Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1950)
PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 30, 1950 Big It**ii<I School lta»*‘ iiic iil ( le a n e d BIO BEND. Mar 30- Mr and Mr. Lawrence Miller. Mrs John Adams and Mrs. William Ferguson cleaned and kalsomlned In the Big Bend school basement Monday afternoon Charles Witty and David worked in the evening. The work was a part of the Orange community service program Mr and Mrs Spence Maughn and family of Nysra were Sunday vis itors at the Ezra Wooley home Mr and Mrs John Adams were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mr, Loyd Adams of Oregon Trail. The occasion was a joint birthday din- ner for the two women Mr. Pearl Vail of Caldwell spent Sunday afternoon at the home of -A TTE N TIO N F A R M E R S- WE ARE SELLING RANCHES FAST AND NEED IMMEDIATE LISTINGS GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER NYSSA, OREGON BUILDING FUND DANCE IN NEW 2nd W ARD L. D. S. Church OLD TIME AND MODERN DANCES SOFT DRINKS AN1) LUNCH SERVED SATURDAY, APRIL 1 SPRING SAFETY CHECK Play Safe—Avoid Accidents Com e In And Have Us Check Your Brakes. Horn. Lights, Steering IT COSTS SO LITTLE TO BE SAFE W hile You Are In Let Us Instal Your "Safety Plate" FREE HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Your Transportation Merchant 1 her daughter. Mrs. John Adams I* Mr and Mrs Charles Chaney of southern Oregon visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Horace Chaney Martin Lee and Bob Oorden of the Christian Bible school of Boise conducted services Sunday at Lower Bend Bill Straton of Arock ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs Phil Clucas and family. Martin Lee and Bob Oorden ate Sunday dinner with Mr and Mr; William Teter and family. Mrs Veronica Stradley returned to her home Monday after an ex tended visit with her son, Elmer I and family of Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Grant Hemerly of Bend. Oregon were Sunday vLsitors | at the home of Mr and Mrs. Rock- hill. who recently moved to the Big Bend community from Caldwell. Lawrence Miller and Keith Cam eron have been attending the O. I. farm school at Adrian. John Shroeder returned home Fri- | day from the veterans hospital at COLUMBIA. AVE , Mar 3 0 - Farm- j ers of this community have started j planting their beets. Visitors at the Dick Oroot home Thursday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stam of Nyssa. Mrs. Lester Jamison visited friends in Arcadia Saturday evening. The WhLst club was entertained at the home of Mr and Mrs. Pete Tensen Sunday Two tables were at play during the afternoon. Re freshments were served by the hostess. Mr and Mrs. Oerrlt Stam attend ed the community concert In O n tario last week Ontario visitors were Mr and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk Mr and Mrs. Tobby Coleman and family of Nyssa moved into the bungalow on the Oerrit Oroot farm recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs H i e Jake Oroot. who moved to Coulee Mr and Mrs. Lem Davis of On dam. tario and Mr and Mrs John Dave Hawkins was an Ontario Shroeder visited Sunday at Mr. and visitor recently. Mrs. C. A Molt’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Oroot of Apple Valley were hosts at a lunch eon Friday afternoon. Guests were C iii 1» Mollu-rs Of Mr and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and Adrian (iatlirr Mrs. Dick Oroot and Mr. and Mrs Z Davidson of Parma. ADRIAN, Mar 30—The Cub Scout den mothers held a business meet ing Friday afternoon In the United M«*rrv ¡Matrons Of Presbyterian church basement. Ore. rl>ail Meet The members of the Presbyterian church are landscaping the grounds Mr and Mrs. Jess Norris and Mr OREOON TRAIL. Mar. 30—The Merry Matrons club met at the | and Mrs Olen Brown motored to home of Marie Holmes Wednesday. Emmett and Pruitland Sunday af- March 22, when 8 members answered I ternoon. roll call. The afternoon was spent Mrs Jim McGinnis went to On visiting and sewing Gladys Byers tario on business Monday. won the door prize. In a quizz Mrs. Dolly McCreary and Mrs. game., Virginia Rookstool and Johnson of Snlvley's hot springs Gladys Byers received prizes. Lunch visited Mrs. Threlma Elliot Sunday was served by the hostess. The Mr and Mrs Lambert Dierking. I Mr and Mrs BUI Ashcraft, Mr. and next meeting will be held April 5. Mrs. Herb Thomas and Mr. and with Viola Adams as hostess. Roll I Mrs. Olen Brown attended a pin call will be answered with an Easter ochle party at the Jack Raney home poem. Mrs Grace Mills and Frank Daws In Parma Wednesday evening Mrs. Betty Korman and Kristine of Payette were Sunday dinner are visiting this week at the Bob guests at the John Bowen home. Mr and Mrs A M Ooodson and Ball home In Boise Cecil and Patricia Smith have family of Parma and Mr and Mrs. F. S Byers and family were dinner been ill the past week. Mr. and Mrs. F. F dim m ing of guests last Sunday at the F. G. Boise and Mr and Mrs. Bob East Holmes home In the afternoon Mr. man of Caldwell visited at the Bob and Mrs Rolland Holmes were vis itors at the F. O Holmes home. Brown home Sunday. Mrs Frank Fry is recovering from Olen Brown was In Nyssa on her recent Illness. She can sit up business Monday. Mrs. Charlie West and Mrs. Ada a short time each day. Mrs F. G. Holmes, Mrs. Ervin Pparl Scott and son, Claude, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Charlie West. Chard. Mrs. Freeman Rookstool. Mrs John Bowen. Mrs Roy Holmes Jr . In Ixingvlew. Washington. Miss Shirley Smith and Clyde and Mrs Frank Byers attended the Cartwright were Wednesday dinner associated women's club meeting at guests in the Gayle Martin home Adrian Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Frank Byers and on the occasion Calvin’s birthday. Mrs Frank Freel and Mrs Frank Donald made a business trip to Bicandl have been ill with pneum- Weiser Monday morning. Mr Byers purchased a new tractor. j onla. Mrs. Dorothea Reuter and Mrs. Dave Mathews and Edith were in A school of instruction will be | Nyssa on business Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Ted Teske and held at the regular meeting of I daughters and Mrs. Andrew Mc Eastern Star members Monday Ginnis of Nyssa were callers in the evening. Mrs. Myrtle Peterson of Ontario, former past grand matron Alvon McGinnis home Sunday. Mrs. W W Smith il spending a of Oregon, will conduct the school few days with her daughter, Mrs In the absence of the associate con- ’ductress, Mrs. Leila Wimberly. Alvon McGinnis Lambert Dierking visited in the | James McOinnis home Monday. Mr and Mrs Cecil Smith have redecorated and opened the C. & E. confectionery store. Stars To Meet— Herr From Baker— Dr and Mrs. C H Hermann, who visited In Baker Sunday, were ac companied home by Mr and Mrs. I James Hermann and daughter. The | two men are brothers. SEED SEED SEED SEED SEED -CHECK THIS L IS T - THEN CALL 26 j Loyd Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs Magnus | Hoffman home April 13. Buena Vista Folk ^ Ekanger, Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Farmers Starling Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day. J Are 111 At Homes Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and I To Fiant Beets Visit In Nyssa— Visitors at the home ol Mr and Mrs. Bernard Eastman Saturday, were Mrs Clyde Beatty and daugh ter of Baker. BUENA VISTA, Mar. 30—Mrs. Lest er Cleaver and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver spent Friday in Nampa. Mrs Leslie Topliff attended the meeting of the associated clubs at Adrian. Alva Goodell went to Portland with a carload of his steers. Marie Brooks has been ill with pneumonia, while Mancil Bishop and Mrs Alva Goodell nave had the flu. Mr. and Mrs Howard Day, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs Delbert Cleaver attended the land drawing at Caldwell Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Lester Cleaver had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastm Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver. an The Out-Our Way club held Us regular meeting at the Lester Cleav er home Thursday afternoon, with Insurance Real Efetau 10 members attending. Mrs. Olen j Hoffman was in charge of games j with Mrs Edward Topliff and Mrs. i , Howard Day winning prizes. Re TU One 04 freshments of salad, cinnamon rolls ., „ r\ and coffee were served. The next | INySSfl, U r e g O n meeting will be held at the Glen Fence Your Lawn --The Easy W ay- FOR YOUR PLUM BING NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems YOU W ILL BE SURPRISED H O W IN E XP EN SIVE A BEAUTIFUL FENCE CAN BE Call J. C . SMITH 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J To enclose a 65' x 120' lot with 36 inch Ornamental Loop Lawn Fence across the front and sturdy 12!/2 gauge non-climb- able fence on the sides and back MACHINERY complete with two heavy orna CONDITIONED mental three-foot steel gates and For Spring posts costs only PLOWING and $82 PLANTING $5 per month and Work Done By Factory Trained Mechanic No Down Payment Come In Today SATISFACTIO N GUARANTEED Telephone 270-W B & M Equipment Co. Nyssa, Oregon STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY Attend the Firemen's 707 Adrian Blvd. Open House April 1 Phone 110-W ...the gift to hold her dreams! It Takes The Carpenter To Make The Home General Contracting And Building I 'i miles north of Nyssa-Punna Junction A beautiful Johnson Cabinet Shop Highway 95 KSöär'Sa LANE Phone 023-J1 Cedar Hope Chest TO BE SURE OF YOUR QUALITY At advertised in AND SUPPLY SEVENTEEN and LIFE W e Have A Complete Stock Of Seed Grain And Field Seed Seed Wheat, Seed Barley, Seed Oats Idaho-Oregon A lfalfa New M exico Alfalfa Argentine Alfalfa Red Clover Sweet Clover Field Peas Pasture Grasses Brome Orchard Fesque Ladino Clover White Dutch Clover Kentucky Blue Grass University Recom m ended Pasture Mixes Custom Cleaning and Treating W e now have a new Slurry treater that insures you of a more positive Cerasan treatment of your grain against smut Her homm-to-bm ttarft with a Lamm, •he o n ly P re »- ture-Tetled A R O M A -T I G H T chest in the world CHSSTNa lX tO G ra d u a tio n S p e c ia l. B i* 4 8 " p o p u la r w a t e r ft ll d e - • iffn com bining m a tc h e d P a ld a o w ood w it h r i c h A m a r i c a a B la c k W a ln u t S tu m p . SEE THE NEW HYDRAULIC LIFT and LIVE POWER TAKE OFF M o t h I 'm t a c t w a G u a r a n >taa. i u n d erw ritten b y o o a o f th e morUi e largevt inaur • a te c o a p a u M m ciud- mi e , l h e v e r y L A N K t haat u p on p r o p e r A p plica tion A V A IL A B L E W IT H SINGLE FRONT 34 HORSES ON THE D R AW BAR It's A Big Tractor But Handles Like A Small One fo r girt g ro d u a ft. . . * e gift that «fort, t U home •" lk*> tCQtS J W L . iy « y U a . Tobler's Feed And Fuel Phone 26 "The House Of Oliver" NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. As natural aa breathing— a girl’s dreams of her future home. You can help those dreams come true with a l a n k . She’ll keep it now in the room she’s had since pigtail days . . . start collecting treasures for her very own home-to-be. When you give her a l a n k . . . you give a lifetime poeseasion Come in soon and select a I-ane for your girl graduate. SI Down SI a Week PETERSON FURNITURE COM PANY STORES See ter Spede/ Nytea Your Dependable Furniture Store On ferio Vale •* UMfc a* $1 tew Payette i a UNI