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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 9, 1950 PAGE SIX urer. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Edwin E l e c t s O f f i c e r s Bergarn. A lunch of salad, sand wiches and dessert was served S U N S E T V A LL E Y , March 9 Bun- Mr and Mrs. Thomas Nichitani M*t Auxiliary members met at were among the 200 guests attend the home of Mrs 8. K Flanagan ing the wedding of Miss Betty Thursday afternoon for the annual Arina of Homedale and Ben Uda of election of officers Officers for Boise The wedding was held Sun the new year are Mrs. Chester day evening at the Caldwell Meth itowri, president; Mrs Thomas odist church Ntshttani. vice president, and Mrs. Mi and Mrs. W ayne Oarner and O I* Council, secretary and treas daughter returned Saturday after Auxiliary S iiiih H Stoker Construction Company Dragline With All The Attachments Available For DRAINAGE DIGGING. EXCAVATING. CANAL CLEANING PHONE 09J-:i N Y S S A , OREGON ANNOUNCEMENT TO MY FRIENDS I am leasing and operating the Ontario Richfield service station at 91 north Oregon in Ontario. When you are in Ontârio stop in at the Richfield service stution and visit with us. Doyle M. (Monte) Jensen Leasee and Operator HIGH Q U A L IT Y RIC H FIELD PRODUCTS PR O M PT EFFIC IE N T SERVICE RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION 91 North Oregon Ontario — ANNOUNCEMENT— Home Dairies’ Half and Half in pint cartons is available at your grocer's for 25c per pint. Many customers are now buying homogenized milk and using half and half regularly for table cream. Half and Half is also available in the pint carton to our home delivery customers. We w ill also deliver to your house Home Dairies carton milk at 20c per quart should you wish it. CLOVER LAWN DAIRY ONE STOP STORE ¿ iVI(ty ic Á SUPPLIES Maka us your headquarters for Purina Chows, Sanitation Products and othsr chick and poultry supplies...everything you nsad to grow vig orous chicks. SIC US FOR i i YOUR BABY CHICKS o C h i c k s that ars vigorous and husky — from inspsetsd, h i g h •producing flocks .. . that's ths kind ws'rs selling. Placs your ordar now so you can gst them whsn you'rs rsady. y trod Right to Lay Right i spending a week visiting Mrs. G a r ner's sisters in Pocatello and Malad, Idaho and In Ogden, Utah. Ac- 1 companying them on their return trip were Mr and Mrs James Etherlngton, who are visiting at the homes of their two daughters, Mrs George Polkinan and Mrs Del bert Garner Mr and Mrs Fred Hunt and Mr and Mrs Burt Hunt, all of Plain City. Utah, were overnight guests at the George Folkman home over the week-end. The Utah visitors, Mr. and Mrs. F’olkman, M r and Mrs. Delbert Garner, Mr and Mrs. Etherlngton and Goldie Draper , gathered at the Ralph Blanche ! home in Adrian Sunday for a pot- luck dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reffett pur chased a new five-passenger Ciiev- j rolet last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy sold their farm Wednesday to M r and Mrs. George Folkman. Mrs. Folk- man is a sisiter of Mrs. Delbert Garner. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Devlin of Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Seth Kidman. The ladies are sisters. Glen Salter, who has been visit- 1 ing at his brother's home in Woods I Cross, Utah, returned last week. Mrs. Ed Steiner and daughter, i Darlene were Friday guests at the Ira Chadd home. I At the Ross Csburn home in O n - | tarlo Sunday a dinner party was | held in celebration of the birth- \ days of four persons. Mrs. E. L. Watson of Nyssa, Mr and Mrs. O. P. Counsil, and Ross Osburn Guests included Mr and Mrs. Robert Smith. Jr . Dixie Counsil, E L. W a t son, Jack Osburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Osborn and family of Ontario. Vera Faye Counsil was among the group of Adrian high school stud ents attending the three-day bask etball tournament at Union. Elwood Copenhaver of Nampa visited Tuesday at the Thomas Nishitani home. Copenhaver and Mrs. Nishitani were schoolmates in grade school days. Herman Lorensen has purchased Ralph Holcomb's house at the O wy hee junction, and Is planning on moving to the corner this month. Ixirensen, Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen went to Ontario on business Wednesday. The Worthwhile club will meet Thursday afternoon, March 16 at the home ol Mrs James Robb, with Mrs. Clifford W olfe assisting. Mr and Mrs. Clifford W olfe and daughters made a trip to New Plymouth and Caldwell Thursday. Mrs. Veva Castle accompanied her daughter home for a visit. M r and Mrs. W olfe made a trip to La Grande F’riday, attending the sale. Mr and Mrs. Harley Wilson were among the guests at the Homer Hite home Hunday for dinner and pinochle in the evening The oc casion celebrated the birthdays of Homer und Hite and H ow ard Connaugiiy The F'rank Land family moved from the Ditty farm to H Wilson's place this last week. Land will assist Wilson and aLso be available for neighbors needing help Preliminary excavating has been done on the Harley Wilson (arm In preparation for the installation of an underground tile Irrigating sys tem mi his eighty ucres. Sid F'lun- agan ul this valley uses this system of Irrigation on Ills farm also. Clifford W olfe will farm the place of his father, Otto, this year. Plans are for W ayne Robb to assist C lif ford, amt for W ayne and hts bride c formerly Millie Lytle of Roswell) to move to Otto's farm in a feww weeks. Mr and Mrs. Rell Justice and daughter of Vale were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson Dwayne Wilson and Jesse Assum- endi went to Burns for the high school boxing matches. Mr mid Mrs Charles Wilson of Roswell visited at the Harley Wilson home Monday, bringing back M el vin Wilson, who had spent a week visiting his grandparents. Darrell spent this week-end at the Wilson home in Roswell Young David Wilson was an overnight guest at the James Robb home F’riday even ing. Mrs Homer Brewer and children have all been ill with influenza the past week Chester Bowns has had a very sore hand all week, after a tine of a pitchfork pierced his palm Mrs Lllu Mitchell and Ruth By bee arrived home Thursday from a five-day trip to the Salt Lake City week with Carl Me D Roe and his ' family. area. Fred Mitchell built a 12 by JO M ary Jo Jenkins spent the week broodhouse for Neil Dimmick last end in John Day witn Mr. and Mrs. week, as 600 baby Leghorns are to Richard Jenkins. arrive this week. Mr. and Mrs George Smit met at Larry Dimmick and his wife are the home of M r and Mrs. D. Groot painting the interior of the Dim - of Nyssa for their regular pinochle | mick tenant house "Slim" Brower, party last Tuesday. the plumber will install a bath in M ary Jo Jenkins attended the ball the little house this week game in Caldwell Wednesday and spent the night with Donna Lee Oeislec of Fruitland. Nil-Acres Youths M ’ . and Mrs Ralph Baxter went Present Program to Eoise to attend the class A bask- etbsll tournament Saturday night. Mrs. Fry called on Mr. and Mrs. N U -A C R E S , M ar » - T h e Do-M ore 4-H club presented a program over J. Z. Moore Saturday afternoon. Mr exceptionally K S R V Sunday afternoon. The pro Moore was feeling gram was heard by several residents well. Mr. and Mrs. H. G Church of of the community Sherman Keck, the club leader, was the master of Payette and Edna and Everett Hiatt were Sunday dinner guests of Mr ceremonies. Mike O'Leary and two [o f his 4-H boys from the Mowwicks and Mrs. H. E Sager. Evening call club helped out with the program ers were M r and Mrs. Blaine Brown which consisted of introductions of and girls of Nampa. Mrs. L. G. Hawley made a bus the members taking part, a short talk by the Payette county leader, iness and pleasure trip to Baker last ' Mr. Petterson a round table discus Sunday morning. M r and Mrs. Oeorge 8mit enjoy sion on the advantages and Dene- fites of 4-H work and a number of ed Sunday playing whist at the D. Groot home in Nyssa. 1 4-H and popular songs. M r and Mrs. F. A. Johnson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hawley were Mr. and Sunday guests of M r and Mrs. Carl Petterson of Greenleaf. Mrs. Calvin Crandall and Douglas Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vanderwall of Parm a and Mr. Crandall's moth er, Mrs. L. W . Crandall of Jerome. of Nyssa were guests of Mr. and Corynne Fry stayed all night with Mrs. P. A. Johnson Tuesday. Mrs. Pat Hohstadt and Dennis Mrs. Richard Jenkins Thursday. That evening she went to the New spent Tuesday with Mrs. O. R. man home to help make popcorn Tyree of Fruitland. Sunday dinner guests o f Mr. and balls for the 6A grade pupils be cause they won In the spelling con Mrs. F’rank Nedbalek were Mr. and test In Fruitland between the 6A Mrs. George Orasmick and Dick of | Sand Hollow, Mr. and Mrs. Ben and 6B classes. Jim Me D Roe and his mother Raymer and Carole of Boise. Mr. made a business trip to Boise last und Mrs. Thos Nedbalek and Rudy eling prize. A lunch was served by Nedbalek. The Pinochle club held its regular the hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shaw meeting Saturday night in the hall. and M r and Mrs. Dale Carey. High scores went to Ethel Durring- ton and Prank Nedbalek and low to La Vona Orasmick and Leo Elll- FOR YOUR PLU M BIN G bee, George Grasmick won the trav NEEDS Bernard Eastm an Insurance Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems R eal Ostate Call J. C . Phone 78-J — DEAD ANIMALS — FREE PICK-UP PHONE COLLECT O N TA R IO — Ontario Grain Co. 53 P A R M A — Phone 98 N Y S S A — Main Plant 100 IDAHO-OREGON RENDERING CO. — NYSSA FEED MILL — 319 S. 1st. "RECLAIM©" A LF A L F A . GRAIN, CLOVER. PASTURE SEED CUSTOM C LE A N IN G A N D G RINDING Makes OIL CHANGING Unnecessary! BA BY CHICKS attached to CARS, TRUCKS and TRACTORS A U T O M A T I C A L L Y Alters and reclaims crankcase oil as you drive, lte moves solids by Altration, gasoline dilution. corrosive acids and water through an ingenious use o f exhaust beat Keeps oil clean and “ oily" at all times. Oil is only added to maintain level Let Us Crack Your Wheat And Corn For Chicken Feed SAVES TIME, TROUBLE AND MONEY! Unbelievable results and savings can be yours with the use o f "Keclaimo." 10.0U0 — 26,000 — 6\000 and more miles W IT H O U T A S IN G LE C H A N G E O F O IL are everyday reports from owners o f this revolutionary device You'll be sure to went to know more about "K E C L A IM O ’ Call or write at once for demonstration. W AYNE L. BERRETT D e m o n s tra te d A n d S o ld Phone 361-W T he past twelve m onths witnessed the addition of more electric power to the Idaho Power system than was built in the first 2 5 years of the co m p a n y 's history. T h is record is im portant to you, because electric power in am ple quantities m akes growth possible for all k in d s of business, industry and agriculture M o re will be done in 1950, keeping up w ith the progress of the Valley. N o city or com m u n ity served by Idaho Pow er has been— or will be— ham pered in its expansion and developm ent for the lack of electric power No Power Shortage Here N o t only have all new needs for electricity been m et— for phosphate developm ent, antim ony sm elting, and m any others— but there has been provided a com fortable m argin of electric ca pacity for grow th T h is has perm itted com m unities in the area to work at b rin g in g in new indus- secure in the know ledge that electric power is available. T he new plants and facilities added d u rin g 1 9 4 9 w ill be further supplem ented in 1 9 5 0 — and preliminary engineering stud- les have been made on power sites capable of doubling the present output as rapidly as needed T h is is a sharp contrast with the experience of those areas of the Pacific N o rth w e st where the Federal G overnm ent has assum ed responsibility for power supply. A n d the percentage increase in the dem and for electricity in those areas has not been as great as in southern Idaho and eastern O regon An Accomplishment of Private Enterprise T h e whole program of developm ent of more power for the region has been by private en terprise— done in the way that is characteris tic of this area and its people M u c h of the capital has been provided by local investors M o r e than half o f Idaho Power C o m p a n y 's stockhold ers live in the 11 western states, and 7 5 % o f preferred stockholders live in Idaho MAKE THE HENS LAZY? Pep up their appetites with . . . m iti P U R IN A CHEK-R-TABS P u r in a CHEK-R-TON MACHINERY CONDITIONED For Spring PLOWING and PLANTING Work Don* B y Factory Trained Mechanic and O regon The entire $ 8 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 program of expanding Snake River V a lle y 's electric supply is a fine exam ple of what can be done wh?,n Private enterprise has the opportunity to deliver the g o o d s." It is your assurance that the future electric power requirem ents of the area will be m et— that plenty of power will be ready ahead of need. This Development Affects Every Taxpayer . . . Helps Pay Costs of Government Idaho P ow er's expansion likewise m eans more taxes for all branches of go vernm en t— local, state and federal N e arly 3 0 % of the am ount you pay for electricity goes for taxes In 1949, we paid m ore than $ 3 ,6 0 0 ,0 0 0 for taxes of all — s ' nce the C om p any was form ed in 1916 it has paid nearly $ 3 7 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 in taxes. Remember, only private enterprise produces tax money SATISFACTION G UAR AN TEED your store w it h th e checkerboard s ig n TOBLER'S FEED & FUEL Nyssa Phone 26 T e le p h o n e 270-W B & M Equipment Co. Nyssa, Oregon SMITH 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon I D A H O V POWER A C IT IZ E N W HEREVER IT SERVES