4 ¿yjÊBsa*^ rfteNYSSA G/U VOLUME X X X X V NO. 8 Labor Set-l p At Nyssa Opened By County Sponsors Executive Committee of Sponsors Meets With State Officials In preparation for the opening of spring work in Malheur county, the Malheur County Farm Labor Spon soring association opened the Nyssa labor camp to transient workers and their families Wednesday. The other camps in the county, located at Adrian, Ontario and Vale, will be opened later, depending upon several factors involved. A total of 1800 persons registered at the Nyssa camp last year, accord ing to Manager William Smiley. The organization handled about 200 at the Nyssa camp and approximately 2000 more in the remainder of the county last year. The workers in cluded those housed on private farms One hundred and fifty-one shelters are used at the Nyssa camp. The executive committee of the labor sponsors met with Joe Wilson, supervisor of farm placement of the Oregon employment service; H. L. Arment. manager of the employ ment office at Ontario and others Tuesday night. The group discus sed the aspects of recruiting labor in the state for seasonal work, the number of workers to be needed, housing, transportation and placing dispatchers and recruiters in the camps. Operation of the camps will be conducted about the same as last year, with prospects that the labor need will be about the same as in 1949. Beet acreage is expected to increase, possibly 25 per cent, and corn acreage is expected to climb, especially if the Bridgford oper ations at Ontario materialize. Structure Built For B A im ! M C o . H. G. Johnson has started con struction of a building on highway 20 at Locust avenue for the B and M Equipment company of Nyssa and Caldwell, which will take a lease on the structure. The 40 by 00 building, without basement, will be constructed of cinderblocks with a concrete floor. W ith the exception of concrete supports, the front wall will be en tirely of glass. The building will house the office and showrooms, with a small shop in the rear, which will be operated in connect ion with a larger shop located in the company’s present metal build ing on the same property. Johnson said J. C. Krul will do the carpenter work on the build ing. The B and M Equipment comp any, which has been operating in its present building for about two years, handles Minneapolis-Moline equipment and several other brands of farm machinery. Bracken's Takes Tournament Game The Bracken's basketball team defeated the Cook agency of Nampa 35 to 22 Wednesday night in an outlaw tournament held in Nampa. Bracken's will play the Ontario Lions tonight at 9 o'clock in the Nazarene gymnasium. The Lions also won their first game. The championship contest will be played Saturday night. No games will be played Friday. Nvssa Entry Into League Discussed Prospects of Nyssa entering a team in a baseball league this year were discussed by A1 Chadwick at the weekly luncheon of the Nyssa chamber of commerce Wednesday noon. President James Leslie appointed Dennis Patch, Charles Landreth and A1 Chadwick as members o f a committee to Investigate the pos sibility of Nyssa entering a league. Chadwick expressed the opinion that sponsoring . a team In the league in which Nyssa was entered last year was too expensive with out greater support from the towns people. Mr. Chadwick said he has the baseball equipment from last year and asked that a committee be ap pointed to take charge of It. Hospital Women Hear Dr. Sarazin At a meeting of the Malheur Memorial Hospital auxiliary at the parish hall last Monday, Dr. J. J. Sarazin warned the members of any tendency toward feeling that the work of the hospital was completed. The support of the hospital must be a continuous task, and In order to be successful will always require the backing of local citizens. Dr. Sarazin explained that the cost of hospital maintenance has Increased with the trend for shorter hospit alization periods. Several activities for the members of the auxiliary that would aid in providing hos pital equipment were suggested by Dr. Sarazin. Musical numbers for the after noon were provided by John Savage with two saxaphone solos, accomp anied by Mrs. John Schenk. The thought for the day was given by Mrs. Grant Rinehart. During the business meeting, Mrs. Wesley Browne was elected presi dent for the coming year. Other of ficers are Mrs. Carlos Buchner, re je c te d as vice president; Mrs. Grant Rinehart, secretary, and Mrs. Dennis Patch, treasurer. Announcement was made that a dance recital will be presented April 8 by Mrs. Lloyd Wilson for the benefit of the auzlliary. The group voted to have a potluck luncheon at the March meeting pre ceding the installation service for the new officers. The meeting was closed with the "Collect for Club Women". Antelopes Playing In District Meet The Adrian Antelopes will play this afternoon at 3:45 against Powder Valley high school In the second game of the district B bask etball tournament to be held at Union March 2, 3 and 4. Wallowa will meet either Hunt ington or Hereford, the Baker coun ty entry, in the first game at 2:30. Halfway and Elgin will play to night at 7:30 and Union and Enter prise at 8:45. The remaining games will be played Friday at 7:30 and 8:45 p. m. and Saturday at 7:30 and 8:45 p m Boxing Tourney Set For Mar. 9-10 The annual Malheur county boxing tournament will be held in the Vale gymnasium March 8 and 10, with Adrian, Vale, Ontario and Nyssa h y h schools participating. The bouts will be called at • p. m Each school, if possible, will have contestants for each of the 15 Visit In Nyssa— Guests at the Bernard Frost home j weights. Approximately 80 rounds this week were Mrs Frost's parents, of boxing will be staged the first Mr and Mrs. J. W. McDowell of night and 46 rounds the second Nyssa high school will Twin Falls, and M i. and Mrs. John; night. Wagner and family of Orangeville have contestants in practically all Mr and Mrs. McDowell returned t o . of the weight divisions. their home Monday evening. EaglM Basketball Team Defeat* Weiser In I'tah— Bishop and Mrs Richard Maw. spent the past week in Utah at The Eagles basketball team de tending to business and visiting feated Weiser 80 to 52 on the Nyssa floor Monday night. friends. The Eagles will play Payette here Appointed As Policeman— Monday night at 8 o'clock In their Frank Lawrence of Nyssa has last game of the season. been appointed by C ity Manager E. K. Burton as a city policeman. Accepts Position— He succeeds Chester Pollard, who Miss Neva Malloy o f Nyssa. who lesigned after serving for four recently completed a secretarial months. course at the Nampa Business col lege. has accepted employment with the Parma Water Lifter company G o i i u i i £ Event* at Parma. She is a daughter of Mr Friday. March 3—Rebekah Sun and Mrs James Malloy of route 2, shine club at 2 p m. at I. O. O. F Nyssa. hall. 8:15 p m . Cinderella ball at Visits Mother— school gymnasium. Mrs A C. Sallee left Tuesday Saturday. March 4—Benefit card party at T O. O. F. hall at 8 p. tn afternoon for Gooding. Idaho to vis Monday. March 6—Eastern Star it her mother. Mrs. John Edhotro. Tuesday. March 7—Eagles aux who is ill. iliary at Eagles hall Wednesday, March 8- Kingman Leave On Trip— Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson left Kolony Orange benefit card party Sunday morning for California, at Adrian grade school. Thursday. March 9— At 2 p m . where they will visit relatives They Women's Council at Christian plan to be gone for a month. church P T A at high school 8 p m . film Pioneering in Rehab Here Frees CaMwatt— Mrs. C. W Reberger of CaldwaU ilitation and special music. Friday. Amity club— Annual ban Is a house guest at the H R Sher- wood home this week. quet at Doll House JOURNA THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 2. 1950 State Approves Improvement Of 2 Nyssa Streets Cinderella Ball Flans Completed Bv Ciri* League ¡County To Take Reservoir Road Jersey Club To Gather In Vale Carrier Service Inaugurated By Post Office Men The Malheur County Jersey club will hold a meeting Saturday night, The gymnasium has been decor j March 4 at 8:30 in the high school ated and other plans ltave been building in Vale to make plans for the 1950 spring Jersey show, to be oompleted for the annual Cinderella j held in Nyssa in May. ball to be sponsored by the Nyssa Oregon To Spent! $15,* high school girls league in the gym Employe* Still The financial arrangements for Postal the show have been completed, with nasium Friday night, beginning at Haiiiiieappeil By Lark 000 On Allierta Anil the merchants and chambers of 8:15. commerce of Nyssa, Vale and On Tickets buyers have been voting King Avenue* O f Addresse* tario co-operating. The Nyssa this week on candidates for Cinder chamber of commerce voted W ed Mail was delivered by carriers in The state highway department ella and her prince, whose names nesday noon to give $150 for the Nyssa Wednesday morning, to give has approved state aid on the im will be announced at the ball to show. morrow night. The junior Clndei- the city its first carrier service in provement of King avenue and ella and junior prince are Pat Love- history. Park avenue in Nyssa. City Manager joy and Bobby Haney. The theme of the ball will be Rosal Anderson delivered the first E. K. Burton announced Wednes mail in the business district to Dr. day. The improvement will be "Night and Day” , and the program and coronation ceremony will be in L. A. Moulding at 10 a. m. Donald made on K ing avenue from First keeping with the theme A high street to the highway and on Park school orchestra will play for the The World Day of Prayer was Wilson delivered his first mail to observed by women of the churches Carl and Burt's machine shop and avenue from highway 20 to 11th coronation and a College of Idaho of Nyssa and Adrian at a service made his first house delivery to street, a part of the thoroughfure band will play for the dance. held last Friday at the Episcopal William Schoen, 212 N. First street. known as Alberta avenue. parish hall with Mrs. Grant Rine Anderson’s route includes practical The state will spend $15,000 on hart as chairman for this year's ly all of the business district, the residential area south of Main street services. the improvement and the city will These services, which are spon and the territory east of the rail pay the remainder of the cast, road tracks. Dilson Is delivering sored by the world council of which has not yet been determined. church women, are held each year north of Main street from First At a meeting of the public relat The project, providing for the sur on the first Friday of the Lenten street on west. ions council of the Malheur Mem The only delivery made Wednes facing of the two streets, will be orial Hospital association in the season. Services beginning with the coming of dawn in the F iji islands day in tiie residential section was started in the early summer. Doll House Monday evening, a com are held by church women of all completed at 1:30 p. m , but two Each year the state appropriates mittee was appointed to investigate denominations in all countries, who deliveries were made in the business the probable development of the $250.000 for aid to cities for use on Deliveries to residences come together to pray for the peace district. grounds at the hospital from the streets that qualify because of un standpoint o f landscaping the area. of the world. The worship service were confined to one trip because for this year was written by a of the time required to "case" tiie usually heavy traffic, caused by Members of the committee are young woman from a Japanese uni mail under adverse conditions. ’Hie agricultural work, industries or Rev. Sterl Spiesz and Herman j men spent most of Wednesday a f versity. other reasons. However, the state Towne, who were appointed by The services began in Nyssa at ternoon sorting mail because of the can spend only $15,000 in each city. Chairman Sherwin Schmidt. absence of addresses. The carriers, 11:30 with a period of silent prayer After a brief outline of the duties and meditation. Prelude music for working eight hours a day. have of the public relations committee. this service was played by Mrs. D. tentatively set their schedules for Dr. C. L. Hermann gave a report O. Bybee at the solovox. Following 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. on the work of the founders service Postmaster Lloyd Lewis said "Our this service the Nyssa G irl Scouts organization, of which he Is chair under the leadership of Mrs. Grant biggest handicap now is that mail man. He explained the functions Rinehart and Mrs. Clifford Fox, does not bear street addresses. All W ith the high school basketball of that group, naming as most im presented a special day of prayer business people and other Nyssa season drawing to a close in the portant the campaign, management, residents should notify their corres service. Snake river valley, the Nyssa Bull solicitations. assistance of pledgees A buffet lunch was served at noon pondents of their addresses and use dogs lost to the Boise high school in their relations with the hospital by the members of the St. Paul's addresses on mail posted for Nyssa 49 to 48 on the Boise floor last F ri and promotion of good feeling and guild, with Mrs. Bernard Eastman residents." day night and Ontario defeated fellowship in the community. A new bill to revise the recla as chairman. The substitute carrier. LeRoy Groups represented at the meet Vale on the Weiser floor Saturday mation act, in which farmers on the The group reconvened at 1:15 for Mecham. started parcel post deliv ing and the delegates were as fol night to take the Snake River valley Owyhee project are very much in a worship service using the theme ery at 11 o’clock, handling parcel title for the second consecutive lows: Faith Lutheran church, Rev. terested, failed to gain clearance to “ Faith For Our Times” . Leaders post, C. O. D.’s and insured mail. Sherwin Schmidt; Episcopal church, year. the house floor in Washington for the service of responsive read I f requested, the post office de Although the Tigers won the Mrs. J. J. Sarazin: Assembly of Ood, Tuesday. ings and prayer were Mrs. J. J. partment will deliver this type of Snake river pennant, they failed to Rev. Sterl Spiesz: Catholic church, The principal reason for the fa il Sarazin of the Episcopal church. mail to persons or firms having post win the sub-district title on the Herman Towqe: Nazarene church. ure was the objections of Rep. Poul- Mrs. Roy BIbby of the Christian office boxes. Wilde; Seventh Adventist Oregon side. As a result, the Vale Roy Regardless of whether mail is son (R-Cal.) As a result. Rules church, Mrs. Francis Defter of tfle Mrs. Naomi Buchert; Vikings will meet La Grande to church, Committee Chairman Sabath CD- Adrian Community church, Mrs. posted for post office box delivery night and Saturday nights for the founders service organization, Dr. Ill. ) said additional time would be Sterl Spiesz of the Assembly of Ood or city delivery, the rate of postage right to compete in the state tourn Hermann: women's hospital auxil needed to hear other witnesses, but church and Mrs. Sherwin Schmit Is three cents per ounce for first iary, Mrs. Bernard Eastman: Nu- ament to be held at Eugene. he did not set a date for the next and Mrs. Ernest Keiselhorst of the class mail. After taking a lead in the first Acres Farmerettes club, Mrs M. C. hearing. At least for the present, the Gate Faith Lutheran church. Mrs. Car Seuell; Masonic lodge. Orin Sum quarter, the Tigers were never head Poulson’s main objection was a- los Buchner was pianist for the City Journal newspaper will be mer; I. O. O. F „ Ben Lancaster; ed in their conflict with the Vikings. placed in the past office Thursday gainst the provision allowing re services. Lowell Kolbaba was high point Lions club, Wayne Morris, and Ore newable short-term repayment con Mrs. Rinehart told of the uses for evening in plenty of time for deliv gon Trail Grange, Frank Sherwood. player with 16 points. tracts with water users. According the special offerings taken at the ery by carrier Friday morning. The Boise-Nyssa tussle was a to the Associated Press, Poulson said meetings. Part of the funds in fight from start to finish. The score such "open-end" contracts would this country gu to maintain schools Stockman Urges was tied at 28-all at half-time and enuble the secretary of the interior and help for migrant families. The 46 to 46 with 25 seconds to go in to extend the repayment life of a closing thought for the meeting was Freight Hearing* the oontest Curtis tossed in a project for hundreds of years and T h e service begins when the meet counter and root added a free thus allow him to find any project ing ends." Early hearings to be held in throw. Earlier in the contest the A small section of the former sound and feasible. The Nyssa L. D. 8. second ward eastern Oregon to investigate rail score was tied at 39 to 39, but Nyssa Valley View school district north Rep. Murdock (D-Arlz.) denied will be the hostess church for the road class freight rates, have been gained a 42 to 39 lead on Holcomb’s of Nyssa as expected to be includ the bill would provide an indefinite World Day of Prayer service for requested of the interstate com field goal and Hale's free throw. The ed in school district No. 26c of repayment period He said repay 1951, and the Adrian community merce commission by Represent teams battled for an advantage for Nyssa as the result of a meeting ment costs would be geared to the church the following year. ative Lowell Stockman of Oregon. a few seconds before Pounds came held in Vale Wednesday morning. ability o f water users to repay or In a statement from Washington up with the shot that tied the The boundary board agreed that to the useful life of a project. today, the congressman said, "my More 4-11 Leader* count 46 to 46. when formalities are complied with investigations have shown that rail Before entering into the track and the area will be transferred to the Needed In (bounty road class rates within the north baseball seasons. Nyssa high school Nyssa district from district 6c, Purina Fighter* west are a great deal higher than athletes are participating in an in Ontario. Win Over Ny**a As there are 900 4-H club mem they are between points east of the As an aftermath o f the consol tra-mural basketball tournament. bers in Malheur county, Frank Parr Rocky mountains, and this is par idation of school districts at On The Parma high school boxers made an appeal at a meeting of the ticularly true In eastern Oregon and tario about a month, a group of Wpathrrspoon* To persons living in what was the defeated a Nyssa team 4 to 3 In Oregon Trail Grange Tuesday night the intermountain nrea generally, view district petitioned the matches staged in Nyssa Wednes for the selection of more 4-H lead the area between the Cascades and Be Honor Guest* Valley ers. The Grange went on record as the Rocky mountains.” boundry board to be included in day night. 8tockman added that "while we Although the matches were feat favoring the appointment of a 4-H the Nyssa district. Persons living A social will be held Monday, in the small area submlted a petit ured by a knockout and a technical club leader. must operate under the natural d if March 6 at 2:30 p. m. in the L D. ion to the boundary board in tiie knockout, a bout that ended in a Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Jameson be ficulties of long distances from the 8. chapel honoring Mr. and Mrs. presence o f representatives of the draw between Rhodes of Nyssa and came members of the Oregon Trail population centers of the various Raymond Weatherapoon, whose Nyssa and Ontario school districts. Totmle of Parma was the outstand Grange by dimlt from llermiston states, we do not want to be requir residence was destroyed by fire ed to buy freight miles at a higher Only about six families are in ing fight on the card. Grange. last week. Mr. Weatherspoon is a volved in the transfer Most of The results were as follows: 100 LeRoy Hermann and Garret Stam rate than Is charged for miles east teacher in the Nyssa grade school. the children will attend the Arca pounds—Berkley of the Rocky mountains. Unless (P> won over discussed the Brannan farm benefit The primary association will be dia school for the time-being. Mitchell (N i; 105— Skeen (N ) decls- plan The county welfare situation all territories have an equitable In charge, with the following com ioned Purdue (P ); HO—Hedges (P i was discussed. More than $44 was scale of freight rates, we do not mittees serving: Program, Mrs O. defeated Brower (N ); 12&—Gorrell collected from sales slips in con have free trade within the borders P. Williams, Mrs. Vlbert Kesler Mr*. ( !has. Peace (N> won over White (P ); 145—Cor- nection with Grange Bulletin ad o f our nation, and we all know that and Mrs. Julm Savage; refresh free trade is one of the principles O f lNv**a Pa**e* iieiu (N ) declsioned Parsons; 145— vertising. ments. Mrs. Sherman Bybee, Mrs. Rhodes (N i and Tolmie drew; 150- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sisson ar on which our national prosperity Is Lester Jameson and Mrs. Edward founded." The body of Mrs. Charles Peace, Knight (P ) knocked out Chard, and ranged a display table with mini Laraaon; g ift table, Mrs. Leon Representative Stockman wrote 36. of Nyssa, has been sent to Farm 150— Bresheur. (P i won a technical ature farm implements and liter Child and Mrs. Carl Jensen. ICC recently in connection with its ature on each. Mrs. Elwood Flinders, who will ington. New Mexico for funeral knockout over Mayden. Oeorge Adams and Mr. and Mrs. docket No. 30416, a proceeding of act as mistress o f ceremonies, sstd services and interment. Loyd Adams served refreshments. investigation and inquiry with re Mrs. Peace died Sunday night, Crop Return* On the public is invited to attend. spect to class rates In the Mountain- February 26 in the Holy Rosary hos Pacific territory. He advised the pital. The body was taken to the High Point Player— Project Reported Attend Community Conrert— The Oeneral Platoff Don Cossack commission that "many eastern Tommy Holman, brother of Mr< Beechler funeral home In Ontario. chorus presented last Thursday eve Oregon shippers would like to ap Mrs. Peace was born in Farm Lloyd Lewis and Mrs Robert W il Crops valued at $28,065.257, third pear in person and present full and son. was high point man for Oregon ington. New Mexico August 8, 1913. highest on record, were produced ning at the Centre theater in On complete details with respect le ob State college in the O. 8. C.-U, of O Besides her husband, she Is surviv during 1949 on the Boise project in tario was enjoyed by a large group taining adjustment o f any rates basketball games played last Friday ed by two sons. Kenneth and James, southwestern Idaho, regional o ffic of Nyssa community concert mem which may seem to be unreasonable and Saturday evening. He was also and two daughters, Betty and Bev ers of the bureau of reclamation bers. This program of chorus and dance numbers was probably the and unduly prejudicial to the territ captain o f the team Holman, fo r erly, ail of Nyssa. reported upon completing the an most outstanding of the numbers ory." He also requested the com merly mall carrier of Nyssa route nual crop census. presented to date in the concert mission to "accelerate the hearings." 2, spends his summers In Nyssa. Revival Scheduled— The returns by districts Included: j The ICC assured the congressman The First Missionary Baptist Black Canyon Irrigation district, series The program began with a by letter that "there will be plenty church. Second and Ehrgood, will first unit, gross return $948.592 and group of religious numbers and clos Viol (or Leave*— of hearings at convenient points In Mrs. Lucille Norcott, who has begin a revival Sunday. March 5. gross return per acre $143 77. Black ed with the Kozatchok, national the northwest to give all Interested been visiting at the home of M: Elder E. T Larsen of Fossil. Oregon canyon second unit, gravity. $1.517,- dance of the Don Cossacks. The opportunity to be heard." Repre and Mrs A H. Boydell. left Sat former pastor of the Nyssa church, 983 gross return and $82 60 per acre entire program, which was sung in sentative Stockman said that he Is urday for Walla Walla to visit her will conduct the services. Special return; Black canyon second unit, Russian, showed the wide voice especially Interested in having the daughter. Mrs Mary Pergursoti voice and lmtrumental numbers1 pump, gross return $183.134 and per range of the members of the chorus, case of the Pacific northwest pre The acre return $3361, and Big Bend which is supposed to have the wid Mrs. Norcott will go on from Walla will be given each evening sented. since, "due to its late In Walla to Yakima to visit her moth- ; public is invited to attend Irrlgetion district, $3.490 709 gross est range of voices known to the dustrial development, it haa not had concert platform. return and $77.09 per acre return. *r. the bargaining power to use in its Club To Broadcast— effort to obtain favorable freight Club Elects Officers— The Do-More 4-H club of Nu- Dance Scheduled— Nyvaa Nurslag Hease rates which the east has had." On February 15 a daughter, Acres will broadcast over K SR V at The first dance to be held In | Announcement was made at a the new L. D. S recreation hall meeting of the Knife and Fork club weighing 7 pounds. JS ounces was 4 p. m Sunday, March 5. will be staged March 4, beglnmg In Ontario last Friday night that Nyssa Freshmen bora to Mr and Mrs Wallace Fllp- at 8 o'clock. Round and square the directors had elected J. L. Her- Entering Tourney pance of Nyssa. and on February 22. Here From California— Herman Barnes of Qulncey. C ali dancing will be featured. A 4 w * rlman of Nyssa as president. The a daughter, weighing t pounds was other officers are Tony Yturri of T h e Nyaaa high school will enter born to Mr and Mrs. Alfred Adams, fornia visited last week at the home for children will be given and re T h e ! Ontario, vice president, and L. R. a freshmen team in an Invita of his brother, Roy Barnes, and j freshments will be served. also of Nyssa. affair will be sponsored by the McLachlan of Ontario, secretary tional basketball tournament to be family. Oeorge W. Hardy, Judge of the sec held in Boise next week. >econd ward Bunds school. Flaetrie (Mg* Erected— ond circuit court of appeals of Lou The tournament for Junior high Nyssa'a largest electric sign was Sister Succumbs— isiana. was the principal speaker at school teams w ill be conducted H R Sherwood has received word Go T a V a le - erected In front of the First Nation - Bob Wilder and Thomas Idle went the club's Friday night meeting He Thursday. Friday and Saturday al bank this week. When lighted, Wednesday o f the death of a sister She had been ill for to Vale Friday to attend to bus spoke on "Ood. the Supreme Court nights. Each squad will be com the blue and pink tubing flashes j in Chicago and Us” . posed o f to players. iness. some time on alternately Ioaiiriscapin«; At Hospital Viewed Ontario Takes SRV Hoop Title Control of the road up the Owy hee river to the Owyhee dam Is ex pected to be turned over to Malheur county by the bureau of reclamation soon, according to information re leased this week by County Judge Irwin Troxell and District Attorney Charles W. Swan. The bureau of reclamation is w ill ing to turn the road to the county and the county is willing to take it when legal technicalities are com piled with. Under the present plan, the bureau will give the county a 99 year easement on the road right- of-way. When the county takes control of the dam road, the Nyssa Road As sessment district will assume re sponsibility for maintaining it and the county will take care of all of Lytle boulevard. Judge Troxell said this agreement has been completed. The Nyssa Boat club and other organizations have been working for some lime on a plan to have the federal government or the state include the Owyliee reservoir area in a national or state park. This program would require maintenance of a suitable highway by a govern ment agency large enough to pay the construction and repair costs, such as the state or federal govern ment. Boat club members will meet with bureau of reclamation officials in Boise early this morning to further discuss the plans. They have spent a considerable sum of money and much time on maintaining and im proving the road during the last two years. Bill Affecting Owyhee Delayed School Dint r id Will Gain Area Day Of Prayer Observance Held