Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1950)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1950 Founders Of F T A Honored At Adrian OWYHEE. Feb. 23— At the regular p. T. A. meeting held in Adrian Thursday evening at the grade school, a special Founder's day pro gram was presented. Depicting the organization of the "Congress of Mothers” , which later became the Parent Teacher association, were Mrs. Jess Norris. Mrs. Mourice Judd. Mrs. Stanley Hill, Mrs. James Mc- NWMMMMS . . . y o t u o o t u t s o many o f your neighbors are getting paid more than you are tor the time and effort th ey spend m ilking cows! S U R G t milking is Money- Making M ilking! fin d w h y YOUR SURGE SERVICE DEALER D AVEN PO R T & JACOBS 814 R iver St. Ph. 576-W Payette, Idaho | Ginnis, Mrs. Elmer Sparks, Mrs. nominating committee. They are Hawkins, Miss Esther Fogelman and Mrs. Leslie Stoker. Mrs. Kenneth Miss Weir, in appropriate costumes. McDonald and Harold Newman. A \ Mrs M. L. Kurtz and Mrs. Geoff Williams were readers. A trio, Mrs large cake decorated with roses, ! Leslie Stoker, Mrs. Frank Pike and sweet peas and the words Adrian P T. A, was cut by Mrs, Judd and Mrs Lavonne Peterson, accompined served with cocoa by the social by Mrs. Jean Short, provided chairman. Mrs. Vernon Parker and songs throughout the pageant Hist Mrs. Charley Culbertson. ories of the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts The O. K K. club met Thursday and 4-H clubs and summer round afternoon at the home of Mrs. Rob up of children program were read ert Morfitt, with Mrs. Byrd Walters by Mrs. Kenneth McDonald, and assisting. Mrs. Blanche Hite and boys and girls appeared dressed in Mrs. Lem Wilson. Jr. were guests. their uniforms. Jeanne and Joan Mrs. Fred Olmstead of Ontario at Crocker sang "Land of the Empire tended and became a member of Builders". Rev. Robert Shupe of the club. Plans were discussed tor Roswell was guest speaker. Betty the meeting of the associated clubs Hanson sang "Oh What a Beautiful pto be held March 25 in the Adrian Morning" and I f IT,oved You”, ac grade school building. Members of companied by Myrna Lane. During all women's clubs of the county are the business meeting Mrs. Judd dis ! invited to attend. cussed a plan to have the chorus The Busy Cooks 4-H club met from the College of Idaho present Friday after school at the home of a program in an effort to raise Shirley Hoke. The girls prepared money to pay for the projector shirred eggs and vanilla pudding. which the P T A. is purchasing for The next meeting will be held F ri the school. Members decided to get day. March 3 in the home of M ax the chorus it possible and elected a ine Kygar. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth I were week-end guests of William FOR YOUR PLUM BING [ Peutz. Saturday evening guests in the Lee Strickland home were Mr. and NEEDS Mrs. Vic Marshall, Mrs. Gertrude Jackson and son, Buck Ramesey, of Bath Sets, Water Heaters Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Lee House and Pressure Systems holder and Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer. Call Mrs. Kenneth «M e Dona Id attend- I ed a 4-H leaders rally in Ontario J. C. S M I T H / j Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oerald Slippy and 13 Years In Nyssa sons went to Parma Friday to spend a few days with her parents, Mr, Phone 78-J and Mrs. Ray Franklin. Mrs. Charley Culbertson took Mrs. j Grover Cooper to Ontario Friday when Mrs. Cooper received final in- : structions on the cotton dress she | Ls making. Mrs. Cooper will give Stoker Construction Company Dragline With All The Attachments A vailable For DRAINAGE DIGGING, EXCAVATING. CANAL CLEANING PH O N E 09J-3 N YSSA, OREGON PAGE FIVE these Instructions to the group of King avenue, lot 15, block 21, orin- NEWS OF RECORD Mrs. Frank Fry Is inal townsite. 12 x 24. frame, $500. ladies also making dresses at an Ralph Lowe, enlargement, $¿00. B U ILD ING PE RM ITS III Of l'lieiimoniu all-day meeting to be held Tues ---------------- -— B B. Lienkaemper, enlargement, 10 x 24. frame, N. Second street, lot day in the home of Mrs. Jim Robb. OREGON T R A IL , Feb 23—The $6000. apartment and chapel, brick 6. block 72. Green addition. Mr*. Martha Klingback left Merry Matrons club met at the veneer and frame, lots 3, 4 and 5. PETITIO NS,- PR O B ATE CO URT Thursday morning for Seattle, home of Jesse Chard Wednesday, original townsite. Estate of Dennis Wesley Hon. de Richard K. Mason, enlargement, ceased. where she will visit for about 10 i February 15. Nine members and j one guest. Betty Neilson, were pres days in the home of her daughter, ent. The afternoon was spent Mrs. Russell Wolf. Mrs. Klingback sewing and visiting. Bernice Sewell rode as far as Portland with Mr. won the door prize. Alberta Bowen and Mrs. Bill Gregg and Phillip. A f was appointed hospital represen- In a ter spending a night with her niece, ative for the next meeting Mrs. LaMar Bell in Tigard. Mrs. valentine game, Alice Holmes and Klingback will go on to Seattle by Betty Neilson won prizes. Lunch Home Dairies’ Half and Half in pint cartons is available was served by the hostess, assisted bus. at your grocer’s for 25c per pint. Many customers are Ellis Walters received word by Betty Neilson and Gladys Byers. now buying homogenized milk and using half and half Thursday evening that his nephew, The next meeting will be held Clayton Callen of Murtaugh. Idaho March 8 with Alice Holmes as hos regularly for table cream. had passed away. Mr. and Mrs. tess. Mr and Mrs. Ren Hendricks mov Byrd Walters took Mr and Mrs. Ellis Walters to Boise, from where ed to Roy Ashby (arm. which they Half and Half is also available in the pint carton to our Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters accomp purchased recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes and home delivery customers. W e w ill also deliver to your anied Uiem to Murtaugh to attend family were dinner guests last Sun the funeral. house Hume Dairies curton milk at 20c per quart should Mrs. Clayton Patton and children day at the F. Q. Holmes home. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Holmes and you wish it. were week-end guests in the A. T. family were Sunday visitors at the Patterson home in Wilder. Lynn Kygar has completed a ma Frank Byers home. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Rooksluol chine shop at his place. John How ard has been helping him with the are visiting relatives in California. Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Robert work. Kenneth McDonald, Thurman made a business trip to Boise F ri day. Piercy, Donald Brewer and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers were Mrs. Keith Tall.nan attended the Whitman-College of Idaho basket Sunday dinner guests at the F O. ball game in Caldwell Friady night, Holmes home. at which the Nyssa Eagles were | Mrs. Frank Fry. who has been defeated by the College of Idaho 'quite ill with pneumonia, is'feeling freshmen in a preliminary game better. Harrison Ulrey is recovering from Brewer and Tallman are members a recent appendectomy. of the Eagles squad. Mr and Mrs. John Bowen made A large group from this area at tended the Basque apron and over a business trip to Vale last Monday. all ball. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and P. T. A. Meeting Postponed— Mrs. W. W. Foster has announced children went to Homedale on business Wednesday afternoon and that the meeting of the county P. T. A. that was to have been held at were supper guests that evening in Annex Saturday, February 25. has the Ray Fletcher home. Fred Klingback spent the week been postponed until a later date. end here from the Boise Junior col m m m lege. His sister, Mrs. Jesse Gregg, drove to Boise Friday after him. Mr. and Mrs. Merle McClure and children were Sunday dinner guests WE H A V E A L L Insurance Real Batate of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culbertson M r and Mrs. Dick Brown and children of Boise visited in the Lynn Kygar home Sunday. The Brown and Kygar families were dinner Phone 64 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Frank lin in the afternoon. Nyssa, Oregon Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson of Cald well spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty. Sam Bradley is much improved after being ill with pneumonia at the Claude Skinner home. Clayton Patton returned home 49c Sunday from Moses Lake. Washing ton, where he had spent some time making arrangements to move his family. — ANNOUNCEMENT— CLOVER LAWN DAIRY Bernard Eastm an Textile Painting Supplies Thinner Coliiinliiu Boy Is Out Of School You needn't look twice. A t first glance you can tell it's the pert, smiling housewife on the left. Comes washday she loads her automatic washer and from that moment on is free to do as she pleases. When her laundry is fresh and clean and thoroughly rinsed, the washer automatically comes to a stop. Now a quick transfer to the automatic dryer— in a matter of minutes the wash is soft, flu ffy and completely dry, ready for ironing. No heavy baskets to carry to the drying yard, no lost time hanging clothes, no lost washdays because of rain, wind or C OLUM BIA AVE., Feb. 23— Mr. and Mrs. George Smit of Nu-Acres en tertained Friday afternoon at two tables of pinochle. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot of Arcadia, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen. Jake Oroot made a business trip to the coast last week. Pieter Ray van Oord has been absent from school on account of illness. L. H. Atkinson is driving a new Chrysler. Sunday afternoon visitors at the Dick Groot home were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen. Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Dav idson of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman cf Newell Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk were in Ontario recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Relk of Nampa visited Mr. and Mrs. Pete Van Oord. Dick Oroot was a business visitor in Ontario Tuesday afternoon. a pint Vera Waters textile Draw bar Easily Coupled To Tractor After stencil patterns WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Loading. No Jacks— Simply Back up to Spreader, Drop Pin From Tractor Seat And Drive Aw ay. PARM A, ID A H O THE HOUSE OF O LIV E R Phone 65 NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. I m » It's the liv e lle it p o w e r in it t fie ld — y e t it never raise* its voice. It’s the new "hushed" p o w e r that whispers Q u a lity . M ore clues to Ford's q u a lity a re the 3 5 % e a s ie r-a c tin g "K in g -S iz e " Brakes a n d 1 3 -w a y -s tro n g e r "L ife g u a rd " Body fo r e x tra sa fe ty a n d "sound c o n d itio n e d " smoothness. FREE PAINTING NUPi snow! Yes, one of the surest ways to release yourself from wash day drudgery is to replace present outmoded equipment w ith an automatic home laundry. Over a period of years the savings in time and energy are truly phenomenal. Your local dealer w ill be glad to help you select the automatic washer and dryer that w ill best fit your family's needs. Husbands please note: Autom atic laundries are great wife savers! Like so many other electrical appliances, they make housework easier and homelife pleasanter, and at the low- cost Idaho Power rates they're real bargains in happy home Whatever you plan to paint— here's expert 'know-how"! Ask for free folders— what to get — how to do It the easy way! making. I D A H O V P O WE R 21 DIFFERENT FOLDERS M ERE- — ASK! • O p /fcten/ * *4 Sr a m f It's got more for your GOUGH Y m , s x tra q u a lity w h s rs v s r you look! Y o t this V * t is yours fo r hundreds loss than most "six»«." (A nd Ford's " S ix " costs tv o n loss.) "Tost D riv o " it fo r quiot. Tsst it f o r " fo o l" — o n d yo u 'll bo o rd e rin g your Ford pronto. :.Do«s So MUCH- Costs So UTTLEl M iv r A N I M I DON B. MOSS Firestone Dealer Store «I ym .. . ft wiM y m ym t ^ ro R n W# »hak* «vary pint purchaaa fra«. Savas you lima and affori. The enly car In its field with AUTOMATIC OVERDRIVE 41 DON B. MOSS Firestone Dealer Store Herriman Motor Co.