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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1950)
PAGE SEVEN THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA OREGON. TH U RSDAY. M ARCH 23. 1950 Nvssa Student* Win In Contest (Continued from Page 1) amble to the constitution. When I said 'memorized' I should have said ‘memorized the words' because that is what most of us did. "How many people in the United States today really know the pre amble?: 'We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, pro vide for the common defense, pro mote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America'. “ You know that preamble says a lot. It covers a lot of territory and all that territory is mighty Import ant to you and me. " 'In order to form a more perfect union’. That’s what the first line of the preamble says. Our forefath ers, when they drew up the consti tution did a good job in forming a more perfect union. They wanted the states and the people to be more closely Joined so that they would make a nation strong and mighty. -A TTE N TIO N FARMERS- WE ARE SELLING RANCHES FAST AND NEED IMMEDIATE LISTINGS GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER NYSSA, OREGON ANNOUNCEMENT TO MY FRIENDS I am leasing and operating the Ontario Richfield service station at 91 north Oregon in Ontario. When you are in Ontario stop in at the Richfield service station and visit with us. j registered Jersey cattle. Owner has 23. 1950. present the same, verified as by law quota agreement that pays $1 23 per Date of last publication April 20, required, to the undersigned at | pound for butterfat. Will pay two 1950. Nyssa, Oregon, at the office of Clyde FOR SALE operators good wages, plus 20% to H. Snider, his attorney, in the Heldt 40 acres, well located, four-room 25% per year on the investment. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Building, within six months of the home. 20 acres good row crop land, Price $50,000 In the Matter of the Estate of date of the first publication hereof.. Frank T. Morgan Eva L Park. Deceased. agency. Robert T. Thompson. $9.500, terms. Clyde L. Park, Jr.. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN Administrator of the Estate of 160 acres. 140 acres Irrigated, TO FOR SALE—60-acre farm, suitable That the undersigned has been duly Eva L. Park, Deceased. acres good row crop land. 1/4 mile for row crop, five-room house, deep and regularly appointed the Admin Date of first publication March off oil, 28% down with $2.000 on well, pressure system, paid-up water istrator of the above entitled estate; 23. 1950. right, immediate possession, located all persons having claims against the balance. Date of last publication April 20. 2% miles southeast of Adrian on said estate are hereby notified to 1950. 80 acres top row crop land, lays highway. H. R. Van De Water. perfect, six room semi-modern _____________________________23mlxc home, 24-head cow barn, deep soil, cheap water, $16,000, $6,500 down L egal A dvertising Service station for sale. N O T IC E t o c k f d it o k s Business and building and stock In the Matter of the Estate of for sale. Building 24x70 cinder block, $9,000, with $3.400 down and Clyde L. Park. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN $500 per year on the balance. Lo That the undersigned has been duly cated In a progressive city. and regularly appointed the Admin GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER istrator of the above entitled estate, FOR RENT—Three-room modern all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to house, with bath. 508 N. Fifth. 23mlx present the same, verified as by law required, to the undersigned at FOR SALE—Factory-built trailer Nyssa. Oregon, at the office of house, modern in every way, light Clyde H. Snider, his attorney, in ing, heating, sleeps four, in tip-top the Heldt Building, within is shape, good as new. H. C. Lorensen, months of the date of the first Owyhee junction. 23m3xp publication hereof. Clyde L. Park. Jr., FOR SALE—Bed, mattress and Administrator of the Estate of springs, dresser. Make offer. Phil Clyde L. Park, Deceased lip Woodard, 910 N. Second St. Daughter Born— Date of first publication March 23mlxp Mr. and Mrs. Garret Timmerman j of Newell heights are the parents FOR SALE—1937 G M. C. two-ton of a daughter born last Friday at truck with Eaton axle, or will trade Hartley's Floor Service | Holy Rosary hospital. The grand- for stock or tractor. C. H. Cassel, PARTS, SEEDERS 1 parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Tim Floors I.ayed, Sanded, Finished one mile east of Owyhee junction. merman of Newell heights and Mr. 23m2xp Old Floors Refinished and Mrs. Frank Miller of Big Bend. DRILLS FOR RENT—Four-room house on Phone 1041-R, Caldwell, Idaho Women Players To Meet— North Cth street. For information The Satlnettes are making prep call at 620 North 6th street. 23mlxp arations to form a softball team for the coming season. Anyone inter FOR SALE—Two-bedroom modern ested in playing with the team is house, one acre of ground, located Custom Hay invited to attend a meeting to be 6% miles from Nyssa. Nyssa In held at the home of Mrs. Myrtle surance agency. 23mtfc Chopping Bartholoma at 7:30 Tuesday night, CULTIVATING STEELS FOR SALE—Planet. Jr. beet drill, and March 28. six row and in good condition. Will Hauling accept cheap car in trade. Inquire Returns From Europe— Mrs. Don Lytell and daughter, at Cairo Junction service station. New large equipment will handle “ The House Of Oliver” 23m2xp Nancy returned last week from a baled or loose hay six-months' visit with Mrs. LyteU’s FOR SALE—25 tons of baled hay, parents In her native France. wire tied, $20 ton. Phone 146-R. Glenn I. Short • 23m2xp Visit In Boise— Owyhee Corner Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb FOR SALE—Two houses on 50x117 Phone 010R-1 and family and Olean Wells visited lot. One house has three rooms, Sunday at the William Gramko bath and basement, gas furnace, home in Boise. hot water tank, refigerator and range. Other one has two rooms and bath with gas hot water tank NEWS OF RECORD and stove. Immediate possession. PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT Priced for quick cash sale, $6,500. Estate of-LeRoy E. Lewis, deceas Bernard Eastman. Real Estate and ed. Insurance, phone *4. 23mtfc Guardianship of John R. Joyce, FOR SALE—Very choice grade A Insane. dairy farm, 105 acres under Owyhee COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT project. Two modern homes and James L. Turnbull, executor, vs. good outbuildings, about 60 head of James M. EcEwen, et. al., foreclos « mmm ure of contract, $48.261.38 Malheur Memorial Hospital As hfv;. sociation vs. Tom Loe, recovery on S L a 'P E N -a t i pledge. $333.33. Joe G. Staples, et. al. vs. John J. Keane, et. al., to quiet title. Donna Marie Stiner vs. Edgar Allen Stiner, divorce. Pearl Marie Jackson vs. Frederick H. Jackson, divorce. Our forefathers did a good joo. They gave the United States the beginning and the generation« since have made it strong, united and mighty. Jensen discussed the other sect ions of the preamble and reviewed briefly the articles of the constitut ion itself. He then concluded that “ Our constitution is our life insur- "Our constitution is our life insurance for a wi ay of living the world. It b our guarantee of our way of life—a life of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "The great men who drew up the constitution and its preamble did a fine and wonderful job. They gave us freedom and indépendance, fo r that I think we shall forever be Indebted to them". "We have been talking about the rights and privileges which our con stitution insures, but we must not forget that with these privileges and rights there come responsibilities. It is your responsibility and my responsibility to share in public life, to vote and to keep ourselves in formed on public affairs. The great est threat to America would be the failure of her citizens to take an active part in her government. The government of the United States is our government, yours and mine” . TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE of Planet, Jr and Doyle M. (Monte) Jensen Leasee and Operator HIGH QUALITY RICHFIELD PRODUCTS PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION 91 North Oregon Ontario Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt Stokers Estimates Gladly Given NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. amammmmmm GEORGE I. KINZER HEATING L A W *4 LEONARD Phone 134L2 Parma, Idaho m m m m m am u w M w m r n MMMmmm and s o e e u « CO LD F R O M Pay As You Use It TO P T O BASE* , Ford Bonus* Built Trucks As little os A M E R I C A 'S N O I TRUCK Y A H 50 FO R D T R U C K * * * * ' " % * G A M * THAU R t L O T H « W A M SeO W U D ! B o r it a i ¿ .c r M » ^ 1 % uw tun («1 U 00» Ge*t*M* ti« « T ï ï r £ Â - ;T r ,.:,r “o, * Jt AT THE UM - « * T M M SMCEf - vs '3 «•an UM Herl et F-4! S tokr shown wltb oew 110-h.p rftx is m ost powerful 6-cyllDder h ord Truck ever buUt. '•* IN «MM« O* Afa/ Afe/ , Z _ . of V » «> it M» o «O fo*4 O"'** »•" ‘ - ’r ~ u « o , » 3,003,(55 7,003.155 **— H T 14 TH« f # ÍM t t T > © • •( •»OHUS, "t ■ ■ ■ > .« N M a . « « H .. <••*•<« H UHM, é m " - W O M t. LAWN MOW ER 11250 Tirestone LAWN SEED / PA Y ONLY r ■ WEEK e Fell Slit H " Cutting Width e 10-In. Wheels, Rubber Tires The M in Compiiti Plant Food J AS IOW AS . . . VIGORO iff 10 ibi. 90c Don’t gamble with Inferior seed I W 25 lbs. 1.75 Firestone lawn seed is fast grow ing — contains sturdy varieties m 50 lb*. 3.00 of grass. Designed to give yon » beautiful green, velvety lawn. 2 Q Q 9 5 ^ ^ È Othsr P s w loon ortf Rofrigorotors Frwsn - . • T O »»T t MODfLLC Supur Duluxo “ ¡L For a Better Lawn, Buy No 9 iff* r Outside} m u i r T iw > s « iy « s « TWIT « X O W mm °[ Firestone • P o w e r f u l 1.1 H. P. • A d j u s t a b le C u tt in g H e ig h t F o u r C y c le M o t o r f r o m Vs t o 214-in. • Full 18 In ch C u ttin g • 1 0 In c h W h e e ls w ith W id t h P u n c t u r e p r o o f T ire * • T im k e n R e e l B e a r in g s . . . L a st a Life tim e Yon get 8*4 cu. ft. in the main shelf area—plus 2 extra cu. ft. in the Leonard refrigerated Fruit Freshener! You get a 40-lb. Frozen Food Chest . . . big Gen eral Storage co m p a rtm e n t... other wonderful featurea you'll want in your kitchen! Come aee! * * * * * * Afe/ Afa/ SKOCNU I iK T l» * » I M T>e d a te POWER MOWER ** » A B ig Value Firestone F -1 Pi ckup •how h I n uue o f ov er 176 modela lu tho F ord T ru ck Uue for 60. For Caller CuttingI *7dc Tice» 1 •P rieto ihmcn are fo r drtiaefj in your kitchen with I 6- Year Protection Plan State and local tazei extra P riori and »pec if teal tom »object la change LEONARD w ithout natter ■7W f V 50' Ford Trucks Cost Less FORD TRUCKS LAST LONGER O li a i I N H l r a | i« lr « (iM fa U Ml I .I O L O M tra c* «. I I TOPS 1881 W a s 7 .3 9 T ta to PETERSON GARDEN FURNITURE CO. Nyssa a i it Ontaria i n — il Vale h Payette i is— i m O n ítf f i rottoli* n « a t i arara fo r « fru cti (aoí laafarf Herriman Motor Co. IN V A l U i SINO ■ 98 - I SO F«. j HOSE i GARDENEER CART 'll« .V'j'.r.w '* 85 l u k b e r Tiro« W on 't Toar Up I o w a • J S ffc u U «lie KIIIN RIO. 1.3* GRASS SHEARS DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE DEALER STORE