The NYSSA VOLUME XXXXVNO. 15 GM JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 20. 1950 4 9 Contribute To Nyssa High School Annual Style Girls Chosen As Wo,1,en Bowling Postal Official Tolerance Need Local Blood Bank Wins Track Title - t f .. . Winners Named Show Is Given With Manv Firsts Requires Cut In Valedictorians Forty-nine pints of blood was do- Is Shown By 3 Mrs. Blanche Jefferies won the [ nated last Thursday during the stop ! Nyssa women’s bowling champlon- of the mobile unit of the American in a tournament held at the Carrier Service ! won The the Nyssa high school track team By Club W omen Red Cross blood bank at the Meth- Of Nyssa School | ship Nyssa Speakers Malheur county track Nyssa bowling center April 14, 15 I odist church in Nyssa. ; and 16. In nine games. Mrs. Jef -------- j championship in a meet held in On- Mrs. Houston Wilson was in made a score of 1432. Nyssa Expected To be ^ J ^ ! f ^ n“iternoon by - Dunnu Lhclilclin. Donna feries Program Augmented Bv ! char8e of the recruitment and Mr Mrs. Mary Bolles won the class Panel Discussion Is Held ~ ~ • " I Tad Mnraan time racnAncihlo far ca Ted Morgan was responsible for se A handicap singles and Miss Fumi Affected Aloiis With Ontario was second with 47 points, Musical And Dancing curing the volunteer helpers for Trabert Named; Ollier Kasahara won the class B singles. . Vale third with 23 and Adrian last At Monthly Meeting preparing the lunch and acting as Mrs Dorothy Burbidge won the all Other Cities with Numbers Plans Revealed nurse's aids. Those helping includ O f P. T. A. events handicap. Nyssa first place winners were as ed Mrs. Ted Morgan, Mrs. Houston Gornon's drive-in won the class A Postal carrier service in Nyssa will follows: 100-yard dash. Hale, 10.5; Wilson, Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs. The fourth annual spring style Following election of officers of undoubtedly be reduced to one de mile run. Bush, 4:58.8; 200-yard Donna Cheldelin and Donna Tra teams title and Brownie’s cafe won show sponsored by the Nyssa civic Barney Wilson, Mrs. Naomi Buchert, livery a day as the result of an order dash, Hale, .23 : 880-relay, Nyssa, bert have been chosen for the honor the class B event. the Nyssa Parent-Teacher associat Mrs. J. S. Newman. Mrs. Gene Stunz Mrs. Sadie Butcher and Mrs. Lena ion in the high school building last club was presented Wednesday af issued this week by the postmaster Hale Bowen, Pecka and Lowe, of representing their class as 1950 Oleans general. 1:37.6; pole vault. Lowe of Nyssa valedictorians of the Nyssa high Tyler won the class A doubles and Thursday night, speakers appearing ternoon to a capacity crowd at the and Mrs. Carl Hansen. Wells assisted in setting up tiie Mrs. Roberta Bowen and Miss B. in a panel discussion emphasized and Farley of Ontario tied for first, Nyssa theater. Postmaster Lloyd Lewis said this school because of completing their Mrs. Ted Morgan was chairman equipment. morning he had not yet received of 9’ 6 " ; broad jump, Hale, 20 feet; courses with an identical grade J. Burbidge won the class B doubles. the need of tolerance in conformity for this year’s show, which won fav with the theme "Open Minds In A ficial notice of the order, but he discus, Long, 134 feet; shotput. point average of 1.20. orable comment for its professional Changing World". expects that the service will be re Keck, 45’ 1", and Javelin, Long, Because of having joint valedict 168’ 10". touch in the showing of styles by the In the balloting Mrs. John Schenk duced orians, the school will not have a local stores. was re-elected president of the or Carrier service was inaugurated in salutatorian this year, . Principal Background music for the show ganization for a second term. Other Nyssa March 1. Dennis Patch said. was furnished by Mrs. K. E. Keveren new officers are Clyde Snider, vice The order promulgated by Post Miss Trabert was a member of at the piano. president; Mrs. E. Blngeman, vice master General Jesse M. Donald the Girls league for four years, vice The first section of the grade president; Mrs. V. P. Kesler, vice The Nyssa Buldogs dropped their son provides that the reductions The program opened by a choral president in her junior year and group from the L. D.S. church sing second league game of the season apply to all sections of the nation. president this year. She was a school's music festival will be given president; Mrs. Ron Campbell, sec in the school gymnasium Wednes retary, and Charles Steffens, treas ing, "Allre Blue G own", accomp by losing to the Vale high school The directive also provides that . - „ .. I member of the G. A. A. and F. H. anied by Miss Mary Lou Schenk. baseball team on the Vale diamond only first class mall, daily news „ r S y enmi tNy“ * W° " I A. four years, a member of the day. April 26 at 8 p. m. It will be urer. Tire Golden Rule store presented 8 to 4 Tuesday afternoon. In conformity with the theme papers and parcel post be processed ! £ “ ^ i Bulldog staff two years and a mem- oresented by the upper grades under the following models, that featured Playing a good brand of ball and oetween 6 p. m. and 8 a. m. and u/fa To**tmasle1f® club *n Caldwell ber 0f the Tupelo staff one year. the general theme of American of tlie evening, Mrs. Jesse Rigney Cinderella frocks, Sharon Whitaker, taking advantage of some bad Nyssa recommends curtailment of Satur Wednesday night and thereby won ! she was vice president 0f the Snake music inspired by or in some way and Mrs. John Stafford, accomp Mrs. George O m a n , Dixie June breaks, the Vikings made the victory day post office hours wherever pos the right to participate n a sub- River valley Girls league last year. connected with American industry. anied on the piano by Mrs. Carlos The program is built around the Buchner, sang "In Christ There Is Servoss and Mrs. Desmond Jones. decisive with four runs on two hits sible. m “ i f , , ! 0 J}?. he d Miss Cheldelin was a member of Presenting garments made this and two errors in the sixth frame. Donaldson said the department May 13, when he will compete with the O. A. A. and Girls league for following folk tale: There once was No East or West” . A motion pict the second and third place winners four years and the Pep club ‘for two A wealthy old man who had three ure on atomic energy was shown, winter in the adult clothing classes Vale scored two runs in the first has been steadily reducing its pay sons. He sent them into the world; with Richard Wilson operating the conducted by Mrs. Charles Steffens inning on four hits, but failed to roll during the last fiscal year and Falk and pao^ateiio 'rS ™ n * » " • 8h- "a s Girls league junior were Mrs. John Telisak, Mrs. Harry maintain the lead when Nyssa came indicated that further reductions _. . _ . ... , | and senior representative, senior ac- eat" t0 choose his own life. He projector. The victory at Boise will partici- tivities chairman and co-editor of admonished each to live a good life. Mrs. Oeorge Sallee, program Anderson, Mrs. Jamison. Karen, back with two runs in the third will be made. In the department's daughter of Mrs. Leon Child, and inning as Cleaver rounded the bases postal bulletin. Donaldson told post pate in a district contest at Victoria. Tupelo. Both valedictorians were profitable not to himself but to his chairman, asked Mrs. Joe Brumbach Carol Lee Bingham, daughter of ahead of a home-run clout register masters to place the changes in ef British Columbia, with all expenses active in the Nyssa bethel of Job’s fellowmen. When the old man came to present the members of the panel. paid, and the winner at Victoria Daughters. near death, he sent for the three Mrs. Brumbach introduced Mr. Mrs Dale Bingham. ed by Wilson. fect immediately. will go to Spokane to compete for The Beauty Nook presented spring After one man had been hit with Commencement will be held sons and bade each tell of his life, Snider as moderator; Mrs. Dennis the international championship, in Thursday, May 25. beginning at 8 p. for the one who had served his Patch, speaking on religion; Mrs. hair styling as modeled by Mrs. Eld- a pitched bull. Vale recorded two a contest to be held in conjunction in. Dr. A. L. Strand, president of country best was to inherit his fath Walter McPartland on racial re red Brower, Miss Sharon Keefer and doubles in the fourth frame to score with the international convention Oregon State college, will deliver the er's wealth. One told of his life lations, Gene Stunz, economics, and Mrs. Sidney Burbidge. two more runs after two men had in August. on the farm, one of planning and Mr. Snider, politics. Modeling for Betty's Dress Sliop been tagged out in the inning. commencement address. David Doane of Borah club of Mr. Snider spoke very briefly on were Betty Fife, MrsTClyde Snider, Nyssa tied the count in the fifth Rev Don R. Maxficld of the building railroads and the third of Boise and George Dreher of Moun carrying goods to many parts of the the political aspects of a changing Donna Lee Wilson and Joanne frame on two hits. Mitchell, lead Death came Monday to a pioneer tain Home tied for second place Christian church will deliver the world as a seaman. Moore. world, but offered the opinion that ing off in the new inning, drove out of the Adrian and Nyssa areas, when ouccalaureate sermon Sunday. May The father decided that each had "The atomic age makes us wonder Bracken’s presented suite and a triple and Hale and Bowen walked. Robert R. Overstreet, Sr., passed and Robert Summerville of Nampa 21, at 8 p. m. coats, as well as dresses, as shown Pounds singled to drive in two of away from a heart attack at the took third place. Award night will be observed rendered a necessary service to hu whether we have time for the ex Snider scored 619 points out of manity, so he divided his wealth perimenting we used to have” . by Mrs. C. L. Hermann, Mrs. J. R. the runners. home of his daughter, Mrs. Maurice a possible 700 points. His subject Tuesday, May 23. Mrs. Patch pointed out that “ Man Cundall, Miss Donna Florea and Neither team scored in the fifth, Judd. The band, mixed chorus and or equally among them. was “ Red Gossip". The judging The program will be presented as through the ages has sought a way Mrs. A. E. McKimmy. but Vale clinched the victory in Robert Reading Overstreet was was done on the basis of material, chestra will furnish music for all follows: Fifth grade farming, "The to cope with life, the world and its More hair styles as presented by the sixth. No scores \yere made in born February 8, 1866 in Smithtou, of the commencement functions. delivery, and result. Clubs repre Shucking of the Corn", "Louisiana problems. He has tried to get over, the Owyhee Beauty shop were dis the seventh frame. Missouri. The early years of his sented were Baker, Boise, Borah of Hayride” and “ Seeing Nellie get under and around, only to come played by Marlene Moss, Frances Patrick, Vale pitcher, struck out life were spent in Smithton and Home"; sixth grade, railroading, back to the basic foundation—that Focht, and Mrs. H. O. Hopkins. five and Cleaver of Nyssa fanned Sedalia, Missouri. His parents were Boise, Caldwell, Mountain Home, Nampa, Nyssa and Payette. "The Little Old Train” , "G o On. of religion, of the spiritual and Summer dresses, sport clothing four. Dr. John Overstreet and Martha Dinner was served in the Pres O f V * l l l i ‘V l\f*»/.| | Train", “ I ve Been Workin’ on th* again realizes that this ls the door for teenagers, as well as children’s Nyssa players were Wilson, If; Lowry Overstreet. Mr. Overstreet v c l l l i y i r a C C l j Railroad" and "Down to the to life. clothing, were modeled for Wilson Hale, cf; Bowen, ss; Pounds, 3b; was married to Georgia M. Scott byterian church to more than 100 _______ I Station", with Shirley Nolen as ac- “ When we consider the topic, open Brothers by Joanne Garrison, Jud Holcomb, 2b; Knowles, c; Takamt. March 15. 1894 at Kansas City, Miss Toastmasters ard their wives. Nyssa resident* attending besides Mr and __ __ , „ „ ___ companist, and Junior high school, minds in a changing world, we re ith An.» Wilson, Phyllis -T ill. w:.“ rf; Mitchell, lb, and Cleaver, p. ouri. They made their home in Mrs Snider Were ¿dr. tn d Mrs Wilt The Snake River Valley School- f following the sea, "Nancy Lee” alize that if open minds are to and Donna Trabert. The Bulldogs have three more Oak Park, in the suburbs o f Chicago, ___ _ on Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. masters association reached a com ■Sweethearts and Wives” , “ Blow change the world there are two Other numbers on the program in league games to play. They will Kansas City until they moved w'ahlert. Mr. and Mrs“ Clifford MiAk promise on track regulations af- | the ' Man“ Down , •Sailor's Horn- things that we must consider from meet Parma there Friday and play to Nyssa in 1904. Here Mr. Over- and Mr and Mrs James Le,iie cluded “ Margie” , sung by the L. fecting the schools on the Idaho pip*- (dance), "The Fishing Fleet” , the religious point of view. First, D. S. choral group, and two dances Ontario there Tuesday. The Vik street and his family settled on the j ______________ and Oregon sides of the river at a . The BeI1 Buoy.. . The Coasts of open minds towards the religious presented by the dance pupils of ings will come to Nyssa Friday of Owyhee ranch, and later moved to meeting held in Nyssa Monday Barbary” and “ The Marines’ views of others. This we might Mrs. Loyd Wilson. A slow tap was next week for the Bulldogs’ last one of his ranches in Kingman l \ i | f | | 0 , ( . I l i l 111 I X ’ ! ' "'¡jj?1. Hymn". classify as ’enlightenment’, and the presented by Vela Dee Poulson, league contest. Kolony. The Oregon schoolmasters con- . ,, , ¥I . . second a revitalizing of our own Janice Lewis and Glenda Hammon, Mr. Overstreet was a member of I )/> .,! I l i u p i K u i u l ceded that the 440 Is a distance run In s ta lla tio n l l t ’lil spiritual beliefs, which we might and a tap dance by Delores Duus, the United Presbyterian church at sen » r io t | and that no participant should enter i* mr . W . Easton, Former Kay Hammon and Donna Focht. any other distance event if he runs * * / tNysHU V P IT r a ilH classify as ’enlivening’. Adrian. He was a leader and "Earliest religious beliefs probably Jewelry from Paulus and Jackson’s Nyssa Man, Passes pioneered in many of the outstand The Nyssa chamber of commerce in the 440, and Idaho conceded that Jewelry stores was worn by many ing activities of the county. He was voted at its weekly luncheon Wed- a boy can enter up to four track Officers of the Veterans of For developed because man felt insecure of the models. eign Wars were installed at the in the world about him, and it is W M. "B ill" Easton, who appar a member for many years of the nesday noon to table until next ' events. probably the same reason today wo Assisting Mrs. Morgan with the school board in his district. Mrs. week a proposal that a man be em The representatives of the schools regular VFW meeting held last ently died of a heart attack before find more and more men turning presentation of the show were Mrs. his automobile plunged into a gulley Overstreet passed away three years ployed to serve part time as secre oi. the two sides of the river mut- Thursday night. Lloyd Wilson, Mrs. Bert I.ienkaemp- The new officers are as follows: again to religion, because in tills tary of the chamber and part time utlly agreed that a boy can enter ago. er, Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs. Carlos in the vicinity of Canon City. Colo He Is survived by his daughter as manager of a Nyssa radio studio only one relay race and mutually Commander, Clifford Mink, senior atomic age, he feels his own in rado late last month, formerly lived Buchner and Mrs. Fred Bracken. agree that the sprint medley relay, vice commander. Sonny Holmes, security." Martha Ellen Judd of Newell for KSRV of Ontario. Turning to an earlier period, Mrs. During the tea hour, punch and at Nyssa. He was employed on a Heights; a son, Robert 8. Overstreet formerly part of the Snake River junior vice commander, Sam Phil The radio station operators were cookies were served at a tea table farm by William Hipp near Nyssa of Boise, and three grandchildren, reported by Wilton Jackson, local valley meet, be eliminated. lips; quartermaster, “ Duke” Hipp; Patch said the great wall of China several years ago. centered with a bouquet of spring Dinner was served by the home post advocate. Elmer Clonlnger; Ls a gigantic structure, coating im The 71-year old Orchard Park Robert D. Overstreet of Boise, Ellen businessman, to have proposed the flowers. Heading the tea committee Judd Downer of Caldwell and Maur employe be puid $3000 annually, economics girls of the Nyssa high chaplain. Don Graham; post ad mense sums in money and labor, man was found dead in his wrecked were Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb, assisted with each organization paying half school to 42 men. Following the jutant, Drew Brown, and trustee. yet within a few years after it was ice p . Judd of Newell heights. finLshed it was breached three times by Mrs. Harry Anderson, Mrs. James 1936 model sedan about five miles Funeral services were held this of the salary. Jackson said KSRV dinner, the group went through the E. Counsi). north of Canon City on the road Leslie, Mrs. Homer Jackson, Mrs. J. Refreshments were served to a by the enemy—not by breaking afternoon at the United Presbyter has secured quarters and will estab new school building that Is now to his home down the walls but by bribing the L. Herriman, Mrs. Kenneth Kerby good-sized crowd. Although the body was wedged in ian church in Adrian with Rev. lish a radio studio here by May 1. nearing completion. and Mrs. Wayne Morris. Two films will be shown at the gatekeepers. Claude Cain, manager of KWEI. The meeting was the last to be Henry Moor officiating. Interment the wreckage of the car so tightly "It was the human element that Appreciation was expressed to the which maintains a studio in Nyssa. held by the schoolmasters this meeting to be held In the veterans was in the Owyhee cemetery. failed", said Mrs. Patch, “ and so following organizations for their a wrecker was needed to pry it loose, hall April 27. said his organization has made great school year. the county coroner said there were with any structure, politically or contribution of services for this an progress since it opened Its studio economically, when the spiritual val nual show. Rex Veller of the Nyssa not sufficient injuries apparent to Officers Elected in Nyssa. He said the owners are cause death. A physician testified OiticÍHin Lcvclcil ues of men go dead there Is no theater, the Idaho Power company, By Eagles Lodge anxious to receive suggestions for Ki<l«‘rN 'lake First security, the Nyssa schools, the Owyhee drug at an inquest that death was ap the improvement of programs and parently caused by a blood clot. At Telephone Firm Robert Toombs, J r. was elected Trail Trip <>C T>0 "T h e church today can and company and Nyssa pharmacy, and The body was sent to Garden president of the Nyssa aerie of the for better community servicer should be the strongest bulwark a- Peterson's furniture, and to Eder's Hamilton Chadderdon reported City, Kansas for burial. Eagles lodge at a meeting held Wed Members of the junior and seniory Severe criticism was leveled at the gatnst communism. The principles and Oordon’s for their contribution that Richard Wilson, F. F. A. advis nesday night. company of democracy and Christianity are divisions of the Owyhee Riding club Mulheur Home Telephone • of the orangeade from the Hl-C er. had collected $105 from the boys The other new officers are Ward for failure to supply telephones to the same". took to the trail Sunday for the first company, as well as the many in- Medals Available who received chamber of commerce time this season. Tyler, vice president; Dick Udlinek, rural residents of the Nyssa area at Mr. Stunz said "T h e question of dividulas who appeared on the pro pigs in a pig scramble last year. By 10 o'clock Sunday morning, a meeting of the Nyssa Farm bureau open minds in a changing world For War Veterans chaplain: Sam Phillips, conductor, The gram. boys paid for the gilts from the Joe Belton, trustee for three years; last week. horses arrived at Snlveley's springs from an economic viewpoint, could Favors were presented to each sale of pigs farrowed last fall. The The members feel that “ When be attacked in many ways. I have guest present by the Nyssa Pharm Approximately 600 medals are a- Don Oraham, treasurer: Ken Ren- proposal was made at the meeting on the Owyhee river and from there acy and Owyhee Drug stores. vailable at the office of Judge Don strom. secretary; Sonny Holmes, that the chamber advance the $105 25 members of the club rode west persons within five miles of the chosen one which I believe to be M. Oraham for veterans of world inside guard; Harry Gahan. out toward the purchase ot two boars over the hills to Mary’s nipple and city have been without telephones the most Important and the basic side guard, and Dr. L. A. Maulding. then traveled north and east down for 15 years it is time something manner in which we accept the in Two Injured In Crash— war II. for F. F A pig projects. Wilson Currant creek between lofty, color was done". dustrial and scientific advances. An automobile owned and driven The medals are as follows: Vict- aerie physician. will be asked to appear at the cham ful crags. The officers will be installed The bureau will carry complaints “ In the :; :!y part of the Indust by Artie Robertson of Nyssa was ory medal. Asiatic Pacific campaign, ber meeting next week to discuss Other members motored to Sniv- to officials in Boise and even farth rial revolution a great many people wrecked near Bend Wednesday and European campaign, China service, June 7. the matter. er if necessary to secure adequate eley's spring to Join the riders for thought machines would replace Mrs Robertson end her daughter,1 American defense, American cam- Speaks At A. A. V. W. M eeting- , - ham and egg fry. Some also went service, the officers said many workers with unemployment Mrs Richard Keeney of Salem, were paign and occupation service, Henry Hartley, superintendent of H e n r y ¿ o b e li N a m e d O n swimming In the pool. Then the Following a discussion about the I and misery resulting, People now taken to the Bend hospital for treat- Those who have so far secured the Nyssa schools, was guest speak S c h o o l Budget Group horses were loaded into eight trucks meeting scheduled to be held by a laugh at the idea. An example of ment of injuries sustained in the their medals are Samuel Phillips, er at the Ontario branch of the for i the trip Charlie legislative interim committee on how we have progressed ia the auto- CM " * homeward ------------- * trip, crash Mr Robertson told a friend Jr., Orvan Raymond, Frank Lawr- American Association of Univer Henry Zobell has been appointed Culbertson, the guide for the day, taxation in Ontario Wednesday, the mobile replacing the horse and bug- over long distance telephone Wed- ence. Lauren Wright. Varl P. W. sity women, which met at the home as a member of the budget com pleased all participants by includ bureau decided to send a represent- gy. Many of our forefathers closed nesday afternoon that he did not Hale and Don M. Oraham. of Mrs Wendall Camiftx in Fruit- mittee of school district 26c to serve ing a varied terrain and landscape ative to the session their minds to what we now know, think Mrs Robertson and Mrs Eligible world war II veterans land Wednesday evening. Mr. H y t when laying o.ut the first trail ride that machines are and can be a Keeney were seriously Injured. Mr should call at Oraham's office with ley spoke on women in legislation a three-year term. Moving To Idaho— benefit and help to man, but how Hold-over members are Gordon of the season. and Mrs. Robertson had been in their discharges to receive their and told of some of the bills that Olean Wells, who has been manag well do we know these facts? Ray and Otis Bullard, who have one Salem to visit their daughter and medals. are sponsored by educational groups. year to serve, and E. H Brandt and I Dance* In Boise— er of the Nyssa studio of radio “ I believe even today we have a her family and she was return- --------------------------- station KWEI, since the studio was great mistrust for machines and The Boise hotel crystal ball room Elden Yergensen, who will serve two ing to Nyssa with them. Whether Visits Parent*— Firemen Called— was the scene of a colorful floor established, has resigned his position scientific advances. We believe they more years. her two children were in the car Pfc. James Rigney arrived in Firemen were called to the farm A meeting of the budget commit show given Saturday evening by the with the firm to re-enter the theater are going to upset and change our was not learned | Nyssa Friday evening for a 23-day residence of Pay Com. about three --------------------------- visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. miles north of Nyssa. Tuesday to tee. including members of the school Travelstead School of Dancing. business. He has announced that present day economic life; a certain Nannette Bybee of Nyssa was in he will leave in a few days for amount of resistance is set up Inside I Jesse Rigney Rigney recently re extinguish a burning straw stack, board, will be held May 16. Visit In Idaho— two of the chorus numbers, and was Burley to take a position with the (Continued on Page $) Mrs Wayne McPheeters visited ceived his diploma from the army which contained about 40 to M bales. also featured in a novelty tap solo. Voeller-Harrls company, operator of her parents. Mr and Mrs H Neal, school of weather observation at Most of the straw was destroyed, Cancer Drlrr Begins— Mrs. E H Fleshman has again Nannette will also appear at the a chain of theaters. He will be To Dance In R ev iew - near Nampa over the week-end. Her Chaute Field, Illinois. After two but firemen and Mr. Com prevented Miss Nannette Bybee. high school brother-in-law, and sister. Mr and months at Pittsburgh California, the flames from spreading to the been named chairman of the Cancer Weiser square dance festival Satur succeeded in the radio business by Leon Burt, former Nyssa resident student, and her sister. Celia Carol, crusade for funds for Nyssa in the day. doing two solo numbers. Mrs Harold Pharley and children Rigney will receive an lt-month* corrals. who has been living near New Plym age 8. will appear in the annual tap. annual drive that is carried on each of Craigmont. Idaho, who were at assignment In the South Pacific outh for the last few months. ballet and interpretive dance re . T. k_ year by the Oregon division of the Here From Salt Lake City— Nampa, brought Mrs. McPheeters weather observations division. view sponsored by the Travelstead r ^ I .e w u T Corlett S tu d en t of National Cancer society Miss Betty Hadley, daughter of | home while en route to Craigmont, --------------------------- State Committee To Meet— School of Dancing April 27 at S p. w 7 , . r™e i « e o i Nam- CannlMer- have been placed In Mr. and Mr*. Eugene Hadley, now where Mr Pharley Ls superintendent Here F r o « Idaho— A legislative highway interim m. in the Boise high school audit 11 , m the stores for contribution* and Mrs I of Salt Lake City, arrived in Nyssa of schools. Ralph McPheeters of Donnelly. m th^N azarene Flwhman Is desirous of local civic Monday morning to visit friends committee will hold a hearing in orium. Nannette will also appear -------------------------- Idaho visited his brother, Wayne. B •». 1 groups making contributions No and to attend several high school Vale Thursday, April 27. beginning in a floor show at the Hotel Boise and family for a few days. Visits Parents— j individual canvass will be made but social* this week She is a house at 10 a. m.. according to Ralph T. Saturday evening. Anyone desiring Clyde Wellner. an employe at the -------------------------- TOUe’ 1 ___________ I iv Is hoped that all individuals will 1 guest at the home of Miss Carolee Moore, chairman of the committee. tickets for the review may secure Stunz lumber company, spent loot Visit At Shear!lie— Similar meetings will be held them from the Bybee girl*. contribute either through the can- [ Bingham, O b Bond week-end visiting his parents at ! Mr and Mrs. Oeorge N Bear throughout the state. spent the week-end visiting Mr and Edgar Allen Stlner ot Nyssa. nisterx or local organizations. Twin Palls. In Idaho— Week-end Visitor»— Mrs Everett Lynn near Sheaville charged with non- support was re Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee were In 1 Visitors In the Charles Oarrlson Returns From Hospital— leased on bond of $1000 by Judge Visit Relatives— Raymond Bayer, who has been Murphy, Idaho, last week on bus Don M. M. Oraham Oraham in In justice justice court court Mr. Mr and Mrs Ward Wleneke are VlsH In Boise— Don Mr. and and Mrs Mrs Harold Bell o f home for . . the week-end , . were . . M r iness. Mr. Bybee spent the week the parent* of a son bom at the R H Bolitho visited his father Wednesday No time was set by the Orangeville Idaho spent the past and Mr* John Olsen and daughters. confined to the Holy Rosary hospital Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario and attended to business In B oise; district attorney for a hearing for , week-end visiting his sister. Mr* i Mary K and Trudy Jane of Port for the past three weeks, returned end In Mountain Home. Riddle and Boise on business. to his home Sunday. land Wednesday morning i Saturday. 1 Stlner. Ollbert Raff, and family. Bulldogs Lose To Vikings i»-2 Music Festival Program Planned Speech Contest Won By Snider R. R. Overstreet Taken By Death School masters