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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1950)
THE N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL. NYSSA, OREGON TH U R S D AY. F E B R U A R Y 23. 1950 PAGE FOUR M rs. H om er Ilrew er HosIfSS T« * - I I I !» SUNSET V ALLE Y. Frb 23 M ' Homer Brewer was hostess to the members of the Worthwhile club at her tiome Thursday afternoon Mrs Claude Wilson. vice-president, was in « liaiv* Of the Dueling. Tiie book lommlttee Include Mm Elver Nlel- en. Ml Jane Itobb and Mi Alice Nixiiltam On the flower com- mittee were Martha Babcock, and M r1 o 11 Counsil Refreshments were served by the co-hostes . Mrs E J Hobson Attending the wedding of Mi Ruth Nakao of Weiser and Harry Hirano at the Ontario Community Methodist church Saturday after- i noon were Mr and Mrs Z. Kikuchi home Tuesday for an all-day session the 40 lormerly called the Smith show on KSRV, sponsored by the er as counselors, and Val Mitchell of Toppenish, Wa-shington. Mr and of sewing on their better cotton place. This house, being built for Weiser seed company. Jekyl and as secretary. Roberts. The contest was held at Former resident of Sunset val Mi C T Okano, Mr and Mrs H d/ Mrs. Grover Cooper in- Mr and **rs ^ ^ Booths occup- the Centre theatre in Ontario. ley. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Landreth Okano and Mr and Mrs K eiji .s trutte(, u.uinl[ butlon hotes and ancY. consist» of two bedrooms, klt- McCoy, who sang T m Sending You and Roy Warren, all of Madras, Oku no Mr and Mrs Kikuchi ar- assisted with the first fittings On S c o T a Big Bouquet of Roses', accompan were house guests at the Chuck riv.-.l Friday at the home of their pnday Mrs Grover Cooper and Mrs ,.Vcl? _ ^ ^ ??m' ied himself on his guitar, taking Landreth home in Nyssa over the daughter Mrs Hirano Okano, to at- Charlie Cu’bertson went to Ontario S1* att€ncled the mu*slc Ies“ vaI first among the four contestants. As week-end. They visited many tend the wedding of their friends, U) m .«.,ve final instructions for the , £nd,a y wh„ had a prize, he received an attractive friends and took back a hay stack and plan on staying for a visit. complete fini hmg of the dresses V, r " t co set of ashtrays. In five weeks, M c er with them on their return. Land The three Okano men. C T . T hl finaj „p i i*. presented Coy will re-appear to compete with reth has been working for the Bend- Keiji and Hirano. are remodeling u, thl. exleiiMon members Tuesday the four later winners. Portland Truck service during the the basement house on the former „ t the home of Mrs James Kobb. 1 we™ urea use 01 pleurisy. Reverend Lester Carlson of La winter, but is expecting to com Miss Clarice Notheis and Mrs Larson farm K eiji and his wife x bl, jast meeting will complete the , Grande, who is concluding a two- mence farming operations soon ¡ Charlie Schweizer were guests of and daughter will live there this tHree-week project Mrs a' Joe 4,1 Brumback **v at her " home In . week series of revival meetings in Lloyd Landreth's parents. Mr. and year. lion Mcfv.v aecomnanied Joe —' Wilder, was a visitor Monday at the Mrs. Burl Landreth of Madras, Mr and Mrs. Thomas Nlshltanl Satumuri on a trip to Los Angeles Bi* Ben,t* ^“ turday at a meeting of home of Rev. Joe Dodson. were house guests at the Grover attended the wedding reception of i^ v U ig TuesSay they expected P, ce M s o n Lee Stoker, former leader of the Margaret Foster at the Foster home return in i week Mr and Mrs Clarence Oodson young men's group of the Owyhee Cooper home last week-end. last Sunday. M r and Mrs H G. Ankeny of 'J,eI e s^ pper. of Mr and Mrs' L. D. S ward, has been appointed Attend Conference— Members of the Sunset extension Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests John ileeves Friday evening. Approximately 100 persons from Mrs Pattie Larson of Wyoming, as counselor of the young mep of unit met at tiie James Langley j at the home of their daughter, Mrs Other appoint the Nyssa stake attended the L. D. who has been spending the winter the Nyssa stake I Seth Kidman, _ . with her friend. Mrs Marie C. ments by the bishopric, include S. Sunday school conference of the y S id Hanagan has received word Blacg Ls visiting this week in Boise V em Garner as president of the Kiu In t i\,.i* rn ri 1 1 o n e in ! j that his lather u who lives in I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owyhee ward’s young men’s group I Yakima, has Improved greatly in I Guthrie with Gene Stoker and Goldie Drap- j health, and the effects of the con- j shoppers in Ontario were Mrs. E. cussion are almost entirely cleared } Hobso Mrs „orner Brewer. and Many attended the Sunday school Mr and Mnj Thomas NLshitani I conference held in Caldwell Mon-| Mrs Elmt.r ()f Payette vte. day, including Mr and Mrs. Jesse, ^ at the William Orr I Gregg, Mrs Annie Gregg, Mrs. W il- 1 h(imp ham Gregg. Herschel Gregg. Mr and Mr and Mrs. Neil Dimmick and Mrs. Andrew Titland and Mrs. their granddaughter, Kristine Pyll- | Orovcr Cooper. ingness, left last Tuesday on a Mr. and Mrs William Gregg ami week. ;riD w Yaltima I Boise. Nampa Weiser and Nyssa .takes at Nampa Sunday. Three members of the Sunday school gen eral board from Salt Lake City were speakers at the conference. Visit In Boise— Mr and Mrs. George McKee vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dougal of Boise. They also visited their nephew. Bud Arm strong. who is recovering from a long and serious illness at the veter an's hospital in Boise. Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. Chet Council of New Plymouth are the parents of a son born Sunday at the Payette Valley Memorial hospital. The boy who weighed 6 pounds. 4 ounces, has been named Noel. DOG LIC E N S E S NOW DUE UNO PlOW[n FERGUSON W IN S FUEL ECONOMY CONTEST! Further proof of the unusual power efficiency o f the Ferguson Tractor is now available in the officially tabulated results of the Milo, lowu, Fuel Economy Contest. Sponsored by Wurren County 4 11 Clubs with funner-oivned, farmer-operated equipment, the contest wus conducted with the assistance o f Extension En gineers from Iowa Stale College. Official results established by the Ferguson Tractor show: • 22 Per cent less fuel consumed than the average amount consumed by 10 competing tractors. • 27 Percent more hind pinned than the average acreage plowed by 10 competing tractors using the same amount o f fuel. T I ichc results, too, continue to pile up factual, authentic proof of the Puel auiintt, money saving ability of the Ferguson Tractor! C o m e in — *ee the O fficia l Chart. A s k for a dem onstration on y o u r own farm The Ferguson System Makes The Difference WESTERN CORRUGATOR COMPANY NYSSA, OREGON FERGUSON FER G U S O N TRACTOR IM P L E M E N T S , “i ' d “ r s „ Martha Kllngback left Tuesday for the west coast Mrs Kl.ngback planned to visl h. r daughter. Margaret in .Seattle while Mr and Mrs Gregg were visiting at Sclo Mr and Mrs U-wis Mitchell were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jam- es Chadd Saturday. They played pinochle after supper. Mrs. Ewen Chard was hostess to ! the Merry Matrons club Wednes- I day afternoon at her home Por roll I rail each told of the tssik they most ' enjoyed reading during the past year Gladys Byers was in t,targe j of gumes. A salad and unside-down rake were served Mrs. Elver N iel sen was a guest visitor. Mr and Mrs. A R Maxwell and family of Ontario were Sunday din ner guests o f Mr and Mrs. Grover ('«Miller, celebrating tiie birthday of [ Mrs Maxwell sister of Mrs Cooper. Monduy evening supper guests at the Cooper home were the Clair Hnyder family of Caldwell Mi and Mrs E J Hobson enter tained will! a Sunday dinner eele- bruting the birthday of Joe Hobson of Ontario. Included were Joe's family and Hie James Langley and Homer Brewer families. Mr and Mrs. James Cliadd and daughter, the Clyde Didericksen family ami Mr and Mrs. Homer Diderickson of Caldwell were guests of Mr and Mrs. Conley Lockett at Wlllowcreek Sunday Tiie occasion celebrated Conleys birthday Oscar Mulmberg lias sold his 40- acre farm to his neighbor, Don Strickland. Malmberg is planning on going to Orand Coulee in March Mrs. Albert Notheis was hostess to members of the St Anne's Alter ■society Thursday afternoon at the church in Nyssa. A correction of lust week's report ing: Ray Aston has purchased the franchise for the Dairy Oueen pro ducts. Mini werr injuring cement tills week for the buck porch of the new cmderblock house being built on the south 40 of S. E. Flanagan's farm. Am erica's Greatest Dinette Value For Just CHROME JUBILEE DINETTE Combining Beauty, Quality and Value .luhilre Model M ll \l I'M Tahir 30" x 42” closed, Mrs Kenneth Chard entertained at dinner Sunday celebrating her husband.g birthday. Guests includ- ed Mr and M „ * ^ Pnce of Ontarlo Mr and Mrs Ewen chard , and the Elver Nieisen family. charlle McCoy proprletor of the , o le .g eorner »tore, and .son of Mr | and Mrs Lew McCoy was winner Saturday evening o f the first week’s 1 Licenses Must Be Obtained At City Recorder's Office Or Police Station $2 FOR M ALES AND SPAYE D FEM ALE S contest on the Share the Wealth S3 FOR FEM ALES QUICK RELIEF FROM S y m p t o m s o f D is t r e s s A r is in g fro m STOMACH ULCERS d u e t o EXCESS ACID Due to complaints, stray dogs w ill be N e ed 'lectric lights To help their thmkin'. picked up and impounded Fro« BookTollsofH om e T raatm e ntthat M u at Help o r it W ill Coat You Nothing O v e r thru « m illio n b o ttle « o f the W il l a k d T h k a t u s n t h a v e been «o ld fo r re lie f o f s y u ip to ira o f distress arising from Stom ach and D u odenal U lc e r« due to Eacsss A cid — P o or D lgeetlon , S ou r o r Upset S tom ach, Gassiness, H eartbu rn , Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess A cid . Sold on 16 d a y s ’ tria l' Auk fo r •• W illa r d ’ s M essage” which fu lly explains this trea tm e n t fr e o - a t 1 R e sid e ntial - C o m m e rcia l W irin g ----- # - NYSS By Order Of COM PANY THE C IT Y COUNCIL SERVICE CAUS PHÒNE111M HI-WAY 20 No. NYSSA fiV SSA PH AR M A C Y V * e fs t 0*1 i w d w W # 1* 30" x 52" open; lop in red, blue, (an and grey pearl pattern, green inarhle. and yellow halilt Color harmonised inelal apron l our legged < hair willi curve*, welted hark and welled Heal in red. blue. Ivory, green and yellow IH 'K A N , thermite "8 “ type realize one thing, good madam, good s ir— as you pilot your Kuiek down tire highway past the parude o f lesser cars, you're the secret envy of most other drivers. J eliair lal rlglill willi same upholstery and rolors al slightly lowrr price. UST So you owe it to this udmirmg audience to keep that wonderful Huick o f yours purring at its proudest - gliding over the roughest roads like u ear on a cloud, with never a squeak — lively, long-striding, and staying that way longer! * And one o f the easiest ways to do that is to wheel into our shop once u month — ask the man for our L uhkicari — and here’ s what w ill happen: I Chrome Jubilee Special. On«* of our trained Bukk mechanics Wh.le he goes over your Buick, he gives you an will lubricate your car as the factory extro service only a Buick man can render. He enqineers specify— covering m any points never touched elsewhere. inspects the entire car with a trained Buick eye— m aking sure you get lubrication p/u, Buick core. W he n you get your bill, you'll find a won- ^ t % | & I> derful surprise— our lu it lC A IC costs no more than a routine "g r e a s e jo b " but, man olive, what a difference it m akes! We hare been able to secure thl* chrome dinette sutler valne through special co-operation with the manufact urer Our supply Is definitely Itmitesl When these are gone, we will ( brente lilu rltrn he unable to secure more Take advantage of this splendid oppor- 4re qu eltty Bulli 1 unit r to se«urr a lop eualily chrome dinette al this rraUy sensational T o 8 lay low price Beautiful lunger PETERSON "Y o FURNITURE COMPANY STORES u r DwpwndwbU Furnitur* Stora" Nyssa Ontario Vale Payette Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave. PHONE 12