Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 30. 1950 PAGE EIGHT I C arlos B uchner, vice p resid en t; Mrs. G ra n t R in e h a rt, secretary a n d Mrs. D ennis P a tch , tre a su re r T h e re- ' tiring presidents. Mis. Ed F rost, who - 8 - i has served as p resid en t for th e p ast QUEEN CROW NED AT BALL , two years, was presented w ith a p air Mivs E laine P eterson, d a u g h te r of if c ry stal bud vases as a token of Mr and M r, W. O Peterson, was a ppreciation by th e re tirin g officers crowned queen of th e first war>l In taking over th e d u tie , as p resi G reen and G old boll held a t the dent Mrs Browne sta te d th a t she chool gym nasium S a tu rd ay . M arch I considered It a prlvelege to be th e I leader of a n org an izatio n whose In keeping w ith th e them e, [ purpose was to serve th e hospital, "Apple Blossom T im e " . the hall was [ and the rew ard of all those who decorated In pastel shades of pink j helped In such a n org an izatio n was a n d g re e n . Blossoined-eovered ; the realization of a deep personal t r e e ; and a picket fence were placed | satisfaction. about the stage. A blue sky effect Mrs. Browne ap pointed th e fol- w a, used In th e background 1 1 iwing com m ittees for th e com ing T he queen a n d a tte n d e n ts. Donne ly ea r; H istorian. Mrs Russell C o rh - M undy and Mrs M elroy T erry, weep , ru n . publicity, Mrs B ern ard E ast- preceded to th e sta g e by Judy : m a n ; th o u g h t for th e day, Mrs. M B ingham and I.a u ra M arie M oncur C Beuell: m em bers a t large to serve a flower g irl T h e two little girls, on th e executive com m ittee. M r, dre ,ed In light blue form ats, c a r F rank M organ. Mrs. LaM ont Fife ried baskets of blossoms. Tom m y and M r, Roy Bibbey; program . Mrs. J. J. Barazin, Mrs. B ern ard Frost I'e tt wa crown bearer T he queen was escorted by I-eroy and Mr G e rrlt S ta m ; finance com C arlos B uchner. Mrs. M eat ham , and th e a tte n d e n ts hy m ittee, Mr Melroy T erry and K eith bingltam Virgil McGee, Mrs. F inley S h u ste r, Bishop D ean l ife had charge of the Mr J I. H errim an . Mrs D ennis i [owning cerem ony Music for the P a tc h and Mrs. Elwood F linders D uring the business m eeting plans dance, th a t followed th e coronation, was provided by a five-piece o r for th e a rra n g e m e n ts for th e dance recital were m ade and a discussion chestra. During the interm ission a floor of m em bership q u alifications was T he la tte r subject will be show arranged by Mr a n d M rs Lyle held Fullm er was presented d i a r i e s voted on a t th e April m eeting T he m eeting was preceded by a P eterson and M ark M oncur sang " I n Apple Blossom T im e " A group politic!c luncheon, w ith th e re tirin g of Junior high pupils presented a officers acting a s hostesses. square dance, and Mr. and M r DANCE PLANS CO M PLETED Melroy T erry gave a special B razil Final p lan s a re being complete«1 ian dance. T he floor show con cluded with five couples dancing this week for th e Job's D aughter, annua! queen's bull th a t will be held T he Wultz of the Bells", _*_ in the school gym nasium S a tu rd ay evening. April I An u tte in p t Is be HO SPITAL AUXILIARY ing m ade th is year to m ake the IN S T A L L O F FIC E R S At the regulur m eeting of the yearly rvA it one of th e o u ts ta n d M alheur M em orial H ospital aux ili ing social a ffa irs in th e Job's ary M onday a t the parish lu ll the D aughters calendar. officers for the coming year were i T he them e of th e dunce will be April S h o w e r,", w hich will be c a r Installed, w ith Mrs W W Foster ried o u t in th e d ecorations of the serving us In stalling officer. A nine-piece o rc h estra luo T hose assum ing th e ir duties were hall M r Wesley Browne, president, Mrs. | been secured for th e occasion U a. m. and was followed by a covered dish luncheon a t noon w ith 135 in attendance. T h e afternoon session opened w ith th e roll call of m em ber clubs, followed by a welcome given by Mrs. M a rth a Klingback. .Mrs, Fred Olm - ste ad of O ntario, secretary of the associated clubs, gave the response. The program announced by M rs K enneth McDonald, consisted of two g u ita r solos by Bobby S k in ner, a ballet dance num ber by the dan ce pupils of Mrs. D. O. Bybee; "M elody of the A lps" and "D ream y M om ents", violin duet num bers by D onna Lee W ilson and Mrs. H erb e rt Fisher, accom panied by Mrs. C arlos B uchner; and “ M ichael's F lu te " and “ J u s t A W earyin' for Y ou". Mrs George Gregg, accom p an ied by Mrs. W ilson W inter. T he program was concluded with a piano solo by Mrs. W inter. At th e close of th e m eeting. Mrs. W erner Peutz, who presided over th e m eeting, expressed th an k s to the following who had arranged the m eeting. Mrs. Lee Householder, Mrs. Qeorge Gregg. Mrs. Raleigh C ham b b u r i a l N u tt's * ^ "R E C L A IM O " a tta c h e d to C A R S , T R U C K S an d T R A C T O R S ‘ Makes OIL CHANGING Unnecessary! A U T O M A T i C A L L Y filters and reclaim« crunk case oil mm you drive lC c iiB jv cN tM > lu iiii*y ii 11 rat ion. me dilution corruMi year h I m mm I water thruuifli Mf) iii*«-iuourt use o f exhauiit heat Keep« oil clean and ' oily ' at all tune*. Oil is only added to maintain level SAVES TIME, TROUBLE A N D M O N E Y ! Unbelievable reeulta atul savin*« can be yours with the use o f "Keclaim o." 10 unu gfi.Ooo -60 000 ami more miles W IT H O U T A S lN tiL K C 1IANG K OK OH. arc everyday reporta from owners o f this revolutionary devicn You'll lie sure to want to know more about "KJbCLAIMO * Call or write at once for Ueinoiu>tration D e m o n »tr a tv d A n d S o ld B y George W. Wilson Nyssa, Oregon " B I C I Al M O " ttm. Schwelg» P*l»nU « uÜBi smmi 2011 N. S ixth St '•VVAIM". The Speed lop By Bingham rmr rutt*v nuo or T't v e n v H o o v s l HU 0 HINQ 'PO W M \ nr IHt DHtjtitK ' sJ>/tOP / (M houj PHONi W A S H IN G . P O L IS H IN G L U B R IC A T IN G — 11 7 ß j f CgLfU íá Z a , NYSSA PROGRAM Telephone IOÔ TH EATR E FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. MARCH itl-April 1 DOUBLE FEATURE Bishop lira n H ie is shown placing th e crow n on ! gym nasium last S a tu rd ay night. th e head of Miss M aine P eterson, who reigned a s 1 Miss P eterson's escort. queen of the first ward Gold a n d G reen hall in th e CO N N LfcK CFRT i a a r t is t n a m f d LU k i is t n a m e d T h e m em bership cam paign of th e C om m unity C oncert association of M alheur county was com pleted last S atu rd ay The a rtists who will a p - pear during the to u r concerts a re as follows lie P a u r s in fa n try chorus, Decem ber; R ichard F arrell, p ian ist, February; ebruary. Nan M errim un. m et- soprano, M arch, and G eorge L ondon, baritone, April. ~8— DANCE SCH ED ULED T h e second ward of th e L. D. 8. ch u rch will sponsor a building fund dance in the new second w ard rec reatio n hall S a tu rd ay n ig h t. April 1 O ld-tim e And m odern «lances will be ft'atured S oft d rin k s and a lunch will be servt*d. los B u ch n er led loY^ly of ****? *rom were th e in gues^s' .. th . e devotional , .. per- tables bridge play, w ith ! i°d. D u rin g th e business m eeting. prizes going to M rs. G ra n t Lewis | Mrs. W ilbur Holcomb, Mrs. L. L. for h igh score, to Mrs. R obert W il | Robbins, M rs. H a rry A nderson and son for second high a n d Mrs. W ayne (Mrs. W alter M cP artlan d were a p M orris for traveling. I pointed to serve on the nom inating - 8 - , onim ittee fo r new officers of the W OMEN HOLD M E E TIN G 1 general group T h e 11th a n n u al m eeting of the 'The I T h e a oMrootii ttra c tiv e tea table was c en t- Associated W om en's clubs of M al 1 ered w ith a large arra n g e m e n t of h e u r county was held In th e A drian daffodils, w ith Mrs. H a rry M iner, grade school building last S a tu r- Mrs. Mel Ingebritsen. Mrs. R onald j day w ith th e O. K K. club of th e B a tt a n d M rs. H udson Robb serving ' Owyhee d istric t as th e hostess club. I as hostesses. I R e g istra tio n of guests began a t TUESDAY CLUB M EETS Mrs. J J S arazln e n te rta in e d the m em bers of her T uesday a fte rn o o n bridge club a t h e r hom e th is w eek, w ith Mrs. Lucille N orcott. Mrs A H. Boydell and Mrs F ra n k M organ as guest players. H igh score was held by Mrs. B ernard F rost and e to n d high by Mrs F ra n k M organ. 8 - ENTER TAINS CLUB Mrs. G ra n t Lewis was a bridge hostess a t tier hom e th is week, w hen I she e n te rta in e d the m em bers of her M onday aftern o o n bridge club. High score was held by Mrs. Eldon U lm er and low score by Mrs Ted M organ. O uest players were Mrs. Ulm er. Mrs W arren F a rm er a n d Mrs E dw ard Boydell ~ 8 " CALDW ELL WOMAN SPEA K S At a general m eeting of th e four circles of th e w om en's society of the M ethodist c h u rch , held last T h u rsd ay evening a t th e c hurch. Mrs E rw in Schw eibert of Caldw ell spoke to th e group on " T h e W omen of th e B ible" Mi's. Schw eibert told of th e lives of some of th e oiitslu n d - A d m . 3 0 r-ftr, In c Tav TUESDAY, APRIL 4 Bing Croaby—Fred Astaire In "Holiday Inn" A (» p u lar re-re least» CARTOON AND SHORT "History Brought To Life" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. APRIL 5 6 "The Heiress" with Olivia DeHavilland Montgomery Cliff Ralph Rlchardaon Miriam Hopkina The Powerful stage play becomes a great motion pict ure. love and hate b«'htnd the bolted d«»rs of a Wash ington S quare Mansion 1 1 PLASTIC DISPENSER O V A L SA R D IN E S 3 5 « Tomato Sauce or Mustard 2 15-oz. CANS 3 5 « 2 FOR 75« COFFEE S & W 1 lb. SPAGHETTI or M A C A R O N I 3 Q ¿ SHORT CUT 36 OZ PEG. PEAS DRY B E A N S Herriman Motor Company Official Registrars have lists of those who are NOW registered. H. S. SACKETT County Clerk MAKE YOUR $ GO FARTHER BY SHOPPING AT GORDON'S CHEE ZEE SCOTCH CLEANSER DEAL 79 2 lb. AMERICAN 3 SCOTCH CLEANSER O Q gU • W ith th e E asier ra b b it's a n n u a l visit only a hop away fam ily b u d gets aro u n d town a re being scuttled in favor of a new set of b u tto n s and bows or a flower crow ned bon- net Borne folks m ay object to th e F aster P a ra d e as being a m a tte r of vanity a n d therefore out of keep ing w ith th e solem nity of th e se a son . . . but on th e o th er h a n d p e r haps th is y e arly -retu rn in g desire for som ething new a n d bright and cheerful is a n a tu ra l expression of the idea of resu rrectio n a n d hope for the fu tu re Anyway, you'll have to j ad m it th a t th e acquisition of a new j E aster bonnet never kept a n y o n e ! from C h u rc h A m idw est Judge sentenced two ] prisoners in his court to 3 to 5 years in prtson, or they could m ove to j some place like W est T exas" Sm ile w hen you say »hat. p a rd n e r We aim to keep our custom ers sm il ing w ith friendly service, expert a tte n tio n to your autom otive needs, j used cars a t lowest prices. W e w ant 1 you to come back again a n d again j to H ERRIM AN MOTOR CO P hone Applegate ..... .................. Mrs. M. D. Clough A drian and Big Bend D. T . Holly H arp er and Bully G. Y. C hester B rogan - ............................................- M yrtle I. Rose Ironside ................ H. C. Elm s Jam ieson ............. J. A. Colem an Jo rd a n Valley and Ju n ip e r .........._ G abriel E lordi Jones _ ....... _ Geo. L. B aker M a lh e u r _______________ _________________ M rs. H orten W orsham M cD erm ltt ---------- M ary H. M yers Nyssa No. 1. No. 2. No. 3, A rcadia a n d O w y h e e _H ilda L. T ensen O n tario No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, F a ir and C a i r o _____________________________________ F. C. M cS hane R id g e v ie w ______________________________________ P a u lin e E achus R iverside ___ ___________ _______ Mrs. D onald E. Libby R o c k v ille ________________________________________________ M aude G reeley Rom e ----------------- ------------------------ ------------- _ E llen W iley C o rta S nake R i v e r ------------------------------------------- F a n n ie C h a n d le r FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. MARCH 31 & APRIL 1 Dinnerette Brand 2 Vi TIN KY LEW HERRIM A N As provided by Chapter 204, 1927 Laws, no person shall be qualified to vote at a Primary, General or Special Election unless he or she shall be registered. Electors cannot be sworn in to vote on election day. Registration books are now open and will be open until the night of April 18th, 1950. If you were registered and did not vote at either the Primary or General Election in 1948, or have chang ed your residence or if you desire to change your political affiliations, you must re-register. You may register at the office of the County Clerk, for any precinct in the County, or with the official reg istrars in the following precincts: PRECINCTS REGISTRARS tjk mm rom $AVE MONEY TOM ATOES M at Sat.. l i M | Adm. N r - R . In r. T ax S 10; a*, 8 - Veronica Lake--R ichard W idm ark Sun., w - » « " - a — « » 1 pink a n d blue show er held M arch 17 a t th e Boydell hom e, honoring Mrs. W arren F arm er, T h e honoree vJas th e recipient of a n u m b er of tilUt was preceded by two num bers, I "O Love D iv in e " and " D e a r Lord j and F a th e r of M ankind" by th e M ethodist ch o ir sextette. Mrs. C a r- "Slattery’s Hurricane" M a i. (E vans P hoto) a t nine o'clock T ickets for th e dance m ay be secured from m em bers of the J o b s D aughters or council or purchased a t th e door with with Paul Douglas - Linda Darnell Celeate Holm -Charles Coburn H ere's t h a t long, long laugh you’ve been waiting for The slick sophisticated etorv of u frustrated soprano. I.eRoy M edium is :-i|H*cial e n te rta in m e n t will be given , ing women of th e Bible and of th e ir i > H O ST ESS FO R SH O W ER during th e interm ission, consisting im p ortance in th e religious h e rit- Mrs. E dw ard Boydell a n d Mrs Charles S ia rre t—Smiley B urnette also "Everybody Does It" 5 - To Vote You Must Be Registered "South Of Death Valley" SUNDAY AND MONDAY. APRIL 2-3 - YOUNG COUPLE MARRY Mr. a n d Mrs. H arry G a rd n e r have announced th e m arriag e of their daughter. M arzene, to Nec* Campbell, son of Mr. a n d Mrs. S1J Campbell of Nyssa. T he cerem ony was per form ed M arch 24 a t Lovelock. Ne vada. T h e couple was a tte n d ed by the bride's sister, H a rry e tte G ardner and Mr. a n d Mrs. Loyd Adam s. The | couple a re m aking th e ir hom e in , Nyssa, w here both a re a ttending I high school. NOTICE TO VOTERS - W HOUSALE-RETAIL erlain. Mrs. Louis S k in n er, Mrs. L ynn K ygar. Mrs. Jesse D itty. Mrs. E arl K ygar. Mrs. C h a rlie C ulbert son. Mrs. Ellis W alters, Mrs. Orville McEwen. M rs. O erald Slippy, Mrs. Lem W ilson, Mrs. Bob M orfitt, Mrs G ra n t P a tte rso n , Mrs. B yrd W alters. Mrs. K e n n e th M cDonald a n d Mrs. Jesse Gregg. Mrs. M. A. Biggs of O n ta rio was th e w inner of th e door Drlze. T he hostess club for 1851 will be th e P a rk Im provem ent club of P ay ette. 10C Great Northern or Red Mexican 2 POUNDS DEW DROP 2 CANS PEARS HUNTS 2Vt TIN 23« 35« NEW STORE HOURS—Effective April 1- —Week days 8 to 8; Saturdays 8 to S Produce Specials Bakery Goods FRESH DAILY Top Quality Meats California Carrots Picnic Hams 7 Ç Bunch Cookies 29c Doz. EXTRA DOZ lc Small and Shankless LARGE HEADS French Bread 1 0 « Each 1 0 « Loaf Whole or Half Cauliflour 3 7 * lb. Red Salmon 3 5 * lb. G ordon s D rive -I n M arket The Home of Quality and