Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH IS. 1950 PAGE THREE GRIGG BROS. AND Bl'TLER 1 some milking cows, iresh cows and , David Karl Fackrell, of Homedale. MISCELLANEOUS P. T. A. Of Adrian Ontario some close-up springers. If you ___ Vale Nyssa , Idaho, who, on December 29. 1943. 140 acres, 00 acres irrigated, 57 have a S00,1 cow 10 se" se* me MISCELLANEOUS—Did you know made Reclamation H o m e s t e a d Plans Gathering acres in alfalfa. 5-room home, 3 - 1 Will also have any kind of work there are more gas ranges in Ore- I Entry. No. 031998 at The Dalles, for room labor house. Coee to Nyssa. » V S !■“ lha" ««"■ ’ “ <a> ! Farm Unit A, or lot 1, and the ADRIAN, Mar. It—The Adrian high $9.500, terms. 16mlxc NW'.NWti, Section 31, Township school P. T. A. will meet at the high 360 acres, top row crop land, lays found at my retail lot on road to !Gas and Appliance. ¡22 S , Range 47 E.. Willamette sale yard, day phone 1089. i MTt™ , , JNPnlT(! Nnu, perfect, 5-room modern home, Ontario Ontario, night phone 143-W Pay- MISCELLANEOUS - Now is the i Meridian, has filed notice of in school March 23. All parents are terms. 9m4xp time have your lawn mower tention to make Final Proof, to invited to attend. 60 acres, 45 acres good row crop ette. Marvin . Moss. Mr and Mrs. Olen Pounds and . . , _ ....— — I sharpened and checked for repair. establish claim to the land above RATE: Two cents per word for each issue. Minimum, cash in land, balance in pasture, pkid-up __ FOR SALE—Model B Allis Chaim- .. .. . . . . . . described, before Harold Henlgson. Mr. and Mrs. Rich Holly and Jim water right, good home, close to ers tractor. 16-inch hang-on plows, 0001 trust a tlnkerer 10 shan * ‘> advance, is 30c. Notary Public for Oregon, at 122 Nyssa. mower, cultivator bar Qeorge Cole- 11 wlth a file, hone or emery wheel Main Street. Nyssa, Oregon, on the my motored to Lovelock, Nevada Saturday to meet Mrs. E. C. Pounds, 40 acres for rent, close to Nyssa. man. two miles west on Gem Also your saws filed with our mod- 19th day of April, 1950. crop rent. avenue. 16m2xc ern machines for these jobs the Claimant names as witnesses: who had been visiting in Chico, -----------------------------------------.----- factory way. Patterson Saw shop, Marius K. Johannesson, of Home- California. call Tom Kamo, route 1, Vale, phone I 140 acres for rent. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Brown and 758-head cattle ranch has both FOR SALE—New Mlnneapolis-Mo- three blocks north First street, dale, Idaho. Forrest Thompson, of FOR SALE 3740. 9m4xp high and low altitude range, lots of line tractor, used very little, »400 ! Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft attended 16mtfc Box 146. Homedale, Idaho. less than a new one. phone 0 1 6 J-4 ---------------------------------------------- a pinochle club meeting at the Lam FOR SALE—Planet. Jr. beet drill, f o r SALE—Dress shop, complete springs and streams over the range, PIERCE M RICE be rented for $5,000 per year or see D. H. Christensen, R. 2 Nyssa. MISCELLANEOUS—Free estimates Manager bert Dierking home Thursday. six row and in good condition. In- with stock and fixtures, write box can 23ftfc and home finance information. See Mr. and Mrs. Jess Norris were in for five years with the rent to ap Oregon. quire at Cairo junction service: 6l>4 or phone 284-M. 2mtfc ply on the purchase price. our advertisement page 4. Stunz IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Boise Thursday on business. 16mlxc STATE OF OREOON FOR THE Robert Brown and Mrs. Betty 75-head cattle ranch, new two- FOR SALE—Or lease, Gordon's Lumber Co. gtatton-___________________ 18mlxp FOR SALE—Oood used washer, »30, COUNTY OF MALHEUR bedroom modern home, would be grill in Parma, well equipped and | Korman and Kristine visited in On FOR SALE—14-foot super deluxe * irestone store. 2mtfc nice Insure Against In the Matter of the Estate of tario Monday with Mrs. Robert summer home, well located to good terms. Oood house for sale, six rooms, two baths; also one four- I ' OLI O Lake model Thompson boat, new r o R SALE—Baby chicks. Now is an oiled highway. BURT G. ROBERTS, Deceased Brown and baby daughter and Mr. room and one three-room furnished Only $5.00 Per Year tra 1er, 1949 super 10 Mercury, can- , the time to order Thompson's NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT and Mrs. Jim Atteberry. 140 acres of perfect laying top row apartment, all modern, on good For The Whole Family vas cover, etc., price »65a Would ; Chek-R-Chlx for delivery every crop land, five-room home with NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Miss Peggy Babington of Seattle pal 1 ca na pa i a I' i Uni ca __ _ » paved street in Parma. For rent— KEN POND AGENCY sell separately. Cl 611 1 Untie Hays C St., Boise _ Wednesday that the undersigned, Boyce Van de Ls visiting Miss Elenor Edwards. and Saturday. For two-room tenant house. $29,500, One four room house. See Oordon 16 N. 3rd, Nyssa, Oregon phane 4537-R. 16mlxp breeds and prices, inquire Thomp with '-j down. Water, Administrator of the estate Mrs. P. P. Cumining of Boise ls 5 acres close to Nyssa, new two- Williams at Williams Food Market MISCELLANEOUS — W a n t e d to of Burt G' Roberts, Deceased, has spending a week with her daughter, 23fl2xc. FOR SALE—1937 Desoto four-door son's Ontario hatchery. in Nyssa. 2mtfc filed his Final Account as said Ad bedioom modern home, $1,500 down, Bob Brown and family. redan, $100. Roy Hoff, phone 260-R. care for children during day. Phone ministrator in the County Court of Mrs. FOR SALE with $50 per month. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webster have FOR SALE—Milk cows, Guernseys, 198-J. 16m2xc 16m2xp Unfinished two-oedroom home, Malheur County, Oregon, and that 100 acres, the best dairy set-up returned from a trip to California. Second street, good location, in the lower Snake River valley. Holsteins and Jerseys, milkers and MISCELLANEOUS — Need money? said Court has appointed Tuesday, Mrs. Dorothy Reuter and Mrs. FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph seed N. ... .. . . springers. C. Clyde Smith, phone large lot, can be completed with the 4th day of April. 1950, at 10:00 Fern Hatch attended the Jolly potatoes grown from blue tag seed, F'HA loan. Will make beautiful »35,000 worth of Improvements very 1 30fl Ontario, Oregon, across from Loans on farms for refinancing, o'clock in the forenoon of said day, good home, cheap water, $47,000. Janes club meeting Wednesday at building, Improvements, b u y i n g . Ontario sale yard. 2mtfc rogued twice during growing sea- \ ^ o m e "with very „ small invest- with H down. Long term, low interest, see Ber for the hearing of objections to said the Horace Chaney home in Big son, $2 per cwt. sacked: also russet | ment cash 40 acres, good dairy and row crop FOR SALE nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. Final Account and the settlement Bend. seed potatoes grown from blue tag i several small homes with small land, very well located in the Nyssa Mrs. Ruth Looney was in Nyssa Oood home on paved street, 3 SAtfc thereof. and rogued. $150 per cwt. sacked. j d0wn payment. NOW. THEREFORE, all persons Sid Flanagan, route 2, Nyssa, Ore- | Two-bedroom modern home, $3.600 area. Buyer will have the privilege blocks from town, two bedrooms, MISCELLANEOUS—Announcing to interested in the estate of Burt Q. on business Wednesday. of renting an extra 40 acres on glassed-in porch, full basement. Visitors in the Robert Brown gon. 16mtfc j with easy terms. crop rental basis. $8.900, terms. stoker and furnace, garage, nice farmers, new reduced rates in auto Roberts, Deceased, are notified and home during the week-end were ZTZ r 77=--- I -------------- — — NYSSA INSURANCE a g e n c y required to appear at the County 500-head cattle ranch, all fenced, yard and shade, $6150. good terms, mobile liability insurance. You can Mr. and Mrs. Orover Cummlng of FOR SALE — Improved Marshell Ralph G. Lawrence located on oiled highway, good Two-bedroom modern apartment, now Insure for less in the best of Court Room in the Court House at Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Dur strawberry plants. Frank Qraham, Nyssa, Oregon Vale, Malheur County. Oregon, at buildings and corrals, open range over double garage, brick construct- companies. See this special plan ham of Marsing. seven miles southwest of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright ion. excellent location, paved street, before you buy. Nyssa Insurance said time, to then and there show 16m4xn FOR SALE— Creto. the guaran for 175 head, terms. cause, if any there be, why said agency. Ralph G. Lawrence, agent, 80 acres good row crop land, nice lawn. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. teed waterproof paint, Creto water Account should not be settled, al FOR SALE—Three-section jumbo proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc three-bedroom semi-modern home, 105 Main street. 2ftfc and Mrs. .Clyde Whittle in Vale. Income property, four apartments lowed and approved and said estate harrow, practically new steel, rea co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. $14,000, with $7,000 down and $500 in new brick apurtment house. Lo Mrs. George De Haven and Mrs. distributed and said Administrator MISCELLANEOUS — Outdoor toil sonable, Darwin Jensen, 1 mile west Waterproofs by application and per year on the balance. Olen Brown attended a pink and cated across from school house, ets, cesspools, septic tanks cleaned, discharged. on Columbia avenue. 16m2xp permanently waterproofs walls and 35 acres, row crop land with new $16.500. Terms can be arranged. blue shower for Mrs. Fred Mull Dated and first published, March Monday evening in the Ray Landau modern two-bedroom home worth Good two-bedroom home on pav deodorized with amazing new pro FOR SALE—One building lot on floors, inside or outside, wet or $8,000, $12,000, terms can be arrang ed street, close in, $4100, only $1,- duct. Just mix dry powder with 2. 1950. home at Nyssa, dry, new or old, painted or un Date water; pour into toilet. Safe, no 4th and King avenue, 'j acre with ed. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eastman of 800 down and $25 per month on potslns. Save digging and pump 30, 1950. of last publication, March painted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc peaches, apricots, cherries, grapes 40 acres under the old Owyhee balance. Immediate possession. Caldwell visited in the Olen Brown Boyce Van De Water ing costs. Postcard or letter brings and shrubbery, located % mile waater right, productive soil, 11- Sunday. FOR SALE 27 x 116 lot on main street, well free details. H & H Distributing Administrator of the Estate of home southwest of school. C. C. Cotton, Mrs. Francis Deffer, Mrs. Marlon Acreage, modern two-bedroom head cow barn, garage, granary, located for only $2350. „ company, P. O. Box 22, Nampa, Burt G. Roberts, Deceased 312 S. 4th street. 16mtfc home with some furniture, nice chicken coop, two-bedroom semi 350-foot frontage on Ontario [daho. por sale by Farmers Supply Kurtz, Mrs. K. I. Peterson and Mrs. Harold Henlgson modern home, one mile off of the highway across from Williams George De Haven were hostesses at Food Co-op at Nyssa and Ontario. Attorney for the Administrator FOR SALE—Two-bedroom home in garage, lawn, shrubs and fruit trees. oil, $7,000, $1500 down. a bridal shower given for Mrs. Bruce market. Will sell all or part. Vale, two years old, full basement. Large modern chicken house and Adrian Oil Co., Adrian. Ore. 26jtfc HOMES 10 acres with good house, semi IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE Oatwood. the former Dolores Auker, Trade for Portland property. Le liens, including all equipment and Four-room semi-modern home excellent, ground, l 1* miles MISCELLANEOUS—Set the scene STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Friday afternoon In the United roy B. Skouzen, 5565 S. E. Pine, 110 hens. These buildings are near located on paved street, $4,200, with modern, from Nyssa, terms. Presbyterain church basement. for gracious living, beautify your COUNTY OF MALHEUR Portland. 16m2xp ly new, on a 1 3/4 acre plot and on small down payment. Three acres, good ground, nearly interiors with our fine wallpapers. Mrs. Qlenn Brown visited In the a paved road. A bargain for $6.200. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Attractive three-bedroom modern new house, one mile Nyssa, very Come in and see our selection. Nyssa 40 acres, Vi mile off pavement In the Matter of the Estate of Jim Atteberry home in Ontario FOR SALE—Loose alfalfa hay, l l i home, spacious throughout, top lo good terms. Furniture company, one block west FRANK R. HARTRANFT, Deceased Tuesday. miles west of Wilder, Idaho. Mahlon 24 good level acres, modern home, BERNARD EASTMAN NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN of railroad depot. 2mtfc Shipper. 9m4xp full basement, excellent small barn, cation in Nyssa, terms. 4-room modern home, spacious REAL ESTATE granary, chicken house, fruit trees. INSURANCE that the undersigned, Harold Henlg- MISCELLANEOUS—For your fire son, Administrator of the estate of Lee Snider Plays In FOR SALE—Little two-room house, All go for government appraised yard, all fenced, $4,800, ti down. Phone 64 One acre with two-bedroom mod and automobile insurance see Mel Frank R. Hartranft, Deceased, has 12 x 16, to be moved soon. Phone price, about $8,000. Shakespearean Play i FOR SALE—Three acres ground Beck. Grigg Bros, and Butler. 22dtfc filed his Final Account as said 021-R1, Nyssa. Fred Kratzberg. 40 acres under Shoestring ditch, em home, $4,000. Two complete business blocks for new two-bedroom house, close 9m2xp two-bedroom modern house, $12,000, Executor in the County Court of WHITMAN COLLEGE, Walla Wal CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING sale. to town, good terms. Bernard East- terms. Malheur County, Oregon, and that FOR SALE—Eight registered Pol man, phone 64. I6ftfc Stock received Monday. Tuesday, said Court has appointed Tuesday, la. March 9—Lee D. Snider, son of BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Small home, very attractive, liv Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a .m. the 21st day of March, 1960, at Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Snider of and China bred gilts, to farrow In ing room carpeted, modern, good General merchandising, grocery March, 2ti miles southwest of Nyssa neighborhood, nice garage. store and service station in an ex FOR SALE—Mailing tubes for to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said Nyssa played the role of Aegeon in maps, valuable papers, etc. Station the Shakesperian production of No stock received on Sunday on Cloverdale avenue. Fred Kratz 80 acres on pavement, 4-room clusive good irrigated, farming area, ery D ept. Oate City Journal 23ftfc. Beef, sheep and pork. Free de day. for the hearing of objections to "Comedy of Errors", which open berg. 9m2xp house, $12000, terras. busy highway corner, a good money said Final Account and the settle- ed the new campus theatre at livery to Polar locker plant. 40 acres, good soil, barn, house. maker, modern apartment. Harold Henigson FOR SALE— Wnlte Rose seed pota FOR SALE—1949 John Deere auto $7.000, Whitman college March 9, 10 and One mile west on Alberta Ave. We make loans on the new Owy toes grown from purple tag foun terms. Attorney for the Administrator 11, will play this week-end. matic wire tying hay baler used Phone 05R-1 80 acre dairy farm, 5 miles SW of hee land, farms, homes and bus dation stock. Jake Fischer, phone Snider is a Junior at Whitman, one season. Walter Cannon at Nyssa, 5-room basement house, $11,- iness. JAKE FISCHER NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 05R-1. 2Ftfc. where he belongs to Tau Kappa Desert Sheep Co. 9m6xp 000; $6,000 down, terms on balance. GRIGG BROS. & BUTLER United States MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need Epsilon, national social fraternity. Department Of Interior FOR SALE— Baby bed, complete, 80 acres, 11 miles SW of Nyssa, 38 Nyssa, Oregon to remodel your home or to FOR SALE—White Rose seed po Bureau of Land Management and steel frame bathinette. Neal money acres under cultivation, nearly new Phone 179-J MEL BECK outbuildings or garage? We LAND OFFICE, Portland 18, Oregon Play At Luncheon— tatoes. James Stephen, Jr., Ole’s Nicholson, phone 010-JU, Owyhee build house, tractor and all equip arrange a loan for you and give February 23, 1950. corner. 9m2xc 4-room Two selections were played by a FOR SALE—One HM 639 six-row Junction. 2m4xp can ment goes, $8,900. you up to three years to pay It. NOTICE Is hereby given that violin trio, composed of Angela 160 acres, 83 acres cultivated, 70 cultivator for Farmall H tractor For Sale—Clover hay and chaff, 29stfc ment thereof. Peterson. Loura Schenk and Nani FOR SALE—Outside white paint. Nyssa Lumber Co. phone 010J-4. 9m3xp acres hay, 40 acres good row crop, with ground tools, gauge wheels, National Titanium, 5 gallon lots, NOW. THEREFORE, all persons Child at the weekly luncheon of range permit, large basement home, hose connections and pipe fittings, MISCELLANEOUS—Will the per total cost $500, selling price $275. »3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber son who borrowed the Sherwin- interested In the estate of Frank R. the Nyssa Lions club Monday noon FOR SALE—Fine quality seed po- nice yard. 12mtfc Williams style album from the Hartranft, deceased, are notified in Carl's Dill House. One pair two-way hang-on plows company. tatoes, one year from certification, Phone 97 for Farmall H tractor, new 10 FOR SALE—Registered chinchilla Nyssa Lumber company please re and required to appear at the free from leaf roll, both Gem and Robert F. Thompson Material Com ing- months ago, in excellent condition, guaranteed to litter in 90 days. turn it. White Rose,, $2 hundred. Write or FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY 2mtfc County Court Room in the Court Well Considerable material is arriving House at Vale, Malheur County. new price $350, selling price $250. Wholesale prices have risen $250 in One McCormlck-Deerlng six-row last month. Oet started NOW in MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car Oregon, at said time, to then and for the new well to be operated by crop planter, used 2 years, in excel this new profitable industry. In and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- there show cause, if any there be, the city on south Second street. 250t>fc why said Account should not be Installations will probably be com lent condition, cost »580 when new, quire 414 Ennis ave. Ph. 154-W. neman's. settled, allowed and approved and pleted this month, but the well will selling price »250. Francis Burney, 2mtfc MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices said estate distributed and said not be used until May. owner. Mailing address route 2. paid for slaughter horses. Clyde Administrator discharged. Parma, Idaho, residence 2‘j miles FOR SALE—New and used pianos. Dated and first published Febru Will Present Program— north of Nyssa-Parma Junction on We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. Smith, phone 306, Ontario. Across A group of Young Oregonians will 6otfc ary 16, 1950. Date of last publication, &mtfc from Ontario Sales yard. highway 95 and then l ‘-j miles on Grlgg Bros, and Butler. be here April 7 to entertain students March 16, 1950. Echo avenue. 16mlxp of the Junior high and high schools. FOR SALE—1947 74 O. H. V . Har- MISCELLANEOUS — We can a r HAROLD IIENIOSON Administrator of the Estate of The entertainers will be represent FOR SALE—Bliss triumph and ley-Davidson motorcycle, like new. range loans for you to rebuild or atives of a group of hobby clubs 2m3xp remodel your home, barn, garage, Frank R. Hartranft, Deceased. white rose seed from blue tag stock, phone 121-W2, Parma. or other outbuildings, Nyssa Lumb sponsored by the Morning Oregoni phone 897, Ontario. 16mtfc 29stfc FOR SALE - Have farms and houses er Co. NOTICE OF MEETINO an. for sale. Need more, list with Ken Owyhee Irrigation District FARMS AND HOMES FOR SALE P H Y S IC IA N S LODGES Notice is hereby given, that the gable acre for construction charge Renstrom. Phone 264-W, 29jtfc MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and by free pick-up of your dead, crippled Board of Directors of the Owyhee during the first half of the year KEN POND AGENCY or sick livestock. Calls received be Irrigation District, sitting as a board 1950 by virtue of the Bureau of Rec N yssa P ost N o. 79 WANTED S A K A Z IN C L IN IC SPECIAL—extra good 80 in fine fore 9 o'clock are picked up by A m e r ic a n L e g io n district, paid-up water right, mod WANTED- To rent, for cash, good noon. Efficient drivers. Call col of equalization, will meet on the 4th lamation order. Dr. J . J. S a r a z ln The assessment roll and records ern home, large barn, plenty of row crop land, phone 897-J On lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys duy of April, 1950, at 8:00 o'clock M eets 1st & 3rd T h urs. p m. at its office in Nyssa, Oregon, may be inspected at the office of other buildings, two tenant houses. tario. Dr. K E. K erb y sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products for the purpose of reviewing and the District by any interested per 9mtfc V e te r a n ’s H a ll— 8 P. M. This is an Ideal farm for either Company. 6Jtfc. correcting its assessment roil and son during office hours of each D r. L. W . S c o tt stock or row crop. Priced below Wanted—To care for children, A ll V e te r a n s W e lc o m e P h y sic ia n a n d S u rg eo n s MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, apportionment of charges for oper business day. appraisal at $32,000. 1/3 down. day or evening, phone 63-J. 9m2xp By order of the Board of Electrolux cleaners and air puri ation and maintenance for the 1950 80 acres, 5-room house, pressure and its assessment of $4.20 Directors. G a te C ity L o d g e system, cost of water only $53 per WANTED—To rent modern two- fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. season, for operation and maintenance, de By Harold Henlgson. Secretary L. A . M a u ld in g , M . D . year. For quick sale $7,350, Vi down. bedroom house, phone 258 23ftfc Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, linquencies in collections, reserve N o. 214 Owyhee Irrigation District phone 0287J4. 14jtfc Physician and Burgeon 60 acres, sandy loam, old water und administration expenses for the First Publication, Mar. 2. 1960. I.O .O .F . Phone 37 right, two good homes on this farm. WANTED—To rent row crop land MISCELLANEOUS — We Last Publication, Mar. 30. 1950. m a k e season of 1950, and $100 per lrrl- priced below appraisal at $9 000 sultable for P01**0** and »•‘‘‘ts Hlg M eets e v e r y M on d ay Hours: 10 to 11 and 2 to 5 easy terms PP al al ” 000 Murakami. Rt I, Ontario, Ore. ldtfc loans on the new Owyhee project Daily except Saturday and n ig h t, 8 :3 0 . land, business, homes and farms. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 52 acras, stock farm, cheap water I WANTED— To ouy anything id 15dtfc S ou th F ir st S tr ee t from new $2100 pump, $7.500. easy ' beef or veal. Also custom killed Origg Bros, and Butler. terms. and delivered to Polar Cold Stor LEGAL ADVERTISING C . J. K o p p , M . D . 40 acres, level sandy loam, good age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc D E N T IS T S buildings. $7.500, very easy terms. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE P h y sic ia n a n d S u r g e o n 40 acres, all in hay and pasture, WANTED TO RENT—Potato and STATE OF OREOON FOR THE D R . C. M. T Y L E R F ry B u ild in g good house and buildings, only beet ground Phone 018-J3, On COUNTY OF MALHEUR W ilso n B u ild in g tario, Oregon 24ntfc In the Matter of the Estate of Office hours $9.500. easy terms. 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Phone 1S5-J, Nyaaa 40 acres, level sandy loam, good JAMES P LANOTON, Deceased FOR RENT Dally except Saturday and Or"Ice hours from 9 to 5 except buildings. Priced at $9,000, now re NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Saturdays, 9 to 12. duced to $8,000, easy terms. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN FOR RENT—Three-room furnished, HOMES that the undersigned, Andrew J. modern house, garden space, phone Administrator of the estate Oood small home on paved street, JEW ELR Y STO R ES J. R. C U N D A L L 1—Admiral Duel Temp 16m2xp Swan. of James P. Lang ton, deceased, has $2950, H down, balance very easy 022R-1. John Deere No. 12A D e n tist terms. FOR RENT—A three-room apart filed his Final Account as said Ad Refrigerator Phone 58-J Two-bedroom l a r g e attractive ment, modern, furnished. PAULUS Also ministrator in the County Court home, all modern, $6.800, small taro-room apartment, modem, fur of Malheur County. Oregon, an! Sarann Clinic w as............. $439.95 Combine, reconditioned JEW ELR Y STO R E down payment. NYSSA OR BOON nished. heat and electricity. 601 N. that said Court has appointed Tues day. the 11th day of April. 1950, at One-bedroom home, nice shade, 1st. phone 123 or Brownie’s cafe. IS NOW .... $329.95 Union Pacific Time Inspector $1050.00 lawn, choice location, »4.935. low 9mtfc 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said JEWELRY — DIAMONDS O P T O M E T R IS T S day for the hearing of objections down payment, easy terms. WATCHES 1—Admiral Three-bedroom home on east side FOR RENT - Polish your owu to said Final Account and the set Main Street at Second D R . C. L. H E R M A N N of tracks This Is a good home for floors Rent our high-speed pol tlement thereof 5-row Valley Mound Electric Range NOW. THEREFORE, all persons ishing equipment. Easily handled only $3.000 V isu a l S p e c ia list Two-bedroom home, new and by women. Nyaaa Lumber company interested In the estate of James P. Room 4, Fry Building Deluxe Model W YCKO FF SAtfc. Lang Ion. deceased, are notified and modem, located near school and corrugatore Nyssa. Oregon Phone 171-J required to appear at '.he County store, built by a carpenter for his Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5 JEW ELR Y STO R E cabin F O R R E N T — Two-room w as.......... $339.95 Court Room in the Court House at [ own home, f.n extra good buy at Chadwick's camp. 20otfc Vale, Malheur County. Oregon, at Official Time Inspector lor $4 500 IS NOW ........ $269.00 BRILLION said time, to then and there show j DR. J. A . M CFA LL We have lots of prospects for good Union Pacific LOST cause, if any there be, why said | row crop farms List yours with ONTARIO OREGON DR. JO H N EA SLY us. and we will get you the top LOST—Eight-inch endless belt, be- Account should not be settled, al- I CULTIPACKERS (Watch this Space market price. I tween E. J. Hobson and Robert lowed and approved and said estate , and atid Administrator V E T E R IN A R IA N S Ditty farms in Sunset valley. Noti- distributed every week) 16mlxp discharged. fy E J. Hobson. Dated and first published. March I REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE | D R . H A L D . W H IT E P h o n e 218 L O BT—M edium sized b lack h a ire d 9 1950 18 North 3ul dog. white breast and white feet Dale of last publication. April 1, V e te r in a r ia n For evening appointments short tall, answers to n a m e 1800 . Phone 54-M P h o n e N y t u 275 P h o n e 2 1 , O n ta rio , O re NYSSA PHONE 142 ‘•Shorty", lost vicinity Mitchell Andrew J. Swan FOR BALE—Dairy cows and helf- butte. Wayne Oarner. rout* 2. , Administrator of the Estate of 9m2xp James P Langton, Deceased W ers, have 80 head in lot now, have Classified Advertising Professional and Business Directory HOLLINGSWORTH'S —Specials— KEN POND AGENCY HOLLINGSWORTHS', INC.