Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 30. 1950 Social Notes 15' To Sponsor Banquet— -Love, bed springs and mattress, I ion to Echo avenue, mile east on The Nyssa first ward of the L. D. lawn mower, dishes and Jars. Two I north side of road. Martin Hansen. 30mlxp S. church will sponsor a banquet miles north of Nyssa-Parma Junct-| in the high school building Satur day. April 1 for the benefit of the | new church organ fund Dinner will be served from 7 to 9 p. in. SCOUT T R O O P MEETS G irl Scout troop No. 5 met Tues day evening at the home of their leader. Mrs. Grant Rinehart. The group has been receiving instruction on first aid under the direction of Miss Barbara Browne. § E N T E R T A IN D IN N E R GUESTS M r and Mrs. Jesse Rigney en tertained last Tuesday at dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rolland and fam ily of Pioneer. Othed guests were Mrs. Clora Harris, Miss Georgia Nicholes and Miss Virginia Voight of Nyssa and Mrs. Anna Roland of Payette. - Gopher Control Continued— The Riverview fanners are con tinuing a gopher control project on heir farms. Roy Coby, the exter- ninator for this project, may be contacted on the Max Moore farm. Anyone who wishes to have gophers | eradicated should write Mr. Coby >r Arthur Rouse, Rt. 2, Nyssa. 1 —e COMING 8 - P A R T V G IV E N FOR SON Mrs. Eldon Ulmer entertained last Tuesday afternoon at a birthday party for her three-year-old son, Jerry. Games were enjoyed by the 12 guests and birthday cake and ice cream were served by the hos tess. Each guest received a favor basket. B AN Q U E T HELD The annual banquet of the Owy hee ward M-men and Gleaners was held Thursday evening in the Adrian grade school building. Master of ceremonies was Or- land Haroldsen. The program included readings by Mrs. Gene Stoker and Mistress Poulsen. On the musical program were June Harley, the Durfee trio, Charles The 14 girls of Mrs. D. O. Bybee's dancing class appeared in a harem ballet dance Saturday after noon at the annual meeting of the Malhrur ( ountv Associated Women’s clubs in Adrian. The girls are: front row— (left to right) Judy Lewis, Joan Young, Broeia Case. Nancy Stringer, Christine Vendrrll Connie McCrady and Sharon Jaques: back row—I.inda Kansom, Sharon Buxton, Maxine Byrd. Crlia Byber (toe soloist), Sharyll Seppich, Phyllis Diggs and Marjorie Tyler. iEvans Photo) Henry and Irvin: Charlie Mc Coy, Prank Mitchell, and John Savage. Over sixty were served dinner, which was furnished and served by the relief society. Stake officers and the biscopric were also invited. and Mrs. bridge club at their home last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herriman were guest players. High score was held by Mr. Herri man and second high by Bernard Eastman. -5 - W EDDING A N N IV E R SAR Y B RID G E CLUB MEETS OBSERVED Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee en Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cochrun tertained the members of their Mr. were guests at a dinner held Sun- 'x * • * for J& w / m j if J !l!iSii!l§i' THIS YEAR USE OUR ROOM-MAGIC LINOLEUM AND WONDER WORKING WALLPAPER INSPIRING NEW COLORS, TEXTURES AND PATTERNS TH AT MEAN NEW BEAUTY FOR YOUR HOME Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 Block West of R. R. Depot ‘■■im wh ACCIDENT RUINS % PROSPEROUS LAND OWNER 1 ■ > <* . A . r -i. We urn NOTpeWec&W; / GENERAL PROTECTION G e ne ra l of Am erica's Special Blanket Liability Policy for Farm ers, with supplements which may be added, can provide in O N E, all-embracing policy this MULTI PLE insurance! • AGAI NST d am a ge claims which might be entered by employees or guests. [Automatically pays up to $500 medical costs to each person in|ured. J e AGAI NST most losses te livestock and farm machinery through firs, theft or flood. e AGAI NST burglary or loss through fire o f household and personal possessions. A GAI NST automobile damages or loss through theft, fire or collision. 1 AGAI NST a multitude of unforeseen damage claims end losses. I'AGE SEVEN Pinned under a jacked-up traelor that (dipped, a neighbor's boy was c rip p le d fo r life . The traetor owner was held legally liable. It cost him everything — even his land—to pay medical expenses and compensatory damages. He learn ed to o late what e v e ry farmer and rancher should know: General o f America's famous Spe cial Blanket Liability Policy would have saved him from financial ruin — from loss o f his farm . . . his life's work. Ask for details o f this low cost protection. Such ac cidents can happen on your land! \ ou o n * It to y o u r te l f anil your fam ily to get 4 U . THF. F A C T S about tb it *’Hlanket o f P rotectio n .'’ Renstrom Insurance Agency day at the Moore hotel in Ontario in honor of their 40th wedding anni versary. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClure and Mr and Mrs. Clyde Scheur and fam ilies of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. W il bur Holcomb and sons, and Miss Jo Anne Garrison. Two Residents Of Apple Valley Die APPLE V ALLE Y. Mar. 3 0 -T w o ot. well known local neighbors of long standing passed away Sunday. Mrs. P. E. Piltcher died at the Mercy hospital in Nampa and Ura Rob inson died at the Ontario hospital. Services for Mrs. Piltcher was held Tuesday in Nampa. Services were held for Mr. Robinson Wednesday in Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Freeman returned home Sunday from a trip. They spent the winter in Missouri. Mrs. Gene Honey returned home Sunday after taking cure of an aunt and uncle, who have been ill in New Plymouth. Mr and Mrs. Garold Horn were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell’s daughters are here for the annivers ary party to be heid Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnston of Caliente, Nevada arrived Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Vandlandingham of Los Banos, California arrived Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Caldwell of Selah, Washington will arrive this Friday. Mrs. Bud Hild was honor guest at a birthday party at the Henry Horn home. Mrs. Garold Horn and Mrs. Henry Horn were co-hostesses. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hild and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pearson and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn, Ellis Horn’s children and Mr. and Mrs. Garold Horn. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson en tertained guests at dinner. Those present were Mrs. Vanlandingham of Los Banos. California. Mrs. Glen Johnston of Caliente, Nevada, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell, Kenneth Caldwell and Shirley Wiekson of McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dilly were Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed. A party was held In observance of Mrs. D llly’s birth day. Refreshments were served. Committee Plans Hearings— The ligislative tax Interim com- ’mlttee of the state legislature will hold a hearing in Ontario W ed nesday noon, April 19 to receive suggestions from and to present factual Information to residents of the area on tax and fiscal problems. EVENTS Friday. March 31—St. Paul’s Epis copal Lenten tea at 2:30 at the parish hall. Junior class play at ichool gymnasium at 8 p. m. Saturday. April 1— “ April Show ers” , Job’s Daughters dance at gymnasium. L. D. S. 2nd ward dance at church. Monday, April 3— Eastern Star, Masonic hall. School of instruction. Wednesday, April 5— Potluck din ner, Eagles and auxiliary ’ members. Thursday. April 6— Good Friday ;ervices at MethoGist church. P. T, A. executive meeting at grade «h ool. Legion auxiliary at veter ans hall. Rebckah lodge at I. O. O. F. hall. Friday, April 7—St. Paul’s Episco pal Good Friday service at 7:30 at parish hall. Saturday, April 8—Hospital aux iliary daMce recital at gymnasium. NEWS OF RECORD MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Ray Gangler and Mary Ann Woodworth, both of Vale. COMPLAINTS. CIRCUIT COURT Stanley Dentinger vs. Daniel A. Retlierford, et. al., foreclosure of mortgage. $4,899.07. PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT Estate of Clyde L. Park, deceased. Estate of Sylvester Jaoa. deceased. Estate of Eva L. Park, deceased. CERTIFIED BEAN SEED PINTO AND RED MEXICAN BY PLANTING TIME WE WILL HAVE THE BEST BEAN SEED AVAILABLE For Further Information Phone 25-J and 325-J OWYHEE PRODUCE COMPANY At The FOOD MART, Nyssa Week-end of March 30. 31 and April 1 RICE DINNER DEALS One can of Mario Spanish Rice Dinner together with one can of Mario Meat Balls with Gravy a « , BOTH W s i g GREEN BEANS Tender, string less out green beans in No. 2 runs 2 CANS 350 LIBBY'S PUMPKIN Or Del Muiile brand, in the large No. 21* can« 2 CANS 250 2 pkgs 4 9 HOT ROLL MIX Fillskury’s brand, 14 or. sire package, a bargain at this price c TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY W ANTED — Reliable woman to care for child in my home, steady em ployment. phone 399-W. 30m2xp W ANTED — Party who took my pliers, please return them. Mrs. Clara Beam. 30mlxc M ISCELLANEOUS— Did you know that bottled gas costs are going down? 30m Ixc FOR SALE—Maytag washer, like new, phone 179-J during the day or 262-R in the evening. 30m3xc FOR rooms Ennis Vale. R E N T—Small house, two and bath, furnished, $25. 107 avenue. Nyssa, phone 3035 Date Pamperien. 30m2xp W ANTED — Full time or part time work, experienced stenographer, bookkeeper, phone 399-W. 30m2xp FOR R E N T — Apartment, three rooms with bath, electricity furnish ed, $30 month. 612 Emison avenue, phone 240-R. 30m2xp M I S C E L L A N E O US— Will have some good springer heifers at Nyssa sale yard Wednesday, April 5. Chet Corfleld. 30mlxp FOR R E N T —Three-room apart ment, modern, 22 N. 1st St. $41. Nyssa Insurance Agency. 30mtfc FOR SALE—Two-bedroom modern home east side location, small down payment, balance on state loan. Small home with two good lots on sewer line, $1500, $300 down, very small payment. Nyssa Insurance Agency. 30mtfc Return from Chicago— M ISCELLANEOUS—Two trees may Mr. and Mrs Ed Warren return be had for cutting them. See John ed last week from Chicago, where Murphy, 305 Ennis avenue, Nyssa. they had gone to visit their son, 30m lxp Gerald Warren, and family. FOR K E N T -Three-room modern CARD OF T H A N K S house, with bath. 508 N. Fifth. We wish to express our appreci 30m2xp ation to our friends and neighbors for their kindness during the sick FOR SALE— Electric stove, refrig ness and death of our father. erator, bedroom set, table and chairs, sewing machine, davenport and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dorlty chair, vacuum cleaner, brooder Mr. and Mrs. John Dorlty IVORY SOAP Large size bars 2 FOR 250 WHITE SAILS Fine white bathroom tissue packed 4 rolls together PACKAGE 330 EGGS Selected, farm-fresh, Grade “A” in cartons DOZ. BROWN SUGAR Packed in cello bags, 2 Pounds a h t BAG « / ^ PANTRY PRIDE Vanilla flavoring. 8 oz. bottles BTL. 290 PINEAPPLE Hillsdale broken slices, j n j No. 2 cans 2 CANS 9 9 ^ SPUN HONEY 100L purr honey, spun to a cream, 16 oz. carton EACH 290 BOX 250 EACH 220 JAR 350 EACH 290 SALTINE WAFERS Dainty salted wafers, packed 4 packagrs in a 1-lb. box ASSORTED JELLY Sunny Jim brand, choose from 7 fruits, 12 oz. glasses PEANUT BUTTER New, smoother Planter's homogenized, I-Pound LOG CABIN SYRUP EasY as Rollin'Off a Log! Klcli in maple sugar, 12 oz. tins GREEN ONIONS New spring crop, mild flavor ■ , BCH. 9 C LETTUCE Crisp, Solid Head* LB. 100 TOMATOES U. S. No. 1 solid ripe allem « n by the tube TUBE I » V NEW POTATOES V . S. No. 1 Florida reds Fellow M fl to me the ocher day, “I’m tired of mule farming . .. tired of rattling an old walking plow ... tired of eating dutt behind a cultivator." ’ Why don’t you get a Farmall Cub tractor with fingertip Farmall Touch-Control," I any». "You juat attach your implement, then-with your finger—tell it whal to do!" ■'Yettir, plowing like thit or any other »mail-farm operation ia at aaty at rolling o f a log." At he drove hit Farmall Cub out the door, I mentioned to him, "When your Farmall Cub a Deeds paru or service. I’m right here." HI (•'•saetiwaat OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. Phone 245 NYSSA. OREGON 3 LBS. 250 FOR 25c GRAPEFRUIT White, Juicy seedless, 80 size 4 SHARP CHEESE Wisconsin long-horn, 6 months old LB. 570 He FOOD M ART North Third St., Nyaza J