Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
P A G E S IX THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 30. 1950 _ M. I\k;iii” « r Kill?» ItolM-at On Hanrli SUNSET V ALLE Y, Mar. 3 0 -M a g- m ii Kkanger shot and killed a bob cat on his ranch last Sunday. The bobcat had already killed three o( Ekangcr's lambs The ranch Is lo cated on the northwestern edge if Sunset valley on the .slopes of Chalk butte It has been a number of years since a wildcat has been kill ed in this vicinity. Mr and M r, Robert Ditty made I leaving the children with their a business trip to Baker Friday, grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Henry Hlnlz Mr: Della Ditty is in the hospital in Ontario for treatment prior to an operation. Mr and Mrs. Chester Newell and daughters, Joann, Sherrie and Mary Annetee, of Tacoma are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. I Dodson. Mr and Mrs Orover Cooper. Miss Mertrude King and Donald Snyder were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. A R Maxwell in Mel- DEAD ANIMALS Free Pickup Phone Collect Ontario Grain Co. 53 Phone 98 Main Plant 100 Ontario Parma Nyssa Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Nyssa. Oregon NEW WAY TO RAKE HAY SIX-BAR OFFSET REEL MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE 1 lie bir/tUHon S uiery Hnkr is designed specifically for tractor operation. It greatly reduce« leaf shattering . .. safeguards the quality and value o f your liay! Thu» ruke is truly unique. New six-bar offset reel handles hay ffrntly. N o pitching, kicking and tossing even at high speeds. Instead, your huy is lifted gently, up and over into light fluffy windrows with the precious leaves turned inward. True "siilewurd" raking action reduces tire distance from swath to windrow by SO per cent. There is far lisa lolling and churning . . . no sudden jarring. Tractor-mounted . . . |siwer take-off driven . . . Finger 1 ip Controlled. And it’s surprisingly low in price. WESTERN CORRUGATOR CO. Phone 1R1-W (!uod Ave. and 1st Thu Ferguson System Makes The D ifferen ce ^ n U A ONSTRATION ...on your own farm! FERGUSON TRACTOR AN D FIR G U S O N SYSTEM IM PLEM ENTS ba. Idaho. They attended the wed ding of Miss Edith Maxwell and Rex Smith of Thurman, Iowa. Sharon Query was an overnight guest Wednesday at the home of Janet Parker in Adrian Mr. and Mrs Jim Bellveal and tiny twin daughters are living in the basement house on the Ditty farm Bellveal will work for Charlie Schweizer, who has rented the Ditty land for this year. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Jr. and daughter, Karan Ann, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs O. P Counsil. Mr and Mrs Delbert Garner and Mr and Mrs Vem Garner left F ri day morning for Ogden. Utah to visit Mrs Julia Garner, mother of Vem and Deb. who has been quite ill Mr and Mrs. Hiroto Okano and family visited at the Fed Arral home In Jamefson. and were dinner guests at the Joe Inama home in Nyssa Sunday Mrs Irvin Durfee and daughter visited Friday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Fred Mitchell. Raymond Bergam and his father, Herbert, attended the F F. A. father and son banquet in Nyssa Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clyde Kimball of Oakland. California arrived Sunday for a visit with her parents. Mr and Mrs. E. J Hobson, and sisters, Mrs. James Langley and Mrs. Homer Brewer. Mr and Mrs. John Kolos o f Can,- ton. South Dakota were recent house guests at the John Orottviet home fssa. Kolos is a brother o f Mrs Orottviet The visitors were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Olaf Fyl- lingness one day All were former neighbors in the Dakotas. Charles Chapin was one of the gifoup attending the F. F A con vention held In La Grande several days last week. Taylor Sandy and his daughter, Mrs William Gregg, drove to Boise Tuesday for a medical checkup for Sandy. Mrs. Ira Chadd and Mrs. Ed Steiner Thursday visiting at the Bud Charland home. Charland is working for Norman Douglass this year Attending the annual Associated Women's club meeting Saturday were Mrs Kenneth Lorensen, Mrs Grover Cooper, Mrs. O. P. Counsil, Mrs Elver Nielsen, Mrs. Pete Wilson, Mrs. James Robb, Mrs Claude W il son, Mrs Ewen Chard, and Mrs Fred Babcock Week-end guesLs at the John Ref- fett home included Mr. and Mrs Jack R effett of John Day. and Mr and Mrs Loren Hite and family of Haines. Mrs. Blanche Hite accomp anied the Hite family to Haines for a visit, when they returned Tuesday. Mrs Carlos Buchner of Nyssa called Tuesday afternoon at the Thomas Nishitani home Mr and Mrs. Wallie Orcutt and family of Payette were Thursday • V e i l i n g supper guests of Mr and Mrs Elver Nielsen. Included aLso was Clifford Nielsen. Hoffman is doing some land level ing for Pete Wilson this week Bill Riggs and Beth Kidman have been digging and making other preparations for a septic tank Riggs who is from Homedale 1s liv ing in the tenant house and will work for Didman this year. Although the weather has been erratic, many have their grain planted. Carrots were being plant ed on the Robb farm Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John Babcock of Nampa were overnight guests at the Fred Babcock home Friday evening Mr and Mrs. Claude Wilson a t tended u card party Saturday even ing as guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Perko. Charlie McCoy was eliminated Friday evening when rompettng in the semi-finals of the "Share the Wealth" program on K SR V How ever, MeCoy received a fitted men's cosmetic case as consolation prize. Paul Takeuchi of Nampa was a visitor at the Thomas Nishitani He was a dinner Donald. Otis Bullard and Donald ____ alter classes. | home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.| Arcadia Sunshine a n d V L Kessler and V. U., Jr. guest in the George Moeller hom* I Takeuchi and new baby daughter W M. Krieman of Parma was a Mr. Saito o f Ontario has ren e Club Holds Meeting guest speaker at Arcadia Sunday John Lucero'.^ place I had Just arrived home in Nampa i from a Boise hospital. Takeuchi farms near Cascade-' and lives in AR C AD IA, Mar. 30—The Arcadia Sunshine club met March 24 with Nampa during the winter. Mr and Mrs Oene Cleaver and Mrs Dorothy Bowers with nine Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dtderickson of present. After the business meeting, Caldwell were guests at the James plans were made to demonstrate cleaning rugs and upholstering at Chadd home Saturday evening. A birthday dinner was served at the the April meeting. Mrs. Ben Houst James Chadd home last Sunday in on will be the hostess April 14. Nell Bowers met with her 4-H celebration of the birthday of the — FARMERS ATTENTION — twins, Mrs. James Chadd and her [club J 1?™ *.01 Joretta Moeller sister. Mrs. Conley Lockett o f W il March 25. with five members pres After the business meeting low Creek. Guests included Mr and ent. Mrs. Homer Didericksen, and Mr. Joan Matherly and Beverly Corn made cookies and the other girls and Mrs. Clyde Didericksen and family, all of Caldwell, and Conley served. The club will meet April 8 with Annette Stradley. Lockett Cards were played after Mr. and Mrs Glenn and family dinner. have rented the Derrick ranch. Mr. M r and Mrs. Frank Land and and Mrs. Derrick moved to Ontario. | family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold The Bybee brothers are digging a Popkins and family surprised R ev basement for Cecil Houston's house. erend and Mrs Joe Dodson at the Mrs. William Stradley. who has parsonage Friday evening with a been visiting her son Elmer Strad- (. dinner, birthday cake and all. The ley and fam ily returned to her home dinner celebrated the birthdays of In Big Bend Monday. Rev Dodson. Fiank Land and Har Women from Arcadia who attend old Popkins. ed the associated club meeting at Mrs Leotta Ditty was taken to Adrian Saturday, were Mrs Elmer the Holy Rosary hospital Thursday. Stradley. Mrs Otis Bullard, Mrs. The Chester Newell family of T a Theo Matherly, Mrs. George Hust, coma were expected over the week Mrs. Les Burbank and Mrs. Parley end. Mrs. Newell Is a daughter of Feik. Mrs. Ditty. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sparks and The Chalk Butte Grange met j family o f Hammett, Idaho visited Tuesday evening at the Cow Hollow here last week-end. hall. Visiting guests for the even Mr. and Mrs. Martin Farmer and ing Included Mr. and Mrs. Wesley family of New Plymouth were din Piercy, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Toombs ner guests Sunday in the home of and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashfraft. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stradley. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Those from Arcadia attending the Leo Utter and Mrs. Ernest Smith. Father and Son banquet in Nyssa Arriving Wednesday at the James March 21 were Clyde Bowers and Stephen home were John Joyce of Atlantic, Iowa, and James Stephen. Sr. Mr. Stephen had been visiting the past month in California. Mr. Joyce is a cousin of Mrs. James Stephen, Sr. Miss Yoko Okano returned to col lege at Corvallis Sunday after spending a week of spring vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Okano Returning to the valley Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Ed Price, from a two-weeks trip to Nebraska. They thought the valley looked very good after they had traveled through so much snow en route home. Charlie Price arrived home M on day after going through the Port land clinic in search of medical aid for his respiratory trouble. Charlie also spent a week visiting in Elgin, Oregon at the home of his niece, Mrs. Robert Albritton. Oscar Malmberg returned to the valley Tuesday after spending a week in the Orand Coulee area. SOIL AID—GYPSUM AND SULPHUR FERTILIZER $ 25.00 Per Ton P la c e Y o u r O r d e r N o w NYSSA ELEVATOR NYSSA. OREGON F O R SA LE Russet Seed Potatoes Free From Leaf Roll Eastern Oregon Produce Co. Purchase ( Mary A. White and James D. Liss- rnan. both of Nyssa, recently pur chased purebred Aberdeen-Angus cattle from Oould Brothers of Buhl. Idaho. Mary White purchased 13 cows and Mr Lissman bought one cow. Phone 120 L. D. S. Banquet Up* Sponsored By Nyssa First Ward YOUR HOME FOR SPRI NG Saturday, April I Springtime is the traditional time to clean up . .. paint up and repair your home both inside and out. And, there is no better way to start your spring "clean Serving From 7 io 9 p. m. up than with a visit to your Boise Payette yard. You can do the job most economically and easily with DEVOE paint products. Made by the nation's NYSSA HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING oldest paint manufacturer— Devoe products are time- For a Better Job Use DEVOE ONE-COAT WHITE HOUSE PAINT O n e coat over any color will make your Proceeds w ill be used for purchase of new church organ S1.50 Per Plate Public Invited home the "whitest” house in the block. Saves as much as 40% on labor and paint costs C. Gives longer wearl F. MINK, Manager Phone IS Nyssa proved. See Boise Payette for— Devopake Kemtone Mirrolec Enamel 87 Spar Varniah Truscon Titewall One Coat Semi-Gloaa Superkleen Brushes Materials for all types of home and farm repairs are Easier to GET . . at—