Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1950)
THE A U X IL IA R Y IN IT IA T E S The members of the Nyssa Eagles auxiliary met Tuesday evening of this week for its monthly meeting and initiation. During the business meeting. Mrs. Robert Thompson was appointed representative for the Eagles auxiliary to the public re E NTE R TAIN S TH U R SD A Y CLUB lations council of the founders serv Mrs. Ed Frost entertained the ice organization of the Malheur members of her Thursday afternoon Memorial hospital. bridge club last week, with Mrs. C. New members initiated into the A. Mally. Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs. group were Mrs. Sam Langford. Mrs. Ron Campbell, Mrs. Bert Lienk- Earl Purvis, Mrs. Bill Schoen, Mrs. aemper and Mrs. Clyde Snider as Ivan Stoker and Mrs. Owen Martin. guest players. Prizes went to Mrs. During the social hour, the memb Burnall Brown for high score and ers participated in a talent program. | Mrs. Bernard Frost for traveling. First place in the contest was a- - 8 - warded Mrs. Don Graham for her C O U N TY P. T. A. MEETS version of a sea voyage to America. The quarterly meeting of the Par The second place went to Mrs John Mullins and Miss Katherine Peter ent-Teacher county council held son for their number. ‘'Lullaby last Saturday at the Annex .school- house was marked by a good at- Time*'. Refreshments were served by Mrs. 1 tendance from the members of the Nick Rudelick, Mrs. Earl Rumple local associations of the county, i Mrs. W. W. Foster of Nyssa. coun- and Mrs. Tom Rust. UNLOAD THE EASY WAY with THE STOCKWELL HYDRAULIC SIDE DUMP KIT Make a dump Truck Out Of Your Beet Truck BERNHARDT BEYL 1V4 miles off of oil west on Enterprise Ave. Route 1 Oregon KAISER-FRAZER SERVICE Saks & Service ^ ---- / If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30— East o f Tov/n Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 A new kind of sandwich that your Party Line neighbors will love.*« - Hetrick who were recently married Sunset valley, is a sister of Clifford In Nampa at the parental home of W olfe of this area. The couple are the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe. 1 at home in Wilder. ty president, was in charge of the business meeting during the morn- gin. Henry Hartley, superintendent of the Nyssa schools, spoke concern ing legislative bills pertaining to education. Mrs. Wayne Chesnut of Ontario. Mrs. D. Patch of Nyssa and Mrs. Don Fonda of Vale were elected to ♦ r v e on the nominating committee for the coming year. A luncheon was served at noon by the members of the Annex par ent Teacher association, with Mrs. Pearl Le Vander as chairman. The tables were decorated in keeping with the St. Patrick's day season. The afternoon session opened with group singing led by Mrs. Wesley Rohr. Mrs. Jesse Rigney of Nyssa was the guest speaker for the afternoon, telling of the special work for handicapped children and presenting the film “ Pioneering in Rehabilitation". April 15 has been set as the date for the next county council meeting. ATTEND D INN ER P A R T Y Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Renstrom spent the week-end in Boise. On Sunday they were guests oi Mr. Renstrom's sister, Mrs. Forrest Er win. who gave a dinner in honor oi her lather and brother on their birthdays. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Renstrom of Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keith and son, John of Shoshone. - § - CLUBS T O MEET The association clubs of Malheur county will meet for their annual meeting Saturday, March 25 in the Adrian grade school building. The hostess club will be the O. K. K. club of the Owyhee district. This annual affair is an oppor tunity for club women of the county to meet together to become ac quainted and to learn what other clubs over the county are going. The registration will begin at 11 p. m., with a potluck luncheon at noon. The afternoon will be devot ed to reports and a program. A door prize will be given. Mrs. Fred Olmstead of Ontario is the secretary for the associated clubs organiz ation. 5 - secured for the evening. This an nual spring dance is arranged by the senior princess for the honored queen and junior past queen. This year Donna Trabert as senior prin cess is in charge of arrangements, and Donna Cheldelin as queen and Phyllis Galloway as junior past queen will be honor guests. Tickets may be secured from any members of Job's Daughters or the council. Members of the Job's Daughters from Parma. Payette and Ontario, and of the Rainbow Girls organization in Vale will also be present for the dance. CHURCH G R O U P E NTE R TAIN The members of the Loyalty class and the Come Double class of the Christian church school met at the church Monday evening for their monthly social. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Henry Strom and Mrs. Roy Bibbey. G IR L S ELECT OFFICERS Officers of G irl Scout troop 3 were elected at a meeting held March 16. The new officers are Catherine Coleman, president; Judy Skubal. vice president; Phyllis Fox. secretary, and Cleta Belle Wernick, reporter. The girls are working on their sewing badges. EASTERN S T A R MEETS The regular meeting of the East ern Star chapter was held at the Masonic hall Monday evening. The group contributed to the “ % Mile of Pennies" that is being sponsored by the hospital auxiliary and re ceived $11 for the project. Refresh ments were served following the social hour by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frost and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boy- dell. - 8 - BOOK REVIEW G IV EN At the meeting of the Kingman book club at the home of Mrs. E. H. Brumbach Saturday afternoon, the members heard Mrs. Joe Bniinbnch review the book 'M y Name is K a te " by Margaret Hurd. Mrs. Hurd for merly lived for a short time near Parma before moving to her present home in the east. Mrs. Hurd is a relative of the Blake Lowell family 1 of Roswell. Refreshments wore I served by the hostess at the close of the afternoon. The places were marked with placecards with flow ers from small shells made by Mrs. John Bishop of Rupert, daughter of Mrs. E. H Brumbach. can’t be copied... it’s patented Waves safely in little as 10 minutes due to patented OIL Creme base No wonder Nulri-Tonic gives perhaps to wash out a pair o f nylons, t e water the plants, or merely to take 25 deep breaths. Gomi$h w ith o sprinkling of consideration for others on the line. Serve at any h o u r. . . particularly when others want to use their telephones. W e g u a ra n te e that sandwiching a little TIME between your calls will make you extremely popular with your party line neighbors. such soft naturalness and waves so much faster. There’s this much patented OIL Creme base in every bottle. You know what oil means in permanent waving and now you can get it for home use in professional Nutri- Tonic. with patented O IL Creme base. Beauticians h a v e given m illio n s of lovely Nutri-Tonic perma nents at price* up to $20 end higher Nothing like it Prove it yuunelf. SAVI' BUY tim t IP HAVI PLASTIC cutties YOU S/25 OflUXI — -tffc 1 p r e f e t b ie n e l MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE CO. SPO R TS N EW S -6 45 p. m. daily CHUCK W AG O N JAM BOREE— 7:15 p. m. daily. FIRESID E SEREANADE—8 p. m. daily. F R O N TIE R T O W N — Thursdays. 8:30 p. m. P R O U D LY WE H A IL —Saturday 1:30 p. m. RAD IO K ID S B IB LE C LU B — Saturday 11:15 a. m. RECORD R O D E O -Saturday 3 p. m. H O S P IT A L A S S O C I A T I O N — Wednesday 5:50 p. m. 6000 m y retry tíme! SC H E D U LE E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Paris and accessories Phone 56-W DR. C. W. CRAVES Optometrist Eyes Examined Phone 720 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho p tflfic (V flw i . . . * . $32$ prr(4i piai torn THE NYSSA PHARMACY Your Comer Rexall Drug Store Some Styles H igher they're solid fa th er in vita/'parts! V íillie IV/17 BY ROLAND & ROY small slice of TIME This delightful ingredient can be used in various ways — PROGRAM B R ID G E HOSTESS Mrs. Bernard Frost was hostess to the members of her Tuesday evening bridge club at her home this week. High score was held by Mrs. Ron Campbell and second high by Mrs. Ed Frost. Mrs. Tom Burn- ingham and Mrs. George Mitcheil were guest players. Famous NUTRI-TONIC WAVING SECRET one a 5:30 p. m. NEW S—6:30, 7. 8:30, 9:45, 12 noon, 2, 4, 7, 9. 10:55. T R A D IN G PO ST—6:45 a. Ill daily. R ID E R S OF PU R PLE SAG E— Pictured are Mr. and Mrs. Bud i Mrs. Hetrick, a former residrnt of SP R IN G DANCE PLANNED “ April Showers” is the theme oi the spring dance of the Job's Daughters, to be given the evening of April 1 in the high school gym nasium. The grand march will be - 8 - C H ATTERBO X CLUB MEETS gin at 9 p. m. There will be enter The Chatterbox club was enter tainment during the intermission. A nine-piece orchestra has been I tained at the Wallace Gregg home slip - 7:12 a. m. daily. EDDY ARNOLD SHOW—7:30 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. 7:45 a. m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. B IN G CROSBY SHOW— 9 a. m. daily. W O M E N S P A G E '— 10:15 a. in. daily. P A T O 'BRIEN— 11 a. m. daily. FAR M F A IR — 12:30 p. m. daily. SONS O F PIONEERS— 12:45 p. m. daily Tuesday. Thursday, Sat urday 6 30 p. m. REQUEST PRO G RAM —8 to 9 a. m.—4:30 to 5:30 p m. NYSSA H I SCHOOL—Wednesday KWEI P A R T IA L SU RPRISE P A R T Y AR R AN G ED Mrs. Richard Mason was guest of honor at a surprise birthday party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs Roy Bibbey Tuesday evening. The evening was spent informally. Gifts were presented the honor guest. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. on your party line... 8 G IR L S HOLD M EETING A 4-H meeting was held by the Needle Bells club at the home of Mrs. M. W. Myers March 17. Sally Lawrence and Lorina Bolitho play ed "T h e Star Spangled B anner" on their clarinets and held the flags while the girls said the pledge. The girls sewed on their projects. Maple bars and punch were served by the serving hostesses. Salty and Lorina. "P oo r Pussy" was played before the girls returned to their homes. - Between any two telephone calls PAGE NINE Wednesday afternoon, with 11 | members attending. Mrs Lesue T op liff preseided at the meeting. A contest for attendance will be held with Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin and Mrs. Eric Boenig as leaders. Refresh ments of anglefood cake, ice cream and coffee were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George Cleaver April 19. HONORED O N B IR T H D A Y Mrs. Gladys Nicholsen entertain ed last Sunday, honoring her daughter. Sondra Nicholson, on her 8th birthday. The 10 guests enjoyed a theater party, followed by re- 1 freshments of ice cream and birth day cake served at the home of Mrs. John Flanary. Social Notes 4 Nyssa NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON THURSDAY. MARCH 23. 1950 You know you’re getting real value and poaitive assurance o f long, comfortable wear when you buy these work shoes! Packed in every pair is Star Brand’s money-back pledge, certifying there'« no paper or (ihreboard substitutes for leather in vital hidden parts . .. the counters, insoles, midsoles and slip soles! Star Brands are made of Genuine Cowhide leather . . . that’s why they're so pliable, comfort able and long-wearing! Most important, Star Brand quality never varies— you get the same long wear in every pa ir! •couNiens. insoles , miosoiis a sur soles iniooin restsi Look at these Plus-value features: 1 — S O lf LCATHCK COUNTERS 2— NO-RUB, NO-R/P SfAM tfSS IA C K ( many S ta r tr e n d * h a v e thie fe a tu re ) 3— o u rso tfs to nr rttf particular t o t 4 — STRONG Rf/NPORCfD STITCHING S —HATH fit IN S O ltS , MID SOlfS ANO SUP SOUS 6 — fU lt I f AT Hilt VAMP (unlmed shoes) P - ’ HV-IO” CUT EOR COMPORT CJ © © . (m any S lo t Brood s h a t» this fe a tu r e ) 8 -G EN U IN E COW HIDE HATH fit UPPfRS ¿electricity Teles on new meening When it's time for Spring house deening. AS N A T IO N A L L Y IN L E A D IN G A D V E R T IS E D EARM M A G A Z IN E S Poll Parrot. Rand and Trim-Tred Shoes Wilson Bros. Dept. Store COMPANY X-Ray Shoe Fitting SERVICE CAI IS PHOC■JE H IM HI WAY 20 No. NYSSA Phone 32 Nyssa Frigidaire America’s No. 1 Line 3 TYPES 4 SERIES 20 MODELS REFRIGERATORS RANGES 8 MODELS HOME FREEZERS 8', 12' 18' and 26' Hot Water Heaters, Table and Upright Models Automatic. Washers, Dryers, Mangles See These New 1950 Models Now TERMS TO SUIT ED. CASE’S FURNITURE BARGAIN CENTER U. S. Highway 20 North of “ Y ”