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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 9. 1950 Visit Parents— Week-end visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Burnall Brown were Mr and Mrs. Sidney Brown and baby of Portland. Mr and Mrs. Boyd Brown and children of Boise, and Miss Marian Orace Brown of the University of Oregon at Eugene INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATOR Spray or Brush Free Estimate By Hour Or Job andy M c G i n n i s ' No. f irst Phone 273-W SMOOTH, STEADY- Full Jeweled Power* Loliiiiil>ia ('oilpi«- Mrs. Kris Van Zelf and Mr. and Mrs Pete Tensen. Moving To Idaho Adrian H oop Teams Defeated w in g Legal Advertising IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE I DS ADRIAN. Mar »—The Adrian high j STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COLUMBIA AVE , Mar » —Mr and school basketball squad went to COUNTY OF MALHEUR Mrs. Whitmore moved last from NYSSA MUNICIPAL AIKPOKT Union March 2 to play in the class In the Matter of the Estate of this community to Apple Valley, Gordon Schmelzer, Mgr. 1 JAMES P LANGTON, Deceased B tournament. j where he is employed at the Linder NOTICE OF U N \L ACCOUNT The Antelopes lost to North ranch. High winds and stormy weather NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Mr and Mrs. Dick Groot enter have slowed flying activity some Powder by a score of 47 to 46 Billy Looney is ill with a throat that the undersigneu, Andrew J. tainer! the pinochle club Tuesday. what the past week, although some Swan. Administrator of the estate Two tables were at play during the activity between the bad weather irritation. Junior Stephens is staying at the of James P. Langton, deceased, has afternoon Mrs Davidson held Francis Deffer home for the re filed his Final Account as said Ad | high score. Mrs Jake Oroot second lias kept us busy. ministrator in the County Court Joe Dirksen, our local flying mainder of the school term. His of Malheur County, Oregon, and | high and Jake Oroot low parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stephens, Mr and Mrs Raymond Weather- farmer, has been building up his that said Court has appointed Tues | spoon and family moved to Nyssa flying time with his instructor, Joe have moved to their new home near day, the 11th day of April, 1950, at Caldwell. Driscoll. The past week they made last week. The Adrian grade school basket 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of said Carl Beranek arrived recently a short trip to Boise along with ball team playing at Homedale day for the hearing of objections shooting taae-offs and landings and | from California for a visit with his Tuesday night in a tournament, lost to said Final Account and the set doing a lot of stalls. | sisters, Mrs. Clayton Jensen i f tlement thereof Our field was host to several to Wilder. Nyssa and Mrs. C. M Tensen. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons Nft and Mrs. George Cartwright Callers at the Oerrit Oroot home visitors this week. L. A. Fontin Interested in the estate of James P. in Apple Valley last Monday were Lew from Orangeville, now living were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Langton. deceased, are notified and on route 2, Parma. Ttie Parma and Mrs. Martin Hobbs of Nyssa required to appear at the County Mr and Mrs. Dick Oroot. Prank Sherwood of Nyssa called Cruiser, flown by Ross Hurtt, came on the occasion of Mr. Hobbs' birth in this community Friday afternoon in for a load of gas, and returned day. Mrs Stanley Hill and Mrs. K. Mrs. Florence Larson entertained later in the week for more gas but It Takes The Cabinets the birthday club at her home Fri was flown by Mark Purcell, one of McDonald gave a pink and blue Parma's leading business men. Dr. shower Tuesday for Mrs. Tony To Make The Kitchen day afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Jake Oroot called G W Boom of Oroville, California Ciofalo at the M L. Judd home. Custom-Built Cabinets And Shirley Smith was an over-night on relatives in Apple Valley recent dropped in for gas and his bearings Furniture on one of the mirky days we had guest of Joyce McOinnis Saturday. ly Mrs W. E Willis and children Mr and Mrs Pete Tensen and on his way to Weiser to look over 1V4 miles north of Nyssa-Parma Mr and Mrs. Dick Oroot visited ' the town and possibly set up a prac- visited Tuesday in Nyssa at the Junction home of Andrew McOinnis. Mrs. Dick Tensen of Nyssa Friday i tice. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson Shorty Reynolds is working on evening Mr and Mrs. John Broad were his papers so he can get going on spent the week-end In Emmett. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown were his flight training. Caldwell visitors last week. The aircraft manufacturers are Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and The Leslie Stoker construction Mrs. Robert Eastman at Caldwell. company Is putting in new cement working on a plane design that will Mr and Mrs. Ed Wymer of Parma Highway 95 Phone 023J1 pipes in some of the old drains in tuke off and land on a tennis court. I Figure it out; that Is not much visited in the Howard Hatch home this community. Sunday. Several ladies attended the social room and think of the utility of a Mr. and Mrs. Ed Preel are the held in the L. D. S. chapel at Nyssa i plane like that. parents o f a boy born March 2. Monday afternoon, honoring Mrs Mr and Mrs. James McOinnis Raymond Weatherspoon whose resi Visit In Nyssa— BY ROLAND A ROY Mr. and Mrs. E T Peterson of visited in the II. R. Hatch home dence was recently destroyed by fire. Those attending from this . com Scobey, Montana were overnight Sunday. Mrs M L Judd. Mrs. Jim Lane, munity were Mrs. Edward C. Lar guests ut the home of Dr. und Mrs. son, Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mrs. Dick J. J Borazin lust Wednesday. They Mrs. Carl Hill and Mrs. Iaiu Pratt were hostesses at a bridal shower Oroot, Mr , S P. Bybee, Mi Leslie were en route to Portland. for Miss Joyce Kurtz Friday in Jameson, Mrs. Elwood Flinders and the United Presbyterian church Mrs. John Broad. Visits Sister— basement. Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Carolyn Mrs. Kay Bennett and children Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown are the called on Mrs. T. M Beranek In of Newell heights were visitors at parents of a baby girl born March Nyssa Saturday. the home of Mr and Mrs Wuynard Mr and Mrs. Frank Wilson and Talbot Saturday. The two women ii. The baby was named Lynnette Robin. Lynnette weighed 6 pounds, daughter. Diane, of Boise are mov are sisters. 10 ounces. ing Into the house recently vacated by Mr and Mrs. Whitmore on the To McCall— County I*. T. A. To Meet— Pete Tensen ranch. Mr und Mrs. Waller Dunn, Mr. A meeting of the county council The whist club met ut the home of Mr und Mrs. Dick Oroot Bun- and Mrs. Dale Garrison and Jounne of the Parent-Teachers association day afternoon. Ouests were Mr aand Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb will be held at the Annex school and Mrs. George Bmit of Nil-Acres, and family attended the winter ice house Saturday, March 11 at 10 a. Mr. and Mr:, Jake Oroot of Arcadiu, festival at McCall lust week-end. m. All members of local P. T. A. groups are asked to attend this quarterly meeting The program fe really cannot Ls being arranged by Mrs Kenneth Tell a lie Greenfield of Vale ! Court Room in the Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, at said time, to then and there show cause, if any there be. why said Account should not be settled, al lowed and approved and said estate distributed and said Administrator discharged. Dated and first published, March 9. 1950. Date of last publication, April 6, 1950. Andrew J. Swan Administrator of the Estate of James P. Langton, Deceased Harold Henigson Attorney for the Administrator A LW A YS Custom Hay Chopping and Hauling New large equipment will handle baled or loose hay Glenn I. Short Owyhee Corner Phone 010R-1 ON TIM E Johnson Cabinet Shop mum 'tZufiXs 10 C on si st e nt p o w e r w h e n yo u w o n t itl Smooth p erform an ce teuton after toa ton b ec au se it i t p r e c i s i o n e n g in e ere d for th e finest o u t b o a r d m y y o u 'v e e ve r en|oyed. THE OASIS OW YHEE JUNCTION There’s an easier way ...VELTEX Farm Service Willie WATT KAISER-FRAZER I a pe»ovio - Sales & Service S e r v ic e If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the best of condition. BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30—East of Tov/n Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 Missionaries Meet— Joseph Flake was sustained as president of the Nyssa, Owyhee and Purina district of the L. D. S. mis sionaries of the new Nyssa stake. The officials hold their weekly meeting each Monday at 7 o’clock. W. J. Bens Is high counsel advisor and Elder Richard Origg of Vale ls the new Nyssa stake mission president. Boise Woman To Speak— Mrs. Truman Joiner of Boise will be the guest speaker at the March meeting of the civic club Wednes day. March 15 at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Joiner will tell of her recent visit to Finland and show pictures taken on her trip. All women of the community are invited to attend. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our gratitude to the Nyssa volunteer fireman, and to the many neighbors and friends who assisted us ut the time of our fire. Mr and Mrs Ray Weatherspoon. O ur lectric goods Are best to buy is ^egu/ar G A S O L I N E MOTOR OIL DIESEL OIL T RA C T O R OI L C UP G R E A S E GUN GREASE ROLLER GREASE I N D U S T R I A L OIL Just as farmers have for 40 years been able to depend upon the top-quality of Veltcx petroleum products, so can they depend upon the promptness and com pleteness of Veltex Free Farm Delivery Service. The local Veltex agent ls a personally responsible independent business-man who will permit no obstacle to mar the efficiency of the service upon which farmers have learned to depend with full confidence. This year, as always, farmers come FIRST w ith ... Residential - Commercial Wiring FRANK MORRIS PHONE 79 N YSSA COMPANY SERVICE CAILS PHONE 111M HI-WAY2Q No. NYSSA STRAY LIVESTOCK WRECKS CARI F A R M E R HEL D L I A B L E H (W to s a v e this way on that NEW OUTFIT BY THE FARMERS SPECIAL BLAHKET LIABILITY POLICY H ER E’ S THE ANSWER! A Product of Standard of California Sew it yourself . . . easily, quickly, pertectlv on an All-N ew NFW tlOM F. There's no tangling o r breaking ol thread, no "stitch-skipping." It glides sm oothly, quietly over heaviest tahrics, bulkiest seams. You just guide the material —the All-New NEW HOME does the rest Makes darning and mending quick, easy. Distinctive new cabinet and con sole models. See the All-New NEW HOME unlay. Cut engine deposits up to 60% o v e r c o n v e n tional heavy-duty type o i ls by u sin g KI’ M I)E 1.0 H eavy Duty Lubricating Oil. Its new high-level com pound ing stops ring-sticking, reduces oil-ring clog ging and piston depos its KI’M DKLO Heavy Duty Lubricating Oil ia recommended for many service* including farm tractors. W. E. Schireman Phone 61 -W Nyssa. Oregon PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY STORES Your Dependable Furniture Store Nysau Ontario VaU Payait« G a n a r a l o f A m e r ic a 's Special Blanket Liability Policy for Farmers provides in O N E , all-em bracing policy this MULTIPLE insurance: • 0 A O A IN S T d a m a g e e l u l m t w h lth m ight ha aatarad b y em ployee» or gee tig. [ A u to m o tlta lly p a r t up t o $ 5 00 m e d k o l t o u t to aoth per toa I alar ad. J • AO A IN t T m i l lo tta t at llv ttto tk and farm m a thla ery through tlta, th a lt o r flood. • A O A IN tT bu rg la ry O f lota through tiro o f hoaaaho td mod partanal potaataloaa. • A O A IN tT motomohho d om ogat lota throagh that! or tiro. O A O A IN tT a m ultitude o f uafaraaaoa do g e n e r a 1: Of Here is just one o f the many types o f risks the farm owner takes day and night. Iiis livestock ran get him into trouble, injured employees can sue him. Hoods, fire or a c c id e n t s can destroy his life's savings. American industry has long p r o te c te d it s e lf a gain st scores o f p o te n tia l losses through “ blanket" insurance cover ages. NO\L The General o f America has made such insurance available to ihe farmer, in a special farm polirv designed lo take as much risk out o f fa r m in g as p o s s ib le . It w o r k s ! Thousands o f p r o g r e s s iv e farmers have inrestifated this rompaui and this plan— V\D ADOPTED the Farm ers Npeeial Blanket I.iabililv Polirv. It pays. Get the farts NOW—as applied lo your particular needs! 1 ou otre il to yourself arul your family to gef ALL THE FACTS about this “ Blanket o f Protection." Renstrom Insurance Agency