Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21 Ì950 Portex. joint air-sea-ground man euver to be held in the Caribbean in late February and early March. Erwin, stationed with the medical company of the 30th infantry bat talion. third division, at Fort Ben- ning, Georgia, is a son of Mr. and Mrs Floyd Erwin of Nyssa. His wife, Vera, lives at Phenid City. Alabama. 1 birthdays, which were the 18th and 19th. Ouests of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben r , Graham Sunday evening were Miss K IN G M A N K O LO N Y. Feb. 23— Margaret Garwood, Thurman Piercy „ . ... and Mr. and Mrs. James Phifer Guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane i an{J Bov At Kingm an Is Operated On Sunday were Mildred Johns of Frank Holloway of Meridian was Nampa and their three sons. Ross a guest of his brother. Wayne Hollo- • of Caldwell. Ronald of the College way and family Monday, of Idaho and Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst shopped John Thiel is able to be up since in Caldwell Monday. In the even spending some time in the Ontario ing they attended Farm Bureau hospital. ! meeting in Adrian. Ronnie Thompson, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ashcraft en- Mrs. Herschel Thompson, had his tertained for a group of young appendix removed Wednesday at people in the Dale Ashcraft home the Ontario hospital. He was able , Sunday, to return to his home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston Sharon Lee Beutler of Twin Falls were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie spent the week-end visiting her Nelson of Ridgevlew Friday, grandparents. Mr and Mrs. A1 Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb and Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Dickie were Sunday dinner guests Thompson. I in the Ruben Graham home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy and Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mr and Mrs. S. L. Thurman drove Mrs. William Ashcraft. The occas- to Buhl Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. ion was to celebrate the two men's Thurman have been visiting in the “WART”, The Speed Cop WHAT'S THE W E H VJART. LA V IH 'D O W H ON THE J O B ?(=■ ' I HI N 'T LAV/M OOW/VÎ I 'M J U S T „ GIVI N ’u q .. * By Bingham EVERYBODY E IT H E R G ETS THElR C THUS - S E R v/C EO H T r*K / BERRfTT IF THEY O O .ltiU r f 'eri. Ano if wer oorrr, ir * m umili- c atch OU3 TO CHASE V a — 'CAUSE THEY fitOHT THEN D B j/ L tu d t (S . j PHONE V W / / ÌC I WHOLESALE-RETAIL 7 W A S H IN G P O L IS H IN G . L U B R IC A T IN G — f iy ôrCfMLAXAs m CAR i check -U P CARD OF T H A N K S The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams. Mrs. Gertrude Lawrence. Mr and Mrs. Leo Howe. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. The Nyssa first ward basketball team recently won the stake champ ionship and won the sub-district sportsmanship trophy. The first ward five was eliminated from the sub-district tournament at Boise after winning one game and losing Ruben Oraham and Wesley Piercy homes since the first of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst and David spent Saturday in Boise vis aing M j, and Mrs. Carol Rettig. M ri” W esl.y Piercy entertained at three tables of pinochle Friday afternoon. Mrs. Dale Ashcraft re ceived high score and Mrs. Paul Cleaver received low. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Graham spent Saturday in Boise visiting in the home of their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Byard. Mrs. Byard and daughter. Dianne returned with Mr. and Mrs. Graham to spend a few days here. Bring your *1.25 Cacti and Succulents 10c to 75c Azaleas, Begonias and Pelargoniums car in today and let us check it for you. C U T FLOW ERS W e're experts on brakes, ignition, and motors and are Snapdragons and Carnations fully equipped to do reliable work. Corsages, Fresh Flowers At Moderate Prices PRUYN GARAGE two. The men {left to right) Cottrell, coach; Mecliam, Billy Bingham; front Reed Ray, lion Holcomb. in the picture are back row. Melvin lla l While, I.rKoy Hadley and Krith row, Gerald Barker, llerren and Duane (Evans photo) Wing Tips Student activity at Gordon Air Service this week: Gene Stoker of Adrian received his private license. Elmer Cruson took his solo cross country flight to Gooding and re turn. Two Gordon air service airplanes with Instructor "M a c " McGrath went on a cross-country trip to Los Vegas, Nevada, Nogales, Arizona and Elko, Nevada. Students were Walter Ginther, Jack Floyd, K en neth Lakey, all of Emmett, and Rudolph Nedbalek of Parma. While Go To Vale— in Nogales the group made a trip Mrs. Wayne McPheeters and son. Milton, spent the week-end at Vale into “ Old Mexico." Richard Hogue of Payette, who with relatives. hangers his Bellanca at Nyssa, is on a trip to Elko, Nevada. James Jewell, New Plymouth theater manager, now hangars his Cub Cruiser at Nyssa. N YSSA GREENHOUSES Merrill and Roger Dean of Parma brought their Ercoupe in for an 706 N. 1st St. engine overhaul. Olin William Keller of Anthony, Nyssa, Oregon Kansas who was a partner in the Southern Kansas Air Transit comp any operating a G. I. school, crop B L O O M IN G P O T T E D P L A N T S dusting and spraying business there for 2 'j years is now associated with Cyclamen _____ Gordon Air service. *2.25 Gordon Schmelzer, Nyssa African Violets *1.25 Airport Manager Kalanchoes ________________ it to clean, responsive running condition. Cattle, horses, poultry, farm ma horses, machinery. Owner Charles chinery, furniture. Owner— W. M. Belgrade, terms, cash. Anderson and Pruett, terms, cash. Anderson and Church, Auct. Church. Aucts. FARM SALE—March 3, 10 a m. PUB LIC FARM SALE— 16 miles Lunch. Twa miles south Weiser west of Vale on Burns highway, to junction, Oregon side. IS miles Little Valley service station, then north of Ontario. Three tractors, 3 4 miles north. Thursday, March equipment to match. Don Joseph, 2. Sale starts at 1 p. m. Lunch owner. Church and Anderson. will be served on grounds. Cattle, Aucts. Too Late To Classify Ivy Geraniums _____ ___ ___ *1.50 It's time to rid your car of winter weariness and restore PAGE SEVEN Please order in advance on G ar denias. Orchids and Roses. Phone 373-W Are You Playing Ball With Your Merchant, Doctor And Hospital? Do You Know W hat Your Batting A verage Is? Now Is The Time For You To Find Out! When you receive a PIONEER SERVICE COUNTY CREDIT BOARD ST A T E M E N T bearing our registered trade mark, either PAY YOUR BILL IN F U LL, P A R T -P A Y or SATISFACTORILY ARRANGE TO PAY! Almost all of your merchants and professional men in your trade area receive our MONTHLY CREDIT REPORTS. These reports carry the delinquent debtors names and their batting average. Anyone of these debtors that have not got a credit rating: such as a “ P-” , which means P A Y IN G ; or an “ A R R ” , which means satisfactorily arranged—his batting average is not so good. And where he has no “ P-” or “ AR R ” in front of his name at all— that means that he has three strikes on him and has virtually fanned out. Now you can easily understand that with this kind o f a batting average with nothing before your name means to the merchant that you are not entitled to credit and have struck out! MEDICAL EXPENSE PAYM ENT FOR POLIO plus DREAD DISEASES Diphtheria Scarlet Fever Leukemia Smallpox Encephalitis Spinal Meningitis Tetanus Poliomyelitis FOR SALE—New Minneapolis-Mo- line tractor, used very little, *400 less than a new one, phone 016J-4 or see D. H. Christensen. R. 2 Nyssa. Oregon. 23ftfc PA Y S A L L MEDICAL EXPENSES U P TO $5.000.00 PER PERSON FOR SALE—Little two-room house, 12 x 16. to be moved soon, phone 021-R1 Nyssa. 23f2xp FOR YOUR ENTIRE FAM ILY All 8 Dread Diseases Polio Only LO ST— Pair of gold-rimmed glas ses, phone 08J2. 23f2xp ENTIRE F A M IL Y 1 year $10.00 ENTIRE F A M IL Y 1 year * 5.00 3 years _______ ___*12.50 IN D IV ID U A L S IN D IV ID U A L S LOW W ANTED — To rent modern two- bedroom house, phone 258. 23ftfc FOR SALE—Eight registered Pol and China bred gilts, to farrow, in March, 2'.. miles southwest a f Nyssa on Cloverdale avenue. Fred Krats- berg. 23f2xp TO TR AD E — 1948 Willys jeep for pickup. Lundy and Runcorn, at hopyards on Jefferson drive. 23f2xp FO R SALE— White rose seed pota toes. one year out from blue tag. Lundy and Runcorn, at hopyards, Jefferson drive. 23f2xp 1 year 3 years * 5.00 $12.50 COST Not 3 years ... - 6.25 Secure An Emergency Policy Today KEN POND AGENCY FORMERLY JAMISON AND POND R E A L ESTATE AND INSURANCE 16 North Third Phone 276-W For evening appointments Phone 54-M FOR SALE—Three springer cows and six dairy heifers. V. W. Viers, three-fourths mile north of Over- street beet dump. 23flxp SALE C A LE N D A R PUBLIC FARM SA LE —Three miles north of Vale on John Day highway to Barlow's feed lot. then 1 ■- miles east and 1/4 miles north on the old Friend place. Sale starts at 1 p. in. No lunch. Tuesday, February 28. Early B ig Bend Settler Passes B IG BEND, Feb. 23—Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ocamica and Tony and John Irrigavalaga attended the funeral of "Grandpa" Looney in Caldwell Sat urday. Mr. Looney was one of the early settlers of the Lower Bend community. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Cameron of Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bullen. Jimmy Fitzsimmons, who has been attending Big Bend school, is at his home in Fruitland with in flammatory rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Molt and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Molt spent Fri day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Shroeder. Mrs. W itty entertained the pupils of her room Thursday evening. The Goody Cooks met at the home of Laura Brocks Monday, February 20 for a vaientine party. Karon and Sharon Roberts gave a demonstration on how to make van illa drop cookies. Undergoes Operation— Mrs. Harriet Prim e, mother of Dr. C. L. Hermann underwent a major operation Wednesday morn ing at the Holy Rosary hospital. To Be In Maneuvers— Cpl. William D. Erwin is receiving amphibious training at the naval amphibious base. Little Creek, Vir ginia, in preparation for operation £F£K ¿/FT/! PICIV W /ftf OA/£F/A/££/d ? OUR FARM A U MAN, SAYS : »* TR Y THE FARMALL C »» REMEMBER that the man who pays is welcome everywhere and the one who does not pay soon becomes a social outcast, and loses his credit— something that he w ill never regain! So why not keep your batting average good by paying your bills promptly! PIONEER SERVICE COM PANY, INC. The Largest Business Men's Organisation In The Northwest PIONEER SERVICE C O U N T Y CREDIT BOARD INFORMATION IS MOST VALUABLE No Commision Charqe On Collections All Money Paid Direct To Creditors. No Docket Fees. No Filling Fees. No Contracts To Sign And Regret. Your Accounts Remain In Your Hands At AH Times / JUST PHONE FOR ME TODAY!” IDAHO—OREGON—UTAH— NEVADA DIVISION Division O ffice Box 471, Eugene, Oregon Established 1926 State Office Box 1616, Boise, Idaho Watch For The Green And Black Handbills With Accounts For Sale " I’LL BRING IT TO YOUR OWN FARM ...SHO W YOU WHAT IT CAN D O ...LET YOU DRIVE IT. FARMALL—TIME-PROVED FOR IMPROVED FARMING F A R M A L L - F I R S T IN T H E FIELD OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY 4th and Main Nyssa, Oregon FXaiMBA