Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 11. 19S0 PAGE EIGHT S P E C IA L P R O G R A M CLUB HAS D INN ER O IV E N A T CHURCH The annual dinner of the Amity The relief society of the L. D 8 club was held at the .Doll church presented a special program la-st Friday evening, with Mrs. ul tableaus at the church Sunday Charles Mann and Mrs. Verne Mon- evening. The theme depicted was cur arranging the dinner The table FAREW ELL D INN ER O IVEN A farewell dinner party wan j " T o the L. D. 8. Home is a Sacred was centered with an arrangement I of daffodils, with the places marked given Sunday (or Mr and Mrs Lew I Place". The youth speaker for the meet by Individual Ivy plants. McCoy at the home of Mrs Marie ing was Cleo Flinders The four C. Black In Nyssa. The occasion The program was arranged by also marked the couples' wedding special tableaus were made effect- Mrs Mel Beck and Mrs. El wood | ive with the use of colored spot anniversary and the birthday of Flinders with Mrs. Flinders acting j lights, with the two readers, Mrs ' as Mrs. McCoy toasimistress. The theme for Thurn Baker and Mrs, Farrel Peter Oroup singing and canasta were l the program was "Spring ", with re featured. Quests Included Mr and son, dressed In pastel formats Pre sponses made by Mrs. Henry Zobell, Mrs Fred Outhrle of Boise, Mrs lude and Incidental music was pro Mrs Don Moss, Mrs. Mel Beck, Pattle Larson o f Big Piney. W yom vided by a violin trio, Nani Child, j Mrs Carl Burrungham and Mrs ing. Linda Ransom, Mr and Mrs Angela Peterson and Laura Schenk, Lloyd Lewis. A reading was given U. E Parker, Mr and Mrs Oce accompanied by Mary Lou Scheme by M r. Carl Burningham. and an Schwelzer. Don McCoy, and Mr and "O ur Mountain Hom e” was sung original song by Mrs. Schenk, sung Mrs L W Pomeroy. A silver gift by the singing mothers choral by Mrs Schenk and Mrs Lewis. The first picture depicted was presented to the honorees. group New officers for the coming year Charlie McCoy and Miss Dlnzel Lee the subject of training in the home, were elected as follows: Mrs. Don Howell were additional supper I portrayed by the Mel Beck family Moss, president; Mrs. Charles M ain The next scene, presented by the guests. and Mrs C H Hermann, vice presi Rosel Hunter family, showed the dents; Mrs. Charles Peterson, sec need of activity In the home, arid retary, and Mrs. Elwood Flinders, HKWINO CLUB MEETS a "hom e evening” as recommend Tlie Happy Sew N Sews Sewing ed by the L. D. S. church fur Its reporter club met March 2 at the Charles members. “ Bless This House” was Mrs Schenk, retiring president, Hurrls home In Adrian The girls 1 sung by Dean. Belva and Jolene was presented with a plant. discussed the things they were sew Hunter. In the third picture, four - I - ing on and also plans for the play young missionaries, portrayed by CELEBRATES B IR T H D A Y they will give for their 4-H talent I la * Anderson and Jolene. Belva and The officer, teachers and mem how to be held Merch 10 hi the Deane Hunter, were seen leaving for bers of the Nyssa First ward L. D Adrian gymnasium. The members the mission field S. Relief society and their husbands, decided to hold their next meeting The last scene depicted the sacr:“d celebrated the organization's 108th March 1« at the Carl Fenn home marriage with Mr and Mrs. Bill biryiday Monday with a banquet, In Adrian. Baker in the tableau. “ Love at program and dancing, with 75 per - I - Home” was sung by the singing sons present. Three long tables were HURPRISE SHOW ER O IVEN mothers. The meeting closed with Mrs. Wilford A Mitchell was hon II talk by Bishop D. H Christiansen decorated with pink snapdragons and greens. Mrs Heber Evans, Mrs ored by many of her friends F ri Anna West and Mrs. T a ft Pett, were - t - day afternoon, when they met at in charge of the food. Mrs. Ernest B RID O E HOSTESS the home of Mrs. Calvin Wilson to The members of the Tuesday nf- Bunn and Mrs. Reed Gyllenskoy give a surprise pink and blue show er First prize In the series of gam lernoon bridge club were guests of had charge of the following pro es went to Mrs. Cleorge Poulson and Mrs. A. C. Sallee this week, with gram; Vocal solos, Mrs. Art Servoss, consolation prize to Mrs. Lauro prizes going to Mrs. Sallee and Mrs. accompanied by Mrs. D. O. Bybee; Mitchell. A tall stork, carrying it j Bernard Frost. Mrs. J. L. Herrl- Song and dance number by little baby In a diaper, was the center- man. Mrs. Ted Morgan and Mrs. Ed Joleen Morris and Dixie Servoss, who wore identical blue formats, Frost were guest players. piece for the gift table. and corsages; vocal duet, Ernest and Kent Bunn, accompanied by Mrs. Henry Zobell; aerobatic numb er, Miss Jolene Hunter and a gay ninety act, In costume, by Mrs. Waynurd Talbot and Mrs. Philip Woodard. Mrs Fae Duffin sponsor ed a qulzz program, of “ Stump the Judges” . Gifts were won by all who participated. Henry Zobell, D. O FRID AY AND SATURDAY Bybee. Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and Eldred Brower were judges. Lyle Fullmer took charge of the square dancing •§>naul ¿Mutes TOWELS 25c Size 19x36 .0 6 WASH CLOTHS 29£ CHAMBRAY Yd. Stripes and Plain Colors While They Last 40 LADIES' DRESSES Vs Off CLEAN OUT PRICE 39* Ladies' Rayon Panties We Are Open Saturday NIghta Unlil 9 O'clock - I - CLUB HAS LUNCHEON Mrs. Bud Wilson and Mrs. Sid I Flanagan were hostesses to the members of the A. N. K Garden club at a covered dish luncheon held ut the Wilson home Tuesday afternoon. The luncheon was held j in the recreation room o f the W il son home, where arrangements of snapdragons were used as decor- I utions. The guests were seated at small tables that were attractive with single white taiiers entwined with ivy, in crystal holders on pastel organdy cloths. The luncheon was | arranged in honor of the state president of the Federated Garden elubs. who was unable to attend due to Illness In her family. In her absence, Mrs Maurice Judd w is program leader for the afternoon In a round table discussion of suc cessful garden enterprises. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. I.ein Wilson, Jr. and Mrs. C. H Hunt. - Dry Good* _ X-Ray B R A C K E N 'S ^ Telephone 105 Nyssa, Oregon NYSSA PROGRAM Telephone 108 TH EATR E ST P A U L'S G U ILD MEETS Mrs. Frank Morgan entertained the members of the St. Paul's Episcopal guild Monday evening. During the business meeting plans were made for the Lenten tea to be held on March 31. The spring thrift sale was also discussed. Rev. and Mrs. C. A Callahan were pres ent for the meeting. Jimmy W«k#ly BY SUNDAY AND MONDAY. MARCH 19-20 William Powell -Belay Drake Mark Steven»—Adolphe Menjou In It’s A dm. M r-tr. Inc. Tax Admission t vrnlng. 44c-Sc. Ine. Tax TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21-22 "Jolson Sings Again" with Larry Parka—Barbara Hale William Demareat You acclaimed the “Jolson Story” and here is another chapter of the Minstrel Man A1 Jolson. A d n lu lM ) »ru in g. 44c-Sr. Inc. Tam THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. MARCH 23-24 Bob Hope In "The Great Lover" with Rhonda Fleming- -Roland Young Roland Culver Bob Hope will convulse you as a cut-rate Casanova It's almost mure than human ribs ran stand Adm Evenings 44c Sr Inc. Tax ■ B IR T H D A Y OBSERVED Mrs. D. R. Candaux entertained last Sunday afternoon honoring her daughter. Carol, on her 12th birth day. The afternoon was spent In playing games. Refreshments serv ed by Mrs. Candaux. The honoree received many lovely gifts. D E LPH IAN S MEET The Delphian group met last Friday morning at the home of M r; J. J. Sarazin. with Mrs. Bud Wilson. Mrs. Bernard Eastman. Mrs. Dale Garrison and Mrs. Gerrlt Stam dis cussing phases o f the subject, "Science and the Modern World". Mrs Sarazin was leader of the meeting. - 8 - LEW C ANASTA G R O U P MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones en tertained the group at a canasta party at their home Saturday even ing Prizes went to E K Burton for high score and Mrs. E. H Flesh- man for second high. - 'and Mrs. Louis Mauldmg as guest players. High score was held by i Dr. Maulding and second high by J Warren Farmer. 8 - MR. AND MRS. CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ulmer enter tained the members of their Wed nesday evening Mr. and Mrs. club at their home last week, with Dr. Hartley‘a Floor Service Floors Layed, Sanded. Finished Old Floors Refinished Phone 1041-R. Caldwell, Idaho WILSONS WEEK-END VALUES FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 17 & 18 . SQUARE DANCE HELD The Owyhee Riding club Friday evening party held at the Oregon Trail Grange hall for its members and their friends was very success- full. A large crowd attended, en joying cards, and both round and square dancing. Music was furn ished by Dale Garrison. The sing ing of Charlie McCoy was well re ceived. Mrs. William Dunn was the main caller for the dances dur ing the evening, with her husband assisting. Others also tried their voice calling. A late supper was served. Fairbanks Morse-Pomona ‘ IRRIGATION PUMPS ‘ DOMESTIC PUMPS ‘ WATER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC MOTORS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WE INSTALL AND SERVICE.......... Call or Write Open Saturday Evenings Till 9 p. m. Intermouniain Equipment Co. BOISE, IDAHO Myrtle at Broadway WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Phone 9000 X-RAY SHOE FITTING PHONE 32 NYSSA FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 17 & 18 MAKE YOUR $ GO FARTHER BY SHOPPING A T GORDON S VELVEETA CHEESE 836 PILLSBURY'S FLOUR 2 POUNDS 854 10 POUNDS SHURFINE SHORTENING 7 1 * Pillsbury's Pancake Mix 3 POUNDS 4 POUNDS TUNA FISH 29 & BISQUICK 43^ 45 * 40 OUNCE PACKAGE CAN NEWS VIEWS M ai Sat . t :M ; A d u . M r -»r . Inc Tax Aiiuilmion livening« 44c-t, Inc. T at Mat. dun., i t » ; G IR L S HOLD .MEETING The Stiching Elves 4-H club held a business meeting at the home of Barbara Bolitfrio Monday afternoon. Carolyn Vaughn gave a demon stration on darning. Refreshments were served and a game was played. -5 - CLEARWATER “Bomba On Panther Island“ Johnny Sheffield—AlUnw Robert» "Across The Rio Grande" “Dancing In The Dark" - * - HONORED ON B IR TH D A Y Mrs Eldon Uliner entertained 18 children at a party at her home March 4 in observance of the Gth birthday o f her son, Brent Games were enjoyed by the group, followed by the showing of several reels of movies. Brent received a number of nice gifts from his small friends. Birthday cake and ice cream were served by the hostess, with favor baskets for each of the guests. . 4-H CLUB MEETS The Sunshine Cooks met last week in the home economics room of the Adrian high school building. Beverly Pounds was accepted as a member, increasing the membership to 16. The lessons was on veget ables. Margaret Bennett cooked cauliflower. Avadna Peterson, frozen peas; Shirley Chaney, beans; Rae- lene Jorgenson, Brussell's sprouts; Lorraine Van de Water, carrots; Pat Eachus. broccali, and Agnes Hautman and Faye Hopkins, salad. The group planned the refresh ments for the senior 4-H party held at Ontario March 8. 11 - AN NU AL T E A PLANNED The annual spring tea for the senior girls of the Snake River valley schools was planned at a meeting of the American Associ ation o f University Women In On tario Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs D J. Kudrna. Those at tending from Nyssa were Mrs. Tom Nlshltani, Mrs. Sid Flanagan. Mrs. Dennis Patch, Mrs Clyde Snider and Mrs Harry Anderson. SATURDAY, MARCH 1H DOUBLE FEATURE So gay, so young you'll be duncing in the clouds. William Powell at his best M ARCH B IR TH D AYS OBSERVED The home of Mr and Mrs. O. O. Anderson was the scene of a no host dinner last Sunday when 20 relatives and friends gathered to celebrate the March birthdays of seven of the group The guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs R. N. Morse and three sons, Mrs Ruth Ball and Gordan and Shirley; Mrs. Jean Martin and Deanna and Mrs Anna Brannon, all of Nampa; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ball and Delores and Ralph of Melba. Idaho. Mrs. Gerald Wright of California; Mr and Mrs. Chris Thompson and Ray of Vale, and Jimmy Ostrum of Nyssa. • Seaside Lima Beans, 2 for Royal Gelatin Dessert 9Q * IQ * 3 PACKAGES NO. 2 CAN IIE R R IM AN A prominent Middle Western Doctor recently gave a speech on laughter He says laughter's the finest medicine ever discovered Not only th a t.. but It's cheaper than aspirin. A good guffaw exercises your innards and stirs up your circulation. At the same time It | causes you to gulp extra air and that pumps more oxygen Into your mind and body That's better than money In the bank, says the doctor. There's no doubt a happy person Is a healthier person tn every wav So. as the poet says, “ Laugh and the world lauahs with you” . And remember . , . “ he who laughs first la ug Its longest Amherst College students who get less than 75 “l In their studies are not allowed to drive their cars on campus They either have to use their heads or use their feet ft's wise to use your head about giving your car the best treatmen' Else you may be using your feet Just fill >r up regularly on that good Fire Chief and Skv Chief Gas at H K R R IM AN M OTOR CO Phone TJ. Herriman Motor Company Baker's Cocoanut 35 g eggs 29c GRADE A LARGE 8 OUNCE CELLO DOZEN W E REDEEM COLGATE. PALMOLIVE. PEET SOAP COUPONS Fresh Fruits Vegetables Top Quality Meats Oven Fresh Bakery Goods Fresh Tomatoes 1 9 g Tube Red Salmon French Bread I Q g i Loaf California Carrots 2 Bun. 1 5 £ Whole or Half 3 5 w 1 ib. ^ 0 ^ 0 Picnic Hams 3 7 c ib. Maple Bars 4 9 c Doz. G ordon ’ s D rive -I n M arket “ The Home o f Quality and Service”