Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1950)
P A G E SIX .. — H ui» Hold* (fathering ARCADIA. Mar 16—The Arcadia Sunshine club met March 10 at the home of Mrs. John Smlt on the Vale • hifthway. Twelve members and two visitors were present. The next meeting will be held March 24 with Mrs Ted Bowers. On Saturday, March 25 the club members will at- ' tend an all-day meeting of the as sociated clubs Mr and Mrs. Tony Marostlca have moved on one of the K. 8 and D farms, where they will farm this year. They moved on the farm FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems Call J . C. S M I T H 13 Years In Nyssa • Phone 78-J vacated by Mr and Mrs Ray Lass- man near the Arcadia station. Mr and Mrs. Otis Bullard and family were business visitors In M c Call Saturday Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Moeller and girls visited Mr and Mrs Will Rees at Valley View Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hlpp were business visitors In Caldwell Sat urday. Odes I,ay, who spent the winter in Portland, returned home last week. M m Betty Bullard spent Sunday with Belva Hunter. Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Moeller vis ited Mr and Mrs Harley Noah at Valley View Prlday afternoon After Sunday school Sunday Lor etta Moeller played "Rock of Ages" on her violin, accompanied by An nette Stradley on the piano Mrs Marion Parmer and child ren of New Plymouth visited their parents, Mr and Mrs Elmer Strad ley. Saturday. Mrs. Clyde Bowers met with her 4-H club at the home of Shirley Schilling March 11, with seven members present. Joan Matherly, Norma Benedict and Beverly Cam cooking club members, cooked oat meal The rest of the group dis cussed putterns and sewing. Shir ley played several pieces on her ac- — DEAD ANIMALS — FREE PICK-UP PHONE COLLECT ONTARIO—Ontario Grain Co. 53 PARMA Phone 9« NYSSA—Main Plant 100 IDAHO OREGON RENDERING CO. PUBLIC FARM SALE To be held l*/2 miles east of Nyssa, O regon or '/2 mile west of Nyssa-Parma junction. Sale starts at 1 o'clock. No lunch. TUESDAY, MARCH 21 2—HORSES—2 1 Saddle mare, 8 years old. 1 G ood work mule. 21— CATTLE— 21 Brindle, Guernsey, 6 yrs. old, just fresh, giv ing 5 gal. Charm, Guernsey, 4 yrs. old, just fresh, giving 5 gal. Leaf, Guernsey, 4 yrs. old, fresh, giving 4 gal. Violet, Guernsey, 4 yrs. old, to freshen April 23. Blackie, Black Jersey, 3 yrs. old, to freshen April 15. Cricket, yellow Jersey, 8 yrs. old, to freshen by sale date. Minnie, Black whiteface, 3 yrs. old. fresh 2 weeks. Tulip, Guernsey heifer, 2 yrs. old, to freshen April 29. Daisy, Holstein heifer, 2 yrs. old, to freshen May 23. Romulus, Arena Beauty, 3 yrs. old, register ed Jersey cow. Boss, Holstein, 3 yrs. old, com ing with sec ond calf. 3 W hiteface heifers, yearlings. 4 Guernsey heifer calves. 1 Guernsey bull calf. 1 Holstein heifer calf. 1 W hiteface bull calf. Herd test 6.1. All cow s recently tested. FARM MACHINERY 1 1944 Ford tractor. 1 Ford bean cutter (used one season). 1 16-inch John Deere hay chopper. 1 16-inch Oliver two-way plow (horse drawn). 1 International hay rake, 12-foot. 1 3-row Valley Mound corrugator (horse drawn). 1 7' by 16' w ood float. 1 Four-wheel rubber tired w agon. 1 Two-section spike-tooth harrow. 1 Two-cow stock trailer. 1 Two-wheel light trailer. 1 Perfection milker, 2 single unit buckets. 5 Milk cans. 1 Set of work harness. CHICKENS AND HAY Young New Hampshire Red laying hens. Som e baled hay and som e straw. Other m iscellaneous items. Public invited to look over items before sale. TERM S-CASH DALLAS GOFF, Owner Cols Bert Anderson and Joe Church, Auctioneers L. H. Frills. CUrk . « THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 16. 1950 cordian for the girls, who will meet Sunday afternoon sight-seeing with home from school Monday with March 25 with Loretta Moeller Mrs Mr and Mrs M C. Seuell at Owy influenza. Schilling served refreshments. Mr and Mrs. Roy Hoff and Terry hee dam. Mrs Pat Hohstadt and Dennis of Nyssa and Woodrow Seuell were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and spent Thursday with her mother in Mrs M. C. Seuell. Water L»er* O f ; Frultland. Nu-Aere* T o Meet Richard and Mary Lou Grasmick Ethel Durrington is sick. She had the influenza for some time and and Wayne Durrington came home NU-ACRES. Mar 16—Several com -Sunday afternoon from Lewiston, had a setback last week. munity folks attended the funeral where they attended the Frultland for Mrs Barney Wednesday. Serv game In the state basketball tourna Hirtlulay Party ices were held In Nyssa and burial ment. I* (iiven For .Man Mrs. Dean Wilson and children was in the Parma cemetery. Alvin. Floyd and Harold Griffin of Caldwell were dinner guests of visited in the Roy Lobb home on Mrs Ralph Preston. They spent COLUMBIA AVE.. Mar. 16—Mr their way home to Ontario, after the afternoon visiting her mother. and Mrs. Pete Tensen entertained Judy Preston and Shirley John the members of their card club at visiting their folks. Mr and Mrs. son invited several friends in Sat their home Thursday. Two.tables A C. Griffin, in Arock Mr and Mrs H. E Sager and urday night for a canasta party. were at play during the afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek and Refreshments were served by the family visited Mr Sager's sister, Mrs. Blaine Brown and family in Donna and Mr. and Mrs. George I hostess. Callers at the Gerrit Groot home Grasmick were Sunday dinner Nampa Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Billings of guests of Mr and Mrs. Ben Rainer 1 in Apple Valley Sunday were Mr. | and Mrs. Dick Groot. Homedale were Wednesday evening and Carole in Boise. Mr and Mrs. Frank Preston were Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Friday noon luncheon guests of Mr. | shopped In Ontario Friday. Frank Preston. and Mrs. Bob Shaw Mrs. Lester Jameson attended a Mr and Mrs Roy Lobb attended Sherman Keck and the Do More meeting of the Arcadia Sunshine the funeral of Morgan Smith of 4-H boys went to Boise Thursday club at the home of Mrs. John Smlt Caldwell Wednesday. The regular meeting of the water for a judging contest. The boys on the Vale road Friday afternoon. Ontario visitors Friday afternoon association will be held in the N ii - made a good showing with their were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Acres community hall Friday night, judging. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Kinney of Mr and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and March 17 Mrs, Bob Newgen and Mrs Bud Twin Falls were week-end guests Carolyn and Carl Berenek shopped in Ontario Friday afternoon. Eaton, sisters of Mrs. Bud MooU, of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston. Mrs. Ralph Baxter's grandson, Mrs. Ray Wetherspoon and sons are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs Bill Grasmlck and ! Jimmy Walker, spent the week-end of Nyssa called on Mrs. Florence Larson Monday. Mr. and Mrs Frank Nedbalek of with her. Bob Sanders, who has been stay Roy Hashitani of Ontario called Nu-Acres, and Mr and Mrs. Jack Guernsey of Frultland visited Mr ing with his grandparents. Mr. and in this community Friday morn and Mrs. George Grasmick in Sand Mrs. F. A. Johnson, will leave for ing. Phoenix, Arizona this week In observance of Mr. Van Oord's hollow Thursday night. Mrs. F C. Fry's three girls were birthday anniversary, a group of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Wilkerson of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schaffer, also of Caldwell, were call ers at the Roy Lobb home Sunday. Edna Galen Everett and Clayton lllutt of Nyssa visited Sunday uf- ternoon iii the H E Sager home. Mr and Mrs. Bob Shaw and fam ily were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank Preston Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lobb and Helen and Roy visited Mr. and Mrs. Jakr Schaffer in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans and Janice spent Thursday in Nampa, visiting Mr. and Mrs Palmer Ross and children. The Put Hohstadt family were pleusantly surprised Suiiduy even ing when Mr. Huhstudt’s parents, Mr and Mrs H P Hohstadt stop ped for u visit while en route to their home in Cove. Oregon from Apemu, Arizona, where they spent ilie winter Mr and Mrs. Richard Jenkins of Pruitlund were supper guests at the Fry home Friday evening. Mrs, Jenkins came out on the school bus with the children to listen to the basketball game at Lewiston. Fruit- land was playing for the class B state championship. Mrs. Fry, Margaret Evans. Phyllis Evans and Mary Jo Jenkins attend ed a Pomona Grange meeting In New Plymouth Thursday. Mrs. Pat Hohstadt and children .pent a day In Frultland at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ivie. Her sister and husband, NYSSA. OREGON Mr and Mrs Herman Creslc of Col ville. Washington are visiting here. Mr and Mrs Bill Grasmick spent relatives and friends were enter tained at dinner and afternoon tea at their home Sunday. B e rn a rd E a stm a n Phone 64 Nyssa. Oregon Phone 023-J1 Highway 95 m Sloker Construction Company Dragline With All The Attachments A vailable For DRAINAGE DIGGING. EXCAVATING. CANAL CLEANING PHONE 09J-3 _ NYSSA, OREGON UNLOAD THE EASY WAY WITH The Stockwell Hydraulic SIDE DUMP KIT SULPHUR FERTILIZER $ 25.00 Per Ton AT YOUR FINGER TIPS YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DUMP YOUR TRUCK ANY PLACE, ANY TIME AND Place Your Order Now It will dump your beets, tare, or loads of manure, dirt, gravel, grain, etc. It adds no excessive weight. The entire installation weighs only 300 pounds. FITS ANY MODEL OF TRUCK WILL DUMP 12 TONS WITH EASE Simple To Operate Easy To Install BERNHARDT REYL NYSSA ELEVATOR SBC N .loo/I. Johnson Cabinet Shop Make a dump truck out of your beet truck It does not change your present equip ment, but adds to its usefulness SOIL AID—GYPSUM nennt I. M U O K . IH miles north of Nyssa-Parma Junction Real Etatau Insurance FARMERS ATTENTION — tu n ln It Takes The Carpenter To Make The Home General Contracting And Building IV 4 miles off of oil west on Enterprise Ave. NYSSA Route 1 Oregon Mondo, •»ning, N O T E T H E S E S T Y L E U S E S W E L L . They'rt straight out o f the Buick Riviera book — and they cloak interiors that are roomy as much-higher-priced cars. a FORE AND A ft - I T*s litlu\ long and lovely-and it calls nol just for one look, hut for two. See how this sleek Sedan looks coining down the road —bold grillwork shining, broad bonnet purr ing with power, and the wide, curving, unbroken sweep o f a one-piece w indshield giving you horizon wide outlook. A n d spot the pretty picture you make going away. The broad, wrap-around rear window and topside styling in the Buick Riviera manner. The graceful, spacious trunk, the "double bubble" taillights, the sense o f high-fashion fleetness in everything from rear fender lines to the curve of the roof. And. since this is a Buick S upfr , there’s sensa tional new power under the hood — Buick’s own F-263 Fireball straight-eight, this year’s big news in valve-in-head power. Y e s . when you go stepping in this one, you’ll really step —with roominess and top-drawer styling and the level going o f all-coil springing-yes, and Dynaflow Drive* too, if you choose—making your pleasure complete. Features like these mean BUICK'S THE BUY HICHM-COMPRFSSION f ir t b a ll u a l v in h r a d power In th rte En gin E S , fivE h p ratings. ( N e w F 263 E n g in e in SUPEk m od Els.l • NEW -PATTEBN STYLING, with bu m pEr g u a rd grillEt, taper throu gh fEndErs, " d o u b lE b u b b lE " taillights • W ID E -A N G LE VISIB ILIT Y , c I o s e up ro a d v ie w both forw ard a n d b a c k S H E , I e s s o vor all lEngth turn in g ra d iu s • EX T B A -W ID E SEATS cra d la d b s tw sa n ths a x I e s • The price? Well, drop in on your Buick dealer, ask about the S upfr 126 and tie prepared for happy listening. Here's a buy—so grand a buy you’ll lose no time getting behind a Buick wheel. SOFT B U IC K BIDE, from a ll-coil s p r in g in g , SafEty-Bido rim s, lo w - prESSurE tirES, ridE s tE a d y in g torquE tubE • D Y N A F L O W D B IV E sta nd a rd on a ll BOAD m a STEPS, optiona l at Extra cost o n SUPEB ond SPECIAL — f i t • W ID E A B B A Y OF M O D ELS with t o d y b y Fishar. • S t a n d a r d « m i H 0 4 D H 4 ST EM , optional at extra cost on S i’BEB Y e s . that’s beauty—beauty in the unmistakable Buick manner. But observe also: Interiors are extra roomy in all dimensions. The biggest you can buy for the money, we believe — and bigger than many higher-priced cars. Pi i m * r * « i B U IC K Boater te r a éemamstraliam - S ie h t M arni a nJS B F ilil modtls. H H A 7F W # YO U # P */ C £ M ,V 6 £ "BeÏÏèr 6u</8u/ck" W r* » kern b etter mmtemeEllea mre kmill Ml It Si trill huiltt th em Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. PHONE 12 • T B A F F IC -H A N D Y for Ea sia r p a r k in g a n d g a r a g in g , short 2 tx STREET AND GOOD AVENUE.