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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1950)
PAGE EIGHT THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 9. 1950 Uncial SNutes ober 1 at Winnemucca. Nevada The bride who attended the Southern Idaho College of Educat ion. San Jose State college and the University of Oregon, is teaching her second year in the Nyssa schools and makes her home with her aunt and uncle. M r and Mrs. A C Sallee The groom served for six years in the 77th airborne division of which he is an officer, and is at present attending the University of Oregon, where he is affiliated with the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. The former Miss Edholm war honored at an affair arranged by the faculty of the Nyssa element ary schools Monday evening at the grade schools, with Mrs Waller McPartland and Mrs Henry Hartley as hostesses for the occasion A gift of a silver sandwich tray and creamer and sugar set was present ed the bride by the group During the tea hour, a wedding cake was cut by the bride Daffodils and yellow tapers centered the tea table Dene Simpson, daughter of Mr and proceeds of a series of card parties, Mrs. Robert Simpson of Rupert. will be given for the polio ward The double ring ceremony was per 1 of the Maineur Memorial hospital. The club voted to discontinue formed by Bishop Austin M Harris : its connection with the home dem of the L. D. S. church at the home onstration agent and use the money and Mrs. Dockstadter Yerla Jean for an assistant leader for 4-H club Blodgett, sister of the groom, was work, because of the financial me unde s attendent. Poliowing status of the county. the ceremony, a reception was held Mrs. Mildred Sisson gave an out at the Moose hall in Rupert for the line of the display table articles ondal couple. to be displayed at each Grange The bride is a graduate of the meeting during the year. Tea Rupert schools. The groom, a grad towels will be displayed at the next uate of the Nyssa high school serv Grange meeting. March 14, so ed as a sergeant with the army in members are to take a lea towel. Panama The couple will inakt After the display, the towels will their home in Nyssa, where thi oe placed In the Grange kitchen. groom is employed in the railroau Eighteen members and one visitor Jepot office. attended the meeting. Roll call was answered by "something per DINNER OBSERVES taining to St. Patrick". Refresh AN NIVE R SAR Y ments were served by the hostess, Mr. und Mrs. Wilbur Colim a:i assisted by Anna Beers. were honored on their 25th wedding - 5 - anniversary at a dinner served al D IN N E R CLUB MEETS the home of their daughter, Mrs Mr and Mrs. J. L. Herrlman had Bill Wilson, Monday evening The is their guests the members of the Jinner table had a centerpeice ol Wednesday evening dinner club white carnations, and a cake dec last week. Bridge was in play fo l NYHHA YO U rH WEDS William Blodgett, son of Mrs J orated with a miniature bride and lowing dinner at the Moore hotel, A Collins, of Mlnadoka. and grand 'room and the numbers 25 in silver with Mrs Frank Morgan, and Mr son of Mrs. Vernena Beam, was The couple were presented with a and Mrs George Salle as guest High score was held by married Pebruary 27 to Miss Lu- -et of silverware by iheir two players daughters, Mrs Wilson and Miss Mrs Herrlman and second high by Delores Coffman. George Sallee. LEG IO N BEAKS SPE AK E R The members uf the American Legion auxiliary heard Mrs. H. O. Hopkins relate some of her exper iences during her trip to Europe last summer at the meeting of that group last Thursday evening. During the business meeting plans were made for the birthday dinner to be held at the veterans hall March 16 The group also voted to hold a social meeting once a month. Announcement was made of the sending of a package of clothing to the Roseburg veterans hospital. - | - LfXJAL G IR L M AR R IE D The marriage of Miss Dorothy Edholm, teacher in the local ele mentary schools, was revealed this week in Nyssa The announcement of Miss Edholm's marriage to Avon H Crook, Jr of Burlingame. Cali fornia was made last November by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edholm. in Gooding. Idaho The ceremony was performed Oct- C ham bray M aterial 36 Inches Wide Striped and Plain Colors 396 Yard 796 4 Patterns and Colors 36 Inches Wide Yard G ingham M aterial 59$ 36 Inches Wide 22 PATTERNS AND COLORS BRIDGE HOSTESS Mrs. A. V. Cixik was hostess to the members of her Wednesday af- I ternoon bridge club at her home last week, with three tables in play Prizes went to Mrs. Bartil Ostrom for high score, Mrs C. C. Cotton for low score and Mrs Max Goldman. J tmveling Mrs. Mary Jamison was a guest player. TU E SD A Y CLUB MEETS Mrs. Carlos Buchner entertained the members of her Tuesday even ing bridge club with Mrs. Harry Anderson as guest player. Prizes went to Mrs. Grant Rinehart for high score and Mrs. George Vaughn for low score. HONORED ON B IR T H D A Y Last Sunday afternoon. 64 friends and neighbors of James McGinnis gathered at the McGinnis home to honor his 87 birthday. A feature j of the pot-luck dinner was the birthday cake Mr McGinnis was the recipient of a large number of | cards and gifts from those present Yard S eersu ck er M aterial 396 36 Inches Wide—Polka Dot, Striped and Checked—Red. Blue, Green Yard Child's Training P anties j 196 Rayon and Cotton—Sizes 2 . 4, 6 Pair Lace Trimmed. Blue. Green. Pink. Yellow 986 M en's W hipcord Work Pants $3.59 Sixes 29 42 Pair j b r a c k e n ’& *L, Telephone 105 Nyssa, Oregon CEI.EBRATES B IR T H D A Y Bruce Fife was honored guest at a party given ut his home Monday afternoon by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fife, in celebration of his 10th birthduy Those winning prizes ut bingo were Duiiny Tucker, Denny Fife and Pete Hamon. The rake was angelfixid, trimmed with red candles Refreshments were served to 20 guests. Bruce received many fine gifts. PROGRAM Telephone 108 THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 10-11 Rod Cameron—-Gala Storm Johnny Mac Brown In "Stampede" The west's most exciting adventure witli the thunder of untamed hooves and the roar of an outlaw's guns. Mat. Mat . 2 JO; Adm 3ik Inc. Tax Admlwtlon Evening« Ik -1 , Inr Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, MARCH 12-13 "Christopher Columbus" with Fredric March—Florence Eldridge Francia Sullivan The world’s most daring adventure, the thrilling saga of the greatest discovery in history. TECHNICOLOR Mat. Man.. t:M ; Adm. M r-k , Inr. Tax Admlulon Evenings 44c #r, Inr. Tax TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14-15 Yvonna DeCtrlo—Charles Coburn Scott Brady—John Russell In "The Gal Who Took The West" TECHNICOLOR L il went west and the west went for Lil. Lil was want ed both by the law and the lawless Admlxaton t im ing« I k - k . Inr. Tat TH URSD AY AND FRIDAY. MARCH 16-17 Broderick Crawford—Joanne Dru Joan Ireland In "All The Kings Men" Filling the screen with excitement and violence in a story to match the tension o f the timed Adm Evening« M r-»r lee. Tax - LARGE SIZE TIDE GUESTS A T D IN N E R Mrs. Marie C. Bluck und her j friend. Mrs. Puttie I .arson of Big Pliiey, Wyoming, were guests at the Thurman Lloyd home in Culdwell | Sunday at a re-union of 18 Big Plney friends. - NY S S A 8 2 POUND BOX CRACKERS 11 - B IR T H D A Y CELEBRATED Linda Runsum celebruted her birthday with six girl friends at a theater party Sulurday. After re freshments. tlie youngsters received favors und enjoyed a treasure hunt. M ONEY G IVEN H O S P IT A L Announcement wus made ut a meeting of the Oregon Trail Grunge Hume Economies club at j tlie home of Mrs. Curl Seburn Murch 2 that $86 45. secured as the NEWS VIEWS BY LEW IIK K K IM AN There have been so many shivers generated over the destructive pos- sibllities of the H-bomb that we are happy to note that It can also be used for good. That's really hem stitching a silver lining into a dark cloud In the research laboratories at Oak Rtdge the same substances that are being used to keep up our military batting average are also being developed for medical, biol ogical. industrial and agricultural aids. Despite its small size the atom is packed with power For peace lime purposes we can get tre- mendous results out of a single drop The same goes for the H- botnb. London street cleaners battled for a 5 day week, but now they want to go back to 5 ', days because their wives were having them do housework N e v e r underestimate the power of a woman C AR P O W ER That's what you get in the new F o rd .. and a lot more beside.« You get sleek, elegant design and long-range durability It's F IR S T for Fifty and FlfW wars new .. the new Ford at H KRHIM AN MOTOR CO Phone 77 H e rrim a n M otor Com pany P A S T PRESID ENTS MEET The members of the past presi dents organization of the American Legion auxiliary were guests of Mrs. Eddie Powell Monday for a social evening. Refreshments were served by the hostess. CELEBRATES 13th B IR T H D A Y Garry Fife, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fife, celebrated his I3th birth day Tuesday, with a party at his home. The cake was white angel- food. trimmed with 13 green cand les. Refreshments were served to 10 . district and Fruitlano and Parma tend classes. "As jobs become more difficult in Idaho. It is conceded that not many students would travel more to find, additional education should prove an asset to anyone. Advance than 15 miles to attend classes. "There are a variety of reasons : ment in many fields of endeavor Is why a community college would be contingent upon certain education good for the Nyssa community. al qualifications". Some of them follow: Interested persons are invited to "The cost of a college education, like anythirsj vise, has risen a g re a t! make known their opinions to the deal. Many parents could afford school board on the community col to send their youngsters to school lege propuoal by personal contact if the child could live at home or by writing to Superintendent Another factor in the matter of Hartley. cost is the fact that these classes will be held late in the afternoon i Here From Boise— or in the evening. This would I Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown of make it possible for a student t o ! Boise visited Monday at the home work full or part time and still a t - , of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost. LIN D A RANSOM HONORED Linda Ransom was honored guest at a party given in celebration of her ninth birthday Tuesday at the home of Mrs. D. O. Bybee. after t the girls has taken their dancing lessons. Refreshments were served | to 10 and a short program was given. Hartley Reviews School Proposal (Continued from Page 1) be restricted as to residence. It would be open to students from all of Malheur county and to people from the Idaho side as well. "Students could carry a full course of 15 hours credit or any part thereof. Tuition would be charged at the rate o f $3 50 per credit hour. This would be at the Tate of $52.50 per quarter for the full course. “Tuition fees would pay a portion of the expense involved in the pro ject. Total cost of Nyssa’s share of the project would range between $12,000 and $15,000 Tuition fees should cover half or more of the total. This would mean that the tax levy for the community college could run as high as $7,500. This would amount to approximately a mill and one half. This amount could be less if enrollment were high. It is considered, however, to be the maximum charge that might fall against the district. "Although Nyssa Is a relatively small town, it is the center of a large populated area. There are at least 25.000 people living within a 15 mile radius of Nyssa. This would include the communities of Adrian, Ontario, part of the Vale school UNLOAD THE EASY WAY WITH The Stockwell Hydraulic SIDE DUMP KIT Make a dump truck out of your beet truck It does not change your present equip ment, but adds to its usefulness AT YOUR FINGER TIPS YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DUMP YOUR TRUCK A N Y PLACE, AN Y TIME It w ill dump your beets, tare, or loads of manure, dirt, gravel, grain, etc. It adds no excessive weight. The entire installation weighs only 300 pounds. FITS A N Y MODEL OF TRUCK W ILL DUMP 12 TONS W ITH EASE Simple To Operate Easy To Install BERNHARDT BEYL IV 4 miles off of oil west on Enterprise Ave. NYSSA Route 1 Oregon THRIFTY VALUES FOR FRIDAY EVERY SHOPPER AND SATURDAY. MARCH 10 AND 11 —I— * ^ - W ED D INO ANNOUNCED An announcement has been made of the wedding of Millie Lytle, daughter of Mrs. Mae Lytle of Ros well, and Wayne Robb, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb of Nyssa, in Winnemucca December 8 The groom was graduated from Adrian high school In 1948 He is employ ed on the Clifford Wolfe farm in Sunset valley. E NTE R TAIN S CLUB R ID E R S PLAN P A R T Y Mrs. Tom Burningham was hos Members of the Owyhee Riding tess to the members of her W ed club and their friends will attend nesday evening bridge club at her a party to be held Friday evening, home last Wednesday evening for dinner and cards. The table was attractive with daffodils and cand les. Guests for the evening were Mrs. E H Brandt. Mrs. Ray Rus sell und Mrs Dean Smith. Prizes went to Mrs. Harry Miner and Mrs. Ward Tyler. -5 - Ladies' N igh tgow n s 5 - REHEKAHS HOLD P A R T Y At the Rebekah Sunshine club benefit curd party held last Sat urday evening. 13 tables were in play. Prizes went to Walter Fox. for high score, C. H Bennett for second high and O. J Kurtz lor traveling. —s— Drapery M aterial - SUNSHINE CLUB MEETS The members of the Itebekah | Sunshine club enjoyed a bunco parly ut the I O. O. F hall Friday afternoon. Prizes for the afternoon went to Mrs Harry Kingrey, Mrs. Mary Jamison and Mrs. Ed Warren. March 10 in the Oregon Trail Orange budding. Arrangements have been made for dancing and card playing. Dale Garrison will furnish music for the dancing, which will be of the square type. | J ! , j j LARGE SIZE BISQUICK SOLID HEAD LETTUCE 10 POUND WHITE SPUDS 2 POUND VELVEETA CHEESE 2 FOR 490 4 POUNDS LARD 390 GRADE A BEEF ROAST 390 POUND 390 BEST GRADE PORK SAUSAGE 70 EACH SMALL SIZE CURED HAMS 190 LEAN AND MEATY FRANKFURTERS 790 GRADE A BEEF STEAK --------------------- U------ LARGE SIZE ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT 39* 59* DOZEN 190 POUND 450 POUND SIRLOIN ROUND RIB T BONE SWISS PURE WHITE MEAT LARGE TUNA 290 POUND 590 POUND 490 2 CANS WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET PHONE 284 - W NYSSA, OREGON