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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 23. I9S0 PAG E SIX Man Honored At liirthdav Party ARCADIA, Mar 23 Those attend ing dinner Sunday In the home ol Mr and Mrs Ben Houston were Mr and Mrs. George Must and fam ily. Jim Siegler. Mr. and Mrs H ar old Houston and family and Mr and Mr , Cecil Houston and family 'Hie occasion marked Mrs. Harold Houston's birthday anniversary Mr and Mrs. Jack Zillercob Vis- There’s an easier way ited in Nampa Sunday evening. Lathen of Albion, Washington. Mr Loretta and Jean Moeller attend Prank Lathan is a sister of Mrs ed a birthday dinner for Irene Jayo : Dimmick The Lathens had attend at the home of Mr and Mrs Prank ed the Idaho state basketball tour Jayo Wednesday evening near nament held in Boise, as Wesley Nyssa La titan, son of Mr and Mrs. Prank Mrs Harry Tennant of Ontario Lathan, is coach of Lewiston high spent Wednesday with Mrs. George school, which won second place in Moeller the tournament Mr and Mrs George Roper and | The Lathan family are former 1 son of Lakeview and Betty Oarren residents of this area Wesley, who of Baker visited Ooldie Roper on attended Oregon Trail and Nyssa Gem avenue last week. schools, was unable to visit Mr and Mrs. Arther Cook returned home Mrs. Dimmick. as he accompanied ! Saturday from the Ontario hospital the team home. where she received treatment Week-end guests at the home of Mrs. William Stradley of Big | Mr and Mrs John R effett were Bend visited last week in the Elmer Mr. and Mrs L. W. Newberry of Stradley home. Hood River Mr and Mrs Earl Mr and Mrs. Florence Richard Nolan and son visited Mr and Mrs. of Parma called at the George Newberry and Mr and Mrs R effett Moeller home Tuesday. They had Friday evening Mr and Mrs R ef been at Ontario, where they pur fett lived at Hood River years ago. chased a new Pontiac car Mr and Mrs McCoy attended the R. O Chandler of Caldwell call Friday evening wedding of M is ed at Arcadia last Tuesday after Joyce Kurtz and Dave Highland at noon the Adrian Community church. Mr and Mrs. Bob McKinney and April 12 is the date that has been Mr and Mrs George Moeller and set for the meeting of the Sunset family visited Garland McKinney extension unit, which will be held and Mr and Mrs. Jim Wade !n at the Sunset hall. An actual dem- Nampa Sunday afternoon. Mr Krleman o f Notus will be guest speaker at Arcadia after Sun It TakM The Cabinetn day school Sunday To Make The Kitchen Custom-Huilt Cabinets And Furniture Diiim-r* Art* (>iv«*n At K i i p i i u Vista to cut down repair tills this way with A Product of Standard of California T o keep repair bills down, keep the upper cylinder walla of your engine lubricated. In other word*, use KPM Heavy Duty Motor Oil H|ieeiiilly coni|x>und- ed to cling to engine hot n|>ols , , . reduce «tuck rings, carbon and var nish I rouble! W. E. Schireman Phone 61 -W Nyssa, O regon m onitration of the cleaning process the former Savage farm, where the for upholstered furniture and rugs CarroLs are located. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garner were will be given. The demonstration leader, Mrs. Grover Cooper, will Wednesday dinner guests at the present the lesson. All women are Robert R effett home. Mr and Mrs. Ora Newgen are invited to attend. The next sewing lesson on better buildihg a fireplace on the south cotton dresses will be given March ern end of their living-room. Mr and Mrs Lawrence Dimmick 29 at the home of Mrs Robert Ditty. The lesson has been postponed to moved Saturday into the little house March 29 to permit more time to on the Neil Dimmick ranch, and will be at home there for the com accomplish the sewing Mr and Mrs Robert Reffett and ing year. ____________________ - — — daughter, and Mr anti Mrs Thur man Hill made a trip to John Day this week They took the Reffett jeep, leaving it to be sold, and all visited at the Jack Reffett home. ¡Continued from Page I) Harold Peterson of Idaho Falls arrived last week in the valley, and he officially opened the Olympics was an overnight guest at the Olaf held m England that year. Fyllingness home Peterson owns 1 Music for the afternoon was pro- Woman Tell« Of Finnish People SELL miles north of Nyssa-Parma 16 North 3rd e rfj v ^ SU NSET VALLE Y. Mar 23—The .Worthwhile club met Thursday a f ternoon at the home of Mrs James Robb with Mrs Clifford Wolfe i co-hostess. An attendance contest Inis been started, which will tei min ute In September with a "come-as- you-are” party. New members of the club Include Mrs Seth Kidman and Mrs Magnus Ekangrr The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Elver NleLsen. with Mrs. Fred Babcock assisting. Re freshments were served to 16. Miss Mertrude King visited sever al days at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Chapin Mr and Mrs Lawrence Dimmick and soil were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Mark Hartley Saturday overnight guests at the Nell Dimmick home Included Mrs Wesley Lathen and son of Lewiston. Idaho, and Mr and Mrs Frank PEOPLE OF NYSSA w f lh e n you FIRST think about building a hom e visit Boise Pa yette. W h eth er your dreams are for a small easy-to-live-in cottage or a luxurious estate— or a home that's any where between those extremes— Boise Pay ette can help you immensely. Nowhere else will you find such a variety of home ideas, plans and designs as you will at the Boise Payette yard in your own home town. Colonial, ranch-type, traditional, modern— no matter the type— Boise Payette's library of home plans will provide the design you want. Six thousand dollars, ten, fifteen, twenty— no matter what your building budget dictates— Boise Payette's library offers a plan to fit the reguirements, or a plan which can be readily adapted. But— the selection of a plan is where Boise Payette only BEGINS to help you with your home building. DIRECT M AIL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Oj B o is e P a y e tte ! B rain s (.oiliest A V A IL A B L E F O R Phone 9000 Choose from Thousands of Flans at öf NOW BOISE, IDAHO Myrtle at Broadway 6^ Worthwhile C.hih ADVERTISING SERVICE ‘IRRIGATION PUMPS ‘DOMESTIC PUMPS ‘WATER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC MOTORS Iniermouniain Equipment Co. Phone 218 NYSSA. OREGON Fairbanks Morse-Pomona WE INSTALL AND SERVICE............ Call or Write KEN POND AGENCY Johnson Cabinet Shop of the nominating committee, re ported that the following officers had been chosen for the coming year; Mrs. Dennis Patch, president; Mrs. Clyde Snider, vice president; Mrs. Ted Morgan, secretary, and Mrs. C. H. Hermann, treasurer. Mrs Frank Morgan. Mrs. Clyde Snider, Mrs. Houston Wilson and Mrs Howard Lovejoy were hostesses lor the afternoon. The table was attractive with yellow daffodiLs and tapers in crystal candlelabras. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Your farm N O W . W e have lots of good prospects for farms and need more listings N O W . Junction BUENA V ISTA Mar 23— Mrs Loyd Cleaver, Mrs. La Vern Cleaver and Mrs George Cleaver were In Vale and Payette Tuesday. Howard Day has been ill with influenza Mr and Mrs. John Murphy of Highway 95 Phone 023J1 Nyssa spent Saturday evening at the Leslie T op liff home Those attending the Kurtz and Highland wedding Included Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver. Mr and Mrs Eugene Cleaver, Mrs Howard Day and daughters, M r and Mrs Alva Ooodell and Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Cleaver. Mr and Mrs. Leslie T opliff, Mr. | and Mrs Edward T o p liff and Reta Mae and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin T op liff I and baby were Sunday dinner guests at the Ethel Ooodell home Alva Ooodell left Monday for Portland where he met with the stale highway commission. Mrs. Willis Bertram spent the past week at the E. L. Jamison home in Nyssa. Mr and Mrs. Henry Estrlck and Vaughn and Mrs. Lillian Scheller were Sunday dinner guests at the Alva Ooodell home. Mrs Scheller remained for a longer visit. Mr and Mrs Alva Ooodell attend ed the farewell party given in the Sunset valley hall in honor of Mr and Mrs. Lew McCoy, who will leave soon for Ironside to make their home. Mrs. Eloise Baxter is visiting at the 8 B. Hoffman home. Mrs Myrtle Burthaloma of Nyssa called at the S. B. Hoffm an home Thursday evening. Mrs. S B Hoffman. Mrs. Maize and Ernest Maize left for Nebraska Monday morning. Mrs. Maize, mother of Mrs. Hoffman and Ernest Maize. Is returning to her home In Nebraska. vided by the ladies sextet of the Methodist choir, who sang “ Love D ivine” by Lizt, and “ Song ol Peace” , by the Finnish composer. Sibelius. Mrs. Carlos Buchner was the accompanist. During the business meeting, the president, Mrs. John Kopp, issued the invitation to the members ol the civic club to attend the associ ated clubs meeting to be held in Adrian March 25 Mrs. Bernard Eeasman. chairman uv* ° f *ooo » ] Supplying materials and equipm ent at economical prices is another part of Boise Payette's aid to you. Adapting design and plan, choosing an able contractor and arrang ing financing are other ways in which Boise Payette helps a home builder have the kind of a home he wants for the money he can afford to pay. Those are reasons why so many people— over so many years— have found that it is wise to start building plans with a visit to Boise Payette. Yes, the home of your dreams— the home you can afford to own— the home you want— YOUR Home Is Easier to GET at— Any advertising material circulated in Nyaea must bear Ike addreea o( the pereon (or whom the material la intended. COMPANY "Boxholder" mall w ill not be delivered by poeial employes. Through our new addressing system w e are now in a position to address advertising matter to all persons living in this city and also on the rural routes The Gaie City Journal Home Remodeling and Materials, Too, Are Easier to GET at Boise Payette! If your building problem is remodeling look to Boise Payette for aid . . . just as you would for new home construction. W hatever your building need it is easier to GET at Boise Payette. C. F. MINK. Msnager Phone IS Nyssa