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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. PAGE FOUR THURSDAY. MARCH 23. 1950 i Corvallis, are spending a week vis- a centerpiece for the O K K meet- the evening Rudolph Miller and Sunday dinner guests in Ontario in | Ring at the O. P. Counsil home the Woodrow Brewer home. ing Rose Warner will speak. Miss War - Mr and Mrs. Irvin Charland mov during spring vacation. The regular meeting of the Adrian ner is a missionary from Caecho- ed last week-end from the Rudolph I Dee Durfee of Salt Lake Ctty vis i P T A was held Thursday even- Slovakia, who spent some time in a Hite place to the Saxton place ited Saturday at the home of his OWYHEE, Mar 23 The O K K lng ¡n me Dr Pred prison camp and has some inter- where Mr. Charland will help Nor- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy were club met Friday afternoon at the Ora -ber of Vale gave a talk on e.sting things to tell about the com- man Douglas farm, tiome of Mrs Elle. Walters, with children's diseases. It was an- munixts who banished her from the Mr and Mrs R. L. Patton atte - honored guests at a farewell party given at the Sunset hall Saturday Kenneth McDonald as co- nounced that the chorus from Col- country Mr Millar is also Jewish ed the square dance festival in evening Nearly 100 friends of the lege of Idaho could come to Adrian and a dynamic speaker Services Fruit land Friday night, which^ ho ! s fin a l plans were made for i amj pn^ nt „ concert Thursday will be opened at 8 p m at the sponsored by the Fruitlaxid F T. A. couple were present. Music for the tin :i « lilted club meeting to be levelling. April 13 Tickets will be Owyhee Community church. The Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sacketl oi evening, vocal and instrumental was Vale called in the Lee Hoasholder furnished by friends A late potluck held Saturday in the um tjf scnool on sale soon. Election of officers public is invited to attend, supper was served after an evening building The door prize .was won wax held as follows: Mrs Claude Mr and Mrs. Darrell Williams home Sunday afternoon. Mr. ------- and -------- Mrs Ray Fletcher of of dancing. by Mr Lynn Kygar Refreshment. Wilson, president, Robert Patter- started building this week on top of ---- Mrs. Albert Notheis was hostess were served to 19 members. Mrs son, vice president ; Miss Mary Weir, their basement. James McGinnis Homedale were Monday guests at a farewell party honoring Mrs Lem Wilson, Jr. became a member secretary, and Mrs James McGin- is doing the work the home of Mr and Mrs Kent Lew McCoy. Thursday afternoon at of the club and Mrs. Blanche Hite, nix treasurer. Wanda Peutz celebrated her sec- | McDonald. who is an honorary member, exprès- Mr Keith Kygar underwent a ond birthday Sunday with a dinner Mr and Mrs. Lewis - the Notheis home. Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy and Mr. •.i d a desire to become an active major operation Monday morning at the William Peutz home. Quests in the Tom Lowe home Monday - and Mrs. U E. Parker werg guests membei again Mi Fred Olmstead In a Caldwell hospital Her children were Mr and Mrs Jesse Ditty, Mr ternoon Both Mr ana Mrs of Ontario brought an Irish tree, are staying In Adrian with her and Mrs Leo Huber and son of Mer- have been suffering from pneuino - of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jamieson at a chicken dinner at the Payette coun which wa decorated with .mull mother. Mrs. Irene Doty, while she idian, and Wanda's parents, Mr ia and are still very **clc- try club Tuesday evening. liver liât* with green ribbon on Is In the hospital and Mrs. Werner Peutz. Motion Lowe's daughter. Mrs. Kinni The guests all brought tea towels, them The tree had been used at a Rev Robert Kriner will hold serv- pictures and flash bulb pictures of Vale has been staying with tne meeting in Ontario the day before ices Sunday morning. March 26 at were taken of the guests. and caring for them with the ne p on which they embroidered their and Mi Olmstead brought it for the Owyhee Community church. In Mr. and Mix T. H Brewer were uf neighbors. Mrs. Marion Quack- names while visiting and reminisc ! enbush of Spokane arrived this ing. These towels when finished, week-end to spend some time with were presented to Mrs. McCoy as ! her father, Mr. Lowe reminders of the "fussin" feuding', Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Kygar and and fightin' days the women had i daughters of Vale spent Monday experienced In their work together j night with Mr and Mrs. Lynn during the past 14 years A lunch- | Kygar of salad, sandwiches, cake and ice Mr and Mrs. Gerald Slippy were cream was served. Monday evening supper guests in the Byrd Walters home Mr and Mrs. Clayton Patton and ! children moved to Moses Lake Mon day morning. They sold their place to Atagi this spring Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson at Insurance Reel Bsteta tended a 17th o f March party given at the Oregon Trail schoolhouse Fri day by the Relief society in observ ance of the date of their organiz ation. Mr and Mrs. C C. Green of Bend are here visiting their son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs. Homer Love. Mrs. Jesse Kygar and Mrs Earl Kygar called on Earl Kygar in the hospital Sunday in Ontario. Mr. Kygar has been there since March 1 and Ls still very ill. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth McDonald and children were Sunday dinner guests in the Ray Fletcher home in Homedale. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner were Sunday dinner guests in the Claude Skinner home. Vic Marshall of Nyssa and Earl Schwelzer of Ontario called in the Lee Housholder home Sunday after noon. O f f ¡rein Elected Ity ( tvs' II*“** I . I . A. » WE WANT TO THANK nil of the nice people with whom we dealt Bernard Eastm an durinq the time that we operated Phone 64 Nyssa. Oregon WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET Our customers could not have been better. Munsingwear It has been a wonderful pleasure to have Underwear and Hosiery ior Men. Women and Children done business with them GOLDEN RULE We certainly appreciate the patronage Sunset lioy < •* 7T rr UlilYl. •.. RIGHI 1 ilVXIO u W'ttlT DO. rrmr K. C n ri h u t 1 H ave you been uncertain about building . . . doubtful whether you could afford a really good home.'' You needn’t bold o ff any lon ger! A substantial home like the one above (from our many new home designs) can be built n o w -u i common- sons» coil. Up-to-date financing plans provide for easy payments. Modern building methods . . . and top qual ity materials such as Celotex Building Products . . . offer increased efficiency and economy in construction. W e’ll tell you how to get blueprints and cost esti mates. W e’ll give you complete details about financing and construction. Take advantage o f our free consulta tion service today ! STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY Phone 110-W In Hark In School that we received SUNSET V ALLE Y. Mar 23—Melvin Sullivan of Adrian is back in school again after an absence of three weeks. Melvin, 10 years old spent two weeks In Portland receiving medical aid and a week recuperating at home Mr and Mrs. Walter Olson of Buhl. Idaho visited live days at the L W Pomeroy home this week-end. Harry Counsil and his brother. Joe. who are college students at Mr. and Mrs. B. B. WILLIAMS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. MARCH 24 AND 25 MAKE YOUR $ GO FARTHER BY SHOPPING AT GORDON'S P IN K C ORANGEADE 37 e H 46 I OUNCE CAN SALM ON SOUND BEAUTY TUNA WHITE STAR GRATED \ /s 33e 2 cans FRANCO AMERICAN 27c K R A F T D IN N E R 25c 2 FOR MARLO MEAT BALLS MARLO SPANISH RICE 68c VALUE ONLY SPECIAL PRODUCE VALUES 7 0 lb. AVOCADAS 2 for 2 5 c x iiLiu y PEANUT Liiici o ta iu iu u y 370 BUTTER CAN PLANTERS 1 lb. JAR S P A G H E T T I, CELERY Free Serving of O rangeade CAN F IS H 3 5 £ V -8 T O M A T O CATSUP 2 BOTTLES 890 BROOMS LIBERTY BRAND 48c lc G U E S T 49c 4 ROLLS CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK 6 5 0 lb. EACH T O IL E T T I S S U E ^ TOP QUALITY MEATS 350 250 FAVORITE BAKERY GOODS HOT CROSS BUNS 3 5 0 doz. CHOICE AUSTRA WHITE HENS DONUTS 3 5 0 lb. SUGAR OR GLAZED Stewing or Baking 4 5 0 doz. G ordon ’ s D rive -I n M arket “ The Home of Quality and Service In days gone by, quite a few things could be bought at one or more for a penny. Today it's hard to find even one item priced at one cent, except electricity. At Idaho Power's low rates, electricity is still in the "penny" class. A s an ex ample, you can heat several gallons of water for a cent . . . actually 5 for a penny. W hen you remember how important hot water is to your daily health and comfort, and how convenient and economical it is to heat water with electricity, you'll agree an automatic elec tric water heater is one of the best bargains in modern times. A 52 gallon water heater— just the right size for the average family— will supply enough in stantaneous hot water for daily needs including laundry, dishes and personal use. And just 10 cents worth of electricity provides the heat. Best of all, automatic controls stay on guard day and night to insure a never ending supply of tap-ready hot water. Your dealer can install an automatic electric water heater in your home today. He'll set it — you forget it, and you'll always have hot water when you want it. i d a h o V power & *X H J c ä U on a thrifty budget! Dots So MUCH-Costs So UTTltl