as dancers. Two attractive specialty numbers, the Basque La- Jota and one arranged by Jerilyn Tarter and Todd Jackson of Weiser will be presented. in Vale on the petition of Joe and Shef White and A. A. Bratton for transfer of their property from the Ontario to the Nyssa school district. The hearing will be opened at 10 a. ; m. L. D. 8. Groups Participate— Twenty girls o f the Nyssa L. D. S. ward's three-part choral group, and a boy's quartet went to Vale Wednesday evening to participate In the stake music and speech festival to be held there in the L. D. S. church. Mrs. W. O. Peterson of Nyssa is stake music director for the M. I. A. Mrs. Earl Bighman, Mrs. Melvin Beck and Mrs. Thurm Baker will participate on the speech pro gram. I is a theological student in Pitts rating. He is a pupil of Miss Wtl- burgh. will do student supply work helmina Hoffman of Caldwell. for the United Presbyterian church Go On Visit— this summer. Mrs. Pear lee Kinzer and her cous Undergoes Operation— in, Mrs. Betty Shear of Vale, left Mrs. Sam McConnell underwent Sunday for a visit with relatives at a major operation at the Holy Ros Weiser and Midvale. They will be ary hospital Tuesday. Her daughter. away a week. Mrs. Maxine Moore of Nampa, is visiting in Nyssa. Return From Portland— Thomas Lile and his cousin. Pleas To Pocatello— Lile, returned last week from a visit M r and Mrs. Joe Bellon visited in Portland. over the week-end with Qene Bellon and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bellon at Visit In Boise— Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ward and sons Pocatello, where the two young men are attending the Idaho State col and his mother spent Tuesday in lege. En route home. Mr. and Mrs. Boise attending to business. Bellon visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Candidate Visits— Herrington o f Blackfoot. Benjamin C. Garske of Bend, i candidate for the democratic nom- ¡To Hospital— Mrs. Anna Norris of Newell : ination for congress from the sec- Heights, mother of Jim and Jess j ond congressional district, was In Norris, was taken to the Holy Ros ; Nyssa Saturday in the interest of ary hospital Monday evening for his campaign. observation. Entertainer Coming— The Nyssa P. T. A. has secured Otto Weigel of La Orande as guest entertainer for the meeting o f the P. T. A. May 11. Mr. Weigel, who is with the La Grande high school music department, is a versatile music performer, and will present Sunday School Board Visits— a number of interesting musical acts Here From Ogden— The L. D. S. stake Sunday school during his appearance in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown of board under the direction of Rex Ogden are spending a few days this Talman, stake Sunday school super - To Undergo Operation— week in Nyssa, . lntendent, visited the Nyssa L. D. S. L. E. Newgrn went to Boise Thurs Sunday schools last Sunday. Sup day to enter St. Luke's hospital for Here From Boise— ervisors visited the 11 Sunday school eye surgery. Mrs. Newgen will be a Bob Wilder o f Boise Junior col classes giving demonstrations and guest at the Fred Guthrie home lege spent the week-end with rela improved procedures for class teach while her husband is in the hospital. tives here. ing. Grandchild Arrivi Participates In Festival— Move To New Plymouth— Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz of I Dick Herriman. son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Neils Larson of the Newell Heights have received word Mrs. J. L. Herriman of Nyssa, par Arcadia district are moving this of the arrival of a new granddaught ticipated in the high school music week to New Plymouth, where they er. The baby is the first child of festival held in Payette last Friday have purchased a home. Mr. Lar Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kurtz of Pltts- and Saturday. He presented a piano son is employed by the Amalgamat bugh. Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz will come solo in the Junior division, and re ed Sugar company. west in May, and Mr. Kurtz, who ceived a "firs t division” (superior) J Local News j Farmer Visits— E. J. Swedeman. formerly of Nyssa. has sold his farm and cattle in Indian valley near Council, Idaho and will go to Arkansas to look for a location. He is visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs I. B. Allen. Board To Hold Hearing— The county boundary board will hold a hearing Wednesday, May 3 QmuMi/ ltf 50 -HttpoiMT 8 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator w Friday, April 28— Delphian* at the home of Mrs. G. Stam. Mary and Martha circle of W. S. C. S. at the home of Mrs. Fleshman, postponed from Thursday. Amity club buffet supper and social at the home of Mrs. Carl Burningham at 8 p. m. Saturday. April 28— 2 p. in., re publican women at Doll House. Monday, May 1— Eastern Star. Tuesday. May 2— Eagles auxiliary. Thursday, May 4— American L e gion auxiliary. P. T. A. executive meeting at grade school. Friday. May S— Rebekah Sunshine club at 2 p. m. at I. O. O. F. hall. St. Paul's guild progressive party. It w ill T his is the time of year to get that Refrigerator ike its own payments in Savings. We invite your Trade-In. , THE GATE CITY JOURNAL show much good eating for all l Whole, No. 2 ......................2 for 57c GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS BEETS Fancy, Florida, No. 2 Diced, No. 1 J a r .... .................. ... 4 for 53c Sliced, No. 1 Jar.......... ....... ........... 2 for 39c Whole, No. 1 Jar .............................. 2 for 39c PEARS RAISINS ....... 2 for 49c Halves, No. 1 ....................... 2 for 39c APRICOTS Halves, No. 2l/2 ...........................2 for 59c Halves, No. 1 ._.......... ............. 3 for 57c PEACHES Halves or Sliced, No. 1 .... 2 for 49c Halves or Sliced, No. 2x/2 ..............2 for 49c FRUIT COCKTAIL N o .2 ‘/2_______________________________ 6 for 99c No. 2 ____________________________ 6 for 73c Picnic No. 1 No. 2V2 TOMATO JUICE FIG S 49® ARGO BRANDS, Packed By Del Monte PEAS ior 350 Whole, 303 glass 4 for 47c 3 for 55c 3 for 97c ............... ......... 2 for 49c JUICES . Pineapple, No. 2 ..........................3 for 49c Pineapple, 46 o z .......... .................2 for 75c Apricot Nectar, 46 oz. ...............2 for 75c Orange, 46 oz. .............. ....... 2 for 89c Orange and Grapefruit, 46 oz. 2 for 89c Grapefruit, 46 oz. 2 for 89c Sugar Peas, Argo, No. 2 ................. 6 for 79c Sugar Peas, Argo, P ic n ic .......... ....6 for 59c PINEAPPLE Crushed & sliced. No. 1 flats 3 for 45c Sliced, No. 2 ............... 2 for 59c Crushed, No. 2 ............ _ 2 for 53c Sliced, No. 2V2 2 for 73c Crushed, No. 2 V 2 ................... 2 for 65c GREEN BEANS Cut, Argo, No. 2 .................. ............4 for 69c APRICOTS Halves, Argo, No. 1 ------------------ 6 for 63c HOURS: W eek days— 8 a . m. to 8 p. m. Sundays— 12 noon to 8 p. m. SALE DATES—INCLUSIVE Saturday, April 29 to Saturday, M ay 6 w is m i ’ s STORE AN D B U T L E R B L D G . A T T H E Y )O K TO HOTPOINT FOR THE FINEST—FIRST / THE ONLY OFFICE TYPEWRITER IN PERSONAL SIZE Seedless, 1 lb.........................2 for 35c W h a te v e r Y o u r Deal S ee Us B efo re You Deal DOW N P A Y M E N T plus value features that give unexcelled typing performance. Unmatched by any other portable, it's truly a sound investment See it today I LIBERAL TRADE INS iy Folks: SM ALL WITH EXCLUSIVE MIRACLE TABI H ere is the best dollar value in the portable typewriter market today 1 The A L L N E W R E M IN G T O N has 15 exclusive and GREEN BEANS 14 oz___ __________________________3 BROS. mm Dried, M ediu m ................... 2 lbs. 39c CATSUP G R IG G unytag PRUNES No. 2 ................................ 3 46 oz...............- .............................. 4 for 97c B Personal Typewriter * 8 4 5* lM M .C i.Ta W hole Kernel, 12 o z.............. 5 for 69c Cream Style, 3 0 3 .................. 5 for 67c Cream Style, Picnic_____ 5 for 55c SAUERKRAUT G AND REMINGTON CORN Early Garden Sugar, No. 303 ........4 for 79c Early Garden Sugar, picnic........ 4 for 59c when you look inside this new 1950 big-fam ily size Hotpoint R efrigerator, yet the p ric e is no m ore than for ordinary makes! Built by the makers o f the world's finest refrigerators, it offers such a d v a n ta g e s as H o t- point's vacuum-sealed Thrift* master Unit with 5-year pro tection plan . . . pop-ice trays In vest in the "Come {¡II your shopping basket.... so m any varieties __ so PEAS w hich h old 80 cubes . . . com plete stsin- resistant in terior . . . one-piece, all-steel cabinet...bu tter con dition er in the d o o r . . . plus other "extras” which mean more convenience and value for you. Sec it and see the b ig gest refrigerator buy in townl D IV ID E N D OF CANNED FOOD VALUES Green and White, No. 2 .............2 for 79c Green and White, Picnic............... 2 for 57c at the Price of Ordinary Refrigerators G . (.IN S U R A N C E D el M onte * G a r d en ASPARAGUS TIPS -H a tn a in J- Quality and Advantages ¡wag use yo u r Coming Events Visit in Milton— Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rinehart and family spent the week-end in Mil- ton, where they visited friends. Mission Holds Baptism— A Nyssa stake mission baptism was held Sunday at Vale, with | President L. Richard Grigg, pre siding. Elders George Poulson. Alvin Swensen, and Bishop Dean Fife, were among those of Nyssa who participated in baptising and confirming 12 children and adults into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. You'll find extra features PAGE THREE 24 M ON TH S TO P A Y Phone 21 208 2nd and Good Saper Market M odem Methods M ake Shopping E asier Here FREE PARKING AND DELIVERY