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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1950)
PAG E TW O The Gate Citv Journal KUASS V. POW EI.I.................................. Editor and Publisher A D V E R T IS IN G KATES RI USI K IP T IO N KATER One Year *¿00 Six month» t l ¿5 Single Copies 05 • Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act Open rale, per Inch National, per Inch Classified», per word Minimum 30c at Nysxa, Malheur County. Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1879 Wi* Arc I h fliinii'iii" Our ( Jiiltlrt-n An inmate o f Conneeticutt state prison has become so incensed at radio “ crime” programs he has stated that they constitute “ the most blatantly bebasinj» and most crime-inducing factor with which the American listening public has to contend, yet American parents have not become aroused to the dangers that are in herent in such programs for their children. At least they have not become sufficiently aroused to take action. The convict, writing in The Monthly Record, pub lished at the prison, said he had in two weeks listened to 50 “ crime” programs on the radio. One gave details on how to snatch $75,000 worth of diamonds, another how to case a bank for a $50,000 stick-up, still another how to blackmail widowed women and other types of terrorism. From morning until night the air waves are filled with murder mysteries, beer and cigarette advertising MNMNMMKMMMMMNMMMIKnNaMMIM m m iim You can't buy a better enamel and other trash not fit for the ears of children and certainly of little value to adults. It is almost incon ceivable how American parents w ill permit radio an nouncers day after day to pound into the ears of their children propaganda about the great pleasures to be derived from indulgence in tobacco smoking and beer drinking. It is the American privilege of anyone to smoke or drink if he pleases, but no one should have the despicable desire to influence children and young people to engage in practices that any mentally honest person admits is detrimental. Probably the reason parents have not taken action is because they are not sufficiently organized. In the matter of radio programs and motion pictures they are the victims of circumstances. They can’t stop other bad practices because their neighbors won’t co-operate. They can’t dress their children warm ly and sensibly be cause other parents won’t do it. Maybe the reason we have present conditions is because parents and others refuse to recognize some of the causes of our troubles. A re some of the costumes and modes of dress of today, which were considered indecent exposure 25 years ago, contributing factors in juvenile delinquency and sex crimes? Is our newspaper and magazine advertising detrimental to the mental and physical well-being of our young people? A re the sexy magazines providing a bad influence? Probably time, and not parents w ill provide the answers. Young people service, 7 p. m. Evanglistic, 8 p m. Tuesday prayer and Bible study, 8 p. m. THE M ETHODIST C O M M U N ITY A welcome awaits you at all CHURCH services. Donald S. Campbell. Minister 9:45 a m , Church school. ST. PAU L’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 11 a m , morning worship Ser Rev. C. L. Callahan. Rector mon: ‘ Christ and a Blind Man" Church school, 10 a. m. Anthem: "O Lord Most Holy" by Church services, 7:30 p. m , every Franck. Sunday evening. 7 p. m , Youth Fellowship. 8 p. m , evening service. "Answer C A T H O LIC CHURCH for Anne", a 40 minute sound pict Park Avenue and Third Street ure will be shown, telling the stoiy Rev. P. J. Gatre. Pastor of the displaced families of war- Mass on Sundays at 9 30 Cate torn areas of Europe. chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. Church Notes for woodwork and furniture! CHURCH OF C H R IST F A IT H LUTHERAN CHURCH Dun K. Maxfleld. Pastor Rev. Sherwin Schmidt, Pastor 10. Sunday Bible school hour. Sunday school, 10 a. m. 11. morning worship and Lord's Morning service, 11 a. m. supper. Adult Instruction. 8 p. m . Sunday 7:30. young people's service and evening. song service. 8, evening worship service and L. D. S. 1st WARD lord 's supper. Dean Fife, Bishop Sunday, 9 a. m . Sunday school. INDEPENDENT B A P TIS T 10 30 a. m.. priesthood meeting. 6 30 MISSION p m . sacrament meeting for wood Sunday school, 10 u m. Classes Thursday. 2 p. in, relief society. J (\ A A | for all agees. 4 p. m . primary. 7:30 p. m , M. I. A. Morning worship. 11 a m. ¿ «¿ U Young people's meeting. 7 p m QUART MarJIe Benedict, leader W in g Song service, 7:45 p. m. Krvening service, 8 p. in. Mes NYSSA M U N IC IP A L AIR PO R T % sage by MarJIe Benedict Gordon Schmelier, Mgr. Prayer meeting and Bible study. Wednesday, 8 p. m. The past week, which has been Intermittent with very high winds, M ISSIO NARY B A P T IS T < III K i l l has in spite of this wind been fairly W. M. Turner busy at the Nyssa airport. Missionary Pastor Larry Harvey of the Art Whitaker Sunday school. 10 a m. sales organization of Portland flew Morning service, 11 a in. in Wednesday with a new model Song service, 7:30 p. m. Piper Cub Pacer The local pilots Young People's service, 7:30 p. m. who flew thLs new Job reported it Evening service, 8 p. m. to be very satisfactory. Mr and Wednesday evening prayer ser Mrs. Gordon Schmelzer left Friday, vice, 8 p. m. flying to Reno. Nevada and visited Friday evening service. 8 p. m. friends there and then Sunday flew to Sun Francisco to spend a few THE CHURCH OF THE days, also with friends. Eating N A/.ARENE around San Francisco proved to Rev. E. J. Wilsun. Pastor be very pleasant. Oood weather 10 a. in . Sunday school all the way down and back 11 n. m . morning worship service. made the trip very pleasant. 7 p m , N. Y P services The trip to S. F. was made Itev Herbert Helling, our district in nbout four hours and forty- youth lender, will be with us for the five minutes and the return j night services ami will be preaching trip in ubout four hours and a I at the 8 o'clock service. half 8 p. in., every Wednesday we have Melvin "R ed " Leavitt, with In I services structor Joe Driscoll, took his dual cross country to Oooding and re SUNSET VALLE Y turn. ASSEM BLY OF GOD Using the facilities of the airport Rev. Joe E. Dodson. Pastor this week was a visitor from Boise, Sunday school. 10 a. ni. Charlie Oalenski, who visited Emil Worship services, II a m. Stunz on business. Young People, 7 p. m The biggest and best news of the Evangelistic meeting. 8 p m. \\ d M M * study. 8 p. m. week we save till last. Joe Dlrksen. our local flying farmer, soloed his own private plane. HLs statement AHSEMHLT OF GOD after accomplishing this flight was 2nd and Reece "Gosh Joe. that sure Is a thrill". Joe Sterl D. Spies*. Pastor also being the name of hLs instruct Sunday school. 10 a m or. Morning worship. 11 a m. WATERSPAR ENAMEL Ú i A real household enamel work, metal trim and fur* future. Dries quickly to a smooth, gleaming finish. P it t s r u r c h P a in t s Ti ps NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY Phone 118-W John Ostrom-Owner ... .................... m n m .... m m m r n . SHOES fo r Spring t I V II r 11, Apple Valley Folk Go On Miami Trip 1 Idaho Power company oifice Satur- Bernard Frost and Mrs. Harry And- Mirth 18 aV \ 0 nr. Mrs. erson are chairmen lor the sale. APPLE V ALLE Y. Mar 16—M r and j Mrs. Stanley Leigh left this week | for a vacation trip to Miami. Flori da. where they will visit two weeks ! with her mother. Reverand Thompson was a Sun- ; day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. j Lloyd Caldwell. Mr and Mrs. H. V. Garrett were j Friday dinner guests of Mrs. Gar- j old Horn. Mr and Mrs Bill H uff have mov ed to the Ed Henderson home and the Henderson family will move to the H uff home in the near future. Mr Henderson plans on building a new house. Oarold HoriPwas in Nampa Tues day on business for Hollingsworth. Inc. Mrs. Ted Dick gave a birthday party in honor of her two daughters. Barbara and Joann. Three guests played games Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Mr and Mrs. Jack Wilson were In Boise Tuesday on business. The P. T . A. is holding its m onth ly meeting at the skating rink In Ontario Thursday of this week A skating party will be held after the meeting. A good sized crowd Is expected. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell were Monday evening dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Cedric Caldwell. The W. 8. C. 8. held a successful cooked food sale at Eder’s store Sat urday afternoon. All of the food was sold. Several local children entered in the child personality contest at Evans studio in Nyssa. Some of the pictures are at the Dutchess cafe. Several more will enter this week. Mr and Mrs. Conley WiLson and Mr and Mrs. Jack Wilson and their families, Kenny Nelson and R ay mond Norland took NeLson’s boat and Divain Wilson's boat to the river for a boat ride Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Conley WiLson and family were dinner guests Sunday in the Jack Wilson home Mrs Don Seward. Mrs. Wwlght Seward and Mrs. Fox were In On tario Monday to visit Mrs. Moot, whose health Is very poor. Mrs. Charles Mann took her son, Kent, and A. J. Kellogg to Nampa Tuesday for an art lesson. Ostrom Cabinet Shop CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES SCREEN DOORS Phone U8J Free E‘tiraate* OUR STATION WILL BE CLOSED ALL D A Y Friday, M arch 17 due to death in family POWELL SERVICE STATION Visit Temples— Bishop and Mrs. Richard Maw. recently returned from a 10-day trip to Arizona and Utah, where they visited friends and attended to business. While in Mesa. A ri zona they were privileged to go through the L. D S. temple. They also visited temples at St. Oeorge and Salt Lake City. IN TE R IO R A N D Ties and Straps. A-l Used Cars Factory-Trained Mechanics Gates Insured Tires Texaco Petroleum Products Expert Luhrication Service W e Are In A Position To Render EX TE RIO R DECORATOR COMPLETE Service On All Spray or Brush MAKES O f Cars And Trucks Free Estimate HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. By Hour Or Job a n d y M c G i n n i s 532 No. First Phone 273-W USED C AR HEADQUARTERS the famous NEW STYLES IN COLORS- WHITE, BLACK, TAN, RED, GREEN AND MULTI COLORS Roman Sandals. New Ford Cars And Trucks To Hold Food Sale— The annual spring cooked food sale of the women's society of the MethodLst church will be held at the Gr Summer Low Heel, —H E R R I M A N — ONE STOP SERVICE KENMORE HUD OUR FARMALL MAN , SAY'S Low and Medium Heel W ed ges For Sport Or Dress. « High Heel. Dressy. Sandals For That Dress Occasion. Complete Run of Sizes and Widths A vailable QA t U ( ¡ W L - Psi*«'*' - { id . It's easy to make your own clothes and save with a Kenmore electric sewing machine! Sews double lock stitch forward or back ward; automatic bobbin winder; 4-point feed Handsome walnut finished cabinet. See it today at Sears in Caldwell .. base ment floor . PHONE 1480 FOR KENMORE SEW ING M A C H IN E SERVICE FAR M A LL-TIM C-PROVFD FOR IMPROVE!) FARMlWfr O w yh ee Truck & Implement Co. Nyssa, O regon Plient» 242 Æ ÊL cSrtÆ ÿatâon y u eu a *¿é*(¿ o ty o a t m onsy fa c t ' SEARS CALDWELL 524 Cleveland B lv d -P h o n e 148« P L E N T Y OF FREE PA R K IN G Shop Mon. and F i t — 12 noon IIU 9 M p. m To« , Wed.. Than, and Sat.—*:3* a. tn to i:3 $ p. m