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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 30 . 1953 4 Helen Moot/. Is R e p o rte il Better NU-ACRES, Mar 30—Cecil Riddle made a trip to Portland to see Helen Muotz. He left Sunday and return ed Friday. Miss Mootz had taken a turn for the worse In Portland hospital, but when he came home she was some better. He went by way of Madras and took Nadine Newgen. sister of Helen with him. A group of Mrs. Fred Henkel's friends and neighbors called on her Saturday night to celebrate her birthday. Her birthday was a few weeks ago but she was in Denver at the time so the friends surpris ed her by having a belated party. Judy Harm of Payette spent the week-end with Joy Cullen. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit, Sr. met with their pinochle club Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. David son of Parma. Mr and Mrs. L. G. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. William Grasmick and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Durrington attended the Sweatheart ball in Fruitland UNLOAD THE EASY WAY with THE STOCKWELL HYDRAULIC SIDE DUMP KIT Make a dump Truck Out Of Your Beet Truck BERNHARDT BEYL IV a miles off of oil west on Enterprise Ave. Nyssa Route 1 Oregon ANNOUNCEMENT TO MY FRIENDS I am leasing and operating the Ontario Richfield service station at 91 north Oregon in Ontario. When you are in Ontario stop in at the Richfield service station and visit with us. Doyle M. (Monte) Jensen Leasee and Operator HIGH QUALITY RICHFIELD PRODUCTS PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION 91 North Oregon Ontario Saturday night. A lovely lunch was Redmond, Oregon and Mrs. J. L. enjoyed by the group at the Hawley | Walker of Seattle. Tnose taking part in the speech home after the ball. were Marry Mam, Marjie Margie Johnson was one of the clinic Johnson. Phyllis Evans, Terrel Sam princesses at the Sweetheart ball in uel and Mary Jo and Larry Jenkins. Fruitland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hawley made The clinic was held in Emmett Fri a business and pleasure trip to Cot day. Cecil Evans announced that tage Grove and Portland. They it Mrs. is time to start registering tor the were gone about 10 days. to be held in the tall. Mrs. J. L. Walker and two sons of election Garrett, who has been visit Seattle spent the week-end with Mr. ing Vern at the Jim McD Roe home, is and Mrs. Ralph Baxter. to Idaho City. Mr. and Mrs. Tayler Evans of going Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Sager of Mid Baker. Oregon stayed all night with dleton visited Mr. and Mrs. H. E. his brother, Tofh Evans Sr., and Sager Saturday evening. Mr. and family Tuesday. Sager had been to Ontario to Mr. and Mrs. George Smit attend Mrs. their son, Raymond, who is in ed the community concert in On see the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. tario Wednesday. “ Merlin Henkel was among the Sager visited Raymond in Ontario group of 4-H children who attended Tuesday afternoon and reported the skating party at Frank’s roller that he was improving satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell made rink in Ontario. Mrs. Ralph Baxter and Mrs. Lee a business trip to Heppner Fri day and came back Satuiday. Bare of Nyssa spent Saturday in Mrs. Pat Hohstadt and Dennis Caldwell. While there they saw the pig scramble held at the fairgrounds. spent Thursday with Mrs. Alton Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans, Jr., and Bales in Fruitland. Mrs. M. C. Seuell attended the family of Nyssa visited Mr and Mrs. all-day meeting of the Malheur Tom Evans, Sr. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Tyree and Memorial Hospital auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. George Grasmick of children and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bales and girls, all of Fruitland. had Sand hollow and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Raymer of Boise were Sunday after dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. noon visitors in the Frank Nedbalek Pat Hohstadt. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walker spent home. Grange No. 428 will postpone its last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter. They went on to Redmond, regular meeting of April 6 to April 7. Cards will be sent out to mem Oregon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hawley and bers notifying them for sure. The Dick attended the Guernsey breed reason for the postponement is the ers meeting at Falk’s community music concert to be held in Fruit land April 6. hall Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell went Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry and small to Middleton Tuesday. Mr. Seuell children made a business trip to gave a talk at a chamber of com Ontario Wednesday. Mary Lou Grasmick held a slum merce meeting. ber party at her home Tuesday night. Those present were Terry Leaves For Alaska— Miss Lois Grounds left Monday Harada, Betty Lou Davis, Viola McClain and Jean Maekinson all of for Fairbanks, Alaska Miss Ground, who has been employed the past Fruitland. Mrs D. W. Elwood held a Mother year in the law office of Harold Goose parly for some of the little Henigson, will be married in Fair neighbors Tuesday evening. Those, banks to Burton R. Moorhead on present were Bertha and Louise Easter Sunday. Moorhead is with Hohstadt, Corynne and Geraldine the Wier Air Service at Fairbanks. Fry and Lillyanne Higgins of Parma Miss Ground and Mr. Moorhead L. G. Hawley and Dick attended formerly lived in Jerome, Idaho. the registered Guernsey bull sale in New Plymouth Saturday. The sale was well attended. Mrs. Dean Wilson and children of Caldwell attended a family din ner at the Ralph Baxter home Fri THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH day. Others present were Mr. and Donald S. Campbell. Minister Mrs. Ralph Walker and children of 9:45 a. m., church school. 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser mon: “Christ and the Crowds’. ALCOHOLICS Anthems: “Blessed Is He Who ANONYMOUS Cometh", by Gounod, and “The Nyssa Group Meeting Sunday Palms", by Faure, with solo by evenings, 8 p. m. Oscar Bratton. 407 Main Street 7 p. m., Youth Fellowship. Phone 2-M 8 p. m., evening service. Rev. Logan A. Pruitt, pastor of the On tario Methodist church, will be guest speaker at this special Easter week service. Anthem: "Into the Woods” by Lutkin. Solo: “ The Living God ’, by O'Hara, sung by Hugh Tobler. Church Noies Fairbanks Morse-Pomona ♦IRRIGATION PUMPS ♦DOMESTIC PUMPS ♦WATER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC MOTORS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DR. G. W. CRAVES Optometrist WE INSTALL AND SERVICE.......... Call or Write Eyes Examined Intermountain Equipment Co. Phone 720 BOISE. IDAHO Myrtle at Broadway 718 Arthur St. Phone 9000 Caldwell, Idaho M a k e s m o le h ills out o f SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship services, 11 a. in. Young People, 7 p. m. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. PAGE FIVE ing service. He will speak about his personal experiences and W:ll show pictures of missions activity. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ROW CROP SPRAYERS OR FULL COVERAGE THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Rev. E. J. Wilson. Pastor Built On Your Tractor To Fit Your Joba Adjustiblr spray bars built to do all kinds of Spraying. Wr are now using the very latest ball bearing pum ps for power take-offs Pressure from 10 to 200 lbs. Dosages from 10 to 100 gallon per acre. AVOID THE RUSH, HAVE IT MADE NOW. Wr make your sprayer and spray boom the way you want It and save you from $25 to $50 on the job You ran get any thing you want fur your spray equipment. 10 a. m., Sunday school. Russell Smith superintendent. 11 a. m„ congregational and special singing and sermon. 7 p. m„ young people and junior meetings. 8 p. m., evangelistic service. 8 p. m. every Wednesday we have services. If you don't have a regular church home we extend to you a very cord ial invitation to visit us MACKS ANTI-WEED GUN 1424 Chicago street Caldwell. Idaho CHURCH OF CHRIST Don R. Maxfield, Pastor 10 a. m„ Bible school hour The Reds are forging ahead In the contest. 11 a. m . Morning worship. 7:30 p. m„ youth meeting and singspiration. 8 p. m., evening worship. ! j , ] j Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt Stokers ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. C. L. Callahan. Rrctor Church school, 10 a. m. Church services, 7:30 p. m.. every Sunday evening. Estim ates G ladly Given CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Gatre, Pastor Mass on Sundays at 9:30. Cate chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. GEORGE I. KINZER HEATING FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Sherwin Schmidt. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning service. 11 a. m. Adult instruction, 8 p. m„ Sunday : Phone 134L2 Parm a, Idaho evening. L. D. S. 1st WARD Dean Fife, Bishop Sunday, 9 a. m , Sunday school 10:30 a. in., priesthood meeting. 6:70 p. in., sacrament meeting. Thursday, 2 p. in., relief society. 4 p. m., primary. 7:30 p. in., M. I. A Hartley's Floor Service Floors Laved, Sanded. Finished Old Floors Refinished Phone 1041-R, Caldwell. Idaho E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Part.6 and accessories Phone 5G-W KAISER-FRAZER _ APPAOVID — S ervice n y jp r Sales & Service If you are driving a Kaitcr or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. BRING YO U R TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30- -East of Town Phone 287 Ontario, Oregon INDEPENDENT BAPTIST MISSION Sunday school, 10 a. m. Classes lor all agees. Morning worship, 11 a .m. Young people's meeting, 7 p. m. Marjie Benedict, leader. Song service, 7:45 p. m. Eevening service. 8 p. m. Mes sage by Marjie Benedict. Prayer meeting and Bible study, Wednesday, 8 p. m. FOR PAINTER-UPPERS! MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH W. M. Turner ir c ' Missionary Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. in. Morning service. II a. m. 8ong service, 7:30 p. m. Young People's service. 7:30 p. m. Evening service, 8 p. in. Wednesday evening prayer ser vice. 8 p. m. Friday evening service, 8 p. m 8.17 Mv YOU ASSEMBLY OP OOD 2nd and Reece Steel D. Spies«. Pastor Sunday April 2 will be Special World Mission day. Rev. Garland Benertendi of Ontario, who spent several years in mLssionery work in China and Formosa, will speak at the morning service. Also Rev Victor Plymire, a vet eran mlssionery, having ministered almost 40 years in northwest China, will be with us at the Sunday even One Gal. “Dutch Boy” t J ] g GET WONSOVER * 4 ~ G e n u in e o il-b o te w oll finish. O n e coot covers old point, w allpaper, even kalsom in e. W a sh a b le . Your choice o f 12 colors plus while. V K IIie BY R 0 1 A N D Ä RO Y Just as Ford’s "hu»hed” power levels the hill». Ford's “ Hydra- r o i l ” and “ Para-Flex” Sprinp level the hump». You float right over them. \ our driver s seat even ha» new non-sag springs under new foam rubber cushion! Fore and aft in this ’ 50 Ford, you get a “ Mid Ship” Ride lietween wheels, not over them. “ Test Drive” it and f t e l tfie difference. "T IS T Special Wonsover S O 99 D iivr BRUSH ret THI SO FOtD AT r o u t p o to o tA ic r s w h w ill op«n yovr eyes I The only car in its field with AUTOMATIC OVERDRIVE* Herriman Motor Co. - te mete her Court . b l » ? W oo her with « Portable, R e s id e n t ia l for V quick o n d e o sy b ru sh in g o f "O ufch B o y " W oro- ©ver. Width, 4 VS inches. Best quality, m a d e of 10 0 % YOU SAVE * 2 p u re C hin ese Bristle. C o m m e r c ia l W ir in g i COM PANY SER V IC E CA> I S P H O N E 111M H I- W A Y ? 0 N o N f S S A , Hurry! Special O ffer Expires April 29 . EDER HARDWARE CO. NYSSA AND ADRIAN -