Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 23. 1950 PAGE TEN U n c ia l E lite s - I - MARRIED IN ADRIAN In the Adrian Community church on the evening of March 17. Joyce Kurtz. daughter of Mr and Mrs. M 1. Kurtz of Newell height* and David Highland son of Mi Baxter and looter son ol Mr and Mrs. Silas Hoffman of Ny . ;i were united in marriage at a double ring ceremony performed by Rev Henry Moore The bride wore a white satin wed ding gown Her veil was held in place with a coronet of white hya cinths The bride carried a nose gay of pink camellias, and wore a double strand of pearl, and match ing ear rings, a gift from the groom Miss Shirley Smith, wear-* lug a yellow gown, was maid of honor, and Miss Belly Lou Newblll In a green gown, and Mrs. Jean I M iss in e P e te rs o n , d a u g h te r Price hi an orchid gown, were of M r. a n d M rs. W . O. P e te rso n , bride .maids. The candles were lighted bv Bar h a s been c h o se n to re ig n a s q u een bara M< Loughlin of Caldwell and over th e C o ld a n d ( i r r e n ball to Eleanor Durnil of Parma, cousins he sp o n so re d by th e !.. I». H. firs t w ard in th e g y m n a s iu m S a tu rd a y , of the bride. The groom was attended by Alvin M a rch 25. b e g in n in g a t 9 p. m . A Cleaver, with Hubert Parker and floor show will lie g iv en d u rin g th e dance. Robert Plorea serving as ushers. Following the ceremony a recept ion was held In the church parlors the guest book and Mrs. William for the many friends and relatives I/ioney and Miss Caroline Schiemer of the young couple. Mrs. M L. j were in charge of the gift table Judd and Mrs. Henry Moore were f The wedding cake was cut by Mrs. Eunice McLoughUn of Boise, an aunt In charge of the gift table Mrs Ray Landau was In charge of | of the bride, with Mrs. Alvin Cleaver By Bingham "W ART”, The Speed Cop w a tir- ts o a \iS u o £ , WH» [K T /a o r / iL / D f P o S / r / u S ‘, 0 0 <W A M W CAA, B U T / O C A i'r V,'H H T H H Y M l W CRH HOW - B E -M E T T ■si*V7ea 3 lm r tC £ 0 M Y OLD CM YK I woulo M T A M * ONd PHONE H 7 -RETAIL ~ ß j f C rjC fxoA X 4 / WASHING. POLISHING LUBRICATING PITTSBURGH PAINTS and Mrs Tony Clofola presiding at the punch bowk Assisting with the serving were Miss Beverly Brosnan and M u Bernice McConnell of On tario and Mrs. James Phifer The bride was a member of the 1919 graduating class of the Adrian high school, and the groom is a graduate of the Nyssa high school, c la « of 1948 The couple will live at the Owyhee' dam. where Mr Highland Is employed by the bureau of reclamation. - Dragline With All The Attachments A vailable For DRAINAGE DIGGING. EXCAVATING. CANAL CLEANING - TUE3DAY CLUB PLAYS Mrs Howard Love joy entertained the members of her bridge club at her home Tuerfay evening. Mrs j Lynn Lawrence was a guest player 1 Prizes went to Mrs Grant Rinehart for high score, Mrs. Carlos Buch ner for second high and Mrs. L. A. j Moulding for traveling. DORCAS CIRCLE MEETS The Dorcas circle of the Meth odist church met at the home ol Mrs. W Fox on Alberta avenue last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Robert Smith, Sr. led the devotional period and Mrs Robert Smith. Jr., had charge of the program dealing with present day conditions in Japan. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. John Miller - PHONE 09J-3 'll 2 ) . NYSSA, OREGON O s tro m C a b in e t S h o p CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell, who are celebrating tlieir »Oth wrddlng anniversary this month, are to be honored guests at an evening party March 21 in the Adrian grade school building. A program at 8:30 will be followed by dancing, all arranged by members of the fari^y. The occas ion will also mark Mrs. Fred Mit chell’s 69th birthday. No reception will be held and no gifts are expect ed. The Mitchells especially want to invite all their friends and ac quaintances to attend. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES Phone 118 J SCREEN DOORS Free Estimate!» 8 - BIRTHDAY OBSERVED bers are asked to bring their con Mrs. Roy Barnes entertained Tuesday afternoon in honor of her tribution of a foot of pennies (16 son. Roger, on his sixth birthday. pennies) to aid in the hospital pro A treasure hunt was enjoyed by j ject of “ (J Mile of Pennies”. The 1 the six guests. Birthday cake and hospital auxiliary is asking all wo ice cream were served at the close of men's organizations to participate the afternoon. In this project. Following the luncheon, installation of officers will -8 ENTERTAIN AT DINNER be held at the regular meeting. Mi and Mrs. Charles Steffens j - 8 - entertained Mr and Mrs. Stanley LENTEN TEA GIVEN Robison and children of Caldwell The members of the St. Paul’s at a dinner at their home Sunday Episcopal guild will hold a lenten afternoon. silver tea at the parish hall Friday, March 31 at 2:30 p. m. During the - I - DELPHIANS MEET afternoon Mrs. Frank Morgan will The Delphian society met last present a book review. All women Friday morning at the home of Mrs are Invited to attend. Frank Morgan, with Mrs Bud Wil —8 - son leader of the subject "Ration DINNER WELL ATTENDED alism Rampant". Topics were dis Approximately 250 persons at cussed by Mrs. Qleu Billings, Mrs tended the 8t. Patrick's dinner Frank Morgan, Mrs Oerrlt Stam given last Thursday evening at the and Mrs J. J. Sarazin. Catholic church by the St. Anne's -§ - Altar society. Many attended from AUXILIARY TO MEET Adrian, Vale and Ontario as well as The women's auxiliary of the Nyssa. The general chairman for Malheur Memorial hospital will hold the dinner was Mrs. Nick Smlt. a luncheon at the parish hall Mon Mrs J. L. Herriman was in charge day, March 27 at 1 p. m. All those of decorations. attending are asked to furnish a covered dish, and their own silver ENTERTAINS CLUB The outgoing officers will be the Mrs. Clifford Mink entertained hostesses for the day. All mem- the members of her bridge club at her home Tuesday evening. Prizes went to Mrs. Robert Wilson for high score, to Mrs. Hugh Tobler for sec ond high and to Mrs. Albert Me- Klmmy for low score. are made of finest quality materials— that’s why they. . 8 Stoker Construction Company M A G IC LOOP FAMILY REUNION HELD A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A V. Cook March 12 at their home at Arcadia. Dinner was served to a large group SEWING MEETING HELD The Oregon Trail Busy Needles 4-H Sewing club met Friday, March 17 at the home of Mrs. Viola Adams. The 12 members present answered roll call with a wise saying. The girls worked on their projects. The next meeting will be held Friday, March 24 at the home of the leader. 5 - F r e e P ick u p O ntario P arm a N yssa P h o n e C o lle c t O ntario G rain Co. 53 Phone 98 M ain P lant 100 Id a h o -O r e g o n R e n d e r in g C o. Ny9sa, Oregon NYSSA FOOD CENTER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. MARCH 24 AND 25 GUEST TISSUE. 4 for 25c MILK, tall cans, 4 for 49c 3 8 c lb. FLOUR, 50 pound picket FO R S A L E Seed Potatoes M tM nib - Mother Succumbs— Mrs. E. H. Fleshman has received word that her mother, Mrs. Mary Catherine Coker, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Ellen Jordan, in Ooldsborough, North Carolina Friday. March 17. Mrs. Coker, who had been an invalid for five years, was 73 years old Interment was at Ooldsborough. Mrs Fleshman spent six weeks with her mother in De cember and January. DEAD A NIM ALS SLICED BACON, King Krown, BUMPÍRS I T X-t-T c H of relatives. The guests included Mr. and . Mrs. Clarence Poorman of Seattle, Mrs Carl Poorman and son. Fred of Seattle. Mrs. Fred Poorman and daughter, Mickey Jo, of McGrath, Alaska. Mrs. Sylvia Palmer of Boise, Mrs. Aggie Wales of Boise, Bill LyelLs and Jimmy Cook of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lyells of Emmett. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook, Jr. and two daughters. Sally Lu and Janice, of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Childs and son, Garry, of Fruitland and Mrs. Mary Lyells of Nyssa. —8— ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Mrs. Murl Lancaster was a bridge hostess at her home Tuesday after noon. The prize for high score went to Mrs. Thomas Jones and low to Mrs. E. H. Fleshman. ARGO SLICED PEACHES. Eating Potatoes $ 3 .1 9 2 for 3 9 c 2 Vi TIN NO. 2 CAN TURNIP GREENS At The H erbert Fisher W areh o u se OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. OUR EATING POTATOES ARE $1.00 A SACK 5(1 North 3rd .Street IF YOU HAVE POTATOES TO SELL NYSSA Telephone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE SATURDAY, MARCH 25 DOUBLE FEATURE "Wolf H unter” The Bowery Boys "M asterm inds" M a t. S a l . 2:30; A dm 3 « r-9 r. In c. T ax A dm ission E v en in g s 14c-9. In c. T a x SUNDAY AND MONDAY, MARCH 26-27 Barbara Stanwyck- Robert Preston Stephen McNally Edith Barrett In "The Lady G am bles" The story of a woman who lost her heart and soul to the tragic lure of gambling fever Mu I, H u n , t:S 0 ; Adm *10»'-Sr, I n r. T a x A«!ml«ftion liv en in g * 41« St*. I n r. T a t TUESDAY, MARCH 28 "H am let” with Laurence Olivier- Eileen Herlte Basil Sydney ONLY 2 SHOWINGS LOG p. m. and 8.00 p m C h ild re n 74c A dults | | ! • T a x In clu d ed WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. MARCH 29-30 • Dana Andrews- Maria Toren Stephen McNally In "Sword In The Desert" Hope, despair, joy intermingle bewildermglv Forty- right hours of vivid flight in the desert Adm. F . r n in g s 44c-F t In c. T a x Parking S pace For All C ars Open Sundays From 10 a. m. to 8. p. m. Am erica’s newest w atch— the world's finest timepiece C%oose fa u r 7 r&c/br - V Kirby Grant Helen Parrish also L. J. Josephson And Son T h e concealed M agic Loop x-t-r-e t c-h-e-» for g reater in k le com fort! T h e re ’« p le n ty of to e room ! A nd the Special W edge Heel au u rc x p r o p e r body b alan ce! BRACKEN'S TRY A LOAF OF HOLLYWOOD BREAD See Us »race ion. , / e NEWS VIEWS fa tty C i WATCHES 2 / c/etve/s ki«.- nv i f :\ v i i f k r i m vn What makes Americans who are ordinarily law-abiding citizens steal or destroy highway and park signs? Like sewing buttons on a ballooon. I 1 it doesn't make sense .. yet every year It costs us millions of dollars for the vandalism of sportsmen and totgriats. Water tanks In national forests are shot up, monuments are chipped and trees are carved by folks who just don't stop to think. With the touring season dead ahead. II might be well for us all to remem ber that such destruction adds to taxes and may endanger lives There must be better ways to leave our marks on the world An Iowa man got so Irritated by a soap opera that hr smashed his radio to kindling with a hammer Apparently One Man's Family is another's poison If you'd like to take a hammer to your old car it's time to see our fine selection of Used Cars. We have the cream of the crop the best buys in town So get your used car at HKRHI- MAN MOTOR CO Phone 77 Herriman Motor Company «37» F A R M A U .- F I R S T IN T HE FlCLD OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. 243 NYSSA. O R E G O N © 15c PAULUS JEWELRY STORE PHONE 171 W