PAGE SEVEN THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 9. Ì9Ì<) Leon Murry Tarty Is Given ent were Mr. In Apple Valiev ( ray. Mr. and new sewage and tillage for the rap­ sulated house, full basement, gar­ j loft capacity 25 tons, cement found­ age Included, large living room, oak ation. 12 x 16 for chicken house, idly expanding city. The vacationers were all complet­ floors. U type kitchen, lots of built- hog shed and feed lot, small young ely sold on the friendliness of tiie ins. one large bedroom with oak orchard, paid-up water right, four Mexican people, who are a naturally floors, bath downstairs, three bed­ milk cows, two-unit milking m a­ devout, happy people devoted to chine, two 10-gallon> milk cans. Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett of quiet family life with music and rooms and lavatory upstairs, all Priced to sell. Vi down, interest a t finished throughout, propane gas good-humor intermingled. Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite | floor furnace and hot water heat­ | i% on balance. M. O. Arnold, R t. and two small sons of Haines, Ore­ Bam 30 x 30. aluminum siding 2. Parma. Idaho, 1st house south of Too Late To Classify er. »rnlxp and roof, with 8-foot side shed, hay 1 Apple Valley church. gon returned Wednesday evening from a month's vacation trip to Old FOR RENT—A three-room ap art­ Mexico. They covered 5000 miles on ment. modern, furnished. Also the trip. two-room apartment, modern, fur­ They first entered Mexico from nished, heat and electricity. 601 N. Yuma, 'Arizona, going to Cholla bay, 1st, phone 123— or Brownie's cafe. where they camped in tents at 2mtfc Rocky Point. Fishing was fine WE ARE SELLING there, with grupers weighing from FOR SALE—Loose alfalfa hay. IV- 30 to 100 pounds apiece and also miles west of Wilder. Idaho. Mahlou RANCHES FAST 2m4xp plenty of sea bass and trigger fish. Shipper. After plenty of fishing, the visitors AND NEED backed-tracked to the states, re­ FOR SALE—Little two-room house, entering Mexico farther east, this 12 x 16, to be moved soon. Phone IMMEDIATE LISTINGS lime at Nogales. They traveled the 021-R1, Nyssa. Vera Cruz highway, as the Pan FOR SALE—Eight registered Pol­ GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER American highway was too highly and China bred gilts, to farrow in Americanized. NYSSA, OREGON March, 2’i* miles southwest of Nyssa At Ouaymas, over 300 miles south Cloverdale avenue. Fred Kratz- rented clean, comfortable living on ------- quarters for the six of them for berg. $1.75. A good full meal, including FOR SALE—1949 John Deere auto­ soup, meat and vegetables, could be matic wir» tying hay baler used had for 25 cents or they could cook one season. Walter Cannon at for themselves. A Mexican 14- Desert Sheep Co. 9m6xp year-old lad was hired to sweep, do odd chores, and take the two small FOR SALE—9x12 rug and pad, children out. Westinghouse range, refrigerator, At Ouaymas, with a pleasant Nesco range, Hollywood bed. daveno. temperature of 80 degrees and study desk, chest, winged back nights just cool enough for one chair, children’s bookcase, portable blanket and good sleeping, the vis­ electric phonograph, beautiful baby itors really enjoyed themselves. crib size waterproof mat­ Here one could hire boats with a carriage, motor at rates of from $1 to $4 a tress, baby rocker, bathinette, baby 1940 Chevrolet 5-Passenger C oupe day, or larger six-man boats for $8 scales, dressing table, phone 148-J, 9mlxp to $25. An abundance of fresh 1939 Plym outh Fordor S ed an rock oysters and clams were found. FOR SALE—White Rose seed po­ The travelers were so comfortably tatoes. James Stephen, Jr.. Ole’s 2—1939 Ford Tudors located and were on such a fine corner. 9m2xc highway, they prolonged their stay, visiting nearby Inland cities. Tlv'y FOR SALE—Royal vacuum clean­ 1936 Ford 3-Passenger C oupe were fortunate In attending the big er, nearly new, very good condition. annual pre-Easter parade, festiv­ See ut Peterson Furniture ¿tore. 1938 C hrysler C oupe ities and fiesta, at the city of Her- 9mlxc mossello. In the long parade of floats and bands, one float was NYSSA MOTORS 1937 C hevrolet 1 Ton Pick-up especially fine and noticeable. This Has Re-opened float, “Hands Across the Border,” Its used car lot with a fine selection 1938 C hevrolet V/¿ Ton Truck featured two lovely girls, ’Queen qunlity re-conditioned automo­ of Arizona" In front of the United of biles at prices you can afford to States flag and “Queen of Sonora” pay. For example: in front of the Mexican flag, each 1947 Chevrolet Fleetmaster four- with clasp hand, portrayed the spirit of friendliness between the door sedan, fully equipped, motor THESE UNITS WILL ALL GIVE MANY two. Later festivities included the overhauled, tires good and has new paint job, at the ceremonial throwing of confetti bv complete MILES OF SERVICE AND ARE PRICED the young people. This merry ridiculously low figure of $1095. 1948 Chevrolet Aero sedan—Ona- ritual seemed a part of the religious owner low mileage car. f tlly equip­ ceremony, as that of a blessing to TO SELL. those receiving the confetti bestow­ ped and guaranteed for only $1345. 1941 Ford, two-door sedan, in ed upon them. Although the two families understood little Spanish, good condition, t^ith many thous­ the people were exceptionally grac­ ands of unused miles, only $455. 1947 Nash four-door sedan, fully ious in the friendliness. The type of country, varied great­ equipped, fully re-condltioned and ly. On one 100 mile stretch of guaranteed, has new rubber $1095. In older models: desert, one saw only cactus, and 1938 Chevrolet coupe, a good clean USED CAR HEADQUARTERS occasional donkeys. Donkeys, one to four, were hitched to carts, and car, $245. 1937 Chevrolet iour-door sedan always were hauling wood. Then to the south Oberdon, there was $175. 1936 Ford coupe, has recently in­ the beautiful, level, fertile farming area, resembling the Illinois plains. stalled new engine, runs lots better than it looks $195. This region was under irrigation, NYSSA MOTORS very productive, with bananas, cot­ ton, rice, and grapefruit growing. Phone 188-J Nyssa P A R T IA L P R O G R A M SC H E D U L E Here modern equipment was in use. NEWS—6:30, 7, 8:30, 9:45, 12 Far to the south of the city men FOR S&LE—Two acres good soil, noon. 2. 4, 7. 9. 10:55. were laying block after block of all new buildings, seven-room In- TRADING POST—6:45 a. m. dally. RIDERS OF PURPLE SAGE— 7:12 a. m. daily. EDDY ARNOLD SHOW—7:30 a. ST. PATRICK S BAKED HAM m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. 7:45 a. m. Monday. Wednesday, Friday. BINO CROSBY SHOW—9 a. m. daily. •WOMEN’S PAGE”—10:15 a. in. CATHOLIC CHURCH daily. PAT O’BRIEN—11 a. m. daily. THIRD AND PARK FARM FAIR—12:30 p. m. daily. SONS OF PIONEERS—12:45 p. m. daily Tuesday. Thursday. S at­ THURSDAY, MARCH 1G urday 6:30 p. m. REQUEST PROGRAM—8 to 9 a. m.—4:30 to'5:30 p. m. G p. m. to 8:30 p.m. NYSSA HI SCHOOL—Wednesday Sponsored By St. Anne’s Altar Society 5:30 p. m. SPORTS NEWS—6:45 p m. daily CHUCK WAOON JAMBOREE— Adults $1, Children GOc 7:15 p. m. daily. FIRESIDE SEREANADE—8 p m daily. FRONTIER TOWN — Thursdays. 8:30 p. m. PROUDLY WE HAIL—Saturday 1:30 p. m. rv RADIO KIDS BIBLE CLUB— fC Saturday 11:15 a. m. RECORD RODEO—Saturday 3 p 1' A DESIGNS m. HOSPITAL A S S O C IA T IO N — v ' Wednesday 5:50 p. m. home. Those pres­ day night. A supper and a cake and Mrs. Leon Mur- were served in celebration of Con- Mrs. Conley Wilson, I nie's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Evans were ! Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell, and visitors APPLE VALLEY. Mar. »—Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Cedric in Nampa Monday. Caldwell and Mrs. M&zel Greenfield was a vis­ Lloyd Caldwell and Mrs. Conley their families. in Boise for two weeks. Wilson were co-hostesses at a Charles Mann returned Sunday itor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitman en­ birthday party given in honor of from a business trip to Salt Lake tertained a group at a turkey din­ Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Caldwell and City. Sunday. Those present be­ son. whose birthdays occur in Miss Carolyn Horn stayed over­ ner March. The party was held at the night with Miss Connie Horn Tues- sides the hosts and their son, Har­ vey, were Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Last, Miss loan Pittman, and Don­ ald Fleming, all of Boise. Young Ronnie Raymer was taken to Caldwell Monday for an emerg­ ency appendictomy in the Caldwell hospital. Miss Eloise Smalley was home Ivory Or Bronze Monday and Tuesday for a visit I with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Finish Waldo Smalley. Mr and Mrs. R. O. Tanner, Mr. 6 Way—8 Way—10 Way ! and Mrs. Bud HUd and Mr. and Mrs. Garold Horn attended a din­ ner and theater party Thursday Plastic Shades evening in observance of Mrs. Tanner’s birthday. Choice Of Color Mrs. Cecil Leigh’s daughter, Mrs. Berdis Stephans and family are $8.95 To $ 16.95 moving here from Culver, Oregon this week. An all-girls trio from Caldwell PETERSON FURNITURE CO. will sing at the Apple Valley com­ "Your Dependable Furniture Store" munity church next Sunday. NYSSA ONTARIO VALE PAYETTE The W. S. C. 8. will hold a cooked food sale next Saturday at Eder’s hardware store in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Huff have been on a vacation for two weeks. They returned Sunday from a trip to Kansas. The Merln Fagan family have ATTENTION—POTATO GROWERS moved into the Butcher tenent house. Mr. Fagan will work for See us for your potato digger chain needs. Chain for Mr. Butcher this summer. The W. S. C. S. met last week all makes of diggers at a large saving. This chain is at the home of Mrs. Emma Rucker. An amature radio program was especially built to give minimum injury to the potato. given. The club is divided into two birthday groups. The first group gave the last party with the St. Hop Picker Chains Potato Sorting Table Chain Patrick motif. Twenty-five mem­ bers were present. The next meet­ Hy-Power Hydraulic Jacks ing will be held at the Sandies home March 15. Mrs. Marjorie Stanfor and Mrs. Virginia Williamson are to be in­ B & M EQUIPMENT CO., INC. itiated lpto the Rebakah lodge Thursday evening. Caldwell, Idaho Nyssa, Oregon Mrs. Cary Fox and Mrs. Alene Seward were In Ontario to see Mrs. Moot, who is In the Holy Rosary hospital. Mrs. H. E. Horn spent Tuesday with her daughter. Mrs. R. C. Hild. Jr. of Vale. The Bible club held its last meet­ ing at the Don Seward home Tues­ day evening. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Kenneth Saunders home March 2. Every­ one Is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Sams of Port­ land were Tuesday visitors at the Sams home. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stout of Boise were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stout. Licenses Must Be O b tain ed At City Mrs. H. E. Horn accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Bterl Spieze to Pay­ ette to a fellowship meeting Thurs­ R ecorder's Office Or Police Station day. ¿hu- - . • * ’ v FLOOR LAMPS DOG LICENSES NOW DUE I ( $2 FOR MALES AND SPAYED FEMALES $3 FOR FEMALES ---------- • ----------- Due to complaints, stray dogs will be picked up and impounded By Order Of THE CITY COUNCIL Ready for the busy season? Visitors Learn Life Of Mexican People Pleasant -ATTENTION FARMERS— GOOD, C H E A P TRANSPORTATION HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. KWEI Spring Dresses DINNER $ 3.99 RAYON PRINTS Assorted AND On Furlough— let us inspect your tractor TODAY! Save lime and trouble in the m onth, ahead by having a thorough tractor inspection in our shop. Let us make it look like new w .tb a paint job, too. Here are the points we will check with you: T r a n tm io tio n • B ro k o t • C lutch • fo o l S y ste m # E n g in » • DtPoroM iol • P o w o r T a k .- O f f • C o o lin g S y ste m » O row bnr P .w o r li f t # E l . «trieoi S y tte m » S te w ­ in g S o a r M uffi», S y tte m g o g Ig n itio n • A ir C lo o n w # O r o « » Fitting« » l .W i c o l l o n Jerry Crandall, Journalist 3rd class in the U. S. navy, arrived in Nyssa last week to visit his par­ ents. Mr and Mrs. E. C. Crandall Crandall is with the public infor­ mation office of commander-in chief of the Pacific fleet. Admiral Arthur Radford at Pearl Harbor. Prior to his arrival In Nyssa, Cran.- dall had spent two months of temp­ orary duty on Mtcowex-50A Just off Bristol Bay, Alaska While there, his duties consisted of reporting, radio announcing, and documentary photography Following a 30-day leave, he will return to his base at Pearl Harbor. COLORS Styles You W ill Like o«*'- « •* j oo( °* \ c ^ ^ b* V 9 ' ° u Í i0 '0> \|N * BUILDING PERMITS C. K. Olson, construction. Ehr- good avenue. E H of lots 7 and 8. block 26. Teutsch addition. $7500, 27 X 31 ' frame. W tiool io o H n g t on B A «l»o » W h o o li, Tic#» a n d * im o . These rayons a re new a n d w ell m ad e. You will like these w ash d resses for c a su a l a n d house w e a r ...... I S » * DANCE ***** 5 -STAR SERVICE m riw F»U. F or Star I Got IH 5-Siar Sorvic# m Our 3 M arch 11—9 p . m. E veryone Invited American Lag ion Hall OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. Your International Mct armiek Hqts. PHONE i«S NYSSA, OREGON l JpieO-tÇfs IN ADRIAN TIIK GATE CITY JOURNAL Mae Cook Orchestra STATIC )N ER Y I ) EPA R TM ENT Nyssa, Oregon