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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1950)
PAGE SEVEN THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 16. lflSO Social Notes IMMIGRANT FAMILY HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Herman Folkert were guests of honor at a shower and goodwill party given Thursday evening in the Adrian grade school building by members and friends of the Owyhee L. D. 8. ward. Following a program, which in cluded two readings by Monty ; Stoker and a tap dance by Celia Bybee, the group enjoyed a com munity songfest and games. Many useful and practical house hold gifts were received. Mrs. Folk ert was ill and unable to attend the party, but Mr. Folkert talked to the group with the Barton boy as in terpreter. The Folkerts and their six year old daughter, who arrived in Jan uary as immigrants from Utrecht. KAISER-FRAZER _ APPROVED ^ S ervice Sales & Service If you a re d riv in g a K aiser o r F ra z e r car we a re eq u ip p ed w ith th e la test testin g equipm ent an d facto ry tra in e d m ech an ics to put your c a r in th e best o f condition. BRIN G Y O U R T R O U B L E S T O US F ree P ick-U p A n d D elivery F rom Nyssa I Holland, are now living in the house i on the former Fred Hite farm. As the Folkert family were able to bring only a few belongings with them to this country, due to strict Dutch laws, the newcomers said they greatly appreciated the gifts and goodwill. SKATING PARTY HELD Miss Lois Wilson entertained a group of friends at a roller skat ing party last Tuesday evening. Af ter sltatini. the group went to the ¡East Side cafe In Ontario for a chow mein dinner. Guests included Jean Peterson, June Peterson, Phyl lis Cheldelln. Keitha Strasbaugh, Caroline Whitaker. Ruth Herrman i and Margaret Bates. JO BS DAUOHTEJLS INITIATE At a meeting of the Job's Daugh ters at the Masonic hall last Thurs day evening Anita Pratt, Carolyn Brandt and Cletabell Wernick were Initiated into membership. Here from Portland for the ceremony was Mrs Martha Elhart, grand guardian of the state for Job's Daughters. Several state officials for the organiz&tion from Idaho were also present. During the in itiation ceremony special music was presented by the Job's Daughters sextet, who sang “Come Holy Spirit' and “Whispering Hope". Doris Rig- ney sang "The Lord’s Prayer" and -I Know That My Redeemer Liv- eth". Incidental piano music for the ceremony was played by Bonnie Ward. The tea table was centered with tapers and miniature dolls in replica of Job's Daughter queen and princ esses. Mrs. Paul House was in charge of the refreshments. - 8 - SOCIETY MEETS The Women's Missionary society of the Faith Lutheran church met with Mrs. Olga Hoff Wednesday March 1. Refreshments were served by the hostess to five members. The next meeting will be held April 5 with Mrs. Sherwin Schmidt as hostess. - 5 - FORMER NYSSA YOUTH WEDS Invitations are being received in Nyssa for the wedding of Miss Dor othy Ann Worden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Worden of Heppne.-. and John Oernhardt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oernhardt of La Orande. The wedding will be an event of March 17 at the Methodist church in Heppner. Miss Worden is employed as a secretary at the East ern Oregon College of Education at La Orande. and Mr Oernhardt is a senior there. Mr. Gernhardt will teach next year in the Portland school system. SELL Your farm NOW. We have lots of good prospects for farms and need more listings NOW. KEN POND AGENCY MUTCH OIL CO. Phone 218 16 North 3rd Highway 30- -East of Tov/n Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 NYSSA, OREGON THANK YOU NYSSA FOR THE GRAND RECEPTION YOU HAVE GIVEN K W EI YOUR LOCAL STUDIO THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS OF NYSSA ARE ADVERTISING OVER YOUR FRIENDLY RADIO STATION, KWEI: Child's Bros. Service Bracken's Dept. Store Pound's Grocery Berrett's Service Station Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Wilson's Super market Owyhee Truck and Imp Co. Golden Rule Store Nyssa Lumber Co. Herriman Motor Co. Bob Thompson—Insurance Ideal Gaa and Appliance Gate City Cleaners Bernard Eaatman Agency B and M Equipment Co. Tobler'a Feed and Fuel Ed Caae Furniture Eder Hardware Co. Peterson Furniture Co. Henneman Hardware Co. Carl's Doll House Carl and Burt's Machine Shop Evans Studio Don B. Moss Firestone Store Signal Service Station Listen all day every day and patronize these progressive Nyssa businesses KWEI plans to stay in the community and grow with the community. KWEI pledges its co operation to the merchants and to its listeners. KWEI would like to feel it has yours. If you have suggestions or dislikes please let us know about them. KWEI is continually striv ing to bring you programs of interest to you—the listener. The following programs are only a few of those planned. Many have been suggested by our good listeners of this area. “Meet Your Neighbor” program—4:15 p. m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Interviews with you and your neighbors. “Nyssa High School Program”—5:30 p. m. Wednesday. “Meet Your Merchant’!—Time not yet set. An informal chat with your Nyssa merchant. “Ladies club Date Book of the Air”—12:25 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. What’s coming up in the ladies clubs? “Nyssa On Parade”. Various clubs and organ izations participating each week. “Malheur Memorial .Hospital Association News”—5:50 p. m. Wednesday. “Women’s Page of the Air”—10:15 a. m. Mon day through Friday. News about women and for women. “The All Request Program”—4:30 to 5:30 p m. daily. From all three KWEI studios in the valley. One full hour of fun. Gihor Sponsor* Need Support (Continued from Page 1) for the farmer or the community. In a letter sent to users of agri cultural labor this week, the spon soring association asked the growers to pay a fee of 45 cents an acre on row crop land. The association pointed out that "The demand for seasonal agricult ural workers has developed in the last 10 years to a point where labor is just as much a necessity as ma chinery in the planting and grow ing of a crop. Farmers in the main have not yet built enough housing on their farms to meet the labor needs. Therefore, other provisions have been and are necessary to house the migratory worker. "This association was organized during the war to act as an agent between the U. S. government and the farmer in the handling of Ger man war prisoners and Mexican nationals as seasonal agricultural workers. When the government stepped out of the labor placement and no longer operated the camp at Nyssa, It was necessary to continue the sponsoring association in order to lease the camp from the govern ment for housing agricultural lab or. Government law pertaining to such camps states that no private organization can own or operate the camp. The labor sponsoring associ ation leases the camp from the gov ernment and will eventually be able to buy it. "The association charges rental fees of $2 on tents and $3 10 on cab ins per week. These rentals help to defray the expense of maintain ing the camps. “There are many benefits deriv ed from having these camps avail able for labor. In 1949. we register ed 2500 workers in these camps. Even though you do not use camp labor, the fact that the camps are full stabilizes the price of labor. The cast to the farmer will average $15 to $20 |>er year. "The business people In the tow ns in the valley also receive added business during the season when migratory labor is present. The migratory laborers take very little money with them and when you stop to think that at peak employ ment the daily payroll of migratory labor will run from $10.00 to $12,000 per day, you can readily appreciate the importance of the program. Legal A dvertising NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR In the Matter of the Estate of Berkley B. Baker. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to an Order of the above entitled Court dated March 15, 1950, in the above entitled estate, the undersigned Administrator of said estate will sell at private sale on or after the 17th day of April, 1950, to the highest bidder for cash or cash and credit the following described real property of said De ceased, and the whole thereof in one unit or In fractional parts, subject to confirmation by the Court, the following described real property, situated In the City of Nyssa, Mal heur County. State of Oregon, to- wit: Lots Nas. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 in Block No. 34 of Park Addition to the City of Nyssa, County of Malheur. State of Oregon, as the same are shown on the Revised General Plat of said City now on file In the Office of the Coun ty Clerk for Malheur County. Oregon All bids must be in writing ami may be delivered to the undersigned at the office of Clyde H. Snider, Heldt Building, 18 North 3d. Nyssa, Oregon. Attorney for said Admin istrator. ROE FELTON DUNCAN Administrator of the Estate of Burkley B Baker. Deceased First publ. March 10. Last publ. April 13. Roger Tucker, construction, King avenue, between Fifth and Sixth, FOR SALE—80 acres. 28 acres under Nyssa Development company ad cultivation, price $4000. six miles dition. $8000, 27 x 36. frame. northeast of Nyssa on Echo avenue, third lane east. Prank Olson. SALE CALENDAR 16mlxp P U B L C FARM SALE—Friday, FOR RENT—Three-room house and March I 24. Sale starts at 1 p. m. bath, modern. 508 N. Fifth. Lloyd Two miles north Ontario, one Focht. lgmlxp mile west. Vi mile of south, two miles WANTED—To care for children southwest of gulch No. 3—on north during the day or night on Satur side of Malheur river. (Follow the day or Sunday, phone 324-J. 16mtfc signs). 15 cattle, horses, hogs, horse drawn machinery, hay. Lunch serv FOR SALE—Model M International ed on grounds. Terms: cash. Tom tractor and two-bottom tumblebug Calkins, owner. Cols. I$ert Ander Moline plow Phone 179-J, Mel son and Joe Church, auctioneers. Beck. I6mtfc L. H. Fritts. clerk. “WART”, The Speed Cop By Bingham B müi & S jvwûjl 117 wholesale - phone retail WASHING. POLISHING. LUBRIC ATING — & y ¿ V fxS LA jt.* . GOOD USED MACHINERY 6—Row John Deere Beet Drill With Fer tilizer Attachment $450.00 4—Row Oliver No. 9 Beet Drill $65.00 1—Row John Deere Spud Planter, Never $ 150.00 used, W eathered .......... .. A. C. Hang-on Plow, B or C ... .. $75.00 A. C. Cultivator and Tools, B or C $75.00 for B $ 100.00 for C Oliver 6-Row Beet Cultivator With Spud Shanks and Clamps .......... $250.00 Oliver "70”, 1937 $650.00 “The House Of Oliver” NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. Veltex 'F a rm Delivery Service W on't Fa it You Dirt washes right off walls painted with When Fletcher Oil Company start ed business 4« years ago It at once made a SPECIALTY of delivering Veltex petroleum products to farms. Ever since, this constantly growing firm has given first consideration to the needs of farmers and Veltex Free Farm Delivery Service has won the confidence of all whom It has been privileged to serve. S herwi n -W i lli ams SEMI-LUSTRE WALL FINISH GASOLI NE Visit your Nyssa studio in the Fry building. Always listen for special events which take place in your growing community. KWEI WISHES TO DO ITS PART TO MAKE NYSSA THE CITY WITH A GREAT FUTURE DIAL 1240 BUILDING PERMITS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MOTOR OI L DI ESEL OI L TRACTOR OI L C UR G R E A S E GUN GREASE ROLLER C R E A S I Plain soap and w ater m ake this satin-sm ooth fenish com e clean in a hurry! It's the practical, econom ical way lo deco rate kitchen, t . . . bath, nursery ▼ n . u 9 . . . a l l heavy, o a L. duty wall*, l HENNEMAN HDW. NYSSA. OREOON S h IA W IU W llllA M S P A IK T t INDUSTRIAL O i l Today your friendly local Veltex agent proudly offers you a big. well equipped, expertly operated and SPECIALIZED farm delivery serv ice which Is unapproarhed for dependability, promptness and com pleteness . . . Veltex petroleum pro ducts are your best buy, and VELTEX FREE FARM DELIVERY IS YOUR ASSURANCE OF REG ULAR. FLAWLESS SERVICE. Your local Veltex agent Is: FRANK MORRIS PHONE 79 NYSSA