Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1950)
PAGE EIGHT THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 23. 1950 I of Northwest Christian college, Ose Rice of Emmett. A special offering I DS wm be taken for the college. NYSSA M t M M P A L AIRPORT ---------- 1:30 p. m , youth meeting (iordon Schmelxer, Mgr. A recruiter from women'* army APPLE VALLE Y. Mar 23— Mr. and singspiration. Bad weather has slowed flying Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell of this com- corps and the women’s air force will 8 p. m., evening worship. be In Ontario to interview appli activity considerably this past weex cants for the W AC-W AF. according Joe Dirksen has been building up wedding anniversary March 31 at INDEPENDENT BAPTIST to T Sgt James R Williams. U. S. time in tils plane since soloing last the church at 8:30. Mr and Mrs. MISSION army and U S air force recruiting week Leaving Tuesday morning Caldwell. Sunday school. 10 a m Classes former residents of ervlee, Ouss building. Ontario, Ore for eastern pùnta on a cross-count Mooreland. Oklahoma, lived on a for all agees. gon Interviews will be conducted ry training flight were Oene Stoker, farm east of Curtis for a number Morning worship. II a m. from 9 a m. to 5 p m. Monday and Fama Mitchell, and James Jewell of years. They moved to Idaho 25 Young people’s meeting. 7 p. m Tuesday. March 27 and 28. At the with instructor Joe Driscoll Report years ago. Mr and Mrs Caldwell's Marjie Benedict, leader. recruiting office in Ontario Other ing back by telephone we learned four children. Helen Vanlanding- Song service. 7:45 p. m. interviews can be arranged by phon that the group reached Scottsbluff. ham of California: Lorene Wilson Eevening service, 8 p m. Mes ing the recruiter at 130-R Ontario Nebra ka Tuesday evening and by and Cedrlc Caldw, u. both of Parma, sage by Marjie Benedict for special appointment. Wedne.-alay evening were staying in and Kern John;ion of Nt.VtttU plan Prayer meeting and Bible study. The recruiter is Sgt. Alice L . -od ■ tssouri. on being home for the occasion. The Wednesday, 8 p. m. Turner, WAC, from headquarters, One of the team of flying broth- | daughters are expected home this i t h « n recruiting district, sixth ers from Parma earned his private weeg .en(i MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH army ARE A. Seattle ticket tills week from Plight Exam W. M. Turner The W S C. S. will meet witn T o be eligible lor enlistment, ap iner Mac McGrath, namely Dale Mrs. Waldo Smalley April 5. Missionary Pastor plicants must be high school grad Jemmett. Mr and Mrs. Jack Wilson enter Sunday school. 10 a. m. uate . single, without dependents, Solar club of Orangeville, Idaho tained Mr. and Mrs. Dick Curtis Morning service. 11 a. m. between 18 and 24 years of age, of brought their Aeronca Chief In to of Caldwell at dinner Thursday Song service. i:M p. m. high moral character, and In excel the Gordon Air Service shop for re- evening. Young People's service, 7:30 p. m. lent physical condition. Applicants licensing. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Murry were Evening service. 8 p. m. for the army may possess certific Red Leavitt of Nyssa has been Friday evening dinner guests of Mr Wednesday evening prayer ser ates of equivalent education in lieu putting in quite a bit of time and and Mrs. Conley Wilson vice. 8 p. m. of a high school diploma. is working hard to get ready for The community enjoyed a skating Friday evening service. 8 p. m Young women interested in ob his private test. Red flew solo and party at Frank's roller rink in On taining commissions in either the to Gooding and return making a tario last Thursday evening. The THE CHURCH OF THE unny corps or the air force, who stop at Caldwell on the way back to P. T. A sponsored the party. A NAZAKKN'E have tile required two years of col qualify for his crass-country toward good profit was made for the P. T. Rev. E. J. Wiisen. Pastor lege or university training, should his private A. The next meeting will be held 10 a. m.. Sunday school, Russell also contact the recruiter, since In Robert Talbot, one of our leading at the two weeks from Smith superintendent terviews will be conducted In this business men, is getting his papers I this Thursday. Election of officers 11 a. in., congregational and field also. in order for flight training. will be held. special singing and sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson and 7 p. m , young people and Junior family were Saturday evening din- meetings. | ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cedric 8 p. rn„ evangelistic service. Caldwell. 8 p. m. every Wednesday we have Mr and Mrs. A. O. Schultz were services. Wednesday supper guests o f Mr. I I you don't have a regular church and Mrs Lloyd Caldwell. home we extend to you a very cord Albert Meier Is the owner o f a ial invitation to visit as. new Ford truck that he purchased NATIONALLY ADVERTISED recently. SUNSET VALLEY Mr and Mrs. Dwight Seward were ASSEMBLY OF GOD dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Ken- I Rev. Joe E. Dodson. Pastor neth Saunders Friday evening. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Mrs. R. A Kellogg. Mrs. Albert Worship services, 11 a. m. Seward. Mrs. Leroy Seward. Mrs Young People, 7 p. m. E J Hobson. Nadine Seward. A J. Fvangellatk: meeting. 8 p. m. Kellogg and Kent Mann were In Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m. Nampa Tuesday. ASSEMBLY OF OOD Mrs. Charles Eaton is here from 2nd and Reece Kansas to visit her sister, who is Sterl D. Spies«. Pastor ill. She is staying at the Don Se Sunday school. 10 a. m. ward home. Morning worship. 11 a m. lira Robinson is ill in the Holy Young people service, 7 p. m. Rosary hospital in Ontario. Evangllstic, 8 p. m. Garold and Ellis Horn went to the Tuesday prayer and Bible study, Payette Country Club for dinuer Wednesday evening The dinner was 8 p. m. given for the employees of Hollings A welcome awaits you at all worths'. Inc. services. Miss Wanda 8cott went to Boise to spend the week-end. Mr. and ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mrs. Rex Wagner and Mrs. Cecil Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Scott went to Boise Sunday and had Church school, 10 a. m. dinner with Mr and Mrs. Ariey Church services. 7:30 p. m., every Scott. Wanda returned home with Sunday evening. I them. CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Outre. Pastor Mass on Sundays at 9:30. Cate chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. THE METHODIST COMM UNITY CHURCH FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Donald S. Campbell, Minister Rev. Kherwtn Schmidt. Pastor 9:45 a. in., morning worship. Ser Sunday school. 10 a. m. mon: "C hrist Dines with a Publi Morning service, 11 a. m. can” . Anthem: "T h ere Is a Green Adult instruction. 8 p. m , Sunday Hill Far Aw ay” by Protheroe. evening. 7 p. m., Youth Fellowship. I Block West o f |{. It. Depot 8 p. m„ evening service. “ The L. D. S. 1st W ARD Life of Christ", given by pictures l ) » n Fife. Bishop and story. The pictures are copies Sunday. 9 a m , Sunday school. ol paintings by Elsie Anna Wood. 10:30 a. m . priesthood meeting. 6:30 p. m., sacrament meeting. CHURCH OF CHRIST Thursday, 2 p m.. relief society Don R. Maxfleld, Pastor 4 p. m , primary 7:30 p. m , M. I. A 10 a m.. Bible school hour. The Reds are forging ahead in the Taken To Hospital— contest. Raymond Sager was taken Mon- YF.AR after year nas is pro gas again is low its $6,- 11 a m.. Morning worship. Mes- , day to the Holy Rosary hospital. ---- ... ----- ven the safest fuel, in 200,000 damages ra n k e d s«g e will be delivered by a student where he is suffering from a Jaun- |{<-criiit<*r O f WAK And V\ VI! (oiiiiii" W ■ n g ( <Mi|il<- Observing , 50tn Anniversary Ti Mrs dice condition following a case of garet Gollop of Pocatello. Oollop was In Boise for the Idaho influenza. women’s bowling tournament as a Leaves Hospital— member of the Pocatello team. Mrs. Mrs. A. V. Cook has returned to Hunt and her daughter returned her home at Arcadia after receiving to Tw in Falls and Pocatello Sunday. treatment in the Holy Rosary hos Present Program In Ontario— pital in Ontario for 10 days. T h e members ol the local chapter of Eastern Star have been invited Returns From Nampa— Thomas Lite returned home M on to present their program, "T h e day from Nampa, where he did some Ritualistic Work of 1867” Thurs work for his sister, Mrs. Ira Rich day evening for the members of the Ontario Eastern Star chapter. This ardson. program was enthusiastically re ceived by the local chapter when it Sailor Transferred— Rev. and Mrs. E J. Wilson have was presented on the past matrons received word that their son. M ar and patrons night program under vin, who was home recently, has the direction of Mrs. William Ontario is inviting been assigned to the V 3. 8. Severn, Schireman. a large tanker, and will leave Brem Eastern Star members of neighbor ing towns to be present for this erton soon to go to San Diego, meeting. Return To Idaho— Mrs. C. C. Hunt, who had visited Condition Critical— Joe Paulus, father of Emil Paulus, friends in Nyssa last week, left Sat urday with her daughter. Mrs. Mar- local Jeweler, returned to the Paulus W l AB8 918AS8D to anounce that wc are now the exclusive distributors of Pillsbury's BEST Feeds in this community. Before selecting Pillsbury's, we made a thorough study to determine which line of feeds had the highest quality Lnd most advantages for you. Pillsbury’s BEST Feeds proved themselves the leaders in every way. When you try them, we're sure you'll agree, too, that Pillsbury's Feeds are BEST! Come in and get acquainted. We're sure wa can give you the kind of service you have a right to expect! ‘ FLEXIBLE to conform exactly to your body contours. Church Notes BUTTON-TUFTED AND TUFTLESS Smoking and matches 91.U00 I I Electrical liked services 52,700 Defective heating equipment 49 500 I _J ____ I Rubbish 32.400 ___ I Open lights, flames, sparks 32 000 _J Chimneys, flues 25 800 25.600 Children und matches 34.200 Sparks on roof 23 500 Lightning 23.200 Electrical power appliances 17.500 J Flammable liquids 16.200 J Exposure II 900 Orease, lar. etc Hot ashes, coals ___I Spontaneous ignition 10 000 8.4JO 8 100 J Combustibles near healers 7.400 _l Explosions 6 900 Incendiary, suspicious ■ _1 ___ I ___I I OAS AND APPLIANC ES I 46 000 41 800 _| Lumps, lanterna, oil stoves j J J Miscellaneous Unknown 5.000 4.100 Torches welding cutting etc 3 400 Sparks from machinery, (riet Ion 2.500 1.906 0 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000 50 000 60 000 70 000 80 000 90IX» IDEAL GAS AND APPLIANCE 407 Main Street Phone 2-M Sit • • a a a • For all livestock and poultry NYSSA FEED MILL NYSSA FURNITURE CO. Estimateli distribution of U. K building fire losses by eausrs. 1948, as tabulated In a 17 state survey by National Protection Assn. Nyssa Group Meeting Sunday evenings, 8 p. m. « • • • • • a ‘ STRONG to support you fully, 24th in the 25-cause list. Every year N. F. P. A. checks with fire officials in 17 stat«'s to g«*t a cross-sec tion of American fire ex perience. And every year gas is proven the safest fuel. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS fillsb u n i’s Best Feeds ifsssi tabulations made by the National Fire Protection Association. In 1948 4100 “ gas caused” fires gave the combined in dustries 22nd place in a list «if 25 causes, arranged ac cording to frequency. In point of money damages Visit In Nyssa— Mrs. Lucille Norcott and her daughter. Mrs. Weldon Ferguson of Walla Walla are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell. £xctu4¿ve *Di4tnc6tUòn, INNERSPRING MATTRESSES Gas Still the Safest Fuel Visits Mother— Mrs. M. S. Ayres of BoLse visited her mother, Mrs Katherine Daly, and her sister, Mrs. J. L. Herriman, Tuesday. W E ARE NOW AN LUXURIOUS COMFORT ‘ SUPERIOR in every respect. home last week after being confined to the Holy Rosary hospital for two weeks with a broken hip. The eld erly man is still in a critical con dition. South 1st Street and King Avenue Phone 361-W Taylor’s Food Market FORMERLY WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET SEED SEED SEED SEED 425 ARCADIA BLVD SEED -CHECK THIS LIST - THEN CALL 26 TO BE SURE OF YOUR QUALITY AND SUPPLY W e Have A Complete Stock of Seed Grain And Field Seed Seed Wheat. Seed Barley, Seed Oats Idaho-Oregon A lfalfa New Mexico A lfalfa Argentine A lfalfa Red Clover Sweet Clover Field Peas Pasture Grasses Brome Orchard Fesque Ladino Clover White Dutch Clover Kentucky Blue Grass University Recommended Pasture Mixes Custom Cleaning and Treating W e now have a new Slurry treater that insures you of a more positive Cerasan treatment of your grain against smut T o b le r's F e e d A n d F u el Phone 26 Bisquick 40 oz. pkg. 42c NUCOA 49c CORN, No. 2 can 25* TIDE, 2 lg. pkgs. 45* CORN, 12 oz. can 29* Margarine, 2 POUNDS IDA DELL. 2 CANS SOAP POWDER DEL MONTE, 2 CANS Coffee a ll b r a n d s 2 P^ S s n$ i7.5 7 SLICED BACON 45* RADISHES 9* GROUND BEEF 39* GREEN ONIONS 9 * LETTUCE 12* PURE LARD 39* CELERY 9* PORK STEAK 39* TOMATOES 19* ENDS. 2 POUNDS 2 BUNCHES 2 BUNCHES POUND SOLID CRISP. POUND PIONEER. 4 POUND PKG. CRISP STALKS. POUND SHOULDER CUTS. POUND RIPE. 1 POUND TUBE STORE HOURS • A. M. TO 9:30 P. M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY