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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1950)
PAGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 23. 1950 à Classified Advertising RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. advance, is 30c. < Minimum, cash in FOR SALE—Model B Allis Chalm FOR SALE ers tractor. 16-inch hang-on plows, mower, cultivator bar. George Cole FOR SALE—1935 Ford fordor sedan, man. two miles west on Gem new battery, good cheap transpor avenue 16m2xc tation for $145 Herriman Motor FOR SALE Co. 23mlxc Unfinished two-bedroom home. N. Second street, good location, FOR SALE—Red Bliss potatoes, U. S. No. 2. very good eating quality. large lot, can be completed with Will make beautiful I ’ll deliver in Nyssa for $2.25 a sack. PHA loan. Order by postcard. George Dohner. home with very small invest route 2, Parma. 23mlxp ment, cash $2500. Several small homes with small F O R S A L E —NEW HOUSES, see down payment. our ad on page 4. Stunz Lumber Two-bedroom modern home, $3,500 company, phone 110-W. 23mlxc with easy terms. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY FOR SALE—Registered Labrador Ralph G. Lawrence pups. Inquire Apt. 23, veterans Nyssa. Oregon housing, or phone Fruitland 154. 23m3xp FOR SALE—Baby chicks. Now is i the time to order Thompson’s FOR SALE—Bliss triumph and I Chek-R-Chix for delivery every white rose seed from blue tag stock, 1 Wednesday and Saturday. For phone 897-J, Ontario 16mtfc breeds and prices, inquire Thomp son’s Ontario hatchery. 23fl2xc. FOR SALE—White rose seed po tatoes. James Stephen, Jr., Ole’s corner. 23M2xc FOR SALE—1937 Desoto four-door sedan, $100. Roy Hoff, phone 260-R. 16m2xp FOR SALE—Model M International tractor and two-bottom tumblebug FOR SALE— Creto. the guaran Moline plow. Phone 179-J, Mel Beck. 16mtfc teed waterproof paint, Creto water proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc FOR SALE—Two-bedroom home In co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. Vale, two years old, full basement. Waterproofs by application and Trade for Portland property. Le permanently waterproofs walls and roy B. Skouzen, 5565 S. E. Pine, floors, inside or outside, wet or Portland. 16m2xp dry, new or old, painted or un painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph seed FOR SALK potatoes grown from blue tag seed, Acreage, modern two-bedroom rogued twice during growing sea son, $2 per cwt. sacked: also russet home with some furniture, nice seed potatoes grown from blue tag garage, lawn, shrubs and fruit trees. and rogued, $1.50 per cwt. sacked. Lurge modern chicken house and Sid Flanagan, route 2, Nyssa, Ore pens, including all equipment and gon. 16mtfc 110 hens. These buildings are near ly new, on a 1 3/4 acre plot and on FOR SALE — Improved Marshell a paved road. A bargain for $6,200. 40 acres, 44 mile o ff pavement strawberry plants. Frank Graham, seven miles southwest of Nyssa. 24 good level acres, modern home, 16m4xu full basement, excellent small barn, granary, chicken house, fruit trees. FOR SALE—Three-section jumbo All go for government appraised harrow, practically new steel, rea price, about $8,000. sonable, Darwin Jensen, 1 mile west 40 acres under Shoestring ditch, on Columbia avenue. 16m2xp two-bedroom modern house, $12,000, terms. FOR SALE—New Mlnneapolis-Mo- Small home, very attractive, liv line tractor, used very little, $400 ing room carpeted, modern, good less than a new one, phone 016J-4 neighborhood, nice garage. or see D. H. Christensen, R. 2 Nyssa, 80 acres on pavement, 4-room Oregon. 23ftfc house, $12000, terms. 40 acres, good soil, barn, house, FOR SALE—1941 Chevrolet fordor sedan, runs good, looks good. It is $7.000, terms. 80 acre dairy farm, 5 miles SW of certainly worth $455. Herriman Motor Co. 23m lxc Nyssa, 5-room basement house, $11,- 000: $6,000 down, terms on balance. 80 acres, 11 miles SW of Nyssa, 38 FOR SALE—Baby bed, complete, and steel frame bathinette. lieai acres under cultivation, nearly new Nicholson, phone 010-Jll, Owyhee 4-room house, tractor and all equip junction. 2m4xp ment goes, $8,900. 160 acres, 83 acres cultivated, 70 FOR SALE—One building lot on acres hay, 40 acres good row crop, 4th and King avenue, 1, acre with range permit, large basement home, peaches, apricots, cherries, grapes nice yard. ' and shrubbery, located 44 mile Phone £j*7 southwest of school. C. C. Cotton, Robert F. Thompson 312 S. 4th street. 16mtfc! FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY professional and Business Directory PHYSICIANS LODGES Nyssa Post No. 79 SARAZIN CLINIC American Legion Dr. J. J. Sarazln Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. K E. Kerby Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. I)r. L. W. Scott All Veterans Welcome Physician and Surgeons L. A . Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 « C. J. Kopp. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Fry Building Office hours 10 to 12: and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JEW ELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second Gate City Lodge No. 214 I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. South First Street DENTISTS DR. C. M. TYLER Wilson Building Phone 165-J, Nyssa Office hours from 9 to 5 except Saturdays, 9 to 12. J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 5S -J Sarazln Clinic NYSSA ORBOON OPTOMETRISTS DR. C. I. HERMANN Visual Specialist W YCKOFF JEW ELRY STORE Room 4. Fry Building Nyssa. Oregon Phone 171-J Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5 Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific ONTARIO ORBOON DR. J. A. MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY VETERINARIANS DR. HAL D. WHITE Veterinarian I - Phone Nyssa 275 Phone 21, Ontario, Ore FOR SALE—Dairy cows and heif GR1GG BROS. AND Bl/TLER Ontario ers. have 80 head in lot now, have Vale Nyssa 140 acres. 90 acres irrigated, 57 some milking cows, tresh cows and acres in alfalfa. 5-room home, 2- some close-up springers If you room labor house, close to Nyssa, have a good cow to sell see me. $9.500, terms. Will also have any kind of work 360 acres, top row crop land, lays horse, pack horse or mule or good perfect. 5-room modern home, saddle horse. This stock will be terms. found at my retail lot on road to 60 acres, 45 acres good row crop Ontario sale yard, day phone 1089, land, balance in pasture, paid-up Ontario, night phone 143-W Pay water right, good home, close to ette, Marvin Moss. 9m4xp Nyssa. 40 acres for rent, close to Nyssa, FOR SALE— 1936 Ford coupe, a dandy little car for $145. Herriman crop rent. Motor Co. 23mlxc 140 acres for rent. 758-head cattle ranch has both high and low altitude range, lots of FOR SALE—Dress shop, complete springs and streams over the range, with stock and fixtures, write box 2mtfc can be rented for $5.000 per year 604 or phone 264-M. for five years with the rent to ap FOR SALE—Louse alfalfa hay, 1'« ply on the purchase price. miles west of Wilder, Idaho. Mahlou 75-head catUe ranch, new two- Shipper. 9m4xp bedrooin modern home, would be nice summer home, well located to For Sale—Clover hay and chaff, an oiled highway. phone 010J-4. 9m3xp 140 acres of perfect laying top row FOR SALE—Milk cows. Guernseys, crop land, five-room home with two-room tenant house, $29.500, j Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone with 44 down. 5 acres close to Nyssa. new two- 306. Ontario. Oregon, across from 2mtfc bedioom modern home, $1.500 down, Ontario sale yard, with $50 per month. FOR SALE 100 acres, the best dairy set-up Good home on paved street, 3 In the lower Snake River valley, blocks from town, two bedrooms, $35.000 worth of Improvements, very good home, cheap water. $47.000, | glassed-in porch, full basement, ' stoker and furnace, garage, nice with 44 down. 40 acres, good dairy and row crop yard and shade. $6150. good terms. Two-bedroom modern apartment, land, very well located In the Nyssa area. Buyer will have the privilege over double garage, brick construct of renting an extra 40 acres on ion, excellent location, paved street, nice lawn. crop rental basis, $8.900. terms. 500-head catUe ranch, all fenced, i Income property, four apartments located on oiled highway, good in new brick apartment house. Lo buildings and corrals, open range cated across from school house, I $16,500. Terms can be arranged. for 175 head, terms. Good two-bedroom home on pav- 80 acres good row crop land, three-bedroom semi-modern home, 1 ed street, close in, $4100, only $1,- $14,000, with $7.000 down and $500 800 down and $25 per month on balance. Immediate possession. per year on the balance. 27 x 116 lot on main street, well 35 acres, row crop land with new modern two-bedroom home worth located for only $2350. 350-foot frontage on Ontario $8,000, $12,000, terms can be arrang highway across from Williams Food ed. 40 acres under the old Owyhee market. Will sell all or part. 10 acres with good house, semi- waater right, productive soil, 11- head cow barn, garage, granary, modern, excellent ground. 144 miles chicken coop, two-bedroom semi from Nyssa, terms Three acres, good ground, nearly modern home, one mile off of the new house, one mile Nyssa, very oil, $7,000, $3,500 down. good terms. HOMES BERNARD EASTMAN Four-room semi-modern home INSURANCE located on paved street, $4.200, with REAL ESTATE Phone 64 small down payment. Attractive three-bedroom modern home, spacious throughout, top lo FOR SALE— 1939 Ford tudor sedan, good motor, good tires. You can go cation In Nyssa, terms. 4-room modern home, spacious places with this one at only $275. Herriman Motor Co. 23mlxc yard, all fenced, $4,800. 44 down. One acre with two-bedroom mod FOR SALE—Outside white paint. em home, $4,000. National Titanium, 5 gallon lots, Two complete business blocks for $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber sale. company. 12mtfc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES General merchandising, grocery FOR SALE—New and used pianos. store and service station in an ex We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. 6mtfc clusive good irrigated, farming area, Origg Bros, and Butler. busy highway corner, a good money FOR SALE—Have farms and houses maker, modern apartment. We make loans on the new Owy for sale. Need more, list with Ken 29jtfc hee land, farms, homes and bus Renstrom. Phone 264-W. iness. GRIGG BROS. & BUTLER Nyssa, Oregon Phone 179-J MEL BECK FOR SALE- White Rose seed pota toes grown from purple tag foun dation stock. Jake Fischer, phone 05R-1. 2Ftfc. FOR SALE—1949 John Deere auto matic wire tying hay baler used one season. Walter Cannon at Desert Sheep Co. 9mSxp FOR SALE—1939 Chevrolet, long wheelbase cab over truck. You won’t have to do much hauling to get your money back on this one at $275. Herriman Motor Co. 23mlxc FOR SALE—Fine quality seed po tatoes, one year from certification, free from leaf roll, both Gem and White Rase,, $2 hundred. Write or call Tom Kamo, route 1, Vale, phone 3740. 9m4xp FARMS HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE 80 for row crop or stock. Below appraisal, $32.000, easy terms. NEW LAND SPECIAL 80 acres, 40 cultivated, only $7.350, very easy terms. 2 GOOD HOMES ON THIS 60 acres, deep sandy soil, $9,000, terms and low interest. NEW IRRIGATION PUMP 52 acres, cheap water. $7,500, easy terms. A LEVEL 40 Deep sandy soil, move on this for $3.500 down, total $8.000. ALL IN HAY AND PASTURE Extra good 40, good buildings, see and buy it, $9,500. terms. 20 GOOD ACRES ON THIS 40 Oood home on small farm, close in, $5.000, terms. 7-ROOM MODERN HOME 2 acres, good barn, close in. $10,- 000, terms. OVER 30 TON BEETS You can’t find better soil, 50 acres. $10,500, terms. A OOOD 80 FOR ONLY $7.500 About 50 acres now cultivated. $3.000 down will move you on. HOMES 2 BEDROOM on sewer, large lot. $2.950, $500 down. LAROE ROOMS Modern two-bedroom home, $6.- 800. easy terms. ATTRACTIVE HOME Lawn and shade, large extra lot, $4.935. easy terms. EAST SIDE LOCATION Buy a home for less, modern, three-bedrooms, only $3.000. NEW 2-BEDROOM HOME Modern, neat appearence, very good buy at $4.500 BUILDING LOTS IN HOSPITAL DISTRICT Two 66 foot lots, $300 and $400 Easy terms. SAVE MONEY Let Ken write all of your insur ance NO ONE CAN BEAT OUR RATES. Best companies. KEN POND AGENCY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 16 North 3rd Phone 21« For evening appointments Phone 54-M POLIO INSURANCE Whole family, $5 per year KEN POND AGENCY » 16 North 3rd, Nyssa MISCELLANEOUS—Announcing to | farmers, new reduced rates In auto mobile liability insurance. You can : now insure for less in the best of companies. See this special plan before you buy. Nyssa Insurance agency. Ralph O. L&wrence, agent. 105 Main street. 2ftfc MISCELLANEOUS — Need money? Loans on farms for refinancing, pudding, improvements, b u y i n g . Long term, low Interest, see Ber nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. 3Atfc MISCELLANEOUS— Outdoor toil ets. cesspools, septic tanks cleaned, deodorized with amazing new pro duct. Just mix dry powder with water; pour into toilet. Safe, no poisins. Save digging and pump ing casts. Pastoard or letter brings free details. H & H Distributing company, P. O. Box 22. Nampa, Idaho. For sale by Farmers Supply Co-op at Nyssa and Ontario. Adrian Oil Co., Adrian. Ore. 26jtfc MISCELLANEOUS—Set the scene for gracious living, beautify your interiors with our fine wallpapers. Come in and see our selection. Nyssa Furniture company, one block west of railroad depot. 2mtfc IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES P LANOTON. Deceased NOTICE OF FIN YL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the undersigned, Andrew J. Swan. Administrator of the estate of James P. Langton. deceased, has filed his Final Account as said Ad ministrator in the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and that said Court has appointed Tues day, the 11th day of April, 1950, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day for the hearing of objections to said Final Account and the set tlement thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons interested in the estate of James P. Langton. deceased, are notified and required to appear at the County Court Room in the Court House at Vale. Malheur County, Oregon, at said time, to then and there show cause, if any there be, why said Account should not be settled, al lowed and approved und said estate distributed und said Administrator discharged. Dated and first published, March 9, 1950. Date of last publication, April 1, 1950. Andrew J. Swan Administrator of the Estate of James P. Langton, Deceased NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States MISCELLANEOUS—For your fire Department Of Interior and automobile insurance see Mel Bureau of Land Management Beck, Origg Bros, and Butler. 22dtfc LAND OFFICE. Portland 18, Oregon February 23, 1950. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING NOTICE Is hereby given that Stock received Monday, Tuesday, David Karl Fackrell, of Homedale, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a m. Idaho, who, on December 29, 1943, to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. made Reclamation H o m e s t e a d No stock received on Sunday Entry, No. 031998 at The Dalles, for Beef, sheep and pork. Free de Farm Unit A, or lot 1, and the livery to Polar locker plant. NW' . NW' i , Section 31, Township One mile west on Alberta Ave. 22 S„ Range 47 E„ Willamette Phone 05R-1 Meridian, has filed notice of in JAKE FISCHER tention to make Final Proof, to MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need establish claim to the land above money to remodel your home or to described, before Harold Henigson, build outbuildings or garage? We Notary Public for Oregon, at 122 can arrange a loan for you and give Main Street, Nyssa, Oregon, on the you up to three years to pay It. 19th day of April. 1950. Claimant names as witnesses: Nyssa Lumber Co. 29stfc Marius K. Johaunesson, of Home- MISCELLANEOUS—Will the per dale, Iduho. Forrest Thompson, of son who borrowed the Sherwin- Box 146, Homedule, Idaho. PIERCE M RICE Williams style album from the Manager Nyssa Lumber company please re turn it. 2mtfc IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE MISCELLANEOUS — Du) .Ucate car COUNTY OF MALHEUR and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- In the Matter of the Estate of neman's. 25054 c BURT O. ROBERTS, Deceased NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN range loans for you to rebuild or remodel your home, barn, garage, that the undersigned, Boyce Van de or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb Water, Administrator of the estate er Co. 29stfc of Burt O. Roberts. Deceased, has filed his Final Account as said Ad MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and ministrator in the County Court of free pick-up of your dead, crippled Malheur County. Oregon, and that or sick livestock. Calls received be said Court has appointed Tuesday, fore 9 o'clock are picked up by the 4th day of April, 1950, at 10:00 noon. Efficient drivers. Call col o’clock In the forenoon of said day, lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys for the hearing of objections to said sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products Final Account and the settlement WANTED Company. 5Jtfc. thereof. W A N T E D — Sewing, alterations, NOW, THEREFORE, all persons fancy work. Clea Hille, 144 miles MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, interested in the estate of Burt O. north on Ontario highway, then Electrolux cleaners and air puri west 500 feet. 23mlxp fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. Roberts, Deceased, are notified and Anderson, route 3, Welser, Idano, required to appear at the County S T R A Y E D — Bay saddle horse, phone 0287J4. 14jtfc Court Room in the Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, at branded spear H on left shoulder, has strap around neck. Lester MISCELLANEOUS — W e m a k e said time, to then and there show Cleaver, route 2, Nyssa 23m2xp loans on the new Owyhee project cause, if any there be, why said land, business, homes and farms. Account should not be settled, al WANTED—To care for children, Origg Bros, and Butler. 15dtfc lowed and approved and said estate day or evening, phone 63-J. 23m2xp distributed and said Administrator discharged. LEGAL ADVERTISING WANTED—To care for children Dated and first published, March during day or evening, prefer day NOTIC E OF ANNUAL ELECTION 2. 1950. care in my home. Phone 198-J. of Date of last publication, March 16m2xc NYSSA ROAD ASSESSMENT DIS 30. 1950. TRICT NO. 2 IN MALHEUR Boyce Van De Water WANTED—Highest prices paid for COUNTY. OREGON Administrator of the Estate of slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, Notice is hereby given that the Burt O. Roberts, Deceased phone 306, Ontario. Across from Harold Henigson Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc annual election of the Nyssa Roud Assessment District No. 2 of a Attorney for the Administrator WANTED—To care for children Director for said District for a term NOTICE OF MEETING during the day or night on Satur of three (3) years, commencing the Owyhee Irrigation District day or Sunday, phone 324-J. lGmtfc first Monday of July, 1950, will be Notice is hereby given, that the held at the City Hall In the City of WANTED—To rent, for cash, good Nyssa, County of Malheur, State of Board of Directors of the Owyhee row crop land, phone 897-J On Oregon, on the 11th day of April, Irrigation District, sitting as a board tario. 9mtfc 1950 The polLs shall be opened at of equalization, will meet on the 4th 9:00 o’clock in the morning and day of April, I960, at 8:00 o'clock WANTED—To rent row crop land shall be kept open until 6:00 o ’clock p. m. at its office In Nyssa. Oregon, suitable for potatoes and beets. Slg In the afternoon of said day, when for the purpose of reviewing and Murakami, Rt. 1, Ontario, Ore. ldtfc the same shall be closed. correcting its assessment roll and Dated this 20th day of March, apportionment of charges for oper WANTED— To ouy anything in 1950 ation and maintenance for the 1950 beef or veal. Also custom killed DALE GARRISON season, and its assessment of $4.20 and delivered to Polar Cold Stor Chairman of the Board of Direct age. Phone 31-M or 01I-J1. 12Ftfc. ors. Nyssa Road Assessment Dist for operation and maintenance, de linquencies In collections, reserve and administration expenses for the WANTED TO RENT -Potato and rict No. 2. First Pub. March 23, 1950. seuson of 1950, and $100 per irri beet ground. Phone 018-J3, On Last Publ April 6. 1950 gable acre for construction charge tario, Oregon 24ntfc during the first half of the year NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR’S FOR RENT SALE FOR R E N T — Furnished house, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE three rooms and bath, 107 Ennis STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR avenue, phone D. Pamperien, Vale 3035 23m2xp In the Matter of the Estate of Berkley B Baker, Deceased FOR RENT—Three-room furnished, NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, modern house, garden space, phone that pursuant to an Order of the 022R-1. 16m2xp above entitled Court dated March 15, 1950. In the above entitled estate, FOR RENT - Polish your own the undersigned Administrator of floors. Rent our high-speed pol said estate will sell at private sale ishing equip mem. Easily handled on or after the 17th day of April, by women. Nysaa Lumoer company. 1950, to the highest bidder for cash SAtfc. or cash and credit the following 1 Four-Section Spring- F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. described real property of said De tooth harrow, Cpt., used Chadwick’s camp. 20otfc ceased, and the whole thereof In one unit or In fractional parts, subject to confirmation by the Court, the MISCELLANEOUS following described real property, MISCELLANEOUS—I will not be situated in the City of Nyssa. Mal responsible for any bills contracted heur County. State of Oregon, to- 1 Oliver Offset Disc, by anyone other than myself Tres- wit: sle King 23m2xp Lots Nos. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 in Good Shape, 6 Foot, Block No. 34 of Park Addition MISCELLANEOUS—Oas Is number to the City of Nyssa. County of I Special $290 00 22 in a list of 25 causes of fires Malheur, State of Oregon, as the Ideal Oas and Appliance. 23m lxc same are shown on the Revised Oeneral Plat of said City now MISCELL A NEOUS — Sewing ma 1 Case V and H Tractor, on file In the Office of the Coun chine repairing, all makes Drop ty Clerk for Malheur County. | me a card. 648 River street. Ontario. 1948, With Combination Oregon Oregon. James Slama. 23mlxp All bids must be In writing and Cultivator $1,350 00 MISCELLANEOUS— Now Is the may be delivered to the undersigned ; time to have your lawn mower at the office of Clyde H Snider, sharpened and checked for repair. Heldt Building. 18 North 3d. Nyssa, Don’t trust a tlnkerer to sharpen Oregon, Attorney for said Admin it with a file, hone or emery wheel istrator. ALso your saws filed with our mod ROE FELTON DUNCAN ern machines for these jobs the Administrator of the Estate of NYSSA factory way. Patterson Saw shop, Burkley B Baker. Deceased three blocks north First street First publ March 16. 16mtfc \ Last publ. April 13 I960 by virtue of the Bureau of Rec lamation order. The assessment roll and records may be Inspected at the office of l the District by any Interested per son during office hours of each business day. By order o f the Board of Directors. By Harold Henigson, Secretary Owyhee Irrigation District First Publication. Mar. 2. 1950. Last Publication. Mar. 30. 1950. C om m unity H all Sign Is E rected NU-ACRES, Mar. 23—An except ionally large crowd attended the regular Orange meeting held at the hall Thursday night. The lecturer presented an Interesting program. A large community hall sign was placed this week by the road lead ing to the hall. Juke Smit spent the week-end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Smit. Jake Is working at Stibnite. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rapp visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nedbalek Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Martin were business visitors In Payette Mon day. Mrs. Helen Mootz was transferred from the Ontario hospital to Port land one day last week. Latest re ports indicate that she is about the same as when she left here. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Durrington and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Ray Butcher and family of Wilder. Paul Butcher and family were also present. Mrs. Nadine Newgen of Madras has returned to her home after vis iting with relatives here. The Farmerettes club held its reg ular meeting at the hall Wednesday. Thase present enjoyed the afternoon In the sunshine by holding the meeting outside. Hostesses were Margaret Evans, Alice Fry and Ezada Betts. Mr. and Mrs. George Orasmlck were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek. Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Smit visited Mr. and Mrs. Oreenway in Apple valley Sunday. Callers in the Durrington home the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek. Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin, Jean Simmons of Nampa, Nora and Horace Wood, Chester and Dorothy Wood of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. William Orasmlck. The Water Users association held Its regular meeting at the hall Fri day night. John and Oeorge Smit attended the basketball games In Boise Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. The Pinochle club met at the hall Saturday night, with Mr. and Mrj. Frank Nedbalek and Mr. and Mrs. Orasmlck as hostesses. High scores were won by Emma Orcutt and Frank Preston and low by Ara Mae Preston and Leo Ellibee. Frank Preston won the traveling prize. Move To Utah— Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hadley and their family have moved to Utah, where they will make their home. Kenneth Mace took their furniture to Utah Sunday. Hadley was form erly employed at the Phillips Ufl service station. Rrturns From Trip— Don Moss, 8r„ recently returned from a trip to California. En route he stopped in Salt Lake City, where he received medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Moss are building a new home in Nyssa. They are the par ents of Don Moss, Firestone dealer here. In Nursing Home— Mrs. Henry Relb has been receiv ing treatment In the Nyssa Nursing home during the past week. Transferred To Parma— Perry Ward, former Nyssa resi dent, has been transferred by the Idaho Power company from Hunt ington to Parma, where he will take the position of district manager. He will succeed Jim McWreight, who will go to Salmon, Idaho. Ward, who will take his new position a- bout April 15, has been at Hunting- ton since he was transferred from Nyssa about seven years ago. MARRIAGE LICENSES David L. Highland and Carrie Joyce Kurtz, both of Nyssa Htdeo Harada and P.uth Tameno, both of Jamieson. HOLLINGSWORTH'S —Specials— $3500 We Still Have A Few Appliances Left SPECIAL SALE PRICES Washing Machines 1 Refrigerator 1 6-Foot Norge Food Freezer HOLLINGSWORTHS', INC. PHONE 142