Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1950 PAGE EIGHT CHUKCH CIRCLES MEET Mrs Melvin Spitz* entertained the members of the Dorcas circle o f the Methodist church at her home last Thursday afternoon, with 14 mem bers and one guest present Mrs James S t e p h e n s had the de votions and Mrs. L. E Robbins was in charge of the program. The next meeting will be held at the home ol Mrs Carl Heburn On Tuesday evening of this week. Mr Harry Anderson was hostess to the members of the Ruth and Naomi circles Mrs Dennis Patch spoke on the history and modern conditions in Japan, and Mrs Torn A L T A R SO C IE TY MEETS Mrs. Albert Notheis was hostess to the members of the St. Annes Altar society, which met at the Catholic church last Thursday. Dur ing the business meeting plans were made for the annual St Patrick's day dinner to be held in March. Refreshments were served by the hostess. E NTE R TAIN A T DINNER Mi and Mrs E H Pleshman en tertained at a dinner at their home last Haturdey evening The table was attractive with red and blue tapers in crystal candleholders, used on a while linen cloth. Following the dinner, two tables ot canasta were in play with high score being held by Dave Mitchell. For Spring A minor adjustment that is overlooked can cause a major accident. Have your car thoroughly checked by trained experts. I*et us give your brakes, wheels, lights and other mechanisms a complete inspection. Our prices are right and our service the best. STOP IN TODAY Remember a safety check may save your neck DON'T D E LAY—SEE US NOW *^S§! "RECLAIMO SHOW ER IS G IVEN Mrs. Gilbert Klinkenberg was honored with a pink and blue show er at the home ol Mrs. W. W. Poster Monday evening, with Mrs W O. Bailey. Mrs George Coleman. Mrs Leroy Herman und Mrs. David Beers as hostesses The honor guest was presented with a number of lovely gifts. The evening was spent informally and refreshments were served by the hostesses. Install An Authorized Re-conditioned Engine In Your Car Or Truck HERRIMAN MOTOR Your Ford Dealer PROGRAM NYSSA one • os THEATRE It's allright to give a visitor the key to the city, but it's a nag of another tint to leave your keys in your car when yoii park It's an open invitation to the first ped estrian with tired feet and n .strain of larceny In hts makeup N Y. City has a law to prevent motorists from leaving their Ignition keys be hind when they go shopping The penalty Is a $5 fine or two days in jail or both. T h a t’s u reminder that isn't apt to be habitformln^. No matter where your car's parked It'll always be safer if the keys aare In your pocket. Fblks who are cure less sometimes wind up earless LI. Gen. Leslie R. Groves says. In picking men for lop secret work the govt should be as careful as a bachelor shopping for a bride". Oh. we ought to be more careful than that! Careful when it comes to choosing that Used Car You'll get the very best buy when you select Iroin our lot Our used cars are in t o p - condition u n d guaranteed HE R KIM AN M O TO R CO Phone "Trail Of The Lonesome Pine" with Sylvia Sidney Twenty women attended the Daughters of Utah Pioneers camp meeting of the Nyssa unit at the home of Mrs D. O. Bybee Thurs day afternoon, with the Canyon county president. Milline L. Soren son. in attendance It was iioped that enough members would uttend to form two camps. Mrs. Arvilla Swensen captain, was ill and First Captain Cassie Campbell conducted the meeting. Roll call showed 15 members and five guests present. Secretary Emma Kesler gave two sketches of pioneer history. Mrs. Howard Bair gave the lesson on pioner service clubs throughout the early days. Mrs B.vbee played a selection "Bless This House", on her new Hammon electric organ. Hos tesses were Mrs Melvin Beck, Mrs. Oeorge Poulson and Mrs. Elwood Flinders. E N T E R T A IN D INN E R CLUB Mr and Mrs. George Mitchell en tertained the members of their Wednesday evening dinner club last week Bridge was in play at the Mitchell home, following dinner at the Moore hotel High score was held by George Mitchell and second high by Mrs. J L. Herrlman. CH ATI-ER BO X CLUB MEETS Mrs. Harold Sisson entertained the Chatterbox club at her home Thursday afternoon, with 13 mem bers attending. Mrs. Clifford Nielsen and Mrs. Harold Schiller were guests. Mrs. Eric Boenig and Mrs. LaVern Cleav er became new members. As a part of the valentine party, valentines were exchanged. A quilt was tied by the members for the hostess Mrs Leslie Topliff, the club's new president, was in charge of the meeting Mrs Scott Hiatt resigned as secretary and Mrs. Alva Ooodell was elected to fill the vacancy. The members voted to change the club meeting date to the third Wednes day of each month. The next meet ing will be held at the Wallace OreRg home March 15. Refresh- Sima 8' "Blue Lagoon" Paradise untamed in the excitement of glorious adventure M a t Hun.. t:M ; Adm. Ut-Sr, Inc. Tax Admlulon Evenings 44c-tr. Ine. Tax i to 10* i. While they Last 15* Pair Admlaalnn Evenings 44r-Sr. Inr Txx WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. MARCH 1-2 "Oh. You Beautiful Doll” with June Haver- Mark Stevena- Cuddle« Sakalll CARTOON AND OTHER SHORTS Adm E <r n i n g a M r - S r In r. Tax Phone 177-J 112 E. Third St. ATTENTION FARMERS WE ARE SELLING RANCHES FAST AND NEED IMMEDIATE LISTINGS GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER NYSSA, OREGOlT ATTENTION—POTATO GROWERS See us for your potato digger chain needs. all makes of diggers at a large saving. Chain for This chain is especially built to give minimum injury to the potato. Hop Picker Chains Potato Sorting Table Chain Hy-Power Hydraulic Jacks B & M EQUIPMENT CO.. INC Caldwell, Idaho Nyssa, Oregon Speaking of Security *J o } 1R 1 )S and w ild life rely on natural instinct fo r protection and security iS J t>ut man must rely on g o o d judgment. G e n e r a l I n s u r a n c e C o m s p referred risk plan is based upon good judgment and results in better fire insurance because: •■ GENERAL insures only good risks— rejects substandard properties. You don’c Girls' Plaid Blouses Age 1 to 14. Fast Color Crinkle Crepe White. Pink. Blue 69* 19* Yard with Preston Foster—Lloyd Nolan An unforgettable war story re-released A U X IL IA R Y HEARS R E PO R T A t the regular meeting of the American Legion auxiliary Thurs day evening in the Legion hall, Mrs Rolland Laurence gave a re port on the veterans' phase of the Hoover report. During the business meeting plans were made for the Legion square dance classes that will be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings after March 8 Arrangements were also made for a box of clothing that will be sent in March to the children of the vet erans of the Roseburg hospital At tlie close of the meeting, the group Joined the Legion members for a social hour and refreshments. _________ D am oaotratod A n d S o ld H. E. Collin« Nyssa, Oregon pan y TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 "G uadalcanal Diary” EASTERN STAR S M EET At the regular meeting o f the Eastern Stars Monday evening at the Masonic hall, a pantomime, "T h e Lamp Went Out" was present ed by a group from Job's Daugh ters with Darlene Sessler as read er. A history of the star point. Ada. was given by Mrs. Jake Sim mons Refreshments were served by Mr and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Morrison. SAVES TIME, TROUBLE AND MONEY! Unbelievable results and savings can be yours w ith the use a t "Reclaim o.” 10,000 -26,000— 60.000 and more miles W IT H O U T A S IN G L E C H A N G E O F O IL are everyday reports from owners o f this revolutionary device. You’ll be sure to w ant to know more about "R E C L A IM O .’ ’ Call or write at once for demonstration. 165 Pair. While They Last Value« To S3.50. Many Colors and Styles Ladies' Rayon Hose SUNDAY AND MONDAY. FEBRUARY 26-27 Jean Simmons- Donald Houston Noel Purcell In C ARD P A R T Y PLANNED The Oregon Trail Grange will sponsor another benefit card party at the Oregon Trail schoolhouse Friday, February 24 at 8 p. m. The party will be the third in a series to be given by the women o f the Grange to raise funds for the polio ward of the Malheur Memorial hos pital. The public is invited to at tend. Refreshments will be served. drive. Removes solidaby filtration, gasoline dilution corrosive acids and water through an ingenious use of exhaust heat K eeps oil clean and ‘ oily" at all times. Oil is only added to maintain level. Ladies' House Slippers Mat Sal.. 2:M; Adm JOv-9c. Ine. Tax Admission Evenings Mr-«, Inr. Tax BOOK REVIEW G IV EN The members of the Kingman Kolony Book club were guests at a bullet luncheon at the home of Mrs. Joe Brumbach Saturday afternoon. Pink carnations and snapdragons were arranged on the luncheon table Following the luncheon, Mrs. Alva Watts reviewed Martha Osten- so's book “The Milk Route". B IR T H D A Y S RESERVED A potluck dinner was held at the home of Mr and Mrs. David Beers Sunday afternoon in honor of the February birthday anniversaries of FR ID AY AND SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 24-25 A motion picture has never been shown to more people than Fred MucMurray Margaret Poster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. poster of Nyssa. The couple will make their home in Wyndmerr, North Dakota. iHarano photo) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Torgerson of Nyssa were married February 12 at 12:15 p. in. In the Methodist church by the Kev. Donald 8. Campbell. The bride is the former FORD OWNERS B IR T H D A Y SU PPE R G IV E N Mr and Mrs. Ray Drown gave a candle light supper Wednesday evening in honor o f their daughter. Joanne, in celebration of her 15th birthday. Places were laid for nine. The cake was two-tier, decorated with white and colored frosting. Jo anne was the reclplant o f several lovely gifts. CLUB E N TE R TA IN S HUSBANDS The Friendship Birthday club members entertained at a dinner for their husbands last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Ruth Bunn. The table was centered with an azalia plant, and tiny baskets mark — 5 — ed the places for the 19 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ed C. Henderson Attend Ballet Rehearsal— Games were enjoyed by the guests of Parma, formerly of Nysaa, have Mrs. D. O. Bybee and two daugh following the dinner with first ters were In Boise Saturday attend prizes going to Earnest Bunn and announced the engagement of their ing the rehearsal for the spring Florence Larson and consolation daughter. Miss Barbara Henderson ballet, which Is to be held during prizes going to Mr and Mrs. Amasa to Robert Holloway, son of Mr. and music week in Boise, with a high Hammon Anna West won the door Mrs. C. R. Holloway of Twin Falls. school symphany orchestra accomp prize. No date has been set for the animent. The two Nyssa girls are wedding. (Photo courtesy Idaho E N T E R T A IN A T D INN E R Statesman) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tobler en tertained at a dinner at the Country club last Saturday evening for the members ol Tobler s Feed and Fuel softball team, and their wives Ten atta ch ed to CARS, T R U C K S and TR A C T O R S couples were guests at the dinner, and dancing that followed the din Makes OIL CHANGING Unnecessary! ner. * A U T O M A T I C A L L Y filter» and reclaims crankcase oil as you Check Your Car TOWNE'S GARAGE W EDNESDAY CLUB MEETS Mrs. Ward T yler was hostess to the members of her Wednesday eve ning club at her home last week at dinner and bridge. The dinner table had an arrangemet of pink carna tions and whit* tapers Ouests were Mrs. Harry Anderson, Mrs. Tom Eldridge and Mrs. E. H. Brandt High score was held by K ay Peter son and low score by Mrs. E. H. Brandt. Janet and C'arabelle Coleman, M ar ilyn Lytle, Mrs Donald Campbell. Mrs. Leroy Hermann and David Beer Seventeen guests attended the dinner. Nishilanl. dressed in a native Jap anese costume, told of interesting Japanese customs, and showed a number of Japanese articles. Re freshments were served by trie hos tess Rayon Material Plain and Fancy Colors Regular 98c to $1.29. NOW Ladies' Satin Slips 4 Gore—Sites 32 to 42 Pink—White— Black 49* Yard S 1 .9 8 rx tu t .v e "rovn * . L . ** * 2. G E N E R A L maintains an inspection service to help reduce fire hazards. 3. G E N E R A L is one o f the nation's strongest capital stock companies— and has an outstanding record for prompt payment o f losses. 4. G E N E R A L has consistently saved substantial amounts for thousands o f its policyholders. Ask yourself this question— "Is my present fire insurance policy giving me this security anJ savings?” Then call us for complete information.